MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 2 Radiation begins

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Jiangsu Province is the hometown of Jiangfeng, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the hometown of fish and rice. The population of the province was 80 million before the end of the day. After the radiation, the total population was almost over 10 million. In the province, there are very few strong men who can successfully climb to the top of the world. Liu Pianran is definitely on the top.

If he hadn't watched TV, Jiang Feng would have forgotten Suyang City, and there would be one of the Seven Masters of Doom and Space near him. After all, there is a blank period of five years, and little is known about Jiang Feng's early days.

"Since Liu Pianran is here, his brother Dao Liu Liu Batian should also be there." Jiang Feng suddenly thought of this, and the excitement flashed in his eyes. Although Liu Pianran's fighting strength was not weak, he was the main attack to heal and reached the top. It is also because of its powerful healing ability rather than fighting, and the sword emperor Liu Batian is completely the opposite. It is said that Liu Batian is completely a fighting lunatic. The doomsday space has made countless people afraid of the poisoned king Xu Yun. Because of beheading Xu Yunzhang, Liu Ba genius took the position of one of the three emperors with an unshakable reputation.

Just thinking about it, Jiang Feng forgot his time, he just wanted to remember more memories, think about which powerhouses are in Suyang Base City.

Jingle Bells ~~

An alarm sounded, Jiang Feng flashed in Jiang Feng's eyes, looked at the mobile phone, there were still five minutes.

Reach out and pull out the long sword that is always behind you, and hold it hard, so heavy! Jiang Feng sighed. After passing through the space-time channel, the whole person seemed to be compressed. The power of the fifth-level evolutionary vanished, only to come again.

One minute later, at a high altitude, a red dot fell through the atmosphere to the distance. At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly heard a scream outside the door. It was a cat's scream. When he heard this voice, Jiang Feng patted his mind, "How to forget In order to catch some animals in advance and control them, they will not be killed until they mutate. "

Thinking, Jiang Feng walked out of the door, where a wild cat stared at Jiang Feng with green pupils, his paws stretched out and growled.

At this time, an invisible ripple passed through the body, Jiang Feng's body trembled, and a light shone in front of his eyes. It was lightning, power, and power awakening.

Jiang Feng looked at the thunder illusion in front of him excitedly. Jiang Feng had no power in the end time and space, and most people did n’t. Now, after re-experiencing a radiation, he got the power, and he was said to have super strong attack power. Thunder power. Jiang Feng didn't know whether it was because he was the potential of thunder and lightning or because of the thunderstrike. All this didn't matter. When the illusion disappeared, the injured wild cat in front of Jiang Feng's eyes slowly expanded, and a fierce and fierce breath appeared.

Jiang Feng grasped the sword in his hand, watching the scar on the wildcat's leg slowly healed and couldn't wait any longer. Jiang Feng stepped forward with his right foot, the sword was cut across, and the wild cat roared fiercely to try to dodge, but Jiang Feng was very fast Quick, the sword is not made of ordinary metal, but a star force conductive metal. With a howling, the wildcat was cut in half, and blood was everywhere. Jiang Feng's sword picked out a star crystal located on the chest of the wild cat.

"The first-level star crystal of the mutant beast is equivalent to five zombie star crystals of the same level." Jiang Feng held the star crystal in excitement, but did not expect it to go so smoothly. Ordinary people want to be an evolutionary. At first, they must swallow ten stars to swallow together to protect the stomach bag with star power, otherwise star power will directly tear the stomach bag that has not been protected.

Bang, bang, horrified shouts and scalp roaring sounds from the old houses. This is located on the edge of Suyang City. There are usually many wild cats and wild dogs. When they radiate, they must die. Either evolve, they are not like zombies. Zombie bites can be transmitted to zombies, but zombies do not eat people, but wild animals eat people.

The screams quickly disappeared. Jiang Feng knew that many people had been eaten, but he couldn't help it. It was enough to meet these mutant beasts because he had not yet become a first-level evolutionary.

Turning back to the room, Jiang Feng found the lighter and set the torch to the body of Jiang Feng, which burned to ashes.

Suyang City--I am here! !!

Out of the old house, the whole world changed overnight. The originally quiet city was hustle and bustle, and there were shouts of fear everywhere. In some places, the fire was soaring and the car alarm was endless.

