MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 7 Mechanical wrist bone

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Zhong Yirou looked at An Wujiu, and then at Shen Ti's mask.

"You two play with me."

“No.” An Wujiu shook his head with a serious expression.

Zhong Yirou looked at him suspiciously, An Wujiu bent down and picked up the wine bottle just placed on the ground, only to find that he was holding a bottle of champagne, a little unbelievable, "Where did this come from? I don't remember the supplies."

An Wujiu pointed at Shen Ti with the bottle of wine, and said honestly, "His."

"You dare to drink his, what if it's poison?" Zhong Yirou almost rolled her eyes, feeling that this little white rabbit-like boy in front of him didn't look like the person Yang Ming said. .

Could it be a scam, find a starting target, and then defeat each one.

An Wujiu explained, “I only drank it after he drank it.”

"Okay..." Zhong Yirou understood and looked at Shen Ti, "Then where did you get it?"

The questioned Shen Ti took out the virtual panel, turned to the point exchange interface, swiped his fingers, found the same champagne, and showed it to them both.

From his actions, An Wu Jiu could see a hint of pride.

Zhong Yirou's reaction was bigger than An Wujiu imagined, "Are you crazy? Everyone gets a redemption opportunity every round of the game, do you use it to buy wine?"

She glanced at the price tag under the champagne on the screen again, and wanted to pinch herself, "This bottle of wine actually sells for 3,000 holy coins! I also got 5,000 coins in the last game. Eh. The price is so outrageous, why don't they grab it?"

After she finished speaking, she made an angry move, "No, you can't lose your temper, it's not elegant."

Shen Ti shrugged and slid his fingers casually, as if showing her other product interfaces.

An Wujiu paid special attention and suddenly understood why Shen Ti didn't buy other things, probably due to the nature of this game, the food and drinks on the product page showed that they could not be purchased, the only thing that could be purchased was This expensive wine.

"It's so expensive." He muttered to himself, and then took the initiative to hand the wine back to Shen Ti, if it wasn't for the injury to his right hand, he would have returned it with both hands, "Sorry, I... just took a sip."

But Shen Ti only stared at his hand, then raised his head and crossed An Wujiu, expressing refusal to accept it.

"It must be that he is not used to drinking, he is a real loser." Zhong Yirou shook his head and said to An Wujiu, "Go ahead, you don't have any other supplies."

Her tone made An Wujiao ponder for a while, like comforting, and a little apologetic.

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yirou tapped An Wujiu's cheek with her slender fingers, "I just wanted to say, what's wrong with your face? It's so red and there are fingerprints on it. "She got closer, An Wu Jiu's skin was too white and too thin, I don't know how much force the other party used, the marks left are particularly obvious.

“Nothing.” An Wujiu shook his head slightly.

Zhong Yirou didn't believe it, she raised her eyebrows, "Someone is bullying you!"

An Wujiu did not speak, he stared at Zhong Yirou's face.

He didn't say that it was not a show, but hoped to show his weakness and innocence in front of those who had already targeted him.

Her face seemed to show resentment and loyalty, but he was not sure whether this woman could be trusted. But if the current perception is really quantified into a scale, the [trusted] side must have gained a little more tilt so far.

In the end, An Wujiu did not respond to Zhong Yirou's words, but asked another question, "Why did you guys enter this game?"

Zhong Yirou glanced at him and corrected: "It's not 'you', it's us."

Because of An Wujiu's statement, she seemed to accept the possibility of this person's amnesia, her face relaxed, "Everyone comes in for different purposes, some are for money, and they want a lot. Money, some people just want to live in a wealthy area, to breathe clean air, and to see the sun. Others want to save other people's lives, save their own lives..."

She smiled, "Actually it's the same, it's all about satisfying her own desires."


This keyword caught An Wu Jiao's attention.

