MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 75 hand magic

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Soon, the dealer puts the shuffled pile on the table, ready to deal.

Before he started, An Wujiu asked, "Who starts from?"

The dealer did not speak, and stretched out his palm to lead Shen Ti in the direction.

"Random?" he asked again.

The dealer nodded, seeing that An Wujiu did not continue, so he was about to deal the cards, but Amy suddenly jumped out and asked, "Are all these for us? Four decks of cards, I can't even hold it."

The dealer who has been silent for a long time said, "You can remove some of the cards and change the mode."

"That's good." Amy happily tapped the tip of her fingernail on the table, making a crisp sound.

I don't know why, looking at this face carefully, An Wujiu actually felt that she was a bit familiar, as if she was someone she knew, but she couldn't tell who she looked like.

The dealer took the feedback from the guests, slid his hand parallel to the top of the deck, and issued an order.

"Remove all 3, 4, 5."

Just as he finished speaking, some playing cards floated out of the deck one after another, forming three neat rows in midair, suspended above the table.

There are 16 3s, 16 4s, 16 5s, and three numbers.

After everyone confirmed, these three cards also disappeared.

48 cards were removed, and there were 168 left in the deck, two of which were the emperor and the guard.

An Wujiu made the final decision, divided it into everyone's hands, and there were three remaining cards. According to the rules, the extra cards were taken over by the emperor who decided to ascend the throne.

If you get the emperor card when the card is dealt, but do not want to be enthroned, you can only hand over the emperor card to the next family to see if the next family is willing to ascend the throne.

According to Zhou Yijue's idea, he must have wanted to give Maguire the emperor card or the guard card directly.

Maguire doesn't look like someone who will directly reject the emperor card. According to the rules of the game, the royalists have a slightly smaller chance of winning, but they get more and more rewards.

An old gambling dog like Maguire, when he wants to win, he will definitely want to be emperor.

Of course, everything has an accident, Maguire is right to bet on the dog, but an old man like him is always cautious, for fear that others will discover his thousand skills.

So the deep-rooted trait in him is not so much the courage to gamble, but more of a paranoia.

The croupier shuffled the cards again and started to deal to everyone, and he dealt the cards very quickly and accurately. In just a moment, An Wu Jiu had a small pile of neat playing cards in front of his hand, he started to check, so far there is no big king who has marked it.

An Wujiu put his cards upside down on the table, raised his eyes, and quietly observed the others on the field.

Maguire, who is diagonally opposite, holds the cards in his hand, arranges them in a row of fans, picks and chooses, draws and inserts cards, adjusts the order, the expression on his face is not very clear, can't see Good cards and bad cards.

An Wujiu thinks this is normal, after all, Maguire is an old man who has been in the casino all the year round, so he won't lose face.

But there was one thing that was strange to him, An Wujiu could feel that Maguire's eyes were constantly looking at himself, Shen Ti, and Zhou Yijue.

I don't know if the little drama he arranged has shaken Maguire's heart.

After all, in a casino, there is nothing more tormenting than the progressive psychological suggestion.

Poker cards were dealt out one by one, Amy was bored, tapped the cards that had been dealt in her hand, glanced at the others on the table, and suddenly stood up.

"It's boring to wait like this, let me liven up the atmosphere for everyone." She smiled Yanyan, dragging her velvet dress to Zhou Yijue's side.

An Wujiu stared straight at her whereabouts, always feeling what was going to happen, and saw Amy put one hand on Zhou Yijue's shoulder and leaned down.

As soon as he saw the bend, a hand stood in front of him.

An Wujiu turned his face, Shen Ti again.

"It's not suitable for children." Shen Ti said boldly.

“I’m 20 years old.” An Wujiu took his hand and held it.

Amy, who was diagonally opposite, held a 9 of plum blossoms between her fingers, and snapped her fingers lightly at Zhou Yijue.

In an instant, the club 9 in Amy's hand turned into a club A.

Zhou Yijue looked at it, not too surprised, but still smiled slightly, applauded slowly, and responded.

"Wonderful, so Miss Amy's profession is a magician."

This time, she changed a little magic.

The magic trick just now, An Wujiu tried to decipher it, afraid that it wasn't because she was holding two overlapping cards in her hand, her hands were fast and skilled, so she couldn't see the flaw.

Amy's hand snapped his fingers in front of Maguire's eyes, Maguire stared at Amy's chest, and after a finger snap, Amy stretched out his hand, moved down, pulled He pulled Maguire's belt, and when he stretched his hand back, a small king appeared in her hand.

