MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 112 second day festival

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A high fever burned until the early morning, An Wujiu seemed to have a lucid dream, and he couldn't wake up.

Until the red light outside the window gradually receded, leaving only the white sky. An Wujiu opened his eyes, his eyesight has recovered.

In the mirror, his face looked very bad, An Wujiu didn't want to go out like this, making Shen Ti look uncomfortable, so he rubbed his cheeks with his hand, until he saw some blood, before he walked out of the mirror leave.

An Wujiu stood in front of the door and took a deep breath before opening the door.

What he didn't expect was that Shen Ti was standing outside the door.

"How come you just..."

An Wujiu's voice was a little hoarse, and in the middle of speaking, Shen Ti held him in his arms.

He didn't seem to care about the results of his body inspection last night, as if he had forgotten about it at all, just hugged himself quietly.

An Wujiu felt that his frozen body was revived in Shen Ti's embrace.

The moment the door opened, Shen Ti saw An Wujiu's face. He was as pale as a dry piece of paper, as if it shattered when touched, and he didn't even dare to hug.

An Wujiu's heart skipped a beat, as if a heat flow was pumped out from it, flowing to every part of his body, making him come alive.

But he was still in disbelief, " did you find my room?"

Unless he's a wolf.

His tone was quite smug, as if he was talking about a great calculation method, "After you went back to the room, I deliberately measured it, I took 6 steps just to go from the door of one room to the other room. At the door, there are 5 steps between the left and right aisles, and you and I are separated by 6 rooms, and I just took 41 steps to reach your door."

An Wujiu suddenly felt a little sad, he raised his head and stared into Shen Ti's green eyes.

"What's wrong?" Shen Ti sensed something was wrong with him.

An Wujiu shook his head, pretending to be okay, just asked him with a smile, "Is that just right?"

Shen Ti then admitted, "It's not so good." He extended the word "then" and smiled again, "There is still a little error, after I woke up, my eyesight recovered. , I found that the wall I was leaning against was Lao Yu's room, so I moved it again."

An Wu Jiu suddenly laughed, the smile was very beautiful.

Shen Ti looked at his smile and always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

He keenly understood the pain in An Wu Jiu's heart, those pains flowed into his heart like a melting ice spring.

But he didn't know how to speak, and he didn't know how to say it so as not to aggravate An Wugui's pain.

Shen Ti knew that he must have thought of something.

Please ask after the morning festival.

“The morning sacrifice is about to begin.” An Wujiu took his hand and said softly, “Let’s go.”

But not now.

It is a new morning, but there is no new brilliance on everyone's faces. Yesterday was as long as a stuck horror movie, both terrifying and a never-ending torment.

But they had to come together to choose a new round of sacrifices.

An Wujiu and Shen Ti separated and returned to the No. 1 lamp post that belonged to him. Soon, a divine scepter conjured by blue light spots appeared beside him, which was the symbol of the middle priest.

"Good morning, priests."

The holy sound appears.

"A new day has begun. Before starting the morning ritual, I will announce the death of last night for you."

This sentence made everyone very nervous for a moment.

An Wujiu thought that if things really went as he imagined, he would not die.

It must have been a double death last night, and most likely it was a real or fake witch.

As expected, the Holy Voice announced the results.

"The people who died are: Player 2 and Player 3. Many players died at night, so there is no last word."

As soon as they finished speaking, Lao Yu and Tengtang Ying suddenly fell to the ground, blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

Neither of them closed their eyes, and through the vast icy air, they stared straight at the frescoes on the dome of the temple until they died. Like Andrew's, the lights on the lampposts of the two of them went out, and the blood on the ground became two pools of blood, which were about to solidify in the cold wind.

I hope they can leave this game safely and become survivors.

But this is destined to be an extravagant hope, because the two are bound to be in hostile camps.

Holy Tones are never emotional.

"Now, the morning ritual begins, please choose the order of speeches by the middle priest."

The order of speech is extremely important in this game. Not everyone can listen to everyone in front of them so intently, and keep in mind that once the cultists speak at the back and have a lot of motivation, then the good people are likely to be deceived and finally shaken when they hear it. , vote the really good guys out.

If we start from the left hand of the two deceased, that is, apart from An Wujiu himself, and the twelfth Matsuura Mori on the left.

An Wujiu himself is the tomb keeper, so he naturally knows that Andrew who was sacrificed yesterday was the real prophet, and the Matsuura Mori in front of him is fake.

