MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 152 retrieve memory

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Yang Erci was holding a gun and staring at other people's places through the magnifying mirror.

Lilith who suddenly opened fire, the group of pollutants that surrounded them in an instant, Zhong Yirou who was polluted, and Russell who appeared out of nowhere, these emergencies made her anxious.

But the last words An Wujiu told her kept repeating in her mind.

would be dangerous. ]

[Be sure to live to the end, kill me, and we will have a chance to do it all over again. ]

When she saw the first bullet shot towards An Wujiu's head, she immediately fired. Yang Erci knew that it was another [Yang Erci] who carried out the order, and she seemed to be more capable and more ruthless than herself.

Yang Erci quickly followed suit.

But she was very sure that when she pulled the trigger on An Wujiu's heart, she could clearly see the clothes on An Wujiu's chest being torn apart in the double mirror The tentacles of the scorpion tail pierced from the inside out, covered with green mucus, and cut open An Wu Jiao’s chest like a sharp blade.

What is that?

It doesn't look like Russell's tentacles.

She didn't have any room to think, everything seemed to be turned off by someone, and the screen went black.

The world doesn't even exist anymore.

The screen did not return to normal immediately, but just flickered as if it had malfunctioned.

An Wujiu realized that he did not immediately return to the new past time point, his consciousness and body seemed to be separated, floating in different places.

At the moment of his death, a severe headache broke out, almost like it was about to burst, but he didn't know why, and it wasn't so painful when he was shot before.

It wasn't until the pain subsided that he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He heard a voice, which gradually recovered from a stiff electronic female voice, and finally became his own voice.

[You have now opened this memory card, which means that you have reached the critical moment of survival. ]

An Wujiu was a little shocked, on the one hand because of the voice, on the other hand, he didn't expect that his memory was really opened.

According to Zhong Yirou, it should be that his brain or body was stimulated by a lot of energy.

But it should be just Erci's bullet, why is this?

[You are right, I am An Wujiao, it is you, not you, the difference between us is that we come from different time and space, which is what we discovered later. You can understand the altar as a collection of one hundred parallel time and space. I am number 98 and you are number 99. The reason why I came to you is because I am dying, and I am asking you for help. ]

Suddenly, many data light spots appeared in front of An Wujiu's eyes. Soon, these light spots gathered and projected a person exactly like him.

The number 98 is printed on the back of his hand, his expression and movements are very similar to himself, and he is covered in injuries, like a man soaked in blood.

An Wujiu stared at him, almost forgetting that he was almost the same.

[The 100 parallel space-times of the altar are independent, like many completely closed rooms arranged in sequence, and no one can disturb anyone. But one day, An Wujiu in Room 0 suddenly found out that he could open the door of his own room and the door of the next room at the same time. That's right, it's me and it's you. ]

No.98 An Wujiu looked into his eyes, as if looking at a very distant person.

He couldn't see himself, An Wujiu thought.

Nerve, suppresses the evil in our nature, trying to make us infinitely close to a perfect person.

But after entering the altar of peace and blame, the extreme twisted hatred bounces back, we are all the same, so it becomes an extreme double-sided character, jumping between extreme good and extreme evil , In space 0, he has no disadvantage in the altar. If you want to win, you have to be cruel. In the environment of the altar, where the weak and the strong eat, he becomes more and more cold-blooded.

In the beginning, he, like us, had the goal of finding his sister, but this goal was gradually overwhelmed by revenge, when he accidentally discovered that there was another self. , just kill him directly, that is, An Wujiu in space 1, he is very smart, you know how smart he is, he can react quickly, that is not his original time and space, if you don't act first, you will die. may be himself. ]

No.98 An Wujiu coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood.

[I have to speak quickly. In fact, it's almost the same in the back. No. 0 An Wujiu found the card leading to the next one in each time and space. This cycle went back and forth. Before, he killed too quickly and easily, so An Wujiu in the original time and space couldn't react at all. .

When the 45th time and space, that An Wu Jiao did not die immediately because of the help of his companions, he found that No. 0 An Wu Jiao came from another time and space, and the goal is to keep killing Go down until the last time and space, because No. 0 An Wu Jiu believes that this is his way to clear the entire altar game, as long as he kills all An Wu Jiu and smashes us into useless data, he can leave here. ]

An Wujiu felt a chill rising straight up, icy and biting. In front of him, No. 98, An Wu Jiu, controlled the system panel and played a new image for him.

The projection was right beside No. 98, An Wujiu clearly saw An Wujiu who had lost an arm in the picture, he said with a pale face, "I don't know you Can you see this video, what I'm going to say below is true, if you see a person who looks exactly like you with the number 0 engraved on the back of his hand, leave quickly, at least escape safely, his The purpose is to kill you, to kill all the time and space of An Wujiu..."

An Wu Jiu didn't understand how this image traveled through time and space and came to the hands of other An Wu Jiu who had not suffered yet.

But 98 quickly explained the doubt for him.

[This projection is saved in the data card. The data card has a function, that is, it can be used as a winning reward for other players through the system, but can not specify candidates, only conditions, No. 45 deduced that on the timeline, each time and space has a certain degree of delay compared to the previous one, but the levels experienced are roughly the same, so No. 0 can accurately kill because he has experienced them all.