Maguire was startled, glanced at his deck subconsciously, checked, "You!"

"That's right, my dear, this is yours, I'll give it back to you." Amy put this little king back on Maguire's belt, and smiled at him. blow kisses.

It's this little king, yes, she did come back.

The magic trick just now, Maguire still has lingering fears, it is not that he has not seen the thousands of tricks in the casino, but this is the first one to steal cards directly in front of him, using so-called magic form.

Amy came between An Wujiu and Shen Ti, "Two handsome guys, it's my honor to play this round of gambling with you."

She smiled delicately and softly, and first quickly and skillfully performed a small card-changing trick for Shen Ti - taking out a 6 of clubs belonging to him from the back of Shen Ti's neck.

Shen Ti is not an ordinary person, or a general appreciation group of magic, he directly dragged Amy's fur sleeve and aimed at the cuff.

"You just hid in here, so many hairs are so easy to hide."

"Why are you like a child." Amy touched Shen Ti's eyebrows with her fingertips painted with red nail polish, pushed him away, then turned around and leaned against the table, Pushing her left hand against the table, her right hand moved her slender fingers in a similar way in front of An Wujiu's eyes.

But unfortunately, An Wujiu is different from everyone, he is unmoved, like a beautiful statue.

But his eyes were like torches, staring at Amy's eyes.

He was sure that Amy's micro-expression had changed a little bit just now, it was not obvious, but it was mixed in with her amorous feelings, and in An Wujiu's eyes, it was very abrupt.

What exactly is she trying to do.

"Your hair is so beautiful." Amy smiled, gently caressing the side of An Wujiao's face with her right hand, and then stroking back to the back of his neck, groping in the bundled strands of hair a moment.

"Eh? What is this..." Her tone was pretending to be serious, and she retracted her hand while speaking, and her thin white index finger and **** sandwiched a card, the card was sideways, the suit was face down .


The dealer places the last remaining three cards in the middle of the table and looks up.

Amy, who was leaning against the table, also got up at the right time, smiled, and shook her wrist gently.

The card flew out and fell into An Wujiao's arms.

Her skill is extremely good, even if she throws it like this, the suit side of the poker is still facing down.

"Don't worry, I'll give it back to you."

After finishing speaking, Amy left the edge of the table, took a few steps, returned to An Wujiu's right hand, raised her left leg and placed it on top of her right, and leaned back against Velvet soft chair.

An Wujiu looked at the left hand that had been pressing on the table under the fur that was scattered.

As he expected, a card was stuck in the arc of her palm.

Amy also turned her head and gave him a playful wink, "Thank you handsome for your cooperation."

An Wujiu had a hunch.

According to the game he laid before, he speculated that if Zhou Yijue really wanted to arrange the three of them into a team, it was unexpected that Amy and Maguire would become the royal group.

So, after Zhou Yijue confirmed that he accepted the proposal to become a revolutionary party together, An Wujiu was sure, according to Zhou Yijue's method, Amy would definitely have an identity card on her body, just the emperor or the guard, You have to wait until you are enthroned to find out.

Despite the constant deductions in your head, the most taboo thing at the poker table is showing your emotions.

Therefore, An Wujiu remained calm, as if he had found nothing, and put the card that Amy found between his hair back to the far right of his upside-down card fan.

Heartbeat keeps racing.

While thinking, An Wujiu picked up the card fan and checked the suit.

Just as he expected, Amy really changed a card, which was his 2 of spades.

And what Amy gave him was the little king-guard card with the sun totem painted on it.

From this moment on, An Wugui's camp has been irreversibly reversed!

Although this was what he hoped, it was just one step ahead, by the hands of others, and it was done unexpectedly.

But this is more than Amy expected, so he tries to guess Amy's motives.

Why give him the guard card?

Did she discover their deal with Zhou Yijue?

Or, she found out who was the emperor and didn't want to be with the emperor.

An Wujiu thought, his fingers moved on the table and tapped lightly.

None of these reasons are sufficient.

From a single point of view, the guard card is the most sober and best card to play, because the emperor he needs to protect is a clear card, excluding himself, who is the revolutionary faction is clear at a glance .

This can't be related to Zhou Yijue?

An Wujiu looked at Zhou Yijue, who was diagonally opposite, and met him.

All of this was seen by Maguire.

Maguire failed to capture Amy's skillful change of cards, but he has been in the casino for so many years, and his intuition is very sensitive. He feels that Amy has a problem, but he can see that there is no blame Looking at Zhou Yijue, he became even more suspicious.

