MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 259 Garden of Eden

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After seeing this, Qin Jing's mood became more complicated.

Seeing the person you like with other souls in the body, seeing that face being loved by others and flirting with others, it must be quite uncomfortable. Looking at Jian Lingxi's eyes, one point is indifferent, three points is sad, and six points are confused. Sure enough, no matter how indifferent people are, there are times when they are fragile and soft. I guess...

"Boss, what are you looking at?"

Qin Jing was thinking hard when she was startled by a voice next to her.

She was startled, and glanced to the side, and saw that it was the little yellow-haired taro eater.

Zhou Zhengning was listening to the arrangement carefully just now, but as he was listening, the two bosses around him fell silent. He looked left and then again, seeing that both of them were a little strange, so he asked this question.

As a result, as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he was slapped by Qin Jing, and he was so scared that he almost choked on the taro.

He swallowed the taro with difficulty, and wanted to ask Qin Jing what he wanted to do, but he saw Qin Jing giving him hard eyes that made him unable to understand.

Zhou Zhengning tried hard to understand, but failed.

Until a cold sentence from Jian Ling Xi Leng came from the side:

"Cen Jie is dead."


Qin Jing's expression froze.

ah? what did he say?

He wasn't looking at Atlantis?

"The boss asked his sister to share the third perspective with him just now, so I asked him what he was looking at, what's wrong with you, Sister Qin?"

Zhou Zhengning asked in confusion.

"..." Qin Jing quickly sorted out her mood:

"Oh? Cen Jie is dead?"

Jian Lingxi didn't explain right away.

He just shared his perspective out of perspective, glanced at Atlantis over there, and then looked at Qin Jing with a half-smile, probably seeing her thoughts.

He only said:

"It doesn't matter, that's not him."

White Tower, meeting room.

Sitting at the long table of the meeting were the six core figures wearing various uniforms. Among them, three leaders were absent, namely Luo Yi from the craftsman, Ren Qingyu from the **** of death, and Cen Jie from the political party.

Cen Lin combed her long fiery red hair. She was wearing a gray coat of the Guards of Order, and sat with her legs crossed next to the main seat.

"Luo Yi was controlled by supernatural beings outside the city for some reason, so he was unable to attend. Ren Qingyu has defected, and the new team leader has yet to be selected. Zeus, my father, was confirmed dead at 6:32 tonight. , Except for them, everyone is probably here, so the meeting starts now, do you have any objections?"

Everyone is aware of the current situation, and the cause of Cen Jie's death was also covered up by the guards of order with a skillful way of covering his mouth. Everyone can guess the truth, but no one dares to say it clearly, and naturally no one dares to speak against Cen Lin.

Cen Lin was very satisfied, she nodded and stood up from the chair:

"The leader of the Political Judgment Hall died, but the White Tower cannot be without a leader. Unfortunately, my father did not arrange an heir for his position. Of course, he may not have thought that he would die."

Cen Lin's tone was full of sarcasm:

"After all, accidents always come earlier than tomorrow. The world is impermanent, and we have nothing to do. So the first thing in today's meeting is to elect a new leader for the White Tower. Everyone here is the core figure of the White Tower. You all If you are qualified to fight for it, then, does anyone want to try it?"

try? Afraid of death.

The few people around the conference table bit the bullet, you look at me and I look at you, and finally, the director of the Information Processing Bureau said:

"We don't think we have the ability, Commander Cen, you are the most suitable candidate."

"Since you think so..."

Cen Lin shrugged, without any excuses, and sat directly at the main seat of the conference table:

"Then I will take over the position of leader of the White Tower. Well, the second thing."

Cen Lin tapped on the conference table in front of him with his fingers:

"At noon today, a group of supernatural beings headed by Ye Fei and Jian Lingxi escaped from the Gilded Casino, and they have already occupied the beehive. Their abilities are special, and conflicts on the spot are not good for us, so I withdrew the guards of the beehive But we can't hide forever, so I will step up the training and deployment of the guards, and use the fastest speed to suppress the supernatural beings at all costs and rectify the Garden of Eden, do you have any objections?"

"..." Speaking of this, the faces of the people behind the table changed a little.

Cen Lin took the position of Zeus, and even making a small fuss didn't affect them, after all, she was already arrogant enough before. But as soon as she took office, she was going to prepare for war... Such a big movement is really hard to accept.

After all, the war involved not only the guards, but also the survival of the citizens of Eden and their six tribes. In addition, Cen Lin also said that Ye Fei, who almost destroyed the Garden of Eden, and the terrifying Scarlet Death King Snake took the lead.


"Of course, the war is not my business alone, but the war is ultimately for everyone's benefit, so, whether to fight or not...Everyone votes?"

Cen Lin raised his eyebrows slightly.

As soon as these words came out, the people at the conference table exchanged glances again.

In the end, it was the Doctors Federation who took the lead.

The current president of the Doctors Union is a middle-aged woman who looks quiet and harmless. She wears a pair of square-rimmed glasses and has gentle and firm eyes:

"The Physicians' Union abstains, we will never support war."

"Understood." Cen Lin nodded:

"After all, Ye Fei is also President Xu's old friend. President Xu doesn't want to stand against him. I completely understand."

