MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 107 day in the snow

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Yang Ce continued in a deep voice: "No matter which witch you believe in this round, Andrew is the one who resisted the game, and whoever these two witches go, they will definitely solve it by themselves at night. ."

"From another angle, if Matsuura is the wolf who killed himself, the werewolf among the three wolves cheated by himself, betting that a witch would prescribe medicine to rescue, then there are two wolves left, Matsuura is the wolf Andrew is the Prophet, and Sakura Todo is the witch who sends silver water to the Prophet. Are Sakura Todo and Megan the other two wolves? If you think the three-headed wolves are fighting naked on the field, Then recognize Matsuura as a wolf, his teammates are Todo Sakura and Megan, and a gargoyle who has not yet been determined."

"I remember that No. 6 Nanshan was voted for Matsuura, and his words and deeds were inconsistent. After coming down from the polling station Matsuura, he said that there was a problem with his speech. Is he a gargoyle? In that case, the four wolves are all found, and the game is over? Go to Matsuura today, the witch poison gargoyle at night, get up the next day to push Megan, and the third day the hunter goes out and shoots Tododo Sakura, and the game is over."

After Yang Ce said this logic, everyone began to shake a little.

"Since the wolves' tactics have been so good, they kill themselves, wolves step on wolves, and two wolves jump on two gods. Is it deliberate or stupid to put all your teammates on the spot?"

After he finished speaking, he analyzed the possibility that Andrew was a wolf, "If Andrew is a wolf, then Megan is not necessarily a wolf, if he really kills Megan, he jumps again, and the prophet said Megan It's a wolf. It's not necessarily profitable to do this. You can cheat out the witch, just like Tengtang Ying, who directly cheated her. In this possibility, Andrew and Tengtang are not on the same side, but Lao Yu, who is a wolf.

Tengtang Ying and Tengtang Ying are the two wolves on the same side. There are wolves in the vote for Andrew, and there is a gargoyle who has to barb. On the contrary, when Andrew was the wolf, the other wolves played more covertly. "

, after all, we have grave guards, as long as the grave guards get up and report the autopsy results, the good ones will be on the wrong team for one day at most, I am right."

Yang Ce looked at the others, "I think the person who takes the role of Gargoyle should have three ways to play, the first is the most rigid, jumping the prophet, and the second is not When the Wolves are tested, they choose to paddle as much as possible without expressing their stance, and the third is to test a divine card such as a prophet or a witch, barb the first day, stand on the side of the good people, and not be pushed out to sacrifice."

"I think this time the gargoyles should be the ones paddling the water. I am so forcefully expressing the analysis logic, I will definitely not be a gargoyle. If Andrew is a wolf, I will definitely be at this time. Catch him, if Matsuura is a wolf, I should give him some magic pits at this time, especially the grave guards and hunters that can hide deeply."

Good man, this divine scepter cannot be destroyed, it must be passed on to the good people on the field, if you destroy the divine scepter and cancel the position of high priest, the good person will not have an advantage in voting."

Yang Ce finished speaking.

The snow outside was like the prophecy of the high priest, and there was no pause. There seems to be no food in the temple either, An Wujiu thought, since the "Water City" plot was arranged, presumably the temple wanted them to leave the temple and go to the city to find food.

Yang Ce is right about one thing, this situation was caused by two witches, and both witches stood by Matsuura. Maybe you will eat witch's poison at night.

An Wujiu deliberately said that werewolves can't kill witches when he was speaking, just to confuse werewolves.

He doesn't know the mood of the other players, but the werewolf's mood is clear.

They must be desperate to find the gargoyles, so they listen carefully to everyone.

Even the sentence "Werewolves will definitely not kill witches" is likely to be taken as a hint by werewolves, suggesting that they kill witches at night.

If Andrew is a true prophet, the werewolf will kill Lao Yu at night.

Old Yu.

But Matsuura and Andrew, the two prophets, if Andrew really played so dirty, Matsuura can still protect him, at least tonight, he will know who is good and who is bad.

So there was little suspense this night.

Andrew began his speech: "This one must not come out of me, because I am a true prophet. In fact, I am really helpless, even the witches are on the wrong side."

His helplessness was indeed on his face, and he seemed to be trying very hard to suppress his emotions.

"Since Yang Ce said he wanted to talk about witches, let me talk about it too.