But if it starts with him, his identity as a grave keeper may be exposed in the specified sequence. If the werewolf blew himself up and instantly entered the night, then he would have not been able to report the inspection information. die by their swords.

Such a good man will lose three gods.

An Wujiu pointed to his right hand.

"The middle priest chooses to start with the fourth player Zhou Yijue, please prepare the fifth player."

An Wujiu stared at Zhou Yijue's face, there was no surprise or displeasure on his face, as if this unfavorable order of speech was something he had already expected.

Could it be that he was the last wolf who accepted it so calmly.

Zhou Yijue sighed at the two corpses, the usual smile on his face disappeared, and he became uncharacteristically serious.

"Double death last night, it seems that the witch prescribed poison and walked away another wolf who claimed to be a witch. I originally thought that if the witch really knew how to play, don't prescribe poison last night Another witch, but another prophet or someone who speaks like a wolf during the day, so that we will naturally know who the real witch is the next day, and the next day we only need to vote for the fake witch, and we can kill it. Drop an obvious wolf."

Tomb keeper who can verify the quality of the sacrificer.

The tomb keeper can verify the identity of the dead during the day but not the identity of the dead at night. The witch has jumped out and must be killed by the werewolf at night, no matter whether Matsuura Mori is a real prophet or not , they will definitely kill the witch, if he is, this trick can make good people doubt him infinitely, if he is not, the werewolf is even less likely to kill his companion.

real witch.

If Lao Yu poisoned Matsuura Morari last night, and both Lao Yu and Matsuura Mori died in the morning, everyone would clearly distinguish that Lao Yu was a real witch, and voted Todo Sakura out during the day.

But it is very difficult for Lao Yu to start with his Silver Water Prophet, An Wu Jiu is very clear, so he wanted Lao Yu to choose one of the objects other than the Prophet and the Wolf Witch Poison, the most suitable one must be the person the wolf witch claims to have saved, that is, Megan.

But An Wujiu was banned by the system, so he couldn't give Laoyu advice, even though he knew that even if he said it, because of his high degree of distrust of himself, he probably wouldn't will obey.

Zhou Yijue continued, "But now both have died, and the ones who have died are two people who emphasized their witch identity... I have only one suggestion now, don't worry about who is the real witch , they died in the night, and in any case there was a wolf among them, I should be right."

An Wujiu always felt that his speech was implying his identity, just like Shen Ti's speech on the first day.

I didn't expect Zhou Yijue to speak directly: "I thought about it, let's just say it directly, after all, the meaning of my identity is to point the way for all good people."

He wants to jump to the grave guard?

"I am the tomb keeper." Zhou Yijue's face had the usual smile, "Andrew, who was sacrificed during the day yesterday..."

An Wujiu stared into his eyes.

"...he is a good man." Zhou Yijue said.

On the surface, An Wu Jiu was calm, but he was thinking about Zhou Yijue's identity quickly in his heart.

At this time, he jumped out and confronted Matsuura, which would instead expose all the wolves.

Maybe a gargoyle?


An Wujiu suddenly thought of the expression on his face when he met Zhou Yijue in the snow.

He said that as long as he was given a resurrection card, no matter what the request, he would try to honor it.

And now? Could he be blocking the werewolf's knife tonight for himself?

"Of course I know, if I jump out now, there will be a werewolf standing up behind and saying that he is the real gravekeeper, and I am a fake, saying that I am the one who charged for the Wolves. .

But Andrew who sacrificed yesterday is really a good man, he is a real prophet, Matsuura Mori is still alive here, he is a werewolf, and we have lost two priests. Counting me who jumped out today, there is only the last hunter among the people alive. I hope you can hide your identity well and don’t reveal your identity. I also hope that what I said can be distinguished by all good people. I believe you can see my sincerity. "

Zhou Yijue's expression was very sincere, and she looked at An Wujiu calmly, her eyes really resembled him last night.

"At least the sheriff can recognize me, otherwise if I jump out and everyone will not believe me, I will really lose the third priest in vain, right?"

So far, An Wu Jiu's heart has been shaken.

It is possible that his judgment was wrong, but from the last sentence, Zhou Yijue should have found out his identity as the tomb keeper yesterday, and now he is sending him a message, asking him to Don't jump on the tomb guard, let yourself jump.

If he is a wolf, he can only be the gargoyle who does not meet his teammates. Using such an operation to win over him, the sheriff, is actually in line with Zhou Yijue's ability and psychology. They are people who have played against each other before, An Wu Jiu is very aware of his strength.

