MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 145 third round

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He remembers it all.

An Wujiu was a little surprised, when he backtracked last time, Shen Ti kept the same behavior as everyone else before, just a backtracking, he was already in complete synchronization with himself , and even have previous memories.

In fact, Shen Ti, like himself, can be regarded as a person who has come back.

So, Shen Ti clearly remembered the process of killing himself, as if he still had the pain of bullet penetration.

An Wu Jiu rested his chin on Shen Ti's shoulders and stroked his back.

"Sorry, if it wasn't for a corner, I wouldn't let you do it."

Shen Ti chuckled lightly, "You should be glad I left the last bullet, otherwise it would be really desperate."

An Wujiu was stunned for a while, he didn't know that it was actually Shen Ti's last bullet.

Even Shen Ti could not have imagined that the purpose of this bullet would be to kill the person he loves.

Shen Ti did not expect that, when he left for a short time, he did tell An Wujiu "call him in his heart, he will definitely come back", he may have the ability to hear his inner voice, but An Wujiao was useless to order himself to kill him.

For the sake of others, An Wu Jiu will do whatever it takes.


Wu You, who was sitting in the co-pilot, had a speechless expression on his face, turned his head and stared at the two of them dejectedly, as if saying, "Why do you hug and hug all the time as soon as you get in the car? Are you mad at me?" etc.

Seeing him, Shen Ti laughed directly, stretched out a hand and pinched his face.


Shen Ti said in a relaxed tone, "I'm not used to seeing your little face."

Wu You rubbed her face, but didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

Shen Ti didn't answer, he turned his head to An Wujiu and said, "Isn't it? The little monster looks so cute after looking at it for a long time, and there are little tentacles..."

An Wu Jiu didn't wait for him to finish speaking, she just reached out and covered his mouth.

"I think you're dreaming." Wu You complained coldly, turned his head to look out the window, and was almost frightened by a contaminant blowing at him.

Like the previous reincarnations, Nan Shan who was driving asked them where they were going now.

Hearing Nan Shan's voice, An Wu Jiu felt like a lifetime away.

Seeing that An Wu Jiu didn't respond, Nan Shan also looked into the rearview mirror, "Wu Jiao?"

“Well, I was thinking.” An Wujiu replied softly.

This time he must not let them die.

He doesn't know how many chances this will be, but in any case, at any cost, he can't accept everyone dying because of him, it's too painful.

Thinking of this, An Wujiu recalled the development of the situation under the previous decision. In the last round, in order to rescue Wu You, whose throat was cut by the masked man, he changed his route, which eventually led to Yang Erci's death. Death opens the worst time line for the death of all members and the destruction of the destiny of all mankind.

Now he understands that no matter what decision he makes, it may lead to disaster, but in any case he can't pass up any opportunity.

Innumerable timelines, infinite parallel time and space, there must be a relatively perfect possibility.

His purpose is to find this possibility.

"I have something to tell you."

He told the two of them what he could go back to. As he thought, Nan Shan and Wu You couldn't believe it.

Shen Ti took his hand, "Wait, let me try."

An Wujiu was a little inexplicable, she saw Shen Ti stretch out a hand towards Wu You and grab his shoulder.

In an instant, Wu You felt a force pouring from his shoulders and poured directly into his brain.

It's just that what he can see is not what he has experienced, but what Shen Ti has seen.

In this time of memory reflow, he finally knew that Shen Ti had lied to him.

They didn't part ways at all, and they didn't agree to see each other the next day.

The Nanshan was already dead at that time.

Excessive memories flooded his brain, Wu You felt like a machine that couldn't handle big data, and briefly collapsed for a few seconds.

In those few seconds, there was only a silent picture left in the still mind. The dead Nanshan was lying on him, resisting all the pollutants.

That was something he never knew.

Shen Ti let go of his hand, originally wanted to ask him if he had received these memories, but when he leaned over, he saw a glittering teardrop quickly falling down Wu You's cheek.

He understood immediately and didn't ask anything.

It seems really possible, Shen Ti looked down at his hand.

At this moment, the hands under the gloves suddenly became hot, and the marks on the skin were like many worms trying to get out.

