MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1094 Space covenant

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The two Thunder Giant rabbits stared at each other, leapt to the universe and slipped.

The Holy Light Dragon Turtle stayed for a while, then turned around, put a fart on the sky dome, and slipped away.

There are only two Great Sky Roars and Sky Dome Whales left in place.

The sky dome whale seemed to want to catch the Holy Light Dragon Turtle and the Thunder Giant Rabbit, but suddenly, the body abnormality stopped, and the original endless power was pulled inside the body, and the sky dome whale roared.

In the sky dome whale, Jiang Feng took out the black beads to absorb the star power. The black beads were very domineering. At first, when the dusk island first encountered Situkong's hidden astral fluid, it was directly absorbed. The star power is also offset by it. Today, Jiang Feng is looking forward to seeing whether he can absorb the star power in the sky dome whale. I did not expect it to be true.

The sky whale has already digested those foods, and the stellate fluid that remains in its stomach can be absorbed by the black beads naturally.

The sky dome whale kept roaring, and the sea water was poured into the entrance in an attempt to kill Jiang Feng. Unfortunately, Jiang Feng is a tenth-ranked strongman. Although he is not his opponent, he surpasses the creatures such as Qingtian Howl, not that the sky dome whale can easily kill.

Helpless, the sky whale can only compete with the black beads for power.

On the Tsarist Plateau, two Optima Warscreams attacked again, while the Sky Whale robbed Jiang Feng of strength, while responding to Optima Warscreams, they were deadlocked for a while.

If the Thunder Giant Rabbit and the Dragon Light Turtle do not flee, perhaps the victory or defeat has been divided, but at this moment, it is still unknown who wins or loses, and Jiang Feng is not sure that Black Pearl can grab the sky dome whale.

In a gathering place thousands of miles away from the Tsarist Plateau, countless survivors cried, fragments of the ground broke, magma poured out and engulfed countless people, and the sky was covered with smoke. Occasionally there was a huge force sweeping, often together. The aftermath caused a mountain to disappear.

A few children cried and fell on the street, and no one left them alone, letting them die.

In the corner of the street, Bai Qing quietly looked at this scene. She saw the children and saw the distant cracks spread. Immediately, she engulfed a few children. The desperate face of the child before her death stabbed Bai Qing's heart. That face It reminded her of her younger sister and her mother. Suddenly, a leaf fell and rescued several children.

The wave in the arms shook, "Bai Qing, if humans disappear, who can you retaliate against?" Nangong Ao's voice came out.

In a word, Bai Qing's eyes stared, she crushed the wave mine, and her body disappeared.

In the Tsarskoye Plateau, the sky dome whale roared, and Jiang Feng's eyes were red and bloody, "Have more effort, grab it, give me all the power."

The sky whale has too much control over itself, and Black Pearl cannot completely grab it, and it is gradually taken away by it.

With the increase of strength, the change in the body surface of the sky dome whale began again, and the Optima Warcry could not support it and was overwhelmed to the ground.

Suddenly, a ray of sword light hits the sky dome whale. The sword light is not strong. It is only nine levels, but it distracts the sky dome whale and fails to kill Qingtian Cry.

It was Kong Tianzhao, who still shot. As the strongest emperor in the world, he had his dignity and would not hide behind him even if he died.

On the other side, Xiao Menghan stepped out. She even broke through the ninth level, and the atmosphere broke. She didn't need to attract the cosmic power, and she broke through. The lotus flower was stuck on the belly of the sky dome, trying to seal its power.

But unfortunately, they were only nine, they were too far away from the sky dome whale, and they were retreated by the sound of the sky dome whale.

The two battle sky roars got up again and slaughtered with the sky whale. In the body of the sky dome whale, Jiang Feng watched that the black beads could not capture the sky dome whale, and his heart sank straight down. Suddenly, the dead wood came down and began to **** the power of the sky dome whale like the black beads.

The sky dome whale had a body meal. The movement that originally intended to kill Kong Tianzhao and Xiao Menghan stopped directly. The body twisted violently. The black beads and dead wood joined forces to completely take away its power. It had no ability to resist at all.

In the sky whale, Jiang Feng looked at Bai Qing close to him, and said "Thank you".

Bai Qing was indifferent, "I just don't want humans to disappear."

Jiang Feng turned his head, stopped talking, and resisted the black beads with one hand, and the power absorbed by the black beads passed directly into his body, allowing him to climb ten levels of combat power.

The same is true of Bai Qing, even more direct than Jiang Feng. Withered wood has strengthened her power originally, and the deprived power is more thorough.

At one time, the strength of the two skyrocketed, and the strength of the sky dome whale declined rapidly, but within a quarter of an hour, the bones on the surface disappeared and became the original sky dome whale. Although they were still strong, they were not invincible.

"Xiao Feng, you and I will have a battle. One month later, in space, we will see each other," Bai Qing said indifferently, and recovered the dead wood and disappeared.

Jiang Feng's eyes were complex. He retracted the black beads, closed his eyes, and then opened them again. The horrible force distorted time and space. Thunder condensed from the sky and turned it into a mighty whale.

The massive body of the sky dome whale was completely bombed by thunder, and wailing spread across the continent.

Jiang Feng stood up against the sky whale's palate with one hand, a roar, and the thunder landed, and penetrated the sky whale's body in the shocking eyes of Qingtian Roar, Kong Tianzhao and Xiao Menghan.

The invincible sky whale was still and his eyes were scattered.