Because just fifteen minutes ago, he finished a game of Russian roulette and was about to go to the royal table. Along the way, he heard a few people in the orange group whispering, only a few words were heard by him , about "There is a problem with the emperor card.", "They also lost when they drew the emperor card."

He lit a cigarette and walked towards the less crowded place, wanting to smoke a cigarette to ease the tension in the gambling game. The people in the green group also talked about the "protect the emperor" table.

Maguire moved closer to them, and with every step, their voices became more real.

"It's true, I also think there's something wrong with that emperor card."

"Could it be the altar?"

"I don't know, God bless, don't let me draw the emperor card next time."

The man who spoke glanced at him and happened to see Maguire coming over, so he immediately patted the arm of his teammate and left in a hurry.

The backs of the two are still whispering, and Maguire is full of doubts.

The Emperor…

The dealer spoke again, pulling Maguire's thoughts out of his memory.

"Please publicize the identity card of the player holding the emperor card."

An Wu Jiu stared at the people on the table with no expression, his eyes finally fixed on Maguire.

As he guessed, Maguire was indeed the arranged emperor.

I saw him draw a card from the end of his fan, flip it over, and face the crowd.

The card in his hand is the king who painted the sun sign.

Maguire's face was heavy, he didn't say a word, he held the corner of the Emperor's card, his eyes fixed on An Wujiu.

An Wujiu wanted to look relaxed, so he tapped his fingers on the table indifferently, and looked at Zhou Yijue inadvertently.

Zhou Yijue raised her eyebrows slightly, her phoenix eyes were long and narrow, and she followed up slightly.

This scene was also seen by Maguire.

Why keep tapping?

Is it sending a message?

He thought of Zhou Yijue helping him cheat before.

Since such a person can do such a thing, he must be able to do it a second time.

No, no.

Don't even think about making a fool of yourself in front of him!

"Player Maguire." The dealer reminded him, "Do you choose to ascend the throne or give way?"

He thought, An Wujiu and Zhou Yijue must be allied, and Shen Ti, yes, they are in the same group.

No, he can't simply trap himself in this game, fall into their trap, and be the dead emperor.

"I step aside."

Maguire's chest wobbled, decisively placed the Emperor's card on the table, and moved forward.

Zhou Yijue frowned.


This move disrupted his plan, which had already been arranged. Once the Emperor faction wins, he will get more chips. According to Maguire's personality, he will definitely keep it.


An Wujiu was a little relieved.

He turned to look at Maguire's next house, Shen Ti.

Shen Ti rested his cheek with his left hand, as if he was about to fall asleep, but he felt An Wujiu was looking at him very keenly, so he also turned his face and smiled at him.

"You know how to take a look at me."

An Wu Jiu felt a little embarrassed and pursed her lips.

He could even make up the second half of Shen Ti's unfinished sentences in his mind.

[I thought you had forgotten me. ]

Shen Ti didn't finish talking, because the dealer had already asked him questions.

"You are the next home of player Maguire, do you accept this emperor card and ascend the throne?"

Shen Ti leaned back on the chair, slanted, and raised his eyelids lazily.

"To or not to?"

He sat on the chair and stretched a lot, then looked at An Wujiu and grabbed one of his hands.

"You play rock-paper-scissors with me."

An Wujiu was a little inexplicable, but he was still used to him and raised his hand.

"Rock paper scissors."

Shen Ti and An Wu Jiu had a good heart, and they both came out of the stone.

I didn't expect it to be a draw, An Wujiu thought that we would do it again, but Shen Ti said directly, "Okay, I want it."

An Wujiu thought, forget it, get used to it.

"Okay." The dealer gave the emperor card to Shen Ti, along with the remaining three cards, "Player Shen Ti ascends the throne."

After doing all this, the dealer straightened up and looked at the five people on the table, "Now, please put your chips on the players, the chips in the royal game must be the same for everyone, please discuss one Chip numbers."

Soon, a thirty-second countdown appeared on the table.

Shen Ti smiled and looked at Zhou Yijue with his left hand on his cheek, "Hey, squinting."

"I don't think it's enough for you to say double chips."

Zhou Yijue's face was heavy, staring at the pair of deep green pupils in front of him.

"I want quadruple."

Shen Ti compared a number and raised his eyebrows.

"Can you?"


The author has something to say:

Shen Ti: Damn, my wife is still in the same camp as I am, it's still the two of us, no light bulbs, squinting, you're out of breath~

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