He guessed that the purpose of his initial entry was to save the mother on the sickbed. It's just that he was a little surprised. He originally thought that many of these participating players would be forced to enter, but he did not expect to participate voluntarily.

Is it myself at the time?

Nowadays, the regular medical resources are astronomical for ordinary people. If the terminally ill mother wants to survive, she can only spend money, a lot of money.

This may be his only solution.

"You know what? After I won the first round, I returned to reality, and I exchanged all my holy coins for bonuses, which was a full 20,000 yuan, and I used them to buy beautiful clothes. , and had a great meal." Zhong Yirou's expression was not as happy and excited as what she said, "That was the first time I had real steak, not cheap synthetic protein, but meat. I also Opened a bottle of wine, poured two full glasses extravagantly, and poured one glass on the ground." She explained with a small expression afraid of being said to be wasted, "Give it to my friend."

"Sorry." An Wujiu said softly.

Zhong Yirou smiled, "What are you sorry for has nothing to do with you."

An Wujiu asked again, "Can you return to reality every time the game ends?"

Zhong Yirou nodded, "Yes. But there are only 24 hours. If you don't return to the game cabin after the time has passed, you will be executed." She stretched out her finger and tapped her forehead, " Remember the man before the warm-up game, the same end."

24 hours…

At least we can meet.

"Hey." Zhong Yirou put her arms around her chest and glanced at An Wujiu's hanging hand, "How did your injury come about, don't you remember?"

An Wujiu shook his head at her.

"This is how tragic the last level was to get such a serious injury."

The entire right arm was severely bruised, and the flesh on the right wrist was directly open. If it weren't for this metal skeleton, I'm afraid this hand would be gone.

Zhong Yirou mentioned something, but made An Wujiu ponder.

If what Yang Ming said is true, he is on the same level as him, and he is the one who controls the overall situation to win the greatest victory, then why is he seriously injured, but Yang Ming is fine, even in a suit Not a single bit of damage.

This is unreasonable. But if what Yang Ming said was a lie, it would be difficult to hide the fear of himself in his eyes.

When she looked up, An Wujiu noticed Zhong Yirou's slightly narrowed eyes. She frowned and stared at her wrist, more precisely his mechanical wrist bone.

The expression clearly shows something.

But she quickly raised her hand, found a reason to diverge, then turned her head and said to Shen Ti, who had been standing by without speaking, "By the way, I want to go to your room to have a look ." She went to Room 7, but couldn't turn the door handle.

An Wujiu calmly said to her: "You forgot the rules."

"Yes," Zhong Yirou patted her head, "you can't enter other rooms arbitrarily."

Her strange behavior made the balance in An Wu Jiu's heart tilt a little towards [distrust].

But among these people, he always thought that Shen Ti, who acted strangely and did not speak, was even less trustworthy. But at this time, Shen Ti didn't take a single step, just stood in front of him.

An Wu Jiu thought that he was already very tall, but Shen Ti was half a head taller than him. He was wrapped tightly all the time, and even his hands were always wearing gloves, only his neck was exposed.

An Wujiu suddenly noticed that there was a pattern on his Adam's apple—the sun totem, but the center was an eye.

Hearing a sigh, An Wu Jiu looked away and saw Zhong Yirou take off the roll bag that had been on her back.

"I can't give you materials, so even if it is a clear line, it is equivalent to courting death." Zhong Yirou said very realistically, "But I can help you deal with your wounds, just treat it as a favor for you. "

She raised her lips and smiled beautifully, "Remember."

The roll bag was opened, and it turned out to be a row of very complete tools, from scalpels to screwdrivers, and even pipe wrenches.

An Wu Jiu did not speak, only frowned slightly.

When Zhong Yirou stretched out her hand to herself, An Wujiu discovered that her left palm had been seriously injured and it was also artificial skin. The circular mirror in the center of her palm was embedded in the artificial skin. The metal ring and The edges of the pulled skin were rudely combined, probably because she disliked it, so she simply dyed the artificial skin of the entire palm fluorescent pink, instead creating some weird beauty.

