MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 137 rejoice in pain

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The moment she saw Shen Ti, An Wujiu's heart clenched fiercely.

"Are you alright?" An Wujiu put down the gun and checked the wound on his body, "Why is there so much blood."

Shen Ti put down the weapon he brought back tiredly, freed up one arm to embrace An Wujiu, half hugged An Wujiu, but did not touch him, soothed in a low voice : "Not all my blood, but someone else's."

An Wujiu was full of thoughts about Shen Ti's injury, he checked one side, there was a bullet scratch on his shoulder, still bleeding.

Shen Ti nodded, he never thought to deceive An Wujiu.

"I killed all the pollutants at the gas station, then changed to a better car there, filled it up, and suddenly a carload of people came and they wanted to inherit my time, Get out of the car and shoot me."

He described it simply, in a relaxed and casual tone, as if he were a bystander, "Four men, two young, two middle-aged, and I killed one of them and seriously wounded the other , I shouldn't be able to live for long after escaping."

After explaining, Shen Ti lowered his eyes and retracted his **** hand.


Human life has no value to him, but safety is very important, he does not want to violate his values ​​and hurt other people.

He has seen An Wu Jiao struggling to maintain his kindness with his own eyes, so he also wants to be a good person like him.

Seeing Shen Ti like this, An Wu Jiu's heart seemed to be clenched by an invisible hand and crushed.

He raised his arm to hug Shen Ti, but Shen Ti avoided him.

"A little dirty." Shen Ti spread his arms, showing the blood and mucus on his clothes.

An Wujiu shook his head, and stubbornly hugged him without saying a word.

“Shen Ti, you did nothing wrong, don’t blame yourself.” An Wujiu leaned against his shoulder and hugged him hard, “Just come back.”

He doesn't need Shen Ti to be a perfect person at all.

An Wujiu hates the word perfection.

Shen Ti only needs to be Shen Ti.

He sighed silently, and rested his chin on An Wujiao's shoulder.

"No blame, I hurt so much."

Shen Ti's tone sounded a little aggrieved, which made An Wujiu, who was originally very sad, suddenly unable to hold back and laughed.

In fact, he doesn't hurt, those people are not his opponents at all.

Shen Ti didn't even think about killing people, but when the bullet was fired, the man himself deviated from the initial position, fled, but hit the key.

I knew it and I would have beaten my thigh.

An Wujiu quietly bandaged Shen Ti's wound, Shen Ti stared at his shoulder for a while, then turned to look at Wu You.

Wu You's condition is not very good, the number of tentacles has actually increased again, the surface of the tentacles began to secrete mucus, a drop of it accumulated, and it fell to the floor, making a rusty corrosion sound.

Shen Ti hoped that he would not have an accident or lose his humanity, otherwise he might have harmed everyone if he chose to keep him.

“Okay.” An Wujiu clenched his teeth, tied a fixed knot, kissed Shen Ti’s shoulder again, raised his face and gave him a gentle smile, “Also Does it hurt?"

Shen Ti shook his head and touched his forehead with his cleanest forehead, "Thank you."

An Wujiu gave him a kiss.

"You're welcome."

After Shen Ti returned, An Wujiu dared to close his eyes and fall asleep, but his subconscious was still full of vigilance, he only slept for about two hours, but during these two hours, he repeatedly dreaming.

The same dream as the previous hallucination when I closed my eyes.

He was sure that it was Shen Ti's voice, saying something intermittently.

But he was a child at the time.

When I woke up, the night had not yet faded, the sky had just turned white, and An Wu Jiu realized that he was sleeping on Shen Ti's lap.

He raised his head and found that Shen Ti was looking at him with his eyes open, and blinked like an animal.

An Wujiu laughed and moved his body.

"Didn't you sleep?"

Shen Ti shook his head, "I'm not sleepy."

He was not sleepy at all, but was very energetic. For some reason, Shen Ti's hearing became extremely sharp, so small that he heard the subtle sound of Wu You's tentacles moving, and it was so loud that he could almost hear the surrounding One kilometer of movement, so noisy that I can't sleep at all.

"My God!"

Zhong Yirou's voice caught their attention, An Wujiu followed her shocked gaze and turned back to see Wu You's face.

No, to be precise, it was the extra pair of eyes on Wu You's face.

These eyes are the exact opposite of his original eyes, completely black.

"Wu You? Wu You?"

Hearing the sound, Wu You woke up from his sleep, he unexpectedly found that he could see An Wu Jiao in front of him, but the vision was dark, An Wu Jiao was a red image , like the picture under the infrared monitor.

He turned his head and saw Zhong Yirou walking towards him from the bed, her signature big wavy curly hair was easy to recognize.

Wu You turned back and looked around the room.

He suddenly realized that there was one person missing.

[Brother Wu Jiu, where is Shen Ti? ]

Shen Ti could also hear what Wu You said. He felt very surprised and waved at Wu You, "Am I not here?"

Wu You heard it now, but he felt very strange and stared at the direction of the sound.

[You are here. But I can't see you. ]

Shen Ti laughed angrily, "Just like you now, who can you see?"

