MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 109 child crying

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An Wujiu stretched out his hand and stroked Shen Ti's cheek.

Although he has no words and is unable to speak, Shen Ti seems to have read An Wujiu's heart.

His heart is always implicated with his own.

"It's so cold." Shen Ti held An Wujiu's hand, "Let's go back."

Suddenly, a distant and terrifying sound was heard in the distance, mixed with the howling cold wind.

"It sounds like a human scream." After Shen Ti finished speaking, he felt suspicious again, "But it seems to come from a far away place, how could the human scream come from? so big?"

An Wujiao is also unknown.

More like some kind of stabbed beast.

I was thinking, the strange voice appeared again, this time the distance was farther and farther, one after another. The sound was as if a sharp object pierced into their temples, making people tremble and fear.

An Wujiu didn't know what was in the distance, he wondered if it was the same disaster as the blood moon, this thought made him think of the wolf howl during the full moon, but it was different.

Creepy gloom.

An Wujiu's eyes showed the strange look of her husband just now.

"No fault!"

Hearing Wu You's voice, An Wu Jiu looked back and found that he and Nan Shan were standing in the open space in front of the temple, waving at them.

Therefore, An Wujiu had to give up the weird cry and followed Shen Ti back to the temple.

Because there was no food in the temple, everyone except Andrew had to go down to the commoners in the city to get food and water, but they also brought something new.

An Wujiu and Shen Ti got a sharp obsidian knife, Nanshan and Wu You got a stone plate with many intricate patterns. The thin plate for food is similar to the heavy grinding plate above the stone mill. There is a circular depression in the middle of the surface of the plate, and a long strip is chiseled into the depression, connecting the circle in the center and the edge of the stone plate.

"It's like putting something in, and then something comes out." Todo Sakura pointed at the stone plate and said.

Indeed, An Wujiu stared at the side of the stone plate, the engraving on it was the same as the drawing on the ceiling of the temple, there were many warriors wearing feather crowns, as well as gods in the form of snakes.

The sun symbol, snake, these are closely related to Shen Ti.

An Wujiu turned his head and stared at the symbol on Shen Ti's Adam's apple.

"And this," Megan took out a picket carved from stone, about thirty centimeters in length. She placed it on the ground, "I don't know what it is for."

"It's also for you from the townspeople?" Todo Sakura asked.

"Well, I went to an old grandma's house, and she said it was prepared for us." Megan explained.

Todo Sakura nodded, "Matsuura and I went to an old grandpa's house."

Old Yu snorted coldly and said to Megan, "I advise you to stay away from her, she must be a cult."

Tengtang Sakura smiled nonchalantly and turned to look at Lao Yu, "What about you? What did you get back?"

Old Yu's thing was put on the ground by him long ago, it was a spherical clay sculpture, it didn't look like a vessel, An Wujiu bent over to pick it up, and found that there were some columns on it Holes with vertical lines.

"This looks like a musical instrument." Mori Matsuura guessed.

"And that shelf." Wu You pointed to another item on the ground. It was a shelf made of stone. melons.

"I brought this back." Yang Ce said solemnly, "An old man gave it to me."

"The family I went to also only had an old grandfather with gray hair." Noah raised his face, "He also said to me, 'I haven't seen such a lively and lovely child in a long time. '."

An Wujiu suddenly realized something.

When they came to this water city, they didn't seem to see a few children.

"He gave it to me." Noah pointed to everyone, "A drum."

Zhou Yijue was the last person to come back. He patted the snow falling on his body and carried many masks strung with hemp rope in his right hand.

"For you."

He handed it over, one by one.

"These were given to me by the townspeople. He said these were for priests, one for each."

An Wujiu looked at him and found that he only brought back eleven.

It seems that they have defaulted that one person will die today, so they did not prepare the mask of the dead at all.

The blizzard was getting bigger and bigger, Shen Ti and Matsuura closed the stone gate again, An Wujiu distributed the corn cakes they got from Yasia to everyone. The morning sacrifice has consumed a lot of energy, and everyone is full of suspicion and doubts about each other, and no one wants to say a few more words.

The old man is the most tense among these people, which is understandable. He thinks he is a witch on the field, but even if he is not, he is a cultist. He must be nervous when planting, because one of him and Todo Sakura cannot live to see the sun tomorrow.

In the previous An Wujiao, he would definitely not be able to bear these people dying at the altar, but now his heart seems to be getting harder and harder, and it is difficult to sympathize with everyone as before.

At least he thought so.

Wearing Shen Ti gloves, An Wu Jiu fell asleep alone by the head of the bed, he had a strange dream. I dreamed of a huge monster, covered with black scales as hard as armor, each piece glowing with a slight brown-green light, and the center of the scales and the center of each piece was a gem green. Snake Eyes.