"..." Xiao Xu paused, and didn't say anything more.

Later, representatives of other departments also expressed their views one after another. Most of them supported or abstained like the Doctors Federation. In short, no one dared to object.

So this meaningless vote was completed with the result Cen Lin hoped, and the meeting ended accordingly. The Guards of Order received an emergency notice and began to prepare for battle. The Artisan Manufacturing Division stepped up its efforts to make weapons. The Doctors Union helped establish a safe zone to evacuate the crowd. The entire Garden of Eden fell into a tense atmosphere of the coming war.

Three days later, another army came from no man's land, and it was Aurora led by Jiang Qin.

While Eden was preparing for war, the hive was not idle.

Qin Jing gathered all the supernatural beings in the hive, excluding the old, the young, the sick, and those who were unwilling to fight. In the end, there were less than 2,000 people who were willing to fight.

And Aurora's development in recent years is not bad. There are about three to four thousand combat power over there, and the weapons are not bad enough. And because Aurora has been oppressed by Eden for many years, this final battle is full of momentum, and there is a kind of immortality. Endless posture.

If it goes well, they will invade the Garden of Eden, take over the White Tower, and turn the world, at least the Garden of Eden, into what Ye Fei hopes, without oppression or discrimination.

Although it is difficult, they are willing to give it a try.

Because this is what Ye Fei has always wanted to see and what he has been working hard for all his life.

While preparing for the battle on the hive side, Atlans did not leave, nor did he show any intention of helping. He just took Lalster and the "believers" he developed, including Luo Yi, to the morning meeting every morning, and went out for a walk in the evening, which can be regarded as a special scenery.

This state lasted for two days, until the early morning of the third day, when Jiang Qin came from no man's land.

She was riding a cool heavy motorcycle, and when it stopped, it stirred up a piece of red sand. She took off the windshield, looked past the few people in front of her, first raised her eyes to look around the surrounding environment, and said in disgust:

"The hive is still broken?"

After all, she bent her eyes and smiled at Jian Lingxi:

"Long time no see, little boss, I came here fairly quickly. How is it? Where is Dr. Ye? You have already shot him out, should you save him from that ghostly place in the White Tower? Hurry up!" , don’t hide it, let me see you, you miss me to death.”

"..." Hearing her ask this question, several people around fell into a brief silence.

Jian Lingxi frowned slightly, intending to bring this topic up, but before he could speak, a door not far behind them was suddenly opened, and a figure ran out from inside.

That person looked like Fei Ye at first glance, but Atlans must not be the one controlling his body now, because the Son of God would not do such a detrimental thing to his image.

Sure enough, the man ran over all the way, but before he arrived, the voice came first:

"Zhou Zhou! Zhou Zhou!"

"?" Zhou Zhengning was startled.

The next second, he was hugged fiercely:

"Look, I said we'd see each other again!"

"..." Zhou Zhengning was a little dazed, he subconsciously raised his hand to hug the person in front of him, and even patted it twice, he said uncertainly:


After all, only Lu Zhancheng would call him Zhou Zhou.

"It's me, don't you know me now?"

Lu Zhancheng let go of Zhou Zhengning with a smile, patted him on the shoulder again, looked Zhou Zhengning left and right, and hugged him again:

"Let's go, let's go to the movies. The last time I said I would watch Joseph's War with you has not come true. This time, I can't miss it. Alas, after all, I don't know when the next time it will come out, so I have to cherish it. "

With that said, Lu Zhancheng grabbed Zhou Zhengning's shoulders:

"Let's go?"

Zhou Zhengning is still not in the situation yet, he just subconsciously glanced at the person in front of him.

He saw a pair of blood red eyes.

This means that Lu Zhancheng is still a sub-personality.

Zhou Zhengning was thinking about things in his heart, and didn't pay attention to the reactions of the people around him. Until later, he felt that the surrounding atmosphere seemed a little weird, so he raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Zhancheng, who was holding his shoulders and smiling brightly. It's a bit against the harmony, but if you know that Lu Zhancheng is inside, it's just right.


Zhou Zhengning swallowed empty.

Beside him, Qin Jing, Ren Huayan and Esther stepped back a few steps away at some point, and beside him stood beside Lu Zhancheng, who came over at some point, Larst.

Lalster bent his violet eyes and smiled harmlessly, while Jian Lingxi looked at him indifferently, saying nothing.

Besides that…


Jiang Qin opened his eyes wide, looked at the four men in front of him, and still didn't understand what was going on.

Jian Lingxi likes Ye Fei, she knows it.

But now Ye Fei is wearing a robe with a white background and silver patterns. This robe is still the same couple outfit as the handsome western guy with platinum hair and purple eyes next to him. .

Could it be that Jian Lingxi's pursuit of love failed, and Ye Fei married the handsome guy from the west?

But that's not right, Ye Fei still has one in her arms! Why are you still hugging left and right? ?

Is it possible...

Jiang Qin widened his eyes and took a step back.

She pursed her lips in horror.

The author has something to say:

Jiang Qin: The CPU burned me dry.

Read The Duke's Passion