Jiang Feng looked up, kicked his feet hard, and turned his body into an arrow penetrating the back of the sky dome whale, appearing at high altitude. At the same time, the sky dome whale's huge body fell to the ground severely, causing the mainland to collapse again.

The sky dome whale, which gathered ten strengths to the Great One, swallowed countless creatures, accumulated endless details, and eventually died in the hands of Jiang Feng.

Heaven and earth were silent. Kong Tianzhao and Xiao Menghan watched this scene in shock. The two powerful battle roars were equally shocked. Jiang Feng's power now surpassed the sky dome whale, and he snatched half of the force from the sky dome whale.

At a high altitude, Jiang Feng panted, and finally came to an end. The disaster from the monster, the most terrifying monster on earth, was still dead.

Each of the ten-level creatures is vast and boundless, and each one has the power to put humans in a desperate situation, and the sky dome whale can even put the ten-level creatures into a desperate situation. Jiang Feng did not expect to really solve it.

Looking at the black bead in his hand, this thing comes from the universe. He does n’t know what it is, but he has unimaginable power. His use of it is still superficial, but even this can kill the sky whale, Bai Qing ’s hand. Dead wood has seen great power by himself, so, what about the sword?

A month later, the covenant in space determines the ultimate battle of human beings on the planet. What I have to face is Bai Qing in the heyday. The sword is the biggest threat. Can I really overcome it?

Jiang Feng had doubts about himself, and he even suspected that Bai Qing did not do his best at the ninth level.

Both Qitian battle roar sat tired on the ground, staring closely at each other, apparently still in doubt.

Jiang Feng didn't find the Thunder Giant Rabbit and the Holy Light Dragon Turtle, nor did they have their bodies on the ground. They should have slipped.

In the end, Jiang Feng's eyes looked at the two roaring battles. Even if the tenth-level creatures move, they can cause disasters. The earth is really not suitable for them to survive. Wu Qingtian's roar also knew this, and he got up by accident, then leapt to space.

At this point, apart from Jiang Feng and Bai Qing, there are no more ten creatures on the earth.

Xiao Menghan appeared in front of Jiang Feng and looked at him worriedly.

Jiang Feng smiled slightly at Xiao Menghan and "won".

Xiao Menghan nodded and "won".

Kong Tian left without looking back.

The broken earth is the best portrayal of this disaster. Tsarist Russia has destroyed half of it. Almost all of the margins of the Asian continent have been submerged by seawater. Ten-level biological corpses float on the sea and connect with the mainland. Numerous volcanoes are still erupting. I do n’t know they are dead. how many people.

Jiang Feng frowned and looked at the Quartet, and then took Xiao Menghan's hand, "Go, go home."

Xiao Menghan nodded docilely and let Jiang Feng pull.

The Huaxia land was not much better. Numerous cracks in the South China World War broke the ground. Several underground cities were buried. The death toll made Jiang Feng dare not count.

The voice of all things swept across China, Hong Ding and others suffered more or less injuries, the most serious of which were Mu Jing and Galbrain, who protected the survivors who failed to evacuate in time in South China. Fortune telling is big.

At the moment when Jiang Feng reported the whole disaster to Huaxia, all the survivors in Huaxia boiled, chanting Long live Lei Di, countless people wept with joy, kneeled on the ground, and realized the happiness of living.

No one expected that the disaster would experience such a disaster in the nineteenth year of the last days. The sudden arrival of huge monsters would threaten the whole world to the sea. These days are a great test for survivors, and their psychophysiology has been tested.

The sun was shining all over the earth, lighting up countless people's faces.

Jiang Feng and Xiao Menghan appeared in Baiyun City, Sichuan and met with Hong Yuanshan and others.

"North America is submerged, just like the tsunami that swept the continent. There are thousands of corpses. Fortunately, the First Expeditionary Force did not lose much. Most of the dead were ordinary people. The evolutionist barely escaped a disaster." Hong Yuanshan said in a low way.

On the side, Nangong sighed with sigh, "South America disappeared directly, Antarctica also disappeared, Europe was submerged for almost half, Olia continent had the lowest loss, and it was not affected by the sky dome whale. Our northern Asia and southern China and Vietnam and other places were submerged. Xiaofeng, this disaster is too huge. If we do not count the number of humans turned into zombies 19 years ago, the death toll will exceed that day. "

Jiang Feng's eyes narrowed.

"The ocean is rising, and the atmosphere is gradually repairing, but the impact on the earth cannot be estimated. Conservatively, various animals and plants on the earth will change in the next few decades," Yu Min also said in Baiyun City.

Zuo Jing, Jiang Jing and others all appeared in Baiyun City.

Jiang Feng looked at Wu Yunfei, "How are the Nordics busy? How about the mad cavalry?"

Wu Yunfei said, "They are okay. The Nordic snow mountain collapsed, but it didn't have much impact, but Country Y was in trouble. Most of it was submerged, and the world trees sank to the bottom of the sea."

"In total, despite the decisive battlefield in Asia, Huaxia's losses are the lowest. If not a few underground cities were buried, Huaxia's losses would be even lower," Hong Yuanshan said.

Jiang Feng looked up and looked into the atmosphere. "Order it down, all evolutionaries will accept the deployment of Baiyun City, rebuild the city, restore traffic, protect ordinary people, order expeditionary forces, help local survivors on site, notify the world, Baiyun City Help them. "

"Yes, the owner" Wu Yunfei and others answered.

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