MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 1 Loading……

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Zhou Zhengning woke up in a classroom.

In his dream, he missed his foot, shook uncontrollably, and his knee hit the bottom of the metal desk, making a muffled "bang".

He struggled to get up from the table, and tried to straighten his legs under the desk—the desks and chairs in this classroom were a bit too short for an adult, and he felt a little aggrieved when he curled up inside.

Probably because of dreaming, he broke out in a cold sweat, his temples ached, his ears were filled with sharp humming, and the images in front of him were all blurry double images, the tables, chairs and benches were all blurred together, making it difficult to see clearly.

It took a long time before his tinnitus subsided, and the shadows in front of his eyes also merged into a clear image.

The classroom he was in was empty, with tables, chairs and benches arranged in an orderly manner, cartoon patterns painted on the walls, and a whole piece of small red flower recording wall. It looked like an ordinary elementary school classroom.

Besides him, there are four other people in the classroom:

The group next to the wall sat with two girls, one with a high ponytail and legs crossed, frowning slightly, it seemed that they were not easy to provoke. The other was pale and thin. She lowered her head, wondering if it was Zhou Zhengning's illusion. He felt that the girl was trembling.

On the other side, the group by the window sat a man in a plaid shirt. The man met his eyes, looked him up and down with an extremely mean look, and then looked away.

There is still one…

Zhou Zhengning looked to his left.

A man lay on the seat across the aisle from him, seemingly asleep. Zhou Zhengning couldn't see his face clearly, only his messy black hair.

This man is quite thin, and the half of the arm exposed under the half sleeve is a little sickly white that has not seen the sun all year round. There are slightly protruding blue blood vessels on his forearm. The scars like stitches, passing through the distinct wrist bones, extend all the way to the back of the hand, and finally stop at the slender and well-defined fingers.

Zhou Zhengning's eyes fell on the scars on his arm, and he was stunned for a moment.

The next second, his eyes went dark, and the light in the classroom was cut off. When it was turned on again, the space was filled with gloomy red light, and the walls, blackboard, tables and chairs were all painted with that disturbing layer. scarlet.

According to Zhou Zhengning's experience, he knew that what they were in now was roughly the loading space of the "game copy".

He also doesn't know how he was drawn into the game. In short, since the supernatural beings began to be oppressed by the so-called "orthodox humans", the status of these supernatural beings became lower and lower. Zhou Zhengning just went out to buy instant noodles one day, but he was pushed on the ground for no reason while walking on the street, saying that his ability monitoring ring was artificially damaged, and that he had rebellious tendencies. Several strong men from the White Tower were **** in prison.

Later, he checked carefully, and the "artificial damage to the ring" that made those guys mobilize the crowd was actually a small scratch scratched by his ring.

In fact, life in the prison is actually quite good. Food and drink are delivered every day, and there is no need to worry about being arrested for accidentally doing something wrong one day.

Zhou Zhengning enjoyed it at first, until one night when he was sleeping soundly, three or five heavily armed enforcers suddenly broke into the cell and gave him an injection without saying a word. After Zhou Zhengning was numb, he was already in the game as soon as he opened his eyes.

What is this game?

have no idea.

How to get out?

do not know either.

Zhou Zhengning only knew that he would die if he failed to clear the level. He also knew that their game live broadcast would be simultaneously broadcast to the outside world for those noble "orthodox humans" to watch.

This mode always reminds Zhou Zhengning of certain underground arenas: contestants kill each other, fighting with their lives for the smiles of the gold masters.

Of course, those players are better than them. The players in the arena have money, but they have nothing, so they can only work hard to survive.

Zhou Zhengning sighed inwardly.

He glanced at the man next to him again. He seemed to be sleeping soundly, and he didn't move from head to tail.

Zhou Zhengning had also played the game once or twice before this. He knew that while waiting for the copy to load, the game system would release some basic information, and it would be very troublesome if important information was omitted.

With the mentality of being a fallen man at the end of the world, Zhou Zhengning stretched out his hand and patted the man's shoulder:

"Brother, wake up, ready to enter the game."

But the man didn't react at all. If his shoulders were not still rising and falling with his breathing, Zhou Zhengning would have thought he was dead.

"You don't even know if you can live, and you still care about others?"

Seeing his movements, the man in the plaid shirt next to him said something strange, Zhou Zhengning glanced at him, although he was a little uncomfortable listening to what he said, but he didn't bother with him.

The man spoke so loudly that everyone in the classroom could hear him.

The girl with the high ponytail on the other side frowned at the man, then snorted coldly, and rolled her eyes in disgust.

The thin girl seemed to be frightened by the sudden appearance of a human voice, and she trembled exaggeratedly.


At this moment, the radio in the classroom made a sharp and piercing sound.

The movement lasted for a few seconds before it stopped, and then it was replaced by a chaotic electrical sound of "thrilling, tingling, tingling".

[Game refresh, dungeon loading—]

【Location: Lvjiang No. 3 Primary School】

[Mainline NPC: Lin Xianxian]

【Rating: C】

【Number of people: 5 people】

[The following is the player entry—]

【Reading ranking—】

[935, Chen Nuo]

Zhou Zhengning subconsciously glanced at the group against the wall. The pale and thin girl lowered her head even lower, and the player information bracelet on her wrist lit up when the system clicked on her name.

[892, Zhang Shang]

[160, Zhou Zhengning]

[051, Qin Jing]

Hearing this, Zhou Zhengning was a little surprised.

For the C-level dungeon, the ranking of that girl 51 is already very high, and the order of entering players is always from low to high. If there is no problem with the game system, then only...

After reading Qin Jing's name, the system froze for a long time, and did not continue to read.

Qin Jing was also a little surprised. She frowned and looked back at the man thoughtfully.

At this time, the system finally resumed operation, and the cold mechanical female voice sounded:

[The ranking has been refreshed—]



Hearing that number, Zhou Zhengning was dumbfounded.

How many? ?

Zhou Zhengning stared at the sleeping brother with wide eyes, and suddenly felt that the back of his head became noble.

The one in rank one is a nightmare for all players, but... did that one violate the rules of heaven and be placed in the C-level dungeon?

Zhou Zhengning's heart was turbulent, but before he could finish the turmoil, the name following the number fell down:

【—Ye Fei】

...Ye Fei?

Zhou Zhengning is sure that 001 does not have this name.

But the name is definitely not unfamiliar to him.

At the same time, other people's gazes on Ye Fei also became complicated.

There is doubt, there is scrutiny, and there is hatred.

Zhou Zhengning's brain pushed him the memory of "Ye Fei" in time.

Zhou Zhengning only knew one person named Ye Fei who could still rank first, and after an accident, the position of that influential figure between orthodox humans and supernatural beings was delicate and awkward, and he didn't want to mention which side he belonged to. and existence.

Zhou Zhengning met him once before. At that time, Ye Fei was still a generation of arrogance, and he was completely incompatible with the downcast and scarred appearance now.

At the beginning, there were rumors that Ye Fei was imprisoned in the deepest prison by the people of the White Tower, and became a dangerous experimental subject whose life was worse than death.

After doing the math, it seems that it has indeed been five years since I heard news of Ye Fei.

[The player information is loaded, please wait patiently for the dungeon to load, and do not leave the loading space]

After the game system finished its last sentence, the classroom fell into silence again.

"Grass, what a misfortune, I met the God of Plague here, it seems that we are not hurt enough outside, and we still want to let him in to continue to cause harm..."

Zhang Shang is habitually eccentric, but the second half of his sentence got stuck in his throat after he noticed Ye Fei's movement.

Ye Fei was originally lying on the table, and he slowly got up from the table after the game system finished talking nonsense.

His hair was naturally curly, messy when not carefully groomed, and long enough to almost cover his eyes. A pair of lifeless eyes are hidden under the shadow of the hair, with deep dark circles under the eyes, and some blue stubble on the chin.

His skin is very fair, a kind of sickness that has not seen the sun all year round, and there are some suture-like scars around the exposed skin. He is also thin, with excellent bones, good-looking and dejected, like a beautiful zombie, or some medieval vampire count.

It's not like a normal person anyway.

Zhou Zhengning looked at his side face, a little nervous for no reason.

Just as nervous as him was Zhang Shang, who was so yin and yang just now. He thought Ye Fei was asleep and dared to speak like that. Now that he knew that his words might be heard, he was also afraid that Ye Fei would retaliate against him.

After all, the dungeon does not restrict players from killing players. No matter how much he hates Ye Fei, he can't ignore the fact that he ranks first in overall strength.

If Ye Fei wanted to kill him, it would be as easy as crushing an ant.

But Zhang Shang seemed to think too much, and Ye Fei didn't seem to care about his offense just now.

He seemed to be stunned from sleep, just sat on the short chair like that, lost his mind for a while, and then yawned lazily.


The tension in Zhou Zhengning's heart dissipated along with Ye Fei's yawn.

…unraveled, but not completely.

Because in the next second, he saw Ye Fei stand up from the chair.

He kicked away the small desk in front of him, passed by Zhou Zhengning, and walked straight forward.

The loading space cannot be moved freely, and the system has also emphasized this point just now. Zhou Zhengning didn't know what he wanted to do, but he looked at Ye Fei, hesitated for a moment, and reminded:

"Ye... Teacher Ye, you can't move around here, come back."

But upon hearing his words, Ye Fei didn't respond, nor did he turn around.

Zhou Zhengning only saw him raise his hand and shake it weakly twice, which probably meant "don't worry about me".

Seeing him like this, Zhou Zhengning stopped talking.

He watched Ye Fei walk to the front of the podium with some anxiety, then turned a corner slowly, and walked straight towards the door of the classroom.

Everyone in the classroom followed him. When they saw him bump into the classroom doorknob, even Qin Jing, who had been frowning silently, couldn't hold back, and said in a bad tone:


But Ye Fei didn't stop because of her warning.

He simply unscrewed the doorknob and pulled the door open, as if he was going to go out.

But everyone knows that's impossible.

The moment he stepped out, Zhou Zhengning saw his body leaning back slightly due to inertia, and at the same time, a line of blood ran from Ye Fei's forehead straight through the back of his head, and penetrated the window glass on the other side.

There was a sound of glass shattering.

After a pause of a few seconds, there was a muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The classroom door closed automatically, leaving only a corpse on the ground.

Ye Fei's eyes were half closed, somewhat blocked by his hair, and a puddle of blood was smeared on the ground behind his head, which was even more glaring under the red light in the room.

The cold system prompt sound appeared again:

[It was detected that player 001 Ye Fei tried to leave the loading space, which violated the rules, and the system erased him]


[Player 001 Ye Fei's life is cleared]

【Confirmed death】


[The dungeon is loaded, the game is about to log in, I wish all players...]

The game system froze for a moment before uttering the second half of the sentence:

【Happy game! 】

The author has something to say:

The main character is gone, and the end is sprinkled...%#&##@... 喵子...


The game is loaded, please confirm whether to follow the non-staff number 9 NPC "strawberry" to enter the game


Congratulations to the player for entering the game

Assign teammates to you:

【001, Ye Fei】

[? ,? ? ? (to be unlocked)]

Have a nice game!

Read The Mage of Eternity