Howl ~~

A loss rushed out of the corner to bite Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng slashed with his sword, and directly divided the body.

Just ordinary zombies, not even a level of zombies, killing is also a waste of energy.

Jiang Feng slowly walked out along the corner. He wanted to kill another mutant beast and become an evolver at an early date.

Although he didn't know about Doomsday five years ago, he also heard that at the beginning of Doomsday, except for guns and guns, people did not have an effective method against zombies, and at the same time, swallowing ten first-level star crystals was done by researchers The method of becoming stronger after two months of research, that is, as long as Jiang Feng does not say, he has at least two months to hunt and kill these monsters.

In the dark corner, Jiang Feng squatted for almost an hour, he tried to condense his breath. This dark corner is the favorite place for mutant cats, and they like to sneak in people in this kind of place.

A smell came, a strong **** smell. Jiang Feng closed his eyes and relied entirely on hearing. After all, he fought for several years in the doomsday space-time.

Close, close, Jiang Feng suddenly opened his eyes, the sword stabbed at a weird angle, and in the direction of the stab, a huge mutant dog roared and bit his mouth with a roar. Unfortunately, the sword is not an ordinary knife. Jiang Feng is a sword Pierced the mutant dog's throat and pierced it upside down on the sword.

After taking out the star crystal, Jiang Feng exited the dark area, slowly climbed to the top of the building, and observed for a while. There were no mutant beasts or zombies.

Taking out two star crystals, this mutant beast star crystal is much more precious than the zombie star crystal. I never thought Jiang Feng swallowed it.

A strange force flowed down the throat into the stomach, and it took less than five seconds to wrap Jiang Feng's stomach pocket, and the heat flow passed through the stomach pocket to the extremities, and the familiar feeling returned.

Jiang Feng smiled, a first-level evolutionary, a simple but difficult step, he has completed.

Raise your index finger, an arc is implied on it, only the first-level evolutionary can use abilities and lightning.

When he patted his clothes, Jiang Feng walked down the top of the building. Looking around, there were shouts and bites. After thinking about it, Jiang Feng walked to the west of the city. He remembered that the base city of Suyang was on the west. The river is perfect for base cities.

Walking in the shadow of the roadside, Jiang Feng watched coldly, and when he could save it, he would save it easily, and when he couldn't do anything, he didn't see it.

It is still late at night, and there are still many people hiding in their homes. They will not come out until daytime. At night, it is the world of mutant beasts.

Raising his hand, the arc flickered, and a mutant cat in the distance shuddered and fell to the ground, roaring, staring fiercely at Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng cut off with a sword, but unfortunately, there was no star crystal.

Several mutant beasts and many zombies were beheaded along the way.

In the distance, a car rammed and ran straight towards Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng stared to find that the driver had already died and his head was gone. An elephant-shaped mutant beast was biting and Jiang Feng was happy. Whether it is a mutant beast or a zombie, the star crystals in the body can evolve, and the star crystals of the same level are also different in size. The mutant beasts in the car are obviously the most powerful class of mutant beasts.

The car slammed into a rush, Jiang Feng jumped off with a sword and chopped down. The Star Force circulated a sword and chopped the car in half. At the same time, the mutant beast was chopped into two sections. Jiang Feng's strength and conductive weapons in the early days of the last days are invincible, even if it is a powerful mutant beast that changes color.

Swallowing the star crystal casually, Jiang Feng estimated that his combat value should reach the top of the first-level evolutionary. It is very difficult for ordinary people to upgrade. If the mutant beast is an ordinary first-level evolutionary to kill, a squadron may not be able to kill if it is filled in, but it is also a sword for Jiang Feng.

Four hours passed quickly, and the sky brightened in an instant. The true face of the world was revealed in the eyes of all survivors.

In four hours, Jiang Feng directly became the first-level evolutionary peak, and fortunately encountered a second-level zombie. With the second-level star crystal, he broke through and became a second-level evolutionary.

"Unfortunately, there is no combat gauge, otherwise you can know your exact combat effectiveness," Jiang Feng muttered to himself. The combat gauge was invented only a few months after the end of the day. To be precise, it uses a kind of radiation that can be detected. Measuring device made of metal that can digitize combat effectiveness.

Read The Duke's Passion