So, No. 45 limited the level he just went through, and gave restrictions according to his own conditions, just like this, after the victory of No. 46 time and space, An Wujiao got this reward , saw this video. ]

It was.

But An Wujiu conjectures, No. 46 may be vigilant, but this delay may not be long for No. 0, as long as he finishes solving the previous one, he will immediately move to the next time and space, also You can hit No. 46 and be caught off guard.

But why not? But what about retrograde from No. 99 to space No. 98?

[I know, you must be wondering why I am like this…]

The projection flickered for a while, No. 98 An Wu Jiu looked like she couldn't last long, but he still tried his best to finish.

evil. And we can only constantly transmit data and cooperate with the next self, which is far less efficient than No. 0, so when we face him, the ending is very tragic. You always know yourself best, let alone a high-level self?

time, try to make him win. All the way to me, 98th…]

In the projection, he clicked on the panel in front of him, and in an instant, countless projections appeared in front of An Wujiu's eyes, densely juxtaposed, starting from No. 45 to No. 97, each of which was filled with Their own faces, different processes, different ways of dying, and the same dying words, they repeated their weak voices to each other, and finally died repeatedly in this world of consciousness outside of time and space.

Number 98 in the projection coughed again, covering his mouth with his hand.

[According to the information given by the tester of this game, the number of the copied server is only 99 at most, so, only you... No. 99, you will be different...]

[I will soon become data and disappear into this world. You must try to be the survivor among us if you can.

Only in this way, An Wu Jiao's kindness can stay, and the complete An Wu Jiao can survive...]

Just like that, all projections disappeared in an instant.

An Wujiu's heart suddenly began to ache, as if being pierced by thousands of fine needles.

He suddenly understood the prophecy in the Blood Moon dungeon - desperate, repeating the same mistakes, self-destruction.

These three words really summed up everything about him.

It turned out that before him, there were so many of them who had worked hard to survive.

But why did he come to the 98th time and space?

Suddenly, the continuous pain of the heart stopped beating, and the memory began to flow back. It was only the memory of No. 99.

Many images and memories returned to his brain like lost data. Those overloaded data flooded in like a flood, annihilating him and suffocating him.

He saw himself, alone in the original No. 99 time and space, without any companions, nor any friends, just a silent winner, a lone winner.

He won game after game, accumulated a lot of points, collected easter egg cards, the advantage, getting stronger and stronger, but only revenge remained in his heart.

Finally, one day, he got a data card and a projection, which completely changed him.

At first, An Wugui didn't fully believe, he was just full of suspicion, until he really met a person, masked and hidden.

As the projection said, the man wanted to kill him.

No. 99 An Wu Jiu has been dealing with No. 0 for a long time, he finds that every step of his plan, every counterattack, is in the opponent's arms, that person seems to be able to know everything he thinks, in his In front of him, An Wu Jiu didn't even have the ability to play games.

Under the design of the other party, he even lost the sister he finally found, and his right wrist was almost abolished by him.

Severely injured, No. 99 An Wu Jiu reopened the data card and read all the content, not only No. 98, but also many of his past, their experiences before their death.

He suddenly realized that this would not work.

Like every An Wu Jiao in the past, embracing the pain and wounds of the past, personally acting as An Wu Jiao to fight another self, it will not work, because the other party is also An Wu Jiao .

What they've been through, he's been through too, and more.

The repeated experience of playing against herself makes No. 0 stronger than either of them.

At a critical moment, An Wujiu saw that there was an Easter egg card in his system, a card that could go back in time and travel through time and space.

At first, he didn't know where he could travel, but now he understands.

Since this is a green light given by the altar system to No. 0, then he can also use it.

He can go back in time and get another chance.

But even if you have one more chance, it is almost impossible for you to beat your stronger self.

In order to survive, An Wujiao had to calculate himself.

As of now, in the face of No. 0, who has evolved to be almost unmatched, he may have only one way to have a chance of success - that is to make him a different kind of innocent security. No blame.

Let him lose his past experiences, erase those pains he has experienced, those unbearable experiments and injuries, forget all the hard feelings, give himself an ordinary person's identity, and find someone who can support each other companions, friends, and even lovers.

As long as these memories are sealed and become completely different, there is no hope of winning him.

In the last time, An Wujiu uploaded his original memory with the memory data card drawn from the easter egg, and implanted the heart memory that was tampered with by him.

Before traveling to the 98th time and space, he finally recorded a voice, leaving it to himself who will know nothing after waking up.

[It's too late...]

[Trust me, you will find all your memories. ]

[You need company, never alone. ]

In order not to be discovered, he specially processed the audio and changed the voice, so that he would not doubt it at that time, it is best to think it is the mother's voice logically.

In this way, No. 99 An Wu Jiao used this card in the last time, at the cost of his unrecoverable serious injuries and health, as well as all the levels, points and all the rewards he experienced , everything that was obtained by fighting for this life will be erased and confiscated by the system.

He retraced the time and space, came to the 98th space, replaced the 98th An Wujiao who no longer existed in that time and space, and became a self with a different past. , you can feel the warmth of friends, and you can have a completely different future.

[…must survive, come see me alive. ]

A lie, deceived him for a whole time line, led him to come here, and the "me" he saw was both me and not me.

This is the end and the beginning.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes