MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 213 No Man's Land - [17]

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"Go away if you feel bored, you are not welcome here, don't you still have tasks on you? Why waste time here."

Jian Lingxi seemed to sneer lightly.

Of course he knew himself, and he also knew what the guy in front of him was thinking. He knows how to treat him best.

Sure enough, 07's expression changed, and an imperceptible killing intent flashed in his eyes.

That emotion was quickly captured by Jian Lingxi, he smiled and said:

"What, want to do it with me?"

"you wanna die?"

07's voice was a little deeper.

Although the voices of the two of them are not too different, 07 still sounds a little immature after all.

Jian Lingxi looked as usual, and he responded:

"You can try."


07 got up from the chair, raised his hand to touch the dagger at his waist, and made a gesture to stab Jian Lingxi.

His movements were a little violent, and when he got up, he bumped into the chair behind him, and the bottom of the chair rubbed against the ground, making a harsh sound.

"Cough cough cough..."

But the fight didn't start, because after that, Ye Fei, who was lying on the bed, coughed suddenly, which attracted the two people who were tense in the room away. look in his direction.

Ye Fei exaggeratedly coughed twice, then took another breath of air:

"Hiss... it hurts."

His fake cough was too big, and accidentally involved the wound on his shoulder, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

After slowing down the strength, he dragged his voice and said weakly:

"Why do you two stinky kids still plan to fight? I'm still awake and I'm making a fuss next to my hospital bed. If I really die, will you two still have to fight in front of my grave? They are born from the same root, so why rush each other?" , stop, stop, stop."

Ye Fei didn't expect the two of them to be really obedient, so she sold out a little bit.

He buried his face in the pillow, looked back at 07 over there, and saw that after a short pause, 07 silently put the dagger back into its sheath.

Ye Fei was very satisfied.

He snickered, then clicked his tongue pretending to be serious, and said when 07 looked over:

"Come on, come here, sit here, I want to chat with you for a while."

"What are you talking about, you have a good rest."

Jian Lingxi frowned, sat on the chair beside his bed, and raised her hand to lightly touch the gauze on his shoulder.

"I don't want to rest."

Ye Fei sighed.

Now it seems that the healing potion he gave at noon is probably completely ineffective, because he just moved a little, and he felt his wound tear and ooze blood again, and there was no sign of healing at all.

This feeling is really new to him.

Logically speaking, he should listen to Jian Lingxi's words now, take a good rest and recover from his injuries, and don't let his broken body continue to worsen the situation.

But he is very aware of his body, rest and recuperation are useless to him.

Although it hasn't been long since he entered the dungeon of no man's land, since the absolute cure was banned, his physical fitness, which was not good at first, has declined precipitously. Panting, not to mention the difficult activities such as climbing mountains and escaping for his life, he basically relied on Jian Lingxi to memorize them.

Not to mention the degeneration of various body functions, and the blood that is coughed up from time to time.

Ye Fei has been a doctor for many years. Although he said that his specialty was not quite right at the beginning, after so many years, he has almost understood everything he should know.

He can also deduce the general situation by himself.

If Ye Fei were to make an analogy, he felt that he was like an overloaded machine. It had existed for a long time and had already exceeded its useful life, but it was still running tenaciously. It all depends on a tenacious core in his body, that is, his ability to heal absolutely.

But now, the core is no longer spinning, the ability is gone, and the old machine has slowed down and is slowly coming to a standstill.

In doing so, all the hidden little ailments in his body were exposed.

He has experienced too much in these years, such as various human experiments and other weird tortures. Although the absolute cure can save his life, this kind of wear and tear has been accumulated little by little, and he will save it when necessary. towards the outbreak.

Ye Fei calculated what she might have to go through.

The mission of this dungeon is to let other players kill him. Even if the children around him try their best to protect him, in this world without absolute healing, his body won't last long. He may experience organ failure, degeneration of body functions, loss of five senses and loss of consciousness. Anyway, the ending is a dead word. If Ye Fei chooses, he might as well jump off the cliff or kill himself with a single shot. Take less pain.

But to be honest, he still had a little bit of little thought deeply hidden in his heart, which made him sit down and stand up on the edge of the cliff for countless times before, but in the end he couldn't choose to die in a cool way.

That is reluctant.

I can't bear to have these new friends around me, I can't bear to...

Ye Fei paused in thought, and raised her eyes to look at the people around her.

Jian Lingxi was sitting on the chair beside his bed, pouring water for him with downcast eyes, while 07 was leaning on the side of the bed with folded arms, obviously impatient, but never left.

He was reluctant to part with new friends, and also reluctant to part with Jian Lingxi.

Strange to say, Mingming Ye Fei also said that love is something that he never thought about and did not plan to try, but it is very strange, some things are slowly and little by little unknown. The place took root and sprouted.

When Ye Fei found out, Xiao Ya could not be driven away or pulled out.

"What do you want to talk about?"

When Ye Fei was in a daze, 07 frowned and asked.

"Don't be so fierce."

Ye Fei's voice was very soft, he said:

"I'm glad to see you here."

Logically speaking, these words should be pleasant to hear, but 07 was not very happy when he heard them.

He still put on a dirty face and asked:

"Nice to see me, or happy to see him? Less hypocrisy."

