MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 120 Crown of Glory

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This wise saying seems to hinder the beautiful vision of part of mankind towards the future. These reformers have been unable to fully entrust their moral quality to education, which is also unequal.

The world, which is about to face a great test, can be reborn beautifully.

To this end, they can and must sacrifice some people. They are the cornerstone of technological research and the pioneers who take steps ahead of all mankind.

Those extreme and almost perverted experiments, except for the invaders and colonizers who were anti-human in the past, no one has carried out on such a large scale.

An Wujiu and those who were injected with bacteria and viruses during the war, whose limbs were frozen and scalded with boiling water, who were dissected alive or who were forced to undergo limb-swapping operations①, What a difference.

From the age of ten to twenty, half of his life was spent in unseen pain and surveillance. Under their spiritual purification experiment, his brain was also destroyed. Evil huddles in punishment again and again.

Repress, repress, repress.

He can't have any bad thoughts.

This is the new human being they yearn for, as long as he can survive and attract worldwide attention, this technology can be promoted.

They don't need to build a new utopia, as long as the evil in the world is eliminated, the utopia will return to this planet.

In the heavy snow, Shen Ti hugged An Wujiu. He really wanted to hide him in his cloak, so that An Wu Jiu could isolate all painful things.

He didn't want An Wujiu to remember any past experiences, even though he knew it couldn't be stopped.

"If you don't like this name, I won't call you blameless in the future."

An Wujiu rested her forehead on Shen Ti's shoulder and smiled softly, "I'm used to it, so I won't feel uncomfortable calling it that."

Shen Ti seemed to ignore his words and chose a nickname for himself, "Dear... baby..."

"Stop." An Wujiu raised his head and looked directly at Shen Ti with an expression he couldn't help, "These are not good, I can't stand it."

Shen Ti burst out laughing, the red earrings swayed, making a crisp sound that matched the snow.

“That’s An An, okay?” He grabbed An Wu Jiu’s hand and shook it.

An Wujiu was stunned for a moment.

"An An." Shen Ti called him again, "Your father and mother should call you that too."

An Wujiu had a strange feeling in his heart. He rolled his eyes, didn't say good or bad, just changed the subject, "They've all gone so far, let's go over quickly."

"Then I'll take it as your default." Shen Ti walked lazily behind, holding his hand.

The cold wind slapped her face like a soft knife, An Wu Jiu walked towards the grand crowd, trying to empty herself.

After he remembered those things, a crazy idea emerged from his heart, undercurrents surged, he wanted to resist, wanted to kill those who used him as a tool, and killed the general The initiator of his fate into the abyss.

But An Wujiu knew very well that he couldn't do it.

These dark sides are the rebound after repression. He knows that the altar wants him to be crazy and wants the extreme emotions he killed as nourishment.

Thinking of this, An Wujiao calmed down.

He cannot be used forever.

Wu You saw that the people in front were still distributing the bark paper, which should be very precious no matter what, so he specifically asked the person who distributed it.

"Who wrote this?"

The attitude of the person who distributed the distribution is still respectful, but the tone is very strict, "Sir Priest, although your status is noble, in the face of God's will, you are equal to all the citizens of the city. This is a big deal. The priest asked the eldest elder in the city to write it in his own hand, in order to spread the teachings of God to the hearts of every citizen."

Wu You doesn't think it's right. If it's just an ordinary game item, there is no reason to have some deliberate blanks, as if to remind them that there are clues to the vacancies.

He was about to open his mouth to ask a new question, when he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"Where does this old man live now?"

The man pointed to the city, "The house with the red roof and red walls in the west is his residence."

An Wujiu thanked him and watched the man go away. In the distance, some people were pushing huge wine barrels with wooden carts. All the people passing by were holding stone cups. The light brown wine poured down under the snow and flowed into the cups.

"This wine looks very hard to drink." Wu You commented in the air.

Shen Ti asked unceremoniously, "Have you ever drunk, little brat."

Wu You didn't turn his head, and made an international friendly gesture to him behind him.

Nan Shan observed the expressions on the faces of those people after drinking the liquor. Everyone seemed to be happy and fulfilled, with red light on their faces.

But he always felt strange, turned his head sideways, and found that An Wujiu was also frowning.

"Do you also have a problem?"

An Wujiu nodded, "Since the first day, the townspeople reminded us about the festival, and today is the third day, which is also the day of the festival. They told us so early, I thought there would be tasks for us to complete, like collecting and holding ceremonies, but so far we've only been spectators involved."

