MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1087 Dragon turtle

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For Situ Kong, Jiang Feng only needs to say thank you, but for Chai Jingqi, Jiang Feng was in a complex mood. When he met Chai Jingqi at the beginning of another time and space, he wanted to use her to deal with Situ Kong. The purpose was achieved, and she became herself. Situ Kong ’s biggest weapon made Situ Kong ’s final hole card disappear. But now, she died with Situ Kong. Is she doing it right?

Chai Jingqi was innocent from beginning to end. She was just a girl who pursued love, but she was involved in the biggest dispute in the world, as if the ants could not decide their own destiny.

At the beginning, Zuo Ming said to himself that an ant was caught in the storm and came through it with black beads. Chai Jingqi faced the same fate but could not get rid of death. She was willing, but it could not reflect the sorrow of the weak. A clear leaf obliterated her.

"Sorry" Jiang Feng said three words silently. In the face of this girl, he could only give these three words.

Chai Jingqi is a cricket ant. Why isn't human beings today? Perhaps for the tenth class of creatures, humans are not as good as cricket ants.

Jiang Feng raised his head. He didn't know if humans could survive. If they failed, the traces of human existence would disappear completely after thousands of years! Is this what alien civilization wants to see? Are they the cause of the last days? Jiang Feng clenched his fists, hoping he had guessed wrong, Earth--not a laboratory.

The next day, Jiang Feng appeared in the Beijing Academy of Science and Technology and saw Yu Min.

In the battle with Bai Qing, Yu Min only made one shot, but it was the most crucial one, betting on the lives of everyone in the Academy of Science and Technology.

"Is it worth it? Have you ever thought of any consequences if you fail?" Jiang Feng asked, looking at Yu Min.

Yu Min smiled freely, "I am a scientist and only understand rational analysis. I have researched that the chance of success in this matter is 30%, enough."

Jiang Feng laughed, "30% of the courage dared to gamble with everyone's life, and the scientist was fierce enough."

Yu Min laughed and said, "How do you not be a scientist? This is a bold assumption and careful argumentation, but my greatest confidence comes from Bai Xiaosheng. He wrote to me before he died, saying that he saw the future and saw success."

"You believe it?" Jiang Feng was surprised.

"Crap, of course I don't believe it" Yu Min gave Jiang Feng a glance.

Jiang Feng laughed.

"I never expected that Bai Xiao would have sent a message to the two people who were most unlikely before his death. Situ Kong followed you. If it weren't for you, the earth would always be controlled by Bai Qing," Jiang Feng said with emotion.

Yu Min nodded, "Bai Qing can trace anyone, but he never thinks that I and Situ Kong, an indisputable scientist, a waste, but my scientist is the person Bai Qing needs most, Bai Xiaosheng He should have sent this message to me after seeing this. He may really count on the future, but he will never see the result. "

"I admire Bai Xiaosheng very much. He can also reverse the situation before dying," Jiang Feng said with emotion.

Yu Min smiled bitterly, "Manpower sometimes runs out, he can count a lot, but he can't help himself to escape death, the same is true of Western prophets."

Jiang Feng nodded. Zeen's death. He knew that Zeen could count the energy of the universe to help him break through the seal of Bai Qing, but he could not help himself to enter the universe. These people who could calculate sounded powerful and could see In the future, there is really nothing you can do about it.

"By Xiaofeng, what do you plan to do with the disaster left by Bai Qing?" Yu Min asked.

"You mean? Mutant plants?" Jiang Feng said.

Yu Min nodded solemnly, "I can tell you clearly that it will take years to crack it."

"If you don't say I've forgotten, I will solve it," Jiang Feng said, and then disappeared immediately.

Yu Min was puzzled. He didn't know how Jiang Feng would solve it.

There are hundreds of wastes around the world, facing the threat of ten-level creatures. If the mutant plant smells more and more, it will not only make people irritable, but also generate a lot of negative emotions, which will be very detrimental to world stability.

If it is said that the destruction of the land by the ten-level creature is a hard knife, then these mutant plants are soft knives, which are obliterating the survival of the survivors.

Tsarist Russia, over a huge plateau near the East Siberian Sea, Jiang Feng appeared, feeling the north wind.

Looking down, the plateau stretches endlessly, huge cracks crack along the middle, and golden light spews from time to time.

This is where the dragon turtle is located.

Previously, marine creatures invaded the land. When fighting with pangolins, dragon turtles shot and healed pangolin injuries. Yu Guang swept through South China. After the battle, Jiang Feng discovered that countless mutant plants exuding strange smells in South China disappeared.

After all, these plants are aggressive, and the dragon's light can not only heal the wounds, but also dispel aggressive forces. As long as the dragon turtle sweeps the golden light against China, it can not only destroy those mutant plants, but also treat China. Million survivors were injured.

Originally there were many Tsarist survivors outside the plateau, but a battle killed those survivors and fled. Now even if everyone knows that the golden light here can cure the injuries, no one dares to approach.

Jiang Feng looked down, thinking about how to get Dragon Turtle to agree to sweep Huaxia with golden light. After thinking about it, he couldn't figure out a way. "Try it", and said, Jiang Feng rushed into the ground of the plateau and looked for the spreading golden light. Dragon turtle.

The ground floor of the plateau is very wide, and the sound of muffled sounds sounds like a snoring sound.

Jiang Feng held his hand against the earth's crust and forced it hard. A large area of ​​the plateau was opened, exposing the shell of the dragon tortoise.

The dragon turtle is very large and occupies a fairly large area. Jiang Feng searched along the shell of the turtle, and it took ten minutes to find its head.

Jiang Feng found that the tortoise's body was completely retracted into the shell of the tortoise, which was exactly the same as during the battle, which was quite irritating.

Raised his hand, hit the turtle shell severely, and made a sound of shaking the plateau.

The turtle's shell shook a bit, and then remained silent again.

Jiang Feng beat again.

Dragon Turtle is indifferent.

Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows and became impatient. These ten-level creatures looked down on humans, just like the pangolin's contempt for him at the beginning. He didn't have time to wait, thinking, Jiang Feng's body appeared on the top of the turtle's shell, and one hand extended , The white thunder pierced into the shell of the turtle, illuminating the void.

With a low roar, the turtle's shell shook violently, and then the dragon's huge head protruded and roared.

Jiang Feng was suspended in the air and looked coldly.

The dragon turtle lifted its head, its body shrunk in the shell, and its skull only took up a small part, but when it raised its head, it could still look at Jiang Feng at high altitude.

The dragon's skull is extremely majestic, and the dragon's head originally represents supreme. If it was not for the counseling of this guy in the previous battle, Jiang Feng would not dare to mess with it.

With a low roar, the dragon and the tortoise stared at Jiang Feng with huge eyes and deep anger and dread, as well as a pose.

Jiang Feng looked at the dragon tortoise and said loudly, "I know you understand me, use your power to sweep Huaxia, and dispel aggressive mutant plants. I can guarantee that I will save your life in the future if possible."

After listening to Jiang Feng's words, the dragon's huge binocular humanity showed a slight disdain, his body was slightly shaken, the plateau was broken, and huge cracks spread along the ground. I don't know how far it spread.

"Why, you don't want to? You should see a picture of me helping pangolins to fight fierce marine life. I am qualified to say to you that the European unicorn is the one I saved," Jiang Feng cried.

When the dragon turtle shook his head, he ignored Jiang Feng and retracted into the turtle shell again.

Jiang Feng twitched his face, and he was despised. "This is a deal. I can help you, otherwise the marine attack in the future, you may not be able to protect yourself with the turtle shell, and you can't shrink into the turtle shell forever."

The dragon turtle remained motionless, and his body sank even a little downward. Obviously, it didn't care about Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng has a headache and knows that this guy is difficult to convince, but it may also be insufficient energy, the atmosphere is repaired, they cannot feel the power of the universe, and sleeping is the best way, but why do n’t they try to destroy the atmosphere by themselves? Is there any scruples?

"Let's say it again, please take it, I promise to save you a life in the future," Jiang Feng said aloud.

The dragon turtle made a slight breathing sound, which was the sound of snoring, and the guy fell asleep.

Jiang Feng was furious and contemptuous. He was scorned by a turtle. "Do you think I can't take you like a marine creature? Don't forget that I am small and your turtle shell is not an obstacle for me."

Dragon Turtle still did not move.

Jiang Feng stopped talking nonsense, and appeared directly in front of the turtle's shell. Looking at the darkness in front of him, the dragon turtle's body was inside.

"Don't blame me, you're embarrassed," said Jiang Feng, pointing out, the white thunder blew, the whole Tsarist Russia heard it, and countless people looked at the North with shock.

Below the plateau, a raging thunder broke into the shell of the turtle, and for a moment, the dragon turtle roared, his body was shaking, the ground magma erupted, and the earth's crust was cracked.

In front of Jiang Feng's eyes, the dragon's head appeared, and he opened his mouth to bite at him.

Jiang Feng avoided, and his body appeared again at high altitude.

The dragon tortoise raised its head, the golden light shone outside, and then turned into endless light and hit Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was startled, this power was definitely not weak, this guy was pretending to be irritated.

In the sky, the golden light of the dragon and the tortoise did not extend indefinitely, but only hit the square hundred miles. According to its strength, it can completely attack the atmosphere and connect the cosmic energy to the earth's ecological circle, but it did not do so.

This gave Jiang Fengsong a sigh of relief, lest it went mad again to cause disaster, but at the same time it was even more confused. Since these ten-level creatures need cosmic energy to maintain their own movement, why not break the atmosphere?

At this moment, Jiang Feng has no time to think about it. The dragon turtle's strength is terrible. It is not weaker than the three marine creatures that attacked pangolins. It is stronger than the African sand scorpion, but Jiang Feng is not bad. The rabbit has any strength, but it can be one enemy and two. He has only seen it on pangolins. His thunder can destroy ten levels of biological defense, and it is also extremely powerful.

Suddenly, the thunderous sky and the boundless golden light illuminate the entire Tsarist Russia.

Even Huaxia saw it.

Countless people are sluggish. This is a ten-level creature confrontation. Do those monsters appear again?

Read The Duke's Passion