MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 103 first morning festival

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I can't see anything, An Wujiu seems to be able to let go of his own dignity and choose to be depraved.

He loves Shen Ti.

An Wujiu knew that in the days when he had a knife hanging over his head, if the knife fell one day, he would know his sister's departure just as he knew his mother was dead, It must be painful enough to give up. He is a model that has been interfered with, a test program, why can't it crash? Why can't the test give bad results.

But because of her vigilance, An Wu Jiao is willing to endure these pains.

Because of him, An Wu Jiu is not afraid to repeatedly practice how to accept the worst beginning and end of life.

He may really love Shen Ti more than he thought.

In fact, An Wu Jiao wanted to see Shen Ti's face, wanted to look at him, but was afraid that he would cry, so he simply closed his eyes.

Even if it was dark, he could restore the look of Shen Ti in his heart, the expression on his face when he made every action.

An Wujiu could almost feel the lines of his fingertips, pressing down on his protruding collarbone and imprinting on his skin. Under his unruly rubbing, An Wu Jiu was not cold.

For some reason, just as Shen Ti's palm pressed against his left chest, his heart beat so fast that he could hardly breathe smoothly, as if he was suffering from some kind of serious illness.

Just when An Wujiu was about to open his mouth, Shen Ti, who was half-pressing him, suddenly kissed, as if the deep breath he was trying to save himself was actually a kind of seduction that opened a door.

So naturally tangled, like two smooth fish, the two faces that are close to the extreme are immersed in the hot and humid fog.

Shen Ti's movements were so gentle that An Wujiao couldn't refuse, he could only put his hands on his chest and put his wrists under his collarbone.

"Can you?"

Shen Ti asked intermittently.

This actually surprised An Wu Jiao, he was even stunned for a second.

I thought that Shen Ti would act directly, but it turned out that he would consider his own feelings.

Shen Ti raised his head, as if he was looking at himself, at this moment, An Wu Jiu didn't want to care about who this person was, he only felt the softness of being cared about. But they are in a relationship of advancing and retreating, they are both containment and confrontation, so when Shen Ti was cautious, An Wu Jiu felt a little malice in his heart and wanted to tease him deliberately.

"Would you?"

After saying this, there was not even half a second of silence, An Wujiu felt his hip bone being held.

Shen Ti's voice appeared on the side of his ear.

"I can't."

"The altar specially gave us a demonstration, and I've seen it all over again. Have you learned it?"

Before An Wujiu could speak, Shen Ti smiled again, "Just kidding." He kissed An Wujiu's ear, "Even if I haven't seen it, I think I can do it. arrive."

"Why?" An Wujiu's hand unconsciously reached Shen Ti's neck, there was a smile in his voice.

"Because... ah, answering this kind of words at this time is very rhetorical, and it feels very purposeful," Shen Ti's tone was serious, "but I still have to say it."

"Because I love you so much."

An Wujiu couldn't describe the heartbeat at the moment, he felt his heart sinking slowly into Shen Ti's chest like the setting sun.

The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile, and he kissed Shen Ti's left hand on his cheek.

"So, I don't think I'm going to be bad, I should be able to please..."

Shen Ti suddenly realized that what he said was a little strange, so he braked suddenly.

He was afraid that An Wujiu would say "Do you think I would be happy?", for fear that he would ruin the atmosphere.

The air flows quietly.

An Wujiu finally couldn't help but chuckled softly, "You are so cute."

He is often unpredictable, mysterious and eccentric, but facing himself, his hidden innocence, enthusiasm and love are unadorned and undisguised.

This adjective confused Shen Ti.

He? cute?

Isn't this hooked up with that little furry creature? He is about 1.9 meters tall, which is a lot higher than the average height of humans. How cute is he.


Shen Ti has not refuted the exit.

"Let's try it." An Wujiu finished speaking, both hands climbed up the back of his neck and kissed him.

An Wujiu's robe was dragged to one side, exposing most of his shoulders, he felt cold, so he pressed Shen Ti's chest as hard as he could, and loosened his robe with his fingers.

Shen Ti did not expect An Wu Jiao to be so active, but the hormones have been released by a strong kiss.

The sense of touch became sharp, and so did the hearing, they let out a blatant gasp in the kiss, and although the **** filled the whole body, nothing could stop it.

Shen Ti pressed him under him, took off his clothes, and lowered his head to peel off his innocent robe.

An Wujiu didn't know if he was nervous or could not see, but felt Shen Ti's hand groping on his chest, his clothes didn't take off, but it made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I'll do it myself."

An Wujiu took off his clothes and confronted Shen Ti naked in the vast darkness. Desire swept in like waves, his hands blindly groped on Shen Ti's broad back, When he bowed his head and kissed the **** on his chest, he couldn't help but grabbed his raised butterfly bones.

The pleasure he had never had before freed him from restraint, An Wujiu was enough of the most sensible person, and enough of the persecution and suppression of this ghost place.

He didn't want to think about life and death, and he didn't want to do those **** tasks under the pressure of losing his partner and losing his lover.

Fingers shoved in and stirred his lips, An Wu Jiu couldn't even breathe.


"Stop licking..." An Wujiu spat out his fingers and bit his fingertips deliberately.

"Do you like it?" Shen Ti came up to kiss him.


His kissing method is different from before, very close to lust, kissing to An Wujiao, from the numbness of the cervical vertebra to the caudal vertebra, he doesn't know why Shen Ti can kiss him right in his arms, completely Take all the sensitive points.

He was breathing heavily, but Shen Ti suddenly let him go and lowered his body.

“Shen Ti, you…” An Wujiu tried to reach out to stop it, but failed to stop, Shen Ti kissed his warm belly, the thin and delicate skin of his crotch, and the soft thighs.

Finally, Shen Ti unbuttoned his pants and put An Wugui's semi-erect **** in his mouth. An Wu Jiu was originally calling his name in a low voice, but this action almost changed the last word "Ti".

He rubbed An Wu Jiao's lower body, and pulled out the long silver thread when he pulled it out, just like kissing. Shen Ti thought he was cute, touched the top with his fingers, and scratched with his flexed knuckles.

It wasn't until An Wu Jiao called him by his name half-begging for mercy that Shen Ti stopped and wiped the gland fluid oozing from the top of his finger onto An Wu Jiao's wet fingers.

He went up a little and kissed An Wujiu's side neck, making the peony on his skin pink and hot.

Suddenly, he felt his buttocks being held tightly, Shen Ti kneaded recklessly, and put his wet fingers into the hole.

Probably guessing that An Wujiu was going to resist, Shen Ti directly turned An Wujiu to sleep on his side, with one hand twisting his head to kiss him, the other The fingers are inserted, twisting a little bit at the acupoint, expanding slowly and slowly.

An Wujiu was a little stunned, at this moment he suddenly realized how to do **** between two men. For a moment, he wanted to resist and pressed Shen Ti under him. In terms of the game of power, he was on a par with Shen Ti.

But he finally gave up, because Shen Ti seemed to like it and enjoyed it, and he did the same, and didn't want to resist.

An Wujiu is willing to satisfy any wish of Shen Ti, Shen Ti doesn't seem to know this yet.

"No blame," Shen Ti held his neck, like holding a flower stem in the wet morning dew, his hands were extremely erotic, but his tone was polite, "If you No, I can stop now."

He waited for a second, but An Wujiu opened him up and straddled his legs on his crotch.

"I can't stop."

An Wujiu bowed his head and kissed him, "You are so strange, you want to fall in love with me, hook me halfway, and ask for my permission."

"If I you think you can get in?"

Shen Ti heard a rare shyness in his tone, even though it literally meant more of a threat.

"I didn't seduce you, it was you who seduced me."

"Okay, that's me." An Wujiu didn't intend to defend at all, and even took this charge with practical actions.

He held Shen Ti's swollen penis, a little surprised, the size was too large.

Although he doubted whether he could eat it, An Wujiu still tried it, the skin and muscles at the acupoint were almost flattened by Shen Ti's top, or even broken.

An Wujiu grabbed Shen Ti's shoulders and lowered his body little by little.


Shen Ti felt that his gasping words were so tempting.

An Wujiu recalled the video he saw in the copy of the shelter before, in fact he didn't see much, because it was embarrassing, he turned his face away at that time, only saw the top The person with his face sat on another person's body and fiddled with his waist, like sitting on a very bumpy boat.

So he also imitated that person, holding Shen Ti's chest with one hand and his hip with the other, fiddling with his waist in a rusty and hard way Limbs, rocking back and forth.

The pleasure was almost densely transmitted from the lower body, like a fire that made him dizzy. His intestines were about to burst, making him uncomfortable and comfortable, and the pleasure cluttered everything together, making him degenerate.

He couldn't see Shen Ti's face, but Shen Ti was in his body, and **** was their connection.

And Shen Ti also began to breathe in a low voice, very weak, but gave An Wu Jiao great satisfaction. Shen Ti took the hand that was holding onto Shen Ti's chest, pulled it to his lips, and kissed it carefully, using the purest and most worshipful kissing method.

An Wujiu seemed to be stimulated, he didn't know if it was a certain point in his body, or because of Shen Ti's rare kiss, he trembled for a moment, slumped down in the mist, sweating profusely to Shen Ti.

He cummed on Shen Ti's chest.

Shen Ti stretched out his hand, smeared some **** from his chest and wiped it on An Wujiu's cheeks and the corners of his mouth, kissed again, rolled his tongue, and kissed An Wujiu.

"Taste for yourself."

"An Wujiao, you are really good at seducing people."

An ambiguous sound in the darkness.

"Shen Ti...Shen Ti...too deep..." An Wujiu begged him in a low voice, his legs were trembling, every time he was pushed in, he would make an uncontrollable sound groan.

"If you call me husband, I won't get in so deeply."

Even if he said that, he kept chasing An Wu Jiu, An Wu Jiu was not fooled by him at all.

"You think... I don't know you're a liar..."

Shen Ti smiled, "You are so smart in making love."

He pulled it out a little, An Wujiu subconsciously clamped it, he didn’t expect that in the next second Shen Ti would shove it to the bottom, An Wujiu almost cried out.

"Shut up or not?" Shen Ti deliberately didn't kiss him when he was in love, just hooked him, "Call once, I will definitely make you more comfortable, okay?"

His hair was tucked in his hands, and he was thrusting mercilessly without mercy.

An Wujiu couldn't escape, he wanted to bury his face in the quilt, but he grabbed his hair and had to lift his head up, the wave-like sexual pleasure even made him hallucinated, he It seems that he is not blind, and in front of him is a boundless star, magnificent and strange.

They came from a place where high technology was flooded to an era thousands of years ago. No religion can erode his brain.

He couldn't refuse Shen Ti, couldn't not love him, and even accepted that he didn't love himself.

If Shen Ti is a god, then he must be the last and only believer.

God must love him.

"Shen, it's too"

An Wujiu felt suffocated, as if countless smooth and flexible snake tails or tentacles were running around him, they tightly wrapped around his body, there was no way out, no way to escape...


He couldn't say a sentence, and the voice of Shen Ti came from his ear. At that moment, he seemed to rescue himself from suffocating in the hallucination, "What do you call me?"

An Wujiu's waist trembled uncontrollably, bent to the extreme, and finally almost couldn't bear it, he felt like he was being **** through, completely melted, the original extreme pleasure was like dying People are happy and tortured.

"Husband..." He was a little slurred, panting and saying what Shen Ti wanted to hear, "Husband..."

The snow covered the bright red to boiling love in the night, and also covered the broken restrained moans, how could the snow melt in the blood moon, An Wujiu thought, only himself melted, only is himself.

finally released.

It turns out that he can be shot alive by Shen Ti.

In drowsiness, An Wujiu no longer knew whether he was awake or dreaming, all his senses were focused on the small acupuncture point and the tunnel that was about to be broken, Shen Ti continued, he It doesn't seem to stop at all. Body and **** were separated, An Wujiu's desire floated in the night, but Shen Ti's body was pinned and chiseled.

I don't know how many positions I changed overnight, how many times I was shot by Shen Ti, the delirious An Wujiu couldn't remember, I just felt a lot, so much that he got it all in his long and painful life The paralysis of happiness.

Shen Ti got out of bed, stood on the ground, held him in his arms and **** face to face, An Wujiu could only lie on his shoulders and pant, even begging him not to continue.

In a trance, he heard Shen Ti calling him baby, saying that he loved him, and there was something else vaguely, but An Wugui could no longer hear it.

He fell asleep in Shen Ti's arms.

An Wu Jiu woke up once in the night, this was the first time he felt so weak.

He didn't sleep well, and he always thought that maybe this was their last night in this game, so he was always half awake, and when he was a little awake, he would subconsciously find Shen Ti, I won't be relieved until I feel like he's holding me.

The system of this game is not friendly to him and Shen Ti. Several players on the field are hostile to him, and they are very afraid. Maybe they will kill him on the first night.

There is another gargoyle among the cultists, and even his teammates do not know who he is, and there is a possibility of killing him on the first night, so the witch must be very careful with medicine, Afraid of really saving a ghost.