Shen Ti interjected, "At that time, Yasia's husband specially mentioned that the leader would bring back food, and he did bring it back today, but it doesn't seem to be a lot, and this is not the level of famine, It is very unlikely to say that there is no problem. It seems that the altar wants to give us an immersive question for our debut, so we will see if we can understand it. "

This is also what An Wujiu thought, and when he mentioned Yasia, he happened to see Yasia, her face was wearing an off-white headscarf, she was drinking in front of her husband, it was the same Time, she turned around and saw An Wu Jiu and Shen Ti.

As expected, Yasia came to see them warmly, holding a glass of wine in her hand, and invited them to drink together, but An Wugui declined.

"Master Priest, how was the obsidian knife last time?" She asked respectfully, "Is it still a hand?"

Thinking of that knife, An Wu Jiu saw the **** scene of the evening sacrifice.

"Weighing the hand is weighing the hand." Shen Ti replied, staring at Yasia's face, "It's just that I haven't presided over the sacrifice for a long time, and I'm not used to using it. The human chest is really difficult. Open it up."

He said creepy words in a relaxed tone, but Yasia didn't find it scary, but felt that Shen Ti was humble, "How could it be? The priests are the most skilled in the human body. Oh, it's so humble that you sacrificed so many hearts."

Wu You felt nauseated, "Why the heart?"

Isiah first opened her eyes in surprise and looked at him, but still answered respectfully, taking this question as a test, "Because the heart of each of us is God What is bestowed is the dwelling place of the soul, as well as the avatar of sunlight and heat. Without God, we would not have our beating heart. God gave us life. Being able to offer our heart to the gods as a sacrifice is the highest honor! "

These are obviously the knowledge brought to her by religion, but just by looking at her expression and bowing her head slightly, she knows that Yasia, like all other city residents, is extremely pious.

"You are right." Shen Ti nodded with a smile. Only then did Yasia raise her head, showing a look of peace of mind.

The townspeople drank wine and became more and more emotional, dancing strange dances around large and small stone statues.

An Wujiu saw that Noah and Zhou Yijue walking in front were also dragged to the bonfire and stone statue by the enthusiastic townspeople, he wanted to step forward to stop them, but a group of other townsmen also turned towards them Run and try to take them to a rave.

They wanted to refuse, but two strong young men directly lifted Wu You up.

"Let me go!"

Nan Shan almost made a move, but was stopped by Shen Ti, "They won't do anything, just follow."

Sure enough, they put down Wu You before the bonfire and dragged him to dance together.

"Sorry," Nan Shan whispered, "I'm too impulsive."

"What's the matter." Shen Ti pretended to dance with them, keeping an eye on An Wujiu, and said to Nan Shan, "If they moved An Wujiu just now, they might not be able to do it now. Dancing here."

Nan Shan looked at Shen Ti's silhouette and suddenly remembered that he is also a very scary person, but he usually pretends to be as unreliable as him.

The leader stood on the steps in front of the temple. He looked at the citizens of Yangyang under the stage, raised the stone axe in his hand, and shouted some ancient language.

Because of the altar, these players can understand it directly.

"Raise your glasses!"

The townspeople below echoed the leader's cry and raised their wine glasses high.

"The crown of flowers is over, all the warriors who died are glorious, their souls are with the sun god!"

The townspeople drank the wine in their glasses and shouted in unison, "The soul is with the sun god!"

The leader raised his head and looked up to the sky, "Sun God, please give us light and heat, dispel the disaster of the blood moon, melt the ice and snow, and rejuvenate the earth, we will offer the spoils of the crown of flowers, offer us Own!"

Stand silently below and listen.

The crown of flowers?

Sounds good, but seems to refer to some kind of war.

"Rain God, please stop punishing," the leader sprinkled a glass of wine on the snow, "this time we will offer several times more sacrifices than the last time, please forgive the water Citizens of the city, stop the snow and ice from falling!"

The leader prayed sincerely, An Wu Jiu felt that something was about to be revealed, but unexpectedly some guards suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed their arms.

"Priests, please go to the tower to pray for blessings, and give the candidates for sacrifice tonight!"


As soon as the leader's voice fell, the guards took all the remaining eight priests away, rather than asking, it was more persecution.

The so-called **** tower is the stone tower where the high priest is located. Dozens of guards took them here and closed the door.

The stone door slammed shut, and the eight people looked at each other.

"Why are we here all of a sudden?" Megan was a little puzzled, "Could it be possible to discuss here today?"

