MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 230 Ye Fei-[08]

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It didn't take long for the secret research of the Ability Research Institute to have preliminary results. Because of the joining of Ye Fei and Qin Guanju, the whole process became much smoother.

Because Ye Fei knows himself well enough, and is also very familiar with the alpha virus, and he had an idea about this a long time ago, and now it has become a reality bit by bit, much easier than imagined.

Therefore, from the beginning of the plan to the appearance of the first-generation results, the time spent in research on abilities is not short, but it is not very long either.

Later, the first batch of medicines were successfully tested on animals, and after experiments with volunteers within the institute, the medicine version was finally determined and mass production began.

During this period, Ye Fei has been in contact with people from Aurora. Ye Fei's status in the White Tower is not low, and she can often get first-hand information about the order guards, and probably knows their movements, so she will send messages to Jiang Qin at any time, asking them to pay attention to protecting themselves.

Under his information disclosure and Jiang Qin's own ability, Aurora has been dealing with the guards in no man's land for a long time, faintly suppressing the other side. This incident made Aurora famous. For a while, the supernatural beings outside the Garden of Eden who did not want to submit to the Garden of Eden rushed to the no-man's land one after another. They wanted to join Jiang Qin to join Aurora and fight against the guards.

Therefore, Aurora expanded rapidly during this period. They built houses little by little within the area designated by Ye Fei to hoard resources. When there were a little more people, Jiang Qin even boldly took people to rob the guard army battalion, and brought back a lot of food and weapons, so that Aurora really had the capital to fight against the guards.

After that, the first batch of healing potions from the Ability Research Institute also came out of the warehouse. Ye Fei lay down for a few days, waited for her body to recover completely, then wandered out of the Garden of Eden with big bags and small bags, and rushed to Aurora to help.

During that time, he had been living such a busy life, drawing blood, making medicines, going out of the city, and saving people. He went through these over and over again. Although it was painful and tiring, he saw the laser getting better day by day, and he felt that what he was doing was meaningful from the bottom of his heart, so he never got bored, let alone gave up.

Ye Fei keeps going back and forth between the Garden of Eden and Aurora. When he leaves the Garden of Eden, Qin Guanju and other colleagues in the research institute will divide up the work that should belong to him, and help him cover up at the White Tower to cover up his absence. Eden facts.

However, things were not always smooth. Once, Ye Fei accidentally exposed his whereabouts. The guards saw him and followed him for a long time.

Ye Fei had no choice, he couldn't reveal his identity, so in order to avoid being traced, he hid in the western mountainous area of ​​no man's land, and found a secret cave to hide inside.

The cave was in a good location, and almost no one could find it. Ye Fei relied on it to throw off the guards' pursuit many times. So since then, Ye Fei stayed there for a long time, it was almost like his second home.

Later, Aurora's power became stronger day by day, and Eden finally found out that this organization was not just a joke, but a real threat to them, so he really paid attention to Aurora and took a serious action against them.

At that time, Eden launched a secret attack on Aurora. Jiang Qin and several key members of Aurora were caught in a trap and all were captured.

Fortunately, Baita did not execute Jiang Qin on the spot, but took her and her friends back to the Garden of Eden, and put them in prison. They were going to issue an announcement to the people of the Garden of Eden, announcing that they had captured the leader of Aurora, and then Find a good day and execute Jiang Qin and the others together.

This is the arrogance of the White Tower. They feel that they are strong enough to control everything, but this also happens to give Jiang Qin and Ye Fei time to breathe.

After learning that Jiang Qin was arrested, Ye Fei rushed back to the Garden of Eden immediately. He secretly figured out the terrain of the prison, and spent several days figuring out the distribution of troops in the prison, and destroyed several monitoring and protection devices in the prison, preparing to rob the prison and save people that night.

In order not to implicate others, Ye Fei did everything by himself. He didn't close his eyes for several days, waiting to rescue Jiang Qin on the last night, but when he was about to do something that day, he came out from nowhere Two guys, he made a big fuss in the prison first.

Ye Feiren was dumbfounded.

At first he thought that those two people were here to do something bad, but after observing secretly for a while, he realized that those two people really seemed to be here to rob the prison.

Those two guys looked young, they looked like a man and a woman, they knew how to protect themselves, they were covered so tightly that they couldn't tell who they were.

Those two were also pretty good at it. After making a fuss in the prison, they successfully opened the inner cell door and released Jiang Qin and the others.

After doing this, they hid their achievements and fame, got on a locomotive together, and drove away.

At that time, Ye Fei was standing by the outer wall of the prison, hiding in the dark and watching the handsome backs of the two, thinking that she was dreaming.

But soon he woke up from the dream, because the patrolling guards swept him with lights. Ye Fei was shocked and ran away, being chased and killed by three guards all the way, and waited until dawn to get rid of those guys and return to the residence safely.

However, although the process is a bit tortuous, the ending is not bad.

That night, Jiang Qin and the others broke out of the prison, made a fuss in the Garden of Eden, and finally blew up the protective shield of the Garden of Eden, and fled swaggeringly.

Ye Fei was relieved that they were fine. He didn't worry about who the two little devils who robbed the prison that day were. Instead, he fell asleep at home and slept. When he woke up, he moved out of the Garden of Eden and rushed to the aurora with a big box and a small box.

At that time, the guards were completely enraged by Aurora, and they allocated a large number of troops to encircle and suppress Aurora. The battle was bigger than before, and the fighting style was more fierce than before.

So that time, Ye Fei stayed in the no man's land for a long time, and he built a small wooden house outside the war zone as a temporary clinic. It was also that time that Ye Fei met a young man named Ling Xi in no man's land.

In fact, from the first time he saw Lingxi, Ye Fei knew that he was unusual, because the combat uniform on his body was very familiar, and there were knives and guns pinned to his waist.

At that time, Ye Fei knew that he was going to Aurora, so he already had a rough guess in his heart. He knew that this young man was probably from the White Tower, and he probably appeared here this time to contribute to the eradication of the White Tower.

Of course Ye Fei couldn't let him do that, so he shamelessly found a reason to bring him back to his cabin. He didn't want the young man to sneak into the battlefield so early and cause chaos. He wanted to delay it for a while, and then think of a way when he couldn't hold it off later.

But this young man took him by surprise.

Ye Fei felt that she did not help the young man, and even they only knew each other for half a day. But on the second morning when he brought the boy back to the wooden house, the boy stopped a whole guard team for him in order not to let him be discovered, and even got shot himself, almost losing his life.

Ye Fei didn't know why he did this to such an extent, but she felt that since the young man risked his life to help him, he would have to make the greatest efforts to save his life.

Therefore, that time, Ye Fei injected the boy with his own blood.

Except for that Cen Jie, this was the first time Ye Fei injected his own blood directly into someone else.

He didn't know what was going to happen, but it was the only way he could do it, and he had to give it a try.

Fortunately, although the side effects of the blood injection were terrible, the boy overcame it. His wounds healed, and he stabilized after a strong rejection reaction.

At that time, Ye Fei was thinking, this Ling Xi is really a good boy.

He knew that Ling Xi was probably from the White Tower, so his original plan was that after returning this time, he would find a way to meet Ling Xi in the White Tower, treat him to a meal, and get to know him formally.

But there is a good saying, you never know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

That time, Ling Xi left Aurora after recovering from his injury, while Ye Fei and Jiang Qin continued to stay in no man's land, fighting against the guards.

It's just a coincidence that at that time, the White Tower Craftsman Manufacturing Division had a new consul named Luo Yi. He was a young genius, and within a few months of taking office, he had made countless new lethal weapons.

Ye Fei usually doesn't care much about other people in the White Tower, so he doesn't pay much attention to that Luo Yi. He only knows that Luo Yi is good at making weapons, but he doesn't know that he also made a high-definition aerial detector.

And on the first day that the detector was officially put into use, it took a clear picture of Ye Fei's face at the boundary of Aurora.

At that time, Ye Fei didn't know anything, but as soon as he returned to the White Tower, he was arrested by the guards and sent to the White Tower with five flowers tied up.

Probably because he was still useful to Cen Jie, so Cen Jie didn't say anything about it. He just imprisoned Ye Fei in the sixth underground floor for a short time and gave him a small punishment.

Those punishments are nothing to Ye Fei, after all, he has lived like this for most of his life.

It's just that, although he is absolutely cured, the multiple deaths from serious injuries in a short period of time will still bring him a lot of wear and tear.

Ye Fei knows that no matter how useful the ability is, it will have certain side effects after being overdrawn.

Absolutely heals too.

Therefore, after being released from the sixth basement of the White Tower, Ye Fei fell seriously ill.

He had been drawing his own blood to make medicines, but this time he was tortured by the unreasonable **** in the underground, and the wear and tear accumulated for a long time suddenly exploded, dragging down his body.

He was sick at home alone for a long time, and it was useless for Qin Guanju to find a doctor. Ye Fei's absolute cure would treat his injuries by himself, but the injuries recurred again and again.

During that time, Ye Fei felt that she was the closest to death. It's a pity that he recovered later, but repeated deaths and coma and fever affected his memory.

He can't remember a lot of things, such as the small things with the people around him, and the big things about Aurora, his mind is blank. Even when he saw Qin Guanju for the first time after recovering from his illness, he recalled who he was for a long time, which made Qin Guanju very angry.

The people around her made a fuss, but Ye Fei herself didn't think losing her memory was such a big deal.

Some important things around you can always be found after getting along again, such as colleagues and work in the Ability Research Institute. As for things that are farther away, they are not important anyway, and it doesn't matter if they are forgotten.

After all, he has lived for so many years, if he remembered everything, he would be exhausted. Forget the unimportant things, save your brain, how easy it is.

Ye Fei's mentality has always been like this, optimistic and positive, after all, things will not get worse than before anyway.

In short, that illness made Ye Fei take a long vacation. Later, he recovered and returned to work in the Doctors Union as before.

For some reason, Cen Jie did not disclose Ye Fei's affair with Aurora to the public, so Ye Fei is still the familiar President Ye.

However, although Mingli didn't tear his face apart, in order to prevent Ye Fei from getting out of the Garden of Eden again, the White Tower still gave him many secret restrictions. They gave Ye Fei a lecturer position and let him enter the White Tower Central College to teach. Ye Fei's classes were so full that they tied Ye Fei up with classes. Under such surveillance, it was naturally impossible for him to run outside again.

Ye Fei also knew in his heart that he knew that he couldn't change the status quo, so he simply stopped fighting and stayed at school teaching with peace of mind.

After all, the profession of teacher is not bad, he likes it very much.

From then on, Ye Fei's life seemed to calm down. What is a little turbulent is that the White Tower has a new move. Cen Jie has opened a new department outside the five departments of the White Tower, called the Death Special Service Team.

Ye Fei would like to call it: Secret Service Wowo.

In fact, Ye Fei didn't care much about the other departments of the White Tower in the past, but it just so happens that the head of this group of spies is Yan Jin, the deadly enemy who once stabbed him in the back.

Over the years, Yan Jin had been making fun of Ye Fei both openly and secretly. Now that he has finally climbed to the same position as Ye Fei, he is naturally proud.

His tail was about to rise to the sky, and he danced in front of Ye Fei on the first day the death group was officially established.

At that time, Ye Fei was rushing to school after the regular meeting, but Yan Jin blocked her way halfway there.

That guy was followed by his subordinates, and when he saw Ye Fei, his eyes and brows were filled with pride. He looked at Ye Fei and crossed his arms:

"Isn't this Chairman Ye? Where are you going in a hurry? We will be colleagues in the future, please take care of me."

"My God, that's really bad luck."

Ye Fei was not stingy at all about his dislike for Yan Jin, and then he felt that it was a waste of time for him to talk to him here.

So he bypassed Yan Jin in disgust:

"Don't get in the way, do you think everyone is as leisurely as you?"

"Heh." Yan Jin was very dissatisfied with Ye Fei's words, he seemed to be still angry, but Ye Fei didn't pay attention at all, just took it as a foul-smelling wind.

He quickly walked past Yan Jin and the people around him, but when he was passing by, he accidentally raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of a young man who was following Yan Jin.

Yan Jin led the Reaper's Special Forces team, which didn't have many people. The position of this department was similar to spies and killers, so the people inside were also a bit weird.

The same was true for the boy Ye Fei saw. He was wearing a neat combat uniform, and his hair was a little long, half **** at the back of his head. He looked young, in his teens, with a tall waist and slender legs, and his appearance was too beautiful to be real. In particular, his eyes were dark and heavy, and his expression and temperament were extremely cold.

For a moment, Ye Fei felt that this child looked familiar, but he really couldn't remember where he saw him.

He tried hard to think about it, but finally felt that it was outrageous.

How could he have met someone from the Reaper Special Service?

He shook his head, about to look away.

But before that, he caught a glimpse of the boy looking at Yan Jin again.

He saw a trace of disgust flashing in the young man's eyes looking at Yan Jin.

Then, he sneered disdainfully.

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