Shen Ti clenched his fist tightly, released it again, saw the road going straight through the windshield, and said to Wu You, "Help me to watch the car."

Wu You was stunned for a second, then turned around and saw Shen Ti put his hand on Nan Shan's shoulder.

Like him, those memories belonging to Shen Ti all flowed into Nan Shan's body. In this way, they all retrieved the memories of the previous reincarnation, which is equivalent to going back with them.

"I originally died so soon." Nan Shan recovered from the overloaded memory and smiled bitterly, "I couldn't help everyone."

"No." Shen Ti shrugged his shoulders, "Just pretending you're still alive can stabilize a little monster, you've helped a lot."

Wu You just wanted to punch Shen Ti's face with a fist.

"Shut up the liar." He finally held back, after all, he is a mature person.

Shen Ti folded his hands and put them on his chest, with a holy father expression, "This is a lie of love."

"Since the situation was so tragic last time," Nan Shan said to An Wujiu while driving away from the roadblock, "We must be careful this time."

"Yeah." An Wujiu nodded, and then said a proposal that all three of them objected to.

"I want to go it alone this time."


Wu You was the first to shake his head, "It's too dangerous."

"Yeah." Nan Shan also opposes the practice of acting alone. "We don't have the tools to keep in touch. Once we separate, it may be difficult to meet each other."

Shen Ti didn't speak, but just by looking at his expression, An Wujiu knew that he didn't want to, after all, it's been less than fifteen minutes since he died last time.

"I decided this for a reason."

An Wujiu checked the time, speeded up, and seized the time to persuade them, "I must save Erci and Yirou this time, they must be on their way to Yirou's house now, According to the intelligence from the previous round, they were attacked by masked men on the way in the same vehicle.

One will definitely save them. "

, isn't this a death sentence?"

“No.” An Wujiu told him, “The masked man can predict me, but he can’t predict Shen Ti, as long as Shen Ti is there, I know what I know in his eyes It becomes unknown, because just me and Shen Ti can combine four possibilities: 1. Let's go to save them together, 2. Neither Shen Ti nor I will go, 3. I will save them alone, 4. Shen Ti Save yourself."

Shen Ti knew what he meant.

Nan Shan also understood, "So the masked person can only think and predict in these four possibilities."

“That’s right!” An Wujiu continued, “The masked man is conceited and smart, in the last round of confrontation, he would definitely find that I found that he could not predict Shen Ti’s actions in advance, so This time he will definitely factor that into his tactical considerations, that's the weakness."

Shen Ti nodded, "So you have to act by yourself, because you are betting, the masked man knows that you have discovered this, and will use it to let me, who was not foreseen by him, go to the rescue alone. Erci and Yirou, because this is the solution that maximizes the benefits of the four possibilities.”

"Yes, so I will do the opposite, this time I will go by myself." An Wu Jiu firmly said, "I will bet once, betting that he cannot predict my prediction. ."

Wu You suddenly became clear, "I understand, as long as the masked man believes that this time is Shen Ti going to the place where Sister Erci died last time, everything is clear in his field of vision. Yes, rather than changing the strategy to kill us, killing an unknown Shen Ti and getting rid of Sister Erci is the best choice. We didn't know how he would choose, but now that he looks at it, he will definitely choose to keep the original one. plan, isn't it?"

Shen Ti patted his shoulder in relief, "The little brain finally opened up."

An Wugui is transparent and visible to the masked man, but with Shen Ti, the situation becomes complicated.

The masked man is unknown to An Wu Jiao, none of them can predict that this guy will appear at that critical moment, he also seems to be reincarnated and has memories, when An Wu Jiao changes his strategy When the time comes, the masked person also changes, which is the trickiest bit.

But as long as Shen Ti's smoke bomb is thrown out, once the bet is right, the masked man's choice becomes predictable.

"If you really counted, he really did the same as the last time," Nan Shan was a little worried, "You are going to fight him head-on."

"It's not the first time." After An Wujiu finished speaking, he saw an off-road vehicle that was attacked in front of him. The owner of the vehicle had become pollutants and was still in the driver's seat.

He knew this was an opportunity.

"Stop it, Nanshan, I'm going to that car!"

Although Nan Shan is still worried, he knows that he can't stop An Wu Jiao.

"Be careful."

After An Wujiu got out of the car, he took the gun from Shen Ti and stood in the chaotic street looking at them with determination and hope in his eyes.

"We'll meet soon."

He looked away and smiled at Shen Ti.

Shen Ti also hooked the corner of his mouth.

He knows who he loves.

Pursuit of justice, kindness, strength, is a guardian who grows from suffering and saves all his companions at all costs.

"Go, I'll protect them."

Hearing this, An Wujiu felt at ease.

He opened the car door and closed his eyes when he heard Nan Shan chanting the rebirth mantra to the polluted car owner.

At a certain moment, he seemed to see the appearance of this gentleman before his death, and heard his voice, the voice of a human being mixed with the strange cries of pollutants.

He said he didn't want to be a man-eating monster and begged him to give himself a relief.

An Wujiu didn’t know why he who entered this reincarnation seemed to be able to hear the sound of pollutants, as if they were the same kind.

He originally didn't want to kill the owner of the car in front of him, but the pleading continued, he felt the pain, he could only lift the hand holding the knife, ended his controlled life, and got on the The car, the autopilot was out of control, and he started the car himself.

Nan Shan also restarted the car, they glanced at each other through the broken glass window, and finally drove in different directions.

An Wujiu let Shen Ti stay in the car, together with Nanshan Wuyou, he was also a back-up.

Seeing that Shen Ti can directly transmit memories just now, An Wujiu is even more certain, he must implement such a plan, because his power has already awakened a lot.

As long as there is Shen Ti, the fate of Nan Shan and Wu You can be changed.

An Wujiu calculated the time, according to the last time, when the four of them arrived at Zhong Yirou's house, she had brought Yang Erci's body back home and gave first aid, so if he wanted to rush Find her before Yang Erci dies, at least forty minutes earlier.

This time he backtracked and restarted when they first got in the car. About 20 minutes have passed, and according to what happened in the last round, the four of them were caught by many pollutants along the way. After being sleepy for a long time, now that he came out alone, it was too late to change the schedule directly.

Yang Erci and Zhong Yirou should still be on their way. An Wujiu is not familiar with the city's road conditions, but fortunately the car has a map of the city road conditions saved before, An Wujiu found Yang Erci's house and Zhong Yirou's house. According to the information they gave before, they were blocked. The road to kill should be a road connecting these two places.

The query function is destroyed, An Wujiu can only watch while driving, and has hitchhiked many times, An Wujiu knows Yang Erci's driving habits, she will take the initiative to exclude some high traffic roads that are easily congested , to take some small roads with relatively few people. Now the situation is chaotic, many places have been destroyed, and people in the whole city are busy fleeing. She will definitely find the nearest road with the fewest people.

After thinking about it, An Wujiu chose one of these paths, but he did not intend to drive directly to that path, but turned around and drove to another place.

He wants to cut corners and block their way before the masked people go.

This road takes 18 minutes at the fastest, as long as there is no accident, there will be time to stop them.

During driving, he encountered countless pollutants on the street. He had never understood the language of pollutants in the past, only felt that they were screaming, but this time, he actually Can hear the voice of every pollutant.

An Wu Jiu thought that they would be full of killing intent, what roared would be the words that wanted to kill him.

But this is not the case.

[I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry...]

[Why am I like this? I also have a daughter, where is my daughter? ]

[Mom…Mom save me, I can’t find my home…]

[Kill me! Kill me, I don't want to be like this! ]

[Supreme God, give me the right to eternal life! I will definitely serve you forever! ]

Just like normal human beings, they express hunger, anger, fear and madness. These extreme fears swallowed by evil gods have become the only emotion that dominates them. From the moment, there is no escape from it forever.

An Wujiu never thought it would be like this.

It would be terrifying if a person was only left with fear all his life.

The instant he read them, all the pollutants changed from the monsters that ate them to the poor people who turned to him for help, trapped in the monster's skin, constantly repeating Extreme emotions, like death's punishment for Sisyphus, can never be relieved.