“Let’s go upstairs first.” Zhou Yijue suggested, he walked up first, and the others followed him up, when climbing the spiral staircase, An Wujiu looked out the window, he was originally I wanted to see if the guards were still there, but I didn't expect to see the house of the "elder" that the person who distributed the bark paper called, with red roofs and red walls, not much distance from the tower.

They can still hear the carnival outside, singing and dancing, but everyone can only enter the circular room on the second floor and wait for the appearance of the holy sound.

"Good afternoon everyone."

The holy voice came as expected.

Corresponding numbers also appeared on the ground, from 1 to 12, in a circle.

"Players, please stand at the corresponding number and prepare to start the morning sacrifice speech."

An Wujiu silently walked towards number 1, he had some thoughts in his mind, about this city eroded by religious beliefs, and about their festivals.

He thought of the picture on the ceiling of the temple, the sound of "screams" from afar, the words of Yasia and her husband, the leader who always went out, and the man who suddenly appeared in the snow The woman, and the crown of flowers in the leader's mouth.

Megan still didn't understand, "Why did you get us here?" She frowned, "Isn't it all in the temple before?"

Shengyin did not answer her question, but An Wujiu thought that maybe he guessed the answer.

Don't let them enter the temple, probably because the pyramid-shaped temple has another function at the moment.


"Before I start speaking, I announce the circumstances of last night's death."

The Holy Voice paused.

An Wujiu looked at Zhou Yijue in this space, he looked very calm, even smiling, his sly fox eyes narrowed.

"The player who died last night was the No. 4 player Zhou Yijue, and there is no last word."

The moment the holy sound ended, Zhou Yijue fell to the ground, blood spread from his nose, nose and chest, gradually staining the entire floor red.

"The middle priest now specifies the order of speaking, starting from the left or right of the deceased."

An Wujiu pointed to the right.

The first to speak was Megan. She was already a bright wolf on the field, and she knew that everyone would push her out this time, so she was much calmer today than before.

"I'm not surprised that Zhou Yijue died, because he is the only gravekeeper who jumped out to correct our perspective. The witch is no longer there, and he must die."

"I think it's hard for good guys to win now," she looked at the others, "Well... there are only hunters, hunters should not jump out easily, there should be two more werewolves, if The game is over when the hunter comes out."

She didn't say much, but she glanced at Shen Ti intentionally or unintentionally.


It is Nanshan's turn to speak.

"Today's sacrifice must be Megan." He said lightly, "Meghan is the wolf that the prophet detected on the first night, so it must be no problem to vote for her. The hunter is indeed It is impossible to come out, and the situation is already very clear, in fact, there is no need for God to jump out, and only hand the knife to the werewolf, I will vote for Megan today, pass."

He was brief, but clear.

An Wujiu looked at Shen Ti.

Shen Ti was still the same, lazy and gags, instead of speaking directly, he smiled and smiled at Megan.

"No, there is nothing to say about the slain wolf, and he is still talking hard at this stage." His breathtaking green eyes smiled as he looked at Mei Gen, "No need, I can only vote for you today."

After he finished speaking, he leaned leisurely against the wall behind him, as if he was thinking seriously, and touched his chin, "Well...I'll think about it."

"Oh, no," Shen Ti raised his head, "Actually, anyone can vote."

"Want to vote for me?" He pointed at himself, and looked at everyone with bright eyes.

Everyone was stunned by him.

"Vote for me."

Shen Ti smiled and raised both hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Don't pretend, I'll showdown, I'm a gargoyle."

Wu You's eyes widened.


Nan Shan was not surprised, because from the first day Shen Ti spoke, he felt something was wrong.

He said, tilting his head, "Actually, it's better to vote for Megan. I can kill people tonight when she leaves. I finally got a villain card, and I couldn't a few nights ago. Murder is a real disappointment."

Shen Ti frowned, completely ignoring all the good people on the court, and openly discussed with another bright wolf, "Anyway, I checked it out, the last **** is No. 11, I didn't sound like a commoner when he said what he said yesterday, and I really touched it."

"I started sending the message in the first round, and it was not bad if you could hear it yesterday. I was afraid that you would kill me at night, so I would be at a loss for this gargoyle. Yes. Vote for me, you kill No. 11 at night, the game is over, or you blow yourself up and go straight into the night, I'll kill him."

Shen Ti smiled and looked at Megan.

"It's up to you, how about it?"

Read The First Vampire