"Ouch." Ye Fei had a headache:

"Little snake, why were you so uncute when you were young?"

Jian Lingxi smiled:

"I chased him away."

"Don't." Ye Fei paused, then tentatively said:

"I want to talk to him."

Jian Lingxi raised her eyebrows slightly, and instantly understood. Although a little reluctant, he still nodded:

"Okay, I'll go out and wait, call me anytime."



07 was a little surprised to see that the guy who was still aggressive in front of him just now and wanted to drive him away and kill him just walked out obediently.

Bow your head so easily?

This guy is really him ten years later?

07 didn't believe it, he watched him go out, and turned his eyes to Ye Fei who was on the bed.

This guy's back shoulder was injured, so he couldn't lie flat, so he could only lie there pitifully.

"What the **** are you trying to tell me?"

Being alone like this now still makes 07 a little uncomfortable.

He rolled his eyes and said coldly:

"I didn't ask you to save me."

"...Oh, you child." Ye Fei wanted to laugh inexplicably:

"I just want to chat with you casually. I have no evil intentions."

He bent his eyes and looked at 07 beside the bed:

"I just want to ask you, how have you been all these years?"


07 usually doesn't like to talk very much. In the training base of the White Tower, apart from some necessary daily communication with the coach, he can only chat with Cen Lin for a while.

No one has ever chatted with him in a serious manner like Ye Fei.

If it were normal, 07 would probably not respond at all. In fact, he wanted to do the same now, but after a moment of silence, he reluctantly opened his mouth:

"It's okay, I learned how to shoot, **** and how to fight, so I didn't become a good person."

He seems to be particularly concerned about whether he has become "the person Ye Fei wants him to be".

"That's it."

Ye Fei said thoughtfully, but he didn't care, but asked:

"Then what do you want to do next?"

"It doesn't matter what you do."

"So what do you like?"


"Do you have any good friends?"


"Where do you want to go?"


07 was a little impatient, he asked:

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Unhappy?" Ye Fei looked amusing, he stretched out his hand to hook 07's wrist, deliberately teasing the child:

"Oh, are you really upset?"

"...I really want to shoot you down."

07 said ruthlessly, but he did not withdraw the hand that was pulled by Ye Fei.

"Hahaha..." Ye Fei couldn't help laughing, but after laughing twice, the wound on his shoulder was tearing again, and he stopped laughing with pain on his face.

"I didn't want to say anything, just chatting, isn't it all like this? You tell me what kind of person you are, and I will share with you some interesting things you like to hear. This is how people communicate. I want to understand You, I want to be your good friend."

Ye Fei's tone was a bit suspicious of coaxing a child, and 07 was a little uncomfortable.

"Not interested in."

07 didn't give face at all, he asked back:

"Is it me you want to know, or the guy?"

"If you must insist that you are two different people, then I want to know about his past and your present."

Ye Fei hooked 07's wrist with her fingers, and then gently held him.

07 did not withdraw his hand, he acquiesced to Ye Fei's touch:

"Really? His name is Jian Lingxi, right. When you saw me in the war zone and ran to my side to help me block stray bullets, was it because I was me, or because I was him?"

07 The voice is a bit cold:

"If you treat me incidentally because of Jian Lingxi, then I don't need this kind of charity."

"..." Ye Fei was almost fainted by him.

Sure enough, although there was a ten-year difference between these two people, their personalities hadn't changed at all.

Why do the big and small eat their own jealousy?

Ye Fei thinks he looks like a little hedgehog, no, the little hedgehog's belly is at least soft, this guy is just a sea urchin.

"How can it be alms? Although I recognized the wrong person at first, no matter who was standing there at that time, if I saw him in danger, I would run over."

Ye Fei recalled:

"For example, ten years ago, I picked up a 07 in the war zone. I took him back and misheard his name."

Thinking of this, Ye Fei felt outrageous.

Why did he mishear the two words in a twitch?

"?" Speaking of this, 07 became a little interested:

"Misheard the name? Don't you remember who he is?"

"Well, I don't have a very good memory."

"He didn't kill you?"


"Then you are lucky."


Ye Fei didn't know why the topic was so biased, he sighed in his heart:

"My memory is really bad. Even not long ago, I always thought that Lingqi Lingxi and Jian Lingxi were three completely different people. I didn't connect the three of them together until time revealed clues little by little. .That's when I realized that I met him many years ago and missed all those years in between."

It is a pity to miss this word after all, but Ye Fei doesn't regret it much.

Because every encounter is meaningful, and what impresses him will always be that specific person at a specific time. For example, if he gets along with 07 little by little from now on, the development of things, some small emotions and feelings hidden in his heart , but it will not become what it is now.

"So, he met you three times, and each time you treated him as a stranger?"

07 was somewhat gloating, he said:

"He's really good-tempered. I wouldn't waste time with you."

After a pause, he said again:

"You don't want me to be him."

"No, you can be whoever you want to be, it doesn't matter if it's him or not. Hey... But thinking about it, I think what you said makes sense. You are ten years behind him, and there are countless possibilities in the future Before you decide, you are indeed two different people."

Ye Fei squeezed his wrist lightly:

"So, don't worry about this, Zero Seven has no friends, can you try to be a good friend with me? Let's talk, huh?"

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