But he can't communicate yet. All of what he said about the pollutants, they didn't seem to hear.

If it is Shen Ti, maybe they can cut the chains of these pollutants and liberate them from extreme emotions, just like Wu You and [Zhong Yirou].

, almost impossible to think.

At that moment, he suddenly noticed the subtle electromagnetic interference sound coming from the seat, which was very special among the noisy pollutants and caught his attention.

An Wujiu did not stop driving, freed up one hand to rummage along the sound, and finally found a communicator, a semi-surrounding silver metal strip, put on the back ends and attached to the Behind the ear, there is a humming electromagnetic sound.

He reached out and touched it, and the sound inside immediately changed to a symphony.

The sound of pollutants becomes less pronounced under the impact of the symphony.

He drove towards the intersection of the target street, just as he reached the previous intersection, he suddenly saw a giant pollutant attacking two young students, an injured boy blocking In front of the other girl, an iron rod was used to fight the giant pollutant.

It is impossible to survive. The height of this pollutant is as high as the twenty-story high-rise building next to it, and the only tool they can use is a long and heavy iron rod.

The pollutant roared, and unlike other people who were only afraid, An Wujiu could understand its voice.

It was looking for his daughter.

For this reason, it continued to go crazy, and the huge tentacles swayed, smashing the surrounding railings, and slamming and throwing away the fire hoses that were originally used to fight the fire.

How ironic that a contaminant caught in a desperate search for a daughter is harming two poor children.

The in-vehicle system beeps.

[Vehicle speed is reduced and ETA increases by 1 minute. ]

An Wujiu glanced at the time, it was estimated that the journey would be 18 minutes, and it was originally half a minute away.

If he stops to save them, he may miss this chance to save his classmates.

According to his prediction, the masked man will still follow the original plan. When he finishes dealing with the matter here, he may only see Yang Erci's cold body again.

But if it doesn't help...

An Wujiu kept approaching, in the gap of the symphony, he heard the girl's cry.

Another dilemma.

[The speed of the vehicle continues to decrease and the estimated time of arrival increases by 1 minute 12 seconds. ]

The tentacles of the pollutant slapped the water pipe violently, and the water pipe was thrown in front of the innocent windshield.

[You have yawed, turn right to reach your destination! ]

[You have yawed—]

An Wujiu, who was turning the steering wheel, lowered the window at the same time, reached out and grabbed the water pipe that was about to slip, and shouted at the two students, "Run!"

The moving car tugged at the tugged water pipe, entangling one of the tentacles of the huge pollutant.

The sudden drag force diverted the attention of the pollutants, all focused on An Wujiu in the car, all tentacles were retracted, and the two children finally had a chance to escape.

Being too late to respond to their thanks, An Wu Jiu released his hand from the window and accelerated with all his strength. The huge shadow chased the car and soon completely enveloped him.

On the edge of life and death, An Wujiu finally saw the fork in the road.

He spun the car abruptly, turned the car sideways, quickly opened the door, threw himself sideways and rolled to the ground!

His shoulders slammed to the ground, and the huge impact made him dizzy.

But as he expected, the pollutants chasing him at high speed were too large to avoid the sudden obstacle, and the off-road vehicle was enough to trip him.

An Wujiu got up quickly, raised his gun and aimed at the head of the pollutant.

The pollutants that were shot were even more unable to control their huge body and fell heavily to the ground.

The surrounding buildings trembled, An Wujiu ran over with a gun, aimed at the pollutants and filled the gun until it was confirmed that it could no longer get up.

The body of pollutants blocks this whole road, and this is what An Wujiu wants.

It should be not far from here.

An Wujiu made sure that there was enough time, and quickly ran back to the car with the shoulder injury. The car was also hit hard by the collapse of pollutants, but it was barely usable. After An Wujiu turned around, he drove to another road, targeting the only three-way intersection that Yang Erci was likely to turn to.

Maybe the masked man will appear in the next second.

An Wujiu stared at the broken windshield and kept repeating in his mind.

This time will be in time.

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Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction