MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 124 log out of the game

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"Fifteen minutes?"

Wu You only felt that this request was unreasonable, "You simply don't want us to win."

But even if he protested, he still failed to change the altar's decision. A fifteen-minute countdown has appeared above their heads.

Noah thought for a while, "What exactly is the second mission?"

Nan Shan recalled what Shengyin had said before, and said to them: "I remember that we need to rescue all the citizens of Water City from danger and confusion, and give them freedom and peace. In the future... I think the danger mentioned here should refer to the disaster of the Blood Moon werewolf, and the confusion may be caused by the religion here, and giving them freedom should be to liberate them from this cannibalistic religion."

"Peace should be peace." Noah guessed.

According to the tradition of human sacrifice, the people here will start wars, bring prisoners of war back for sacrifice, and even the citizens of the city, even children are not spared.

Thinking of this, Noah sighed softly, "It seems that the snow girl I helped that day was a reminder to us, and the shackles and chains on her body implied her status as a prisoner of war.

She said she escaped, and when we unshackled her, she asked if we could really do it, because she knew we were opposites, we were priests , and she was an enemy prisoner of war who should have been our sacrifice. "

Wu You nodded, which made sense.

"I feel that all the people who have appeared here have brought some clues, the city people I met with Nanshan, the snow girl Noah and Zhou Yijue met, the person who issued the bark paper , the divination mother-in-law..."

"Well." Nan Shan looked at the passing time, "So let's not worry, think about whether we missed someone or something."

A shadow flashed in An Wu Jiu's heart.


Indeed, everyone who appears in this copy is the carrier of information they need, none of them is superfluous, and they all get information from it.

Except one person.

An Wujiu raised his eyes and looked at the stone wall, through this airtight barrier, at the strange and terrifying statue.

High Priest.

An Wujiu turned around and planned to leave the temple.

"Brother Wu blame?"

An Wujiu lowered his eyes and saw the obsidian sharp knife they used for sacrifice on the ground, so he picked it up, put on the cape and turned around to show everyone a gesture of going out .

Nan Shan nodded, "Let's go together."

Time is running out, An Wujiu runs towards the tall tower in the strong wind, everything that happened here seems absurd, but it is very real, as if it really happened .

This building, its location, its past customs and common food and handicrafts, all remind An Wugui of old South America.

If the altar really uses the real history as the plot setting of the game, then these characters are well designed and there will be no mistakes.

Looking up at the tower, An Wujiu knew that the result he wanted must be here.

He kicked open the stone door of the tower and went up the spiral staircase to the glass room. There is only one translucent stone door carved from obsidian.

Just as An Wujiu's finger touched the door knocker, the holy sound appeared.

"The High Priest is retreating and praying."

But without hesitation, he held the knocker and opened the door directly.

"The High Priest is retreating and praying."

The syllable repeats again.

An Wujiu was too lazy to care about this, he tried to open the door, and found that there was resistance in the door, so he turned sideways and slammed it with his shoulder.

Shengyin kept repeating that sentence, like a warning sound from a card machine, An Wujiu didn't care at all and continued to bump.

Until he actually broke the door with his own body.

The moment the door opened, a blue beam of light came from the middle of the door.

He felt that something was wrong, and immediately avoided it. Unexpectedly, after the light was translated to the opposite wall, the wall was directly cut in half.

It seems that even if it is found here, the Holy Voice has a hundred ways to prevent players from winning.

Confirming that no similar light appeared again, An Wujiu broke into this glass room alone, with only four minutes left.

All the walls here are made of glass, there are many glass mirrors in the room, interlocking and blocking, like a mirror labyrinth, An Wujiu entered it first, the inside is bizarre, reflecting out a lot of him.

Each An Wu Jiao is full of vigilance, like each other's enemies.

Wandering around, he looked for the figure of the high priest in the labyrinth of mirrors. Just when An Wu Jiu heard a strange movement and was about to follow the sound to search, he felt a chill behind him.

A guy in a red cloak appeared in the mirror, he was holding an obsidian dagger identical to An Wujiu, the blade had been pressed to An Wujiu's throat, and a blood line ran from him The flowers on the side neck gushed out.

An Wujiao's reaction was surprisingly fast, he stabbed back with his hand holding the knife, turned around, and the knife slashed at the opponent's right wrist, the severe pain and impact made The opponent released his hand, and the obsidian sharp knife fell. An Wu Jiu stretched out his hand, caught his knife, and at the same time kicked away the high priest who had failed the sneak attack.

The other party fell suddenly, and fell heavily on the mirror behind him.

His face was covered by the broad cap of the cloak, covering his face with shadows, but there was a faint blue shimmer all over him.

Is this the High Priest?

An Wujiu couldn't make a sound, he thought to himself.

The other party seemed to be able to hear his voice and smiled at him, "Yes."

There are only three minutes left over his head.

An Wu Jiu heard Wu You and the others, not far away, he walked towards the high priest step by step, holding two swords.

The knife in his left hand touched the opponent's throat, and his right hand was raised, ready to stab the opponent's heart.

“You think you will win like this?” The other party seemed to be laughing, but An Wujiu didn’t think about it, and stabbed the knife into his chest.

The only thing that made him feel weird was that the high priest didn't seem to want to stop him.

But he didn't have time to think too much, couldn't speak, and didn't want to say anything, he just happily inserted the knife into his heart.

When Wu You and the others came in, they saw such a crazy scene.

Blood splashed on An Wujiu's face, he was like a ruthless and taciturn killer, and also like a heretic who came to kill God.

“Brother Wu blame? This is…”

An Wu Jiu stared coldly at the person in front of him, reaching out to lift his hat.

The high priest under the cloak is just like him, with an ordinary face.

Wu You didn't understand, "Why did you kill the high priest?"

An Wujiu couldn't tell him the reason.

He has always been puzzled by this game in his heart. With the level of the game set at the altar, there was a blood moon crisis in the city of water, but at this time the high priest delegated all the powers to twelve ordinary priests and went into hiding.

What is the need for the altar to set up such a high priest role, and directly add the player as twelve priests to the game, isn't it the same?

According to the plot of the game, the blood moon in the water city appeared because of the appearance of wolf-shaped pagans. The high priest knew this, but did not appear.

This indirectly led to the cannibalism of the twelve priests.

There is a hidden creator of this game.

Kill them, see them fail, even if they kill all the heretics, they will lose.

The altar has given a lot of hints, the biggest hint is the blocked **** statue. A person who truly believes in gods will never block gods with stone walls.

Unless he is not sincere at all.

The High Priest is the greatest heretic.

"So smart."

The high priest who should "die" laughed, his teeth were full of blood, "You did the right thing, if you don't kill me, even if you get rid of all the infidels, Can't win. I'm fed up, fed up with everything here, these rituals and ceremonies, the day-to-day drama, I'm fed up. I have to thank you for setting me free."

Nan Shan frowned, "Release?"

Blood gurgled from the heart of the high priest, but his face still smiled, "I did nothing wrong, I replaced the divine right here."

An Wujiu suddenly thought of something.

He moved his lips and found that he could speak.

“You are also a player.” An Wujiu had almost no doubts.

The other party raised his eyebrows and praised again, "It's really smart."

"I am a player, a player who almost succeeded in this game, I have also discovered the terrible human sacrifice here, and I also tried to resist and overthrow the original control of the water city, but you Guess what?"

He laughed a little crazy, "I didn't solve this last task, I didn't think that I should kill the biggest theocratic representative, in the last fifteen minutes, I watched success just like this from me. Slip away, so at the end of the game, as an NPC, I became the new high priest."

As the new theocratic representative of this round, a faceless ultimate boss.

Wu You frowned, he never thought that such an anti-human design would appear on the altar, making players who once bravely resisted theocracy but failed become the new symbol of theocracy, disgusting and unable to escape such a Location.

The high priest said, his smile became bleak, "After becoming the high priest, the game restarts, and everything starts from scratch. I watch another group of players enter here, go the wrong way, and make Wrong choice, but I can't do anything, they failed to pass the level, the game restarted again, batch after batch, and there was not even one person who could replace me and let me leave smoothly. To be honest, I almost gave up ."

Here, the game over and over made him fully see the control of this religion on people. He is like a real stone statue, unable to survive or die, he can only stand here and become An immortal symbol.

And his heart that once thought he could win and save everyone was completely drowned out in this restart.

"But I waited for you, and you succeeded." The high priest looked at An Wujiu, "I was finally eliminated."

Nan Shan asked, "What about the new priest?"

"Who knows?" The other party said indifferently, "There must be other unlucky NPCs on top."


"The game is over." The high priest said this with a smile, and the countdown above their heads stopped at the last minute.

An Wujiu suddenly said, "What about the people here?"

"People?" The high priest smiled, "The game will be restarted. You don't think this is not a game, do you."

An Wujiu did not speak.

"Even if not, yes, this is based on real history, here is Tenochtitlan, and the prototype is Aztec civilization." The high priest walked towards him, his face He smiled mockingly, "So what? In history, they sacrificed countless living people because they believed in the existence of God. Because they believed that God was white, they were enthusiastic about the invading Spaniards, and they were killed in the end. You are just a game player, what do you think you can change? History? Or the future of NPCs in a game?"

He mocked An Wujiu, as if mocking himself.

"Ah, maybe it will. The people here see you with white skin, and maybe they will welcome the enemies who come in the future, and then they will all be killed."

Wu You told him to shut up, but the other party did not intend to stop.

"You can save some people, but you can't change the end of the game, and you can't change the end of the world. Understand?"

These words made An Wujiu suddenly remember what his father said before his death.

No one can be a savior.

"Game over."

"Congratulations to everyone who has become the survivors, and played the final ending of the blood moon festival in this round of the game, and all the players of the good camp will also survive."

Even after hearing such words, An Wujiu asked, "What about the werewolf faction players?"

"All players in the werewolf camp died."

An Wujiu knew the answer.

"Congratulations again, I will now take you to the point settlement interface."

Obviously won the victory, but An Wu Jiao's mood did not improve. The high priest who just died was like a shadow, branded on his heart.

But thinking of seeing Shen Ti soon, An Wu Jiao can breathe a little.

As he thought, after a while, the countless mirrors around them all shattered with a bang, and everything around them shattered into blue light spots, and finally disappeared.

They entered the white space as before, a group of particles around An Wu Jiu gradually formed a human shape, it was Shen Ti.

This scene made An Wujiu feel a little unreal, as if Shen Ti was really just a virtual character, so he was stunned for a few seconds.

until Shen Ti took his hand and gave him a smile full of security.

"What are you doing?"

An Wujiu shook his head.

In addition to Shen Ti, Lao Yu, Andrew and Zhou Yijue from the good camp also returned to the settlement space alive, An Wujiu was not only happy, but also felt sorry for Matsuura Mori and Todo Sakura who left.

The competition system made them have to kill each other, no one is wrong, An Wujiu has no position to give up the game, because there are so many teammates behind him.

And Yang Ce.

An Wujiu didn't know how to tell Yang Erci what happened, and he couldn't predict whether Yang Erci would collapse when he heard that his father had died at the altar.

But he believed that even if they didn't match, Yang Erci would still be alive.

And Zhong Yirou. An Wujiu felt very uncomfortable thinking that they might be alone in the altar to survive.

Hope they are all safe.

The altar assigns them points.

“The reward pool for this round of the game has a total of 120,000 points, and the last four players: An Wujiu, Wu You, Noah and Nanshan can get 20,000 points, and For players of the same faction who died in the game, the four of you will get 10,000 points."

After allocating, the holy voice spoke again.

"Survivors, the gate of the altar is about to open, and now the system will log out of your game account, I hope you all have a smooth and happy life in the real world."

An Wujiu frowned.

Before he had time to express his doubts, his body suddenly felt a rapid fall, and finally fell hard.

He opened his eyes, and he had returned to the game cabin.

Pressed by the breathing mask, An Wujiu felt that his breathing was particularly heavy, the wounds he suffered from self-inflicted damage in the copy this time have completely disappeared, only the original wrist scars remain.

Drowsy, An Wujiu suddenly wanted to know why he was injured so badly, obviously he is an experiment living in a sterile environment, a perfectionist meticulously carved product.

They should not allow themselves any flaws.

The hatch opened, An Wu Jiu saw Shen Ti, the moment they met, he noticed Shen Ti frowning.

“You also think it’s strange.” An Wujiu said.

Shen Ti nodded, "Yes."

An Wujiu didn't have time to speak when a familiar voice with a smile came from behind him, "This time I didn't mention the time limit for returning to reality."

He turned his head and saw Zhou Yijue's smiling fox eyes.

"Maybe the shrine game is over." Zhou Yijue seemed to be relaxed.

"So happy." Shen Ti stabbed him without mercy, "If it's over, you may be a widow for the rest of your life."

An Wujiu grabbed his arm quickly, but Shen Ti muttered to himself, "No, this situation should be called a widow or a widower..."

An Wujiu took his elbow and turned it around, and reminded in a low voice, "Don't say it."

Zhou Yijue raised her eyebrows, seemingly indifferent, but when she walked past Shen Ti, she said lightly, "Be careful of the curse on yourself."

Shen Ti twitched the corners of his mouth.

It really is a bad embryo.

“I will not be a widower.” He said to An Wujiu, “My wife is so strong.”

An Wujiu raised his hand and pinched his face, "Where did you learn these words from."

"I don't remember." Shen Ti smiled, saw Nan Shan and Wu You walking towards them, raised his hand to say hello, then lowered his head and put his arms around An Wujiu's waist , forcing him to paste himself.

"I was sacrificed, are you sad?"

"What do you think?"

Shen Ti looked at An Wujiu's face, "It looks a little sad."

An Wujiu was too lazy to care about him, nor complained.

But Shen Ti did not continue joking, but took the initiative to apologize, in a gesture of showing weakness, very sincere and cute, "I'm sorry, I made such a risky decision this time, you It must be very worried and the pressure is also very high. But if you say it, it will be a foul, and I can't tell you."

An Wujiu shook his head, "It doesn't matter." He raised his hand and touched Shen Ti's cheek, "Just survive."

Nan Shan suddenly appeared beside the two of them with a smile, holding her hands together, "Wu Jiu is really worried about you, he didn't leave you the night after you were sacrificed."

An Wujiu suddenly felt embarrassed, "No..."

Nan Shan continued: "He even cried."

An Wujiu looked puzzled.

When did he cry? ?

Shen Ti was so moved that he pulled An Wujiu into his arms, "Really?"

"You think beautiful, the Taoist lied to you! Brother Wu Jiu didn't shed a single tear when you died." Wu You's face was extremely bad, and he tried to pull Shen Ti away, but he didn't move.

Shen Ti stared at Nanshan.

Nan Shan's squinting eyes widened, and then she laughed again.

"I heard that people can't cry when they are the saddest."

Shen Ti pursed his lips after hearing this, "You have to cry for me next time."

An Wu Jiu was puzzled.

"What is this strange request? I can't cry."

Shen Ti smiled, "I will find a way to make you cry."

Nan Shan, who was always slow, suddenly covered Wu You's ears very quickly.

"Not suitable for children, do not listen to indecent manner."

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