Originally, I was Miss Shintodo, a witch, because she dared to deceive her identity as the first candidate to speak. Unless she was really a priest, she knew that she would definitely not be able to remove it, but After Lao Yu came out to dance as a witch, I was a little shaken, because what Lao Yu said also moved me. He said that he and Matsuura shared the same problem. As a person who really wants to help other people, I can really understand this motivation. Otherwise I wouldn't have tried so hard in the warm-up and hoped everyone would win, would I? "

"But slowly to the end, there is a question that I find more strange the more I think about it." Andrew analyzed the crowd, "You have missed a possibility, what if Lao Yu and Matsuura are on the same side? The Matsuura jumping prophet reported that the wolf teammate was a good person, and the wolf teammate took off and the witch reported that the wolf was predicted to be rescued by him. The two used each other to enhance each other's identity. Can you bet that this is completely impossible?

But because of his speech, people in the circle didn't believe him, and they saw the real witch rescue their teammates from the sword wolf, so they made up the witch and gave Matsuura a better identity, confirming that he is a prophet.

The real self-knife wolf is Megan, the real witch, Miss Todo, did save her, but she was on the wrong team, Miss Todo, you can think about it, if I were a wolf, I would die last night Wouldn't it be too risky for someone who has become a wolf? You know, it's hard for me to win this way. "

"Yang Ce just analyzed the logic of the two witches all standing on the side and pushing me. I think it can only be said that the real witch is also on the wrong side. If Yang Ce is a wolf, he will almost jump up and fight. , I think he looks like a good guy who was deceived by a wolf. You good guys really want to turn around, if Lao Yu is a real witch, he would just poison people at night, why would he jump out? Poison Toudou Sakura at night You can report who your poison is on the next day, right?"

Andrew pointed it out to everyone with his perspective, and emphasized, "Everyone, I am a true prophet, I hope the witch can turn back, Meghan is a werewolf, Matsuura and Lao Yu is also a wolf, Tengtang is a witch, hunters must hide. Today, you must follow my rhythm to vote, and sacrifice the werewolves that I have tested. Only in this way can we good people win, and I will never lie to you!"

Andrew's confession was extremely sincere, and he also pointed out the real wolf pit in his mind, but there is one thing he does not approve of, which makes him a little shaken in trusting Andrew .

Tengtang Sakura will not be a witch, in An Wu Jiu's eyes, the real witch can only be Lao Yu.

Old Yu couldn't hold back his anger and jumped into the witch, it is normal operation for An Wujiu, in Lao Yu's eyes, this person who cheated his identity must be an iron wolf, this time even if he doesn't dance She came out and poisoned Toudou Sakura, and she died the next day, and because Toudou Sakura could be a real witch, she was considered to be killed by a werewolf, not poisoned.

The next day to dance the witch, the credibility is very low, and Lao Yu is not a strong and logical player, so he will suffer from this point, and maybe he will be pushed out of the game by a good person.

If Andrew was a wolf and dressed his teammate Sakura Todo in witch clothes, then Meghan might really be an innocent villager.

An Wujiu is fortunate to be able to test people at night.

If Andrew is a wolf, the good guy is ahead of the wolf, if Matsuura is a wolf, push Matsuura tomorrow.

An Wujiu thinks, he might really jump out tomorrow.

In this game, the grave keeper will definitely die under the sword of the werewolf, now there is no cure, if the good man can win, An Wujiu can be resurrected, if the good man loses, An Wu Jiu is really dead, he doesn't even have the chance to be eliminated as an NPC.

[After speaking, please vote. ]

Twelve options appear before everyone.

Everyone trusted Andrew during the election campaign, and now the two witches must have turned the tide, and everyone may vote for Matsuura.

An Wu Jiu thinks that she is a witch when she is old, and Todo Sakura is fake.

He thought about it and voted for Andrew at the end of the countdown.

If he made a different choice from the others now, it might not be Lao Yu who died tonight, but he was innocent.

If you take a card that can't die casually, you still have to install it.

[Voting closed. ]

The obsidian stele at the top of the hall suddenly projected a silver-white light, and the light that should have fallen directly to the ground was refracted in a certain direction out of thin air.

It finally fell on Andrew.

The result of everyone's vote was displayed under the obsidian, and the words shimmered silver.

[Player Andrew is out, please post your last words. After the last words are over, the sacrifice ceremony will begin. ]

Andrew's face turned white almost instantly. He frowned, as if he was nervous about the next sacrifice, and his hands were shaking slightly.

But he clenched it into a fist.

"I am truly a prophet."