But at this moment, he still chooses to believe. Even if you don't believe it, if you jump out, An Wu Jiu will die at night.

Who knows how many grave guards will appear later?

After Zhou Yijue finished speaking, he emphasized his identity again, "Today, Matsuura Mori must be released, Andrew is a true prophet, then his killing Meghan will be released tomorrow. I have passed. ."

As number four, he ended his speech and it was Meghan number five.

Compared with the speech the day before, she is more flustered now. The sacrifice yesterday and the sudden death of the two players today made her so frightened that she seemed to need a lot of strength to speak.

Megan frowned and turned to look at Zhou Yijue, "He's not the real tomb keeper, he must not be. Did you hear what he said? He actually said that the witch should poison a prophecy last night Home, is this a good person's speech? If he is a tomb keeper, and he couldn't examine the person yesterday, how could he be sure that Matsuura must not be a prophet? He wants a witch to poison him, this can't be a good person's mentality , he must be fake."

"I am a good man, I have no clergy, I am an ordinary commoner."

She tried her best to calm down and didn't look at the corpse in front of her, "I'm not a wolf, really. Andrew can't be a true prophet, how could he kill me? I'm just a civilian, you want You can also come out of me, and now there is a witch, and the prophet is present, you can come out of me, it is enough, it is enough.”

"I'll just say this, Zhou Yijue jumped out at this time and said that he was the tomb keeper, he was probably the gargoyle, stood up to turn the tide, and said the wolf teammates were sacrificed Prophet, if you really believe him, the real prophet will be sacrificed today."

"I'm a good person, I'll listen to the latter, it's over."

When it was Nanshan's turn, he didn't speak immediately, but thought about it.

"I'm not a tomb keeper." He looked at Megan, "I thought you would photograph a grave keeper and confront him, after all, if Zhou Yijue was a real grave keeper , then Andrew is the real prophet, and you are the iron wolf."

"I still have doubts about Zhou Yijue, the tomb keeper, but you have not given us an identity that cannot be sacrificed. I will hear if there are other tomb keepers in this round. If so, I will Can't tell, I will vote for Meghan."

He didn't say much, he made his stand and it was over.

It was Shen Ti's turn to speak.

Shen Ti didn't sleep well and was doing stretching exercises, only to find out that it was him who spoke.

"It's my turn." Shen Ti stretched, "I think about it..."

He pointed to Guide Shan, "This No. 6 sounds like a commoner indeed."

An Wu Jiu looked at him calmly, but felt strange in her heart.

What is this number.

"What about me, I'm a citizen myself." Shen Ti smiled, "How many people are there now in this game? I said yesterday about the handsome guy with the magic scepter. It is a citizen, so if you want to find the tomb guards, you can only look for four, eight, nine, ten, and eleven, and see if they dance. After Zhou Yijue, there are three people connected, isn't there any A wolf who fishes in troubled waters?"

"I'm not the cemetery keeper anyway, if the cemetery keeper sees that you have offered the wrong sacrifice, he will definitely jump out today to remind everyone to turn back.

If you pass the test and you can survive, you only need to test one hunter, and the game is over. So I think so far, Zhou Yijue is like a gravekeeper, although I really annoy him. "

Shen Ti's face showed some impatient expression, "Forget it, don't swear, my wife should scold me if you swear."

An Wujiu wanted to sigh.

The system banned all people except Shen Ti, and now he is really open.

"Today..." Shen Ti rubbed his chin and looked around, as if he was a suspect, "Just get out of Matsuura and Megan."

"If Andrew is a true prophet, both of them should be damned." His tone was light, still smiling, but it was inexplicably chilling.

Shen Ti soon turned into a broken jar again, "I don't know who the wolf is, I can't find it, don't me order the wolf, and the wolf killed me at night with a grudge , what will happen to my wife when I die?"

An Wujiu pursed his lips, pretending that he is not the "wife" he calls him, and no one knows he is.

But as soon as he looked up, he saw Wu Youzheng vomiting at Shen Ti.

But Shen Ti didn't see it, and when he saw it, he didn't care at all, maybe it would get worse.

"Zhou Yijue, I advise you to be a good person. If someone really jumps to the grave guard later, I may defect in an instant." Shen Ti shrugged, "I'm just so unprincipled."

"If I recognize the real tomb guard behind..."

Shen Ti gave Zhou Yijue a kind smile.

"Then I'll be your gravedigger."

Read The Duke's Passion