Thinking of this in a vague way, he was completely sleepless, thinking that the dawn should be not far away, so he lay quietly in Shen Ti's arms, thinking about what would happen if he survived during the day countermeasures.

After lying down for some time, An Wujiu found a very strange place.

For such a long time, Shen Ti did not move at all.

An Wujiu's heart skipped a beat, he reached out to touch Shen Ti's hand and tried to push it.

Shen Ti, who was pushed away, moved, and hugged An Wujiu again.

He was relieved.

At night he asked Shen Ti to take off his gloves because he wanted to touch the lines on his hands. He did that then, and he does now. An Wu Jiu covered Shen Ti's hand, the body temperature overlapped, suddenly, he felt that those lines were alive, very hot, as if surging under the skin of his hand, like snakes, like creepy vines.

He had a hunch in his heart.

But he didn't believe it, nor was he afraid.

An Wujiu told himself that it would not be like this when he returned to reality.

Gradually, perhaps his psychological suggestion really worked, and the changes in the lines disappeared again. They didn't break the ground.

Is he hallucinating?

While thinking about it, An Wu Jiu suddenly heard Shen Ti in his sleep calling out his name vaguely.

"No fault..."

An Wu Jiu lowered his eyes and clenched his fingers tightly.

"Here I am."

When the day dawned, An Wu Jiu's eyes also returned to their clarity. The first thing he saw was Shen Ti's hands, a pair of hands covered with cyan lines and full of tendons.

His broad shoulders were exposed in the cold air. An Wu Jiu was afraid that he would be cold, so he pulled the quilt up to cover Shen Ti.

The snow outside the window was dazzling in the daytime, as if to remind him that Shen Ti and he both spent the first night safely.

Shen Ti also opened his eyes after a while, his first reaction was to hug An Wujiu with a smile.

"Did you not sleep well?" He buried his face in An Wu Jiu's shoulder, rubbed his nose, and smelled An Wu Jiu's comfortable scent.

I really want to thank the altar for such a strong construction ability, any experience can be infinitely close to reality.

"How do you know?"

An Wugui's fingers slid down his half-curved spine.

"Of course I know, you can't rest assured until dawn."

An Wujiu exhaled a long, gentle breath, the white mist condensed and lingered in the air.


An Wujiu was easily influenced by him, and he also smiled.

"What are you proud of?"

Shen Ti raised his eyebrows, "I'm so handsome, and my wife is an extremely smart and beautiful woman, can you be unhappy?"

An Wu Jiu raised his hand and pulled his face.

Shen Ti said more and more: "No, you called my husband yourself last night... It hurts, I won't say it."

As soon as An Wujiu let go of his hand, Shen Ti rolled over and pinned him down, his face no longer begging for mercy, he pretended to be something like that.

"Do you not recognize people with your eyes closed?"

The smile on An Wujiu’s face increased instead of retreating, “Yes, I didn’t see it again.”

Shen Ti raised his eyebrows, his attitude was condescending, and his expression was nonchalant, "Then look at me again."

But he failed.

Holy Sound is very disappointed to make an announcement at this time.

"Good morning, players, I believe you all had a good night."

Shen Ti looked unhappy, "If you don't disturb me, I can still have a good morning."

An Wujiu just wanted to laugh. How can you still quarrel with a system sound.

He patted Shen Ti's arm and motioned for him to go down, but Shen Ti refused.

"Now, please prepare for the morning sacrifice this morning."

The mocking Shen Ti also stopped.

An Wujiu was a little nervous, Shengyin didn't directly announce the death situation last night, he was a little worried and didn't want his companion to have an accident.

Suddenly, he heard an irritable voice from a room not far away, "It's so fast, can't people sleep a little longer! ]

“Is the sound insulation so bad here…” An Wujiu looked at Shen Ti.

Shen Ti touched his head and comforted, "It's okay, the sound is not too loud at all."

An Wugui has nothing to say.

"After 30 minutes, please go to the hall of the Obsidian Temple, stand in front of the lamppost in order from 1 to 12, and perform the morning sacrifice in front of the gods.

After everyone gathers, the specific rules of the morning sacrifice will be explained. "

Sacred Voice released a brief, good news for them without any emotion.

“I don’t know how last night was.” An Wujiu said softly.

"According to them, they probably don't plan to announce it directly. Maybe they will announce death during the morning sacrifice. Wouldn't that be a sudden death on the spot." Shen Ti said, shrugged, and dressed himself. Putting on his clothes and pants, he walked to the table and got a glass of water for An Wujiu. But the water was very cold, he was a little hesitant to give it to An Wujiu.