"Why install a mirror?" An Wujiu asked softly.

"Because of beauty," Zhong Yirou took a picture of her left palm, "how convenient."

After she finished speaking, she put down her hand and took out a small bottle of spray wound disinfectant, "I'm a prosthetic doctor, professional. Please bear with it."

Although An Wujiu had already guessed it, he was still surprised by her candid help.

Zhong Yirou sterilized An Wujiu's wrist neatly and muttered, "This injury is really... If only there was a debridement micro-robot."

"Hey, masked man," she called to Shen Ti, found a small flashlight and threw it in his arms, "Do me a favor and take a photo."

“Why are you so white.” Zhong Yirou lowered her head and stared at An Wujiu’s forearm, “I’ve been dead for three days and I haven’t been so white.”

Shen Ti coughed in the mask, as if choked by Zhong Yirou's words, and laughed softly, just listening to the laughter, it didn't seem so strange.

He turned on the flashlight and put it on An Wujiao's wrist. After taking a picture, he shivered, as if he was frightened by the injury.

After sterilizing the suture needle, Zhong Yirou pursed her lips, and her expression became very serious.

"There is no anesthesia needle, I will sew quickly."

“Yeah. Thank you.” An Wujiu looked calm, and even focused on the process of being healed, watching how the fine needle pierced the skin, threading the needle to sew up the wounded flesh .

"Where's your own wrist bone?" Zhong Yirou stared at the wound and stitched it finely, but asked about the innocent past, although he probably couldn't give an answer.

“I don’t remember.” An Wujiu said.

"Generally people would not replace their intact carpal bones with mechanical ones. This operation is very dangerous." She sewed carefully, not wanting to leave obvious scars on the person in front of her. " unless…"

An Wujiu asked: "Unless what?"

Shen Ti on the side stretched out his arm and waved it between the two, but his black gloved hand was hidden in his cuff.

Zhong Yirou raised her eyes and nodded, "A disabled person." But soon, she denied the possibility, "But your hand is not a complete prosthesis, the skin and muscle tissue are It is a natural growth, it is impossible to directly pick up a new one because of a severed hand disability."

This is weird.

"What is this..." Zhong Yirou opened An Wujiu's arm to check the inside, and found a very thin old wound, a slender scar with a slight protrusion, running up the bone, she rolled up her sleeves , the trace has been extended upwards.

“Let me see.” She took An Wu Jiu’s other arm and continued to check, then frowned and asked with a serious face, “An Wu Jiu, you really don’t have anything Remember? Do you know who you are and what your origins are?"

An Wujiu was sure that Zhong Yirou had discovered something, but he really had no memory.

"I forgot how I entered the game and what happened after I entered the game. But I have memories from birth to before I entered the game. I came from an ordinary background, and my mother raised me and my sister alone. Big. The education I received when I was a child came from my mother. Later, when I became an adult, I went to an ordinary university to study. When I was a sophomore, my mother became seriously ill. "

Zhong Yirou asked again: "What's the disease?"

An Wujiu tried hard to recall, and it seemed that he finally found an electronic medical record from his memory.

"Brain tumor... She has hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, and she is blind."

Zhong Yirou fell into silence.

"You didn't have the money to treat her, so you came in." She came to this conclusion and stared at him suspiciously, "You really didn't lie?"

An Wujiu shook his head.

Shen Ti stood aside and shook his head. I don't know if he listened to these conversations, but he was cooperating with the atmosphere anyway.

But An Wugui was stunned.

Just now, he suddenly heard a certain sound, like the collision of wind chimes made of seashells he had seen when he was a child, but it was very slight, almost inaudible.

Following the voice, An Wujiu looked at Shen Ti who was wearing a mechanical mask.

Ke Shen Ti just lowered his head and played the operating table with shadow lights very seriously.