Wu You's two tentacles stretched out, one pointed at An Wujiu and the other at Zhong Yirou.

This is embarrassing, and the other two all look at Shen Ti.

"That's why I'm special." Shen Ti shrugged.

An Wujiu turned his face sideways and glanced at Shen Ti, Shen Ti just changed the subject and told them that this place is not safe and they have to leave as soon as possible, so they just cleaned up. While they were sleeping, Shen Ti had already scoured everything that seemed to be useful here, and brought them into the car together.

After they started the car, An Wujiu suddenly spoke up.

"If Wu You can't see you, does that mean that other pollutants can't see you?"

Shen Ti said he was not sure, but he recalled what happened last night.

"It's pretty stupid to think about those pollutants yesterday, spinning around me."

"That's it." Zhong Yirou thought for a while, "In that case, you are very suitable for sneak attack."

"But people can still see it." Shen Ti said casually while driving.

In fact, there are not many human beings left, and even fewer can become enemies.

They drove along Route 413 to another city, the destination was Chauvin Enterprise, along the way, An Wujiu saw too many dead people and pollutants, they once Also human.

Just as they were about to enter the next city, they saw an unforgettable scene.

An Wujiu is here for the first time, so it is also the first time to see the city's landmark building - the rotating metal tower, which is a tower constructed from a semi-liquid alloy The shape of the structure, said to be rotating, is actually because of the particularity of this alloy, which makes the whole building appear to rotate within a certain range.

This is the representative of the city of technology.

But now, the revolving tower is full of human corpses, polluted stumps, blood and mucus mixed together, dark brown in the early morning sun, it is not like a tower, like a self-esteem An unappetizing dish from a very high restaurant, a weird tower-style plate, weird food drizzled with sticky syrup.

Zhong Yirou almost couldn't hold back and vomited.

"It should have escaped up." Shen Ti said in a low voice, driving past this building without looking sideways.

He didn't want An Wu Jiu to look either, but he glanced at the rearview mirror, An Wu Jiu looked back there.

Every place and every cold corpse passed by, put a heavy shackle on An Wujiao's heart.

An Wujiu even wondered if he should not live to this moment.

The earlier you die, the earlier you can come back, and these people have a chance to be reborn.

"No fault, you can't think of anything else right now."

Shen Ti saw through his heart and told him directly, "Be sure to live until your time runs out."

An Wujiu raised his head.

"You have a certain chance to go back to the past, but if you don't collect enough intelligence now and don't understand things as much as possible, even if you go back, you won't be able to solve the fundamental problem."

Zhong Yirou nodded, "Shen Ti is right, if you want to succeed, you can't take luck, we have to figure out why the altar invades reality, and if there is anything that can be cracked way, otherwise even if you really can reincarnate over and over again."

She turned her face sideways and looked at him, "No blame, that just keeps you in the same pain."

"I see," he said. "I won't take shortcuts easily."

He can't either.

Backtracking once, his life value will be a little less, these life values ​​may not last long in the process of his reincarnation, he also has a kind of card that needs to be exchanged for life value.

Nothing is enough.

There are collapsed buildings everywhere, and the sound of pollutants in the distance, gnawing and sweeping, and there is a stench in the air.

Zhong Yirou held a pistol in her hand and carefully observed the surroundings, "Let's go to a supermarket first, add some..."

Before she could finish speaking, she heard a knock, and the window glass shattered—

Zhong Yirou didn't expect Wu You's actions, she turned around suddenly, looked over, only to find that his tentacles had pierced a pollutant alive, the pollutant roared in pain, and even kept He was attacking them, but now, he could only be pierced by Wu You's tentacles and dragged to the ground following the fast-moving car.

Not long after, Wu You suddenly stretched out another one, this time it was Shen Ti's car window that shattered, the speed was so fast that Shen Ti was taken aback by him .

"Do you want to pierce my neck?" Shen Ti stepped back, his body was completely on the driver's seat, freeing a space for Wu You's tentacles, and continued to drive with great difficulty.

An Wu Jiu saw that Wu You had wrapped his tentacles around the legs of the behemoth, so he lowered the car window, aimed the gun at the monster's head in the moving car, and filled the guy for him.

Wu You then retracted both tentacles, but at this moment, the roof of their car shook violently!

Zhong Yirou raised her head and felt that a sharp claw was about to pierce the metal roof, and pollutants jumped up! She hurriedly raised her gun, but in an instant, Wu You's tentacles burst out of the window, swiftly and nimble, grabbing the opponent like a giant python.

They can't see the specific passage, only the sound of beating, the roar of pollutants, and the collision and roll on the roof.

With a final thud, half of the pollutant fell off, slid down the windshield, and finally rolled to the ground.

Looking at the **** windshield, Shen Ti sighed and turned on the self-cleaning mode.

Zhong Yirou was very excited, "Wu You! You have become too strong! You are the strongest!" She was about to slap Wu You on the shoulder, but Wu You's The reaction force was too fast, and the tentacles stretched out first.

This tentacle is not the same as the one he just killed the monster, it is small, there is no mucus or fangs on it, it is soft.

Zhong Yirou was stunned for a while, her palm still hanging in the air, when the small tentacle in front of her suddenly stretched out and patted her palm.

Like a high five.

"You're so cute!" Zhong Yirou hugged Wu You's head from the back row, so frightened that Wu You's tentacles trembled, the corrosive mucus was suddenly seized and dripped on Shen Ti on the legs.

"It hurts..." Shen Ti grabbed his sleeve and wiped it frantically.

An Wujiu was amused by them.

They sat in the car, shuttled through the short-lived safety, and had fun. Everyone was smiling happily, as if nothing terrible had happened and loved ones had not left.

can not hear.

"Hey, there's a big supermarket in front." Zhong Yirou patted Shen Ti's shoulder, "Let's go buy some water and food."

"It hurts."

An Wujiu can't remember Shen Ti's first time complaining about pain, he smiled and watched Shen Ti stop the car and get out of the car with him.

“I’ll touch you.” An Wujiu holds the gun in one hand, and the other hand gently puts the gauze on Shen Ti’s wound.

Shen Ti showed a satisfied expression.

The shutters of the supermarket were half open, they could only bend over to go in, An Wujiu walked in front, Wu You almost got stuck at the door, Zhong Yirou dragged him in for a long time.

The inside is quieter than the street outside, there is lighting, but the lighting is dim, there are a lot of goods scattered on the floor, and several rows of shelves have fallen to the ground, as if there are traces of fighting.

An Wujiu cautiously said to act together, but it is bigger than expected, with two floors, Zhong Yirou suggested to separate, she and Wu You went to get medicine and medical supplies, Shen Ti and An No blame for water and food.

"Alright then." An Wujiu checked the bullets in her gun.

"But you can't communicate with Wu You." Shen Ti said.

"It doesn't matter." Zhong Yirou patted Wu You's tentacles, "If he sees danger, he doesn't need me to communicate with him, he will definitely take action."

That's true.

"Then let's get it together as soon as possible, gather here and go out together."

Watching Zhong Yirou and Wu You go in another direction, An Wujiu turned around and went to the food area with Shen Ti.

Put everything you can see and eat.

Shen Ti suddenly heard a sound, not on the nearby shelf, some distance. It sounded like a living thing coming out of its throat, with the familiar gasp of pollutants.

“No blame.” He grabbed An Wujiu’s wrist, “Come with me.”

Shen Ti followed the sound, walked through the rows of shelves, and came to the fresh area. A lot of raw meat in the freezer was gone, but raw meat was not a good choice for humans to flee.

An Wujiu also feels wrong.

The sound is getting closer.

The door was held back by many heavy objects, as if afraid of the things inside running out.

"You step back." Shen Ti moved those things away and prepared to open the door.

His subconscious is accurate.

After opening the door, the cold air poured out, and the contents inside made An Wu Jiao unable to believe it.

It was a contaminant that was **** and trapped here. Those tentacles were pitifully clinging to the icy ground, and a needle was inserted into the contaminant's neck.

Unlike Wu You, this pollutant can no longer see human faces, but the hair is still human long hair.

This is a female.

An Wujiu got closer, because he found a micro communicator on the ground, which was equipped by the supermarket staff, but when he tried to pick it up, he found that the communicator was fixed on the ground.

Everything is very strange, why do people trap pollutants in the refrigerator and seem to be listening to her.

Who is this pollutant?

No, it's not so much being trapped as it is raising this pollutant.

Shen Ti stared at the pollutants in front of him and had a strange association. He felt very familiar, very familiar, but it was impossible.

Suddenly, the communicator rang, and a voice came from it.

An Wujiu felt that all the blood in his body was frozen at this moment.

Because that was a very, very familiar voice to him.


On the other end of Zhong Yirou and Wu You, in order to find medicine, they went up the stairs to the second floor of the supermarket, they passed through the shelves, Wu You almost half wrapped Zhong Yirou with tentacles, protecting go with her.

"Ah, I found it." Zhong Yirou pointed to the other side, she suddenly thought that Wu You couldn't hear either, so she had to tug at his tentacles and drag him to the medical supplies area.

"Can you take your tentacles?" Zhong Yirou couldn't even look up, "Help me take some."

Suddenly, she froze for a second as she heard a muted gunshot.

Zhong Yirou thought it was an illusion, but in the next second, Wu You, who was injured in the back of the head, fell on the shelf, his tentacles stuck into the back of his head, as if trying hard to take out the bullet.

"Wu You? Wu You?" Zhong Yirou wanted to help him.

But the next second, a gun hit the back of her head.

Zhong Yirou's heart was about to jump out, the shelves were collapsed by Wu You, and they fell in rows. Only then did she realize that Wu You was not only shot, but also had a needle tube in his back.

The collapsed shelf shattered the medicine cabinet, and the broken glass reflected her face and the man standing behind her.

Zhong Yirou frowned, her tears suddenly fell from her cheeks for some reason.

A chill climbed from her tailbone to the back of her neck, and almost all her bones were shaking.

Is this a dream?

“… Erci?”

The gunman looked at her blankly, the finger that once gently stroked her cheek was now on the trigger.

This must be a nightmare.

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