Carnival, a semi-solid dance.

Xiaguang, everything is weird and gorgeous.

An Wujiu felt that he was standing in front of him, his eyes could no longer move anywhere.

He seemed completely under control.

It's not just weird, it's not just dangerous, he seems to see the confusion and pain, vulnerability and torture in those countless pairs of pupils.

Facing such a monster that could devour him at any time, An Wujiu actually had a great pity.

In a trance, he clearly saw the monster's chest bleeding, the hard scales seemed to be penetrated by claws, and a green viscous liquid was flowing, it must be his blood.

The pain slowly flowed down his body, An Wujiu lowered his head stiffly, and found himself covered in blood.

His chest was an empty hole with nothing in it.

Suddenly, a familiar "scream" passed by, and a sharp voice tried to pull him out. When he was in the temple, he turned his head sharply, and he saw another monster, a huge monster with red pupils. When he turned his head, the scene gradually disintegrated as if it were collapsing, An Wujiu tried to save him in the temple, but he also disintegrated.

An Wujiu bent down to pick it up, but what he picked up in the end was an old book, the velvet cover was full of dust.

As he turned the first page, he heard his mother scream.

He woke up.

The first thing An Wu Jiu saw was Shen Ti who was standing beside the bed.

"You sweat a lot." Shen Ti reached out and touched his forehead. When An Wu Jiu saw the lines on his hand, he was suddenly shocked, thinking of the picture in the dream.

"How did the lines on your hand come from?"

Shen Ti's first reaction was to find that he could speak, so the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but when he heard An Wujiu's question, he fell into a myth again.

"I... don't remember." Shen Ti said truthfully, "It should have been born."

“Where were you born? Who are your parents, are they still there?” An Wujiu raised many questions.

These are questions that he doesn't think about and doesn't want to pay too much attention to, because he knows that Shen Ti has been in pain for a long time in the past, and he doesn't want to remind him of those unpleasant experiences again.

But this time he really wanted to know, the curiosity in his heart was born of fear, and that dream made him uncontrollably think and think.

He wanted to know why the altar was an altar, and why did his father die prematurely?

Why is my mother crazy? Why was he stuck in a lab and turned into a makeover.

Why did he meet Shen Ti.

Why is Shen Ti different from him and everyone else.

No, maybe he should, because he's not human at all!

An Wujiu is waiting for his answer.

No matter how Shen Ti recalled, he couldn't remember.

He could only tell An Wujiu, "I seem to have been punished, by a similar person."

This answer is ambiguous, unable to answer even a single question, he doesn’t understand why An Wujiu asks this, he also wants to recall it and can answer it properly, but he is afraid that he will not be able to give a perfect answer .

But it was An Wugui who conceded first.

He no longer pressed, but stretched out his arms around Shen Ti and hugged him tightly.

“I understand.” An Wujiu kissed and kissed on his side neck, “I understand.”

When Shen Ti's eyes showed confusion and vulnerability, An Wujiu knew that he didn't need the truth.

No matter what kind of past Shen Ti has, no matter who or what he is, An Wu Jiu doesn't care.

The only thing he cares about is whether he will lose his vigilance.

The holy sound suddenly sounded.

"Dusk has come, please prepare for the sacrifice."

Like others, they returned to the hall as required after hearing the holy sound. The strange thing was that Andrew, who was lying on the bed in the room, was lying flat on the obsidian stele in the hall at this moment. , was put into a sarcophagus.

"Please put on your masks one by one."

Everyone put on masks as required, and brought the objects they brought from the townspeople. The male players lifted the sarcophagus together and moved towards the direction of the holy sound. Walk with heavy steps.

It was a mountain, covered with snow and ice, the sun was half down, the blood-colored moon had already risen, and the sun and the moon were shining together. The red light sprinkled on the snow-white ground is not the glow of the sunset, but the moonlight of the blood moon. A little bit of climbing, following behind everyone, seems to spread to the top of the mountain.

It is very strange, when carrying the coffin up the mountain, An Wujiu kept hearing the cry, every step up, the cry became louder and louder, like the cry of a child.

But there is no one on this hill, only them.

"What are you crying for?" Old Yu yelled at Noah.

Noah, who was walking in front, turned around, there were no tears on his face, and his expression was very innocent.

"I didn't cry, it wasn't me who cried."

This sentence made Lao Yu tremble with fright, and his hand almost didn't hold the coffin.

"What...who is that..."

"I don't know either." Noah turned back as if nothing had happened, his voice was very soft, and drifted to his ears with the wind and snow.

"Probably the ghost of a child."

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