Andrew published his last words, "Actually, when I drew this card, I had expected that even if I was recognized by the good people in the audience, the werewolf would definitely kill me the next night, So I was mentally prepared. But I didn't expect so many people to vote for me in the end."

The results of the vote are displayed in the air, shimmering silver under the obsidian.

Nan Shan chose to abstain from voting, and the rest chose Andrew without exception.

"I think Nanshan's identity is preferred. Although he voted for Matsuura, he pointed out the bad things about Matsuura." Andrew analyzed: "The rest will sacrifice to me, Am I the one who doesn't have teammates? I hope the good guys come back, especially you."

He looked at Toudou Sakura, "I hope you can look back, Megan is the wolf who killed herself at night, Lao Yu and Matsuura are her teammates, now I just need to find a gargoyle, I I think the gargoyle should be in Matsuura's waiting list, you can choose a poison, don't poison the old man, and push Megan out the next day."

Thinking for a moment, Andrew looked down at the divine scepter beside him, "I can't give you this divine scepter." He said to Tengtang Sakura, "Because you may die today, I gave you the possibility You can't get tomorrow either, and I'm not sure you're on the right side."

"I found out that Megan was a werewolf on the first day, and I didn't find a good person, but if I destroyed the good person, the advantage would be even smaller."

When An Wujiu heard this, he only thought that he should never give it to him, he didn't want this divine scepter at all.

"I'll give it to An Wujiu." Andrew finally decided to hand over the divine scepter, "I think you can stand on the opposite side after listening to my last words, and I feel like a good person for your two rounds of speech. Anyway. I can no longer examine people, and if you die too, give it to the tomb keeper who jumped out."

I am the keeper of the grave...

An Wu Jiu looks expressionless on the surface, but inside is full of rejection.

Sure enough, Murphy's Law is true, the less you want to happen, the more likely it will happen.

This divine scepter can be given to Nan Shan who abstained from voting, the witch he believes in, or Wu You or Noah who voted for him as a priest before.

Give it to him…

An Wujiu is very clear that once this divine scepter is in his hand, no matter who is the real prophet, he will be the focus, and the chance of the werewolf killing him at night will be even greater.

This scepter is simply a hot potato. If Andrew is really a good person, this operation may sell a priesthood again.

But at this moment, the scepter of the middle priest has disappeared from Andrew's side, and appeared on the right side of An Wujiu, shining with golden light, which is a symbol of divine power.

[Player An Wujiu inherits the scepter and becomes a new middle priest. ]

[Player Andrew is out and in a coma. All priests, please prepare and sacrifice to Andrew in the evening. ]

At the same time when the holy voice said these words, Andrew fainted and lost consciousness.

An Wujiu stared at him who fell to the ground, took a step and planned to help him up. But Nan Shan helped him up first, and he was still muttering something, which was probably his Taoist incantation.

The sacrifice object of the morning sacrifice will not die immediately, but will pass before sunset. This delay makes the haze of death continue to spread to everyone, lingering go.

Although Andrew's last words said so, An Wugui still thinks that Lao Yu is the real witch.

Thinking of something, An Wujiu turned his head and saw Lao Yu who had left the second lamp post, he chased after him.

Shen Ti also passed by his lamppost, followed behind An Wujiu, and heard him talking to Lao Yu.

"Old Yu, you don't—"

I can't hear him from the back, his innocent lips are moving, but his voice seems to be forcibly silenced, and he can't hear it at all.

An Wujiu also found it.

Old Yu was a little confused, he didn't trust An Wu Jiu at first, so he frowned and avoided his hand impatiently, "What are you going to do?"

An Wujiu opened his mouth and said something, but he couldn't even hear him.

Did he foul?

Isn't it a foul to reveal your identity to others outside of the morning ritual?

Old Yu felt inexplicable, no longer paid attention to An Wugui, and walked away.

And the holy voice also came from An Wu Jiao's mind.

[The morning sacrifice is over, and you try to tell others how to perform night operations outside the morning sacrifice, which is a foul action and will be banned for two hours. ]


An Wujiu was dissatisfied, they never said this rule, but now he can't make a sound, and he has no way to resist.

[Don't worry, everyone's rules are the same, and even the Wolves can only discuss at night. ]

An Wujiao was extremely helpless, but there was no other way but to acquiesce to his punishment.

It's only two hours.

He looked up and met Shen Ti's smiling green eyes.

"You must have been punished by the altar?"

An Wujiu immediately raised his eyebrows and motioned to him, "What do you say?"

