MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 197 No Man's Land - [01]

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Noah was eroded by absolute annihilation, and disappeared in an instant.

A gust of wind came from nowhere, and slightly lifted the light bulbs hanging not far from the heads of several people, so that the falling lights were wobbly and wobbly.

Indeed, as Noah said, tonight is a rare sunny day, and the night sky is full of stars. Looking out from the translucent protective cover, you can see a brilliant galaxy.

Normally, Ye Fei would still be in the mood to appreciate it, but in this situation, he really can't arouse his interest at all.

He experienced too many things this day, causing him to watch Noah disappear without any real feeling.

He raised his hand to rub his temples, and asked Jian Lingxi:

"What the **** is he? Why is he everywhere? Several times."


Jian Lingxi didn't say anything, just raised her hand, and the Blood Moon Scythe came out in response.

Ye Fei didn't even see his movements clearly, but felt a flash of light, and the next moment, Jian Lingxi had already arrived beside Jue.

The sickle slashed across, but Jue's speed was ridiculously fast, he avoided the edge of the sickle in a dodge, and attacked Jian Lingxi from behind.

The two of them dodged moves several times, and Ye Fei could hardly see their movements clearly, but after such a short while, Jue's subordinates actually had the strength to fight, and they were not completely defeated.

This situation is slightly worse.

Jian Lingxi's melee combat ability is comparable to that of Qin Jing's. Whether it is strength, speed or reaction ability, it is beyond the limit of human beings. The ability to survive for so long in his hands can only show that his ability has also reached an incredible level. .

But Ye Fei didn't remember how good Jue was at fighting.

The first time he saw Jude in this game, it should be in the safe area of ​​Atlantis, but he remembered that he had encountered a cloud of black smoke in Yuna's room, and thinking about it now, it was probably the same decision.

So, from a small cloud of black smoke at the beginning, to a black figure with no entity later. In Ou Lanxing's place, Ye Fei only took a look at Jue from a distance, but since Zhou Zhengning said that he had met a person exactly like Ye Fei, it meant that Jue already had a human form at that time.

Up to now, Jue stood in front of him, as long as he didn't speak or make an expression, he couldn't even recognize him.

This made Ye Fei realize a terrible possibility—

The decision is constantly growing.

The current Jue is no match for Jian Lingxi, and his absolute annihilation is useless in front of Jian Lingxi, so don't worry too much about it. But one day, if Jue grows to the point that even Jian Lingxi can't do anything about it, then this world will really be over.

"Little snake! Kill him!"

Thinking of this, Ye Fei raised his voice.

Whether it can be completely killed or not, if killing him once can slow down his growth rate, that is also good.

However, it seemed that he didn't need to remind him, because Jian Lingxi had already grabbed Jue's neck as soon as he finished speaking.

To be honest, seeing "myself" in the hands of others is indeed a bit delicate.

Ye Fei slightly pursed the corners of his lips, but the next second, he seemed to see something, and opened his eyes slightly.

At this time, Jue was being pinched by Jian Lingxi's neck and feet off the ground. His face was flushed, and his expression was slightly painful. There were faintly protruding blue veins on the side of his forehead and neck.

Jian Lingxi had no intention of letting him go, and her subordinates showed no mercy at all, but Ye Fei watched from a distance, only to find that there seemed to be some black smoke overflowing from the place where his fingers touched Jue's neck.

what is that?

Before Ye Fei could see it clearly, the decision over there suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke, broke free from Jian Lingxi's grasp, and rolled towards Ye Fei like a gust of wind.

"'Kill me'? Ye Fei..."

Black smoke gathered in front of Ye Fei, like an indistinct figure.

Ye Fei raised her eyes and subconsciously looked at the head of the figure.

Black smoke filled the air.

Ye Fei saw two eye-like, scarlet lights in the turbulent annihilation matter.

Jue's deep and hoarse voice sounded again:

"...I am you."

The moment Ye Fei heard these words, it was as if someone had squeezed Ye Fei's heart tightly.

He opened his eyes slightly, forgot to breathe for a moment, and just watched the cloud of black smoke rushing towards him.

At that time, he heard the system notification sound again:


【Punishment dungeon selection】

[No man's land (level unknown)]

[Punishment dungeon loading...]

[The dungeon is loaded, I wish you a happy game]

Ye Fei froze for a moment, he listened to the system notification, and watched the black smoke enveloping himself.

That moment seemed to be stretched infinitely, and he felt as if something had diffused into his body, but it seemed to be just his illusion.

Later, everything around me was frozen at that moment, and the separation of the five senses struck again when the dungeon was switched, but this separation seemed to last for an extremely long time.

Ye Fei seemed to be trapped in a small empty box, unable to feel anything. But his mood was extraordinarily calm, just quietly waiting for the time of stripping to pass.

He waited for a long, long time until the sense of touch slowly recovered.

He felt as if he was lying on a piece of sand and gravel, with his upper body pillowed on someone's legs. Later, the scorching sun shone on his skin, making it a little painful. Only his hands were wrapped by the cold palms and fingers of another person.

What came back later was the sense of taste. He smelled a little pungent smell mixed with smoke, which was not pleasant, but soon, the familiar scent of platycodon flowers dispelled those smells and made him feel at ease.

Next, there is hearing.

The voice of someone talking seemed to come from another world, far away and somewhat vague. But with the passage of time, those voices gradually became clearer, Ye Fei carefully distinguished them, they were all people he was familiar with.

"Why isn't he awake yet?"

"I do not know…"

"Is something going to happen?"


Ye Fei couldn't help coughing twice.

There was light gradually in his dark eyes, and the light was a little dazzling, and he subconsciously shrank into the arms of the people around him. And the man hugged him very cooperatively.

"woke up!"

"what happened…"

Ye Fei opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but his throat was itchy and sore. Before he could speak again, he couldn't help but raised his hand to cover his mouth, and coughed again.

He curled up and buried his face on Jian Lingxi's waist, and it took him a long time to recover.

Only then did he slightly open his eyes, trying to get up from Jian Lingxi. But before he got up, he opened his eyes and saw a few heads approaching.

Counting them, there is no one missing, little snake, little Gao, little pudding, little sister and little black cat. The group of people surrounded him with the same expression on their faces, they all looked sad.

"What are you looking at? I'm not dead yet."

Ye Fei waved the group of people away and sat up by herself.

"I didn't see anything."

Qin Jing frowned:

"Just as soon as we entered the game, we were all fine, but you lay there motionless like a dead man."


Ye Fei froze for a moment:

"How long?"

"It's been a long time." Zhou Zhengning next to him happened to be wearing a player bracelet, and he looked down:

"Ten minutes or so."


Ye Fei nodded, not paying much attention.

He propped himself up from the ground and looked at the surrounding environment.

They were in a wilderness, with a gray and red sky above their heads, and the sun hung high in it. The sun was so hot that it stings a little on the skin.

Looking down, there was a piece of earthy red sand and gravel under her feet. Ye Fei kicked the sand and gravel away with her toes, revealing a piece of dry, lifeless and lifeless sand.


Ye Fei frowned and asked:

"What's the name of this dungeon that the game system said just now?"

Qin Jing glanced at Jian Lingxi, and replied:

"No man's land."

"No man's land..."

Ye Fei repeated these three words, lowered her head and opened the player bracelet, and glanced at the current timeline.


"You said it was a punishment dungeon?" Ye Fei asked again.

"Well, I said it."

"What is the general mechanism for punishing dungeons?"

"I don't know, I haven't been in."

Qin Jing shrugged:

"Hasn't Jian Lingxi entered?"

Jian Lingxi raised her eyes and glanced at her, then nodded:

"The punishment dungeon that time was a closed map, the NPCs on the whole map went berserk, and they attacked indiscriminately. But the situation here seems to be different."

Ye Fei listened carefully to what he said, and nodded:

"Not only that? I remember that when you came out that time, the situation was not very good."

That time Jian Lingxi came out lying down, and Ye Fei had to carry him back covered in blood with great effort, so the memory is very clear.

"Well, because the map at that time was a snow field. I'm afraid of the cold."

Jian Lingxi nodded.

"Oh—" Ye Fei suddenly realized.

This makes sense. It turns out that the little snake fainted was not injured, but hibernated.

For some reason, Ye Fei suddenly wanted to laugh, but he held back.

He lowered the corners of his lips, and when he looked up, he saw Ren Huayan raised his hand beside him, looking like he was about to speak.

Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly at her, signaling for her to say what she wanted, and Ren Huayan said:

"I've heard people talk about the mechanism of the punishment dungeon, but I'm not sure if it's true. They said that the content of the punishment dungeon is actually random, and it's not necessarily a berserk NPC. Threatening environmental rules and regulations. Individual players are against individuals, and teams are against the highest-ranked player in the team."


Ye Fei was a little sad:

"For me?"

"Then you recall, what is the most threatening thing to you?"

"Have no idea."

Ye Fei shook her head:

"Did the dungeon enter the player? Did you explain the rules of the game? Let's talk after you hear it."

"Not yet." Qin Jing shook her head.

And Zhou Zhengning next to him seemed to have discovered something, he pointed at Ye Fei at the light screen of his player bracelet:

"Ms. Ye, the background of this game is in 1962, ten years ago! Where are we? This doesn't look like a beehive either."

"Silly boy, the world is big, but it doesn't necessarily only have the Garden of Eden and the hive."

Ye Fei coughed twice, and continued:

"The background of the last dungeon was Utopia. Didn't we discover a lot of orthodox human spies? After Noah's death, Utopia lost its backbone. The inside and the outside cooperated to take down Utopia."

"Huh? So Utopia is actually the predecessor of Eden?"

Qin Jing was a little surprised.

"Yes and no."

Ye Fei opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but coughed again.

He finally stopped, and continued hoarsely:

"The utopia at the beginning is actually the hive now."


The four children except Jian Lingxi opened their eyes wide in shock.

"Yes, although orthodox humans broke into Utopia and plundered their reserves, they did not continue to use their facilities. They established a new home in a city not far from Utopia, which is the Garden of Eden. Utopia was looted, Even the protective shields were taken away, leaving only the supernatural beings to barely settle in Utopia. Later, after more than ten years of wind, sun, and rain, the Utopia you saw became the ruins of a beehive. .”

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