An Wu Jiu had a doubt in his heart, but he didn’t have much time to think about it.

The snow outside has not stopped all night, and now, there are catkin-like snowflakes floating in the vast sky. The temperature seems to be colder than the day before.

Shen Ti put his cloak on An Wujiu, but he refused.

“It’s very heavy.” An Wujiu said this deliberately, he put the cloak on Shen Ti again, “You can’t get sick yourself.”

When they were going out, they happened to meet Zhou Yijue, and when they met on a narrow road, Zhou Yijue's mouth was slightly raised, and everyone looked polite and friendly.

"Good morning." Zhou Yijue raised her eyebrows, her eyes fell on An Wujiu, "You look good today."

“You too.” An Wujiu looked at him coldly, his face completely lost the liveliness and passion he had when he was with Shen Ti, he was wearing a black fur cloak, a The pale and indifferent face is no different from the delicate stone carvings covered in ice and snow.

Several people had arrived early, among them Lao Yu, he saw Shen Ti and An Wujiu coming side by side with contempt on his face.

"You two got together."

“Is this something surprising?” An Wujiu said lightly.

Shen Ti smiled, "Yeah, shouldn't you think we're a good match?"

Old Yu was choked by the two of them in turn, and stopped talking for a while.

Megan next to him smiled and said, "A good match is a good match, but you two are cultists, or why don't you even bother to avoid suspicion?"

An Wujiu looked at her with a distant smile, "Miss, if you are a good person, it is not the act of a good person to take the lead in provoking disputes and sowing discord among players. ."

Meghan laughed dryly, "Just kidding, don't you really think you are wolves."

An Wujiu lowered his eyes, after he returned to the lamppost he was standing on last night, the others were just like him, each to their own.

Wu You gave him a sideways look, "You always get sleepy, why haven't you grown to the sky."

An Wujiu pursed his lips and saw Matsuura across from him, feeling that his expression was different from yesterday.

Is it possible that he has a status?

"Everyone has arrived, and the morning festival is about to begin. First of all, I will introduce the rules to you."

"Before the discussion of the sacrifice, there is a link for priests in the election. Players who want to participate in the election take a step forward. All the candidates speak in the specified order, and the remaining candidates who do not participate in the election will take a step forward. Players vote to choose the middle priest in your mind.

Please note that the elected middle priest will have 1.5 votes, and this extra half vote may be the most critical choice. "

A player who no longer wants to be a candidate in the middle of an election can withdraw at any time before voting begins, simply by taking a step back. Voting players cannot vote for quitting players.

After the middle priest is selected, we will announce the death situation of the previous night for you, and then the middle priest will decide the order of speaking, players will speak in sequence, when a player speaks, other players will temporarily lose their language Function.

According to the previous election speeches and the subsequent speeches of all members, everyone voted for the cultists they thought were exiled and sacrificed. "

Sheng Yin paused, "Therefore, please observe carefully and speak well. After the morning sacrifice, you will have free time."

"Of course, as long as you survive."

An Wujiu looked at everyone's serial numbers.

No.1 is myself, No.2 is Laoyu, No.3 Tengtangying, No.4 Zhou Yijue, No.5 Megan, No.6 Nanshan, No.7 Shen Ti, No.8 Wu You, No.9 Nuo Ya, No. 10 Andrew, No. 11 Yang Ce, No. 12 Matsuura Mori.

Another countdown appeared above the clearing among them, this time with only ten seconds to prepare.

After ten seconds.

"Players who want to run for priests, please step forward."

"Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4, Number 5, Number 7, Number 10, Number 11, Number 12 participate in the campaign. Number 6, Number 8, Number 9 remain If you don’t participate, you have the right to vote but not have a voice.”

"The order of speaking is randomly selected."

"Player 3 speaks in reverse order, player 2 please prepare."

"The third player Toudou Sakura spoke." Toudou Sakura looked relaxed, "I'm a prophet, I checked the number two next to me last night, because he speaks, I listen Very vicious."

She looked weak and pitiful, "I'm really afraid of this kind of fierce uncle, so I checked it out, he was my killer, a wolf."

An Wujiu stared at Tengtang Ying, when she saw her turn her head, she looked at Lao Yu with a smile.

"Uncle, are you very angry now? I checked it when you came up."

"Or just blow yourself up? Huh?"

Read The First Vampire