Shen Ti burst into laughter, and his joy was like winning some kind of grand prize.

An Wujiu instantly had the idea of ​​wanting to beat him, but then he thought about it, he was all steel, and he was afraid of crippling him, so forget it.

It's my boyfriend after all.

"Don't you want to remind Lao Yu of something, and you were banned by the altar system?" thing!"

Wu You walked towards them, stood still and punched Shen Ti in the back for An Wujiu.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Wu You deliberately lowered her voice to read him, "There is already a person to be sacrificed, you are so happy now, are you still human?"

An Wu Jiu was a little moved, Wu You didn't seem to care if he and Shen Ti were really wolves, he just wanted them not to be targeted by others.


"Shen Ti." The smile on Nan Shan's face was a little embarrassed, and he stretched out the hand that had been caged to press Shen Ti's arm, "This kind of joke is not very humorous."

Shen Ti thought to himself, he was not joking at all.

"Isn't it humorous?" Shen Ti said casually, "Okay," and then added, "Forget it, my skin should be pretty good, otherwise, what do you think, brother blameless? Can you get me?"

Wu You felt very strange, he looked at An Wujiu, "Brother Wujiu, why don't you refute him? You used to tell him not to talk nonsense, you have changed."

An Wugui: I want to be alone.

"Do you feel that it is different from the previous game?" Nan Shan suddenly asked.

"What?" Wu You didn't understand what he meant, but by coincidence, his stomach suddenly screamed, he lowered his head and touched his stomach, "I don't know, I'm just so hungry, since the morning Getting up hungry."

"Yes, that's it." Nan Shan let go of Shen Ti's hand, "In the previous games, our hunger didn't seem to be so obvious, but this time it's real."

"It may be the altar deliberately, let's find something to eat." Shen Ti said.

Wu You frowned, "But there's no food in this place, I looked for it last night."

An Wu Jiu suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the stone gate.

Nan Shan thought for a while, "Yeah, should we go down and have a look?"

Scrape, like a soft knife cutting meat.

An Wujiu turned his head to the side and found that this place was very high.

He looked back and saw that the temple they were in was a pyramid-shaped building, and there was an identical temple on the right side of the temple.

And the two temples are also built on a larger pyramid-shaped base, with steps leading down to the snow-covered plain.

It took a lot of time for them to come from the temple to the ground. Wu You's feet were so cold that she almost slipped down the steps. Fortunately, Nan Shan responded quickly and grabbed his wrist.

"It's too cold here." Nan Shan let go of Wu You and walked forward, not far, he found that the places covered by ice and snow were slightly different, some places were Thick snow, and stepping on it in some places does not feel so solid.

"Is it water?" Wu You thought of the previous introduction, "Isn't this a water city?"

An Wujiu saw that there were many low houses in front of him, and some had smoke from the chimneys, so he raised his finger.

"There is also someone there, I saw it." Wu You pointed to the other household, "Let's split up."

"Brother, you are so sensible." Shen Ti pulled An Wujiu, dropped Wu You and ran away.

Wu You was so angry that she stomped on the snow, "I mean I'm with Brother Wu Jiao!"

But Shen Ti just turned his back to him and waved to him.

"Xiaoyou," Nan Shan reminded, "there is ice, be careful to crack."

Wu You only then remembered, and immediately retreated to Nanshan's side, pretending that nothing happened. Afterwards, he suddenly reacted again and ordered Nan Shan with hindsight, "You are not allowed to call me that."

"Okay, that's Yoyo."

Wu You was so angry that she walked quickly to another house.

Shen Ti and An Wujiu came to the low house where the smoke was blowing, the door of the house opened, and a middle-aged woman walked outside with an empty bucket .

She also saw the two people coming, and her first reaction was to kneel on the ground.

"Good morning, priests."

An Wujiu immediately stepped forward and helped the woman up, but he couldn't speak, so he could only look back at Shen Ti.

Being relied on by An Wugui, Shen Ti felt a little more joy in his heart.

"Don't make such a big ceremony, it's cold, let's go in and talk."

The woman greeted them again and again, respectfully led them into the room, and kept saying honorable words.

"The two rarely come together. They said that the two priests were not compatible. I said they were nonsense at the time. Now it seems that I am right."

"Disagreement?" Shen Ti grabbed An Wujiu's shoulder with a charming smile on his face, "How could it be?"

He was unable to speak because of An Wujiu, and his words were ambiguous.

"I like him very, very much."

Read The Mage of Eternity