MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 79 show weakness

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These words really choked Shen Ti.

Don't talk back, I haven't given it.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and his helpless expression didn't even need to be acted, and he put it on his face.

"That may be the case." Shen Tiqiang pretended to be a scumbag, but he didn't even hold hands, "Everything depends on my mood."

An Wujiu raised his eyebrows, thinking that Shen Ti is quite good at acting, but another possibility popped up in his mind.

What if this guy just took this opportunity to pour out the truth?

I don't know why, there are more and more people watching at their table, everyone is standing on the edge of the table, whispering, there are chips themselves, there are players who are ready to play "Royalty" in the next game, There are also pure play and card games.

Maguire did not give instructions, and the messenger had to stand behind him and wait for him to speak.

Zhou Yijue always looked at An Wujiu and Shen Ti with suspicious eyes, but he had to admit that Maguire's water on Shen Ti and Shen Ti's card against An Wujiu were indeed It was beyond his expectations.

Things seem to be moving in the opposite direction.

An Wujiu was blocked, his face was displeased, but he didn't have a seizure, he smirked, as if he was laughing at himself, "Let's go."

"Yeah..." Amy looked down at the card and pouted, "I can't afford it."

"Your card is so small?" Zhou Yijue laughed softly, "How come you can't afford it every time."

"Yeah, a little back."

Amy knew that Zhou Yijue must be doubting herself at this moment, after all, her performance at this moment is more like a qualified guard than the real guard An Wujiu.

However, she didn't mean it, it was true that the cards were not big enough, and she couldn't hold back if she wanted to.

Although it is true that he made the switch at the beginning, An Wujiu and Shen Ti's ability to stir the water did indeed confuse the two camps that should have been very clear. The group is suspicious of each other.

Maguire and Shen Ti were clearly opposites, but now An Wujiu made it seem like the guard emperor pretended to turn against each other.

It's amazing.

"I want it."

Shen Ti, the pair of K, stuck An Wujiu and Amy, and it was Zhou Yijue's turn.

Poker cards in the center of the table are overlapped, and it is impossible to see what is under the two.

It's just that An Wujiu has already calculated every card played by the players in the field.

There should be 16 Aces in total, Zhou Yijue made 4 Aces in the first round, Shen Ti made 4 Aces in the second round, no Aces in the third round, and in the fourth round An Wujiu himself had five aces in the round, and Maguire had three in the fifth round.

16 Aces have been released.

In order to overcome Shen Ti's king, you can only play 2 or more kings.

Only four twos from Amy in the first round are on the table.

Everyone has one or two.

It's just not wise to play these two 2s at this point.

But from their point of view, Shen Ti had to be killed again.

Inadvertently, An Wujiu lowered his head and found that his leg that glowed with blue light was back to normal.

Does this mean that the teammate's bet has won.

Zhou Yijue still chose to give up, "I have lived too."

The reason why Shen Ti came up and gave such a big hand was probably to force out the remaining 2 in his hand.

Once all the big cards are released, it will be troublesome to encounter Shen Ti who has emperor cards.

The player turned to Maguire, who seemed to be struggling and tangled, with a pair of cloudy glass bead-like eyes staring at the cards in his hand.

After thinking, he finally chose to give up.


Just as he finished playing the cards, An Wujiao, who had been in a daze, moved his arm on the table, accidentally, his elbow touched the champagne glass beside him, he immediately reached out to pick it up , Unfortunately, I couldn't catch it, and the glass fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Sorry, I'm too sleepy." An Wujiu gestured, asking the croupier at the table to arrange for a service person to come to clean, the croupier accepted the instructions and communicated the task through the walkie-talkie.

Amy kindly asked: "The glass **** didn't splash on you, did you check it."

"No." An Wujiu looked a little uneasy, when the waiter came, he asked him to make a vacant seat for cleaning, An Wujiu did as he did, and planned to go to Shen Ti moved the chair in the direction.

"Can't wait for me to eat back?"

An Wujiu pressed the hand holding the card on Shen Ti's thigh, his index finger was stuck between the two cards, he got up with strength.

"I leave this question to you, think about it for yourself."

Shen Ti smiled and held an innocent chair with one hand, "Throw it to me? Anyway, what I wanted, it's up to you to give me a chance."

After finishing speaking, the waiter who cleaned the glass fragments also left, and the dealer reminded Shen Ti, "A new round has begun."

Shen Ti chuckled lightly, a bit arrogant in his words, "Won another round so easily."

The projection recording the number of rounds directly above the table has changed again.

Shen Ti lowered his eyes and picked out the cards in his hand, when he played the cards, he turned his face and smiled at An Wujiu, "Three 10s, is it time to eat now?"

An Wujiu of course knew that what he was talking about was backtracking.

"It's too late." He sneered, raised his eyebrows, and discarded the cards in his hand, "Three kings."

The cards fell into the deck in the center of the table, An Wujiu turned his face and said in an ambiguous tone, "Not only is it too late, I will press you to death."

"I don't know if I hold him down..."

Amy sighed deeply, "It crushed me anyway."

She didn't take the card directly, she held her face in both hands, looking dejected, "I have passed."

The three K’s that Shen Ti just now, no one wants, An Wu Jiu thought, maybe it’s his turn to be the same.

As expected, neither Zhou Yijue nor Maguire wanted it.

The initiative is transferred to An Wu Jiao.

An Wujiu pondered in his heart, the two times were three kings, the next one skipped one by one, Zhou Yijue and Maguire should have only 2 and the king left, and not enough not out.

It's better to wear the skin of the "revolutionaries" tighter, let them mix and fight together, and indirectly disintegrate the camp of the revolutionaries.

This move is quite effective. So far, none of the three of them have really let go or given cards to anyone else.

"Three 9s." An Wujiu made a choice and put the playing cards in the middle of the table.

"Finally there is one I can make." Amy said it very bluntly every time, "Three 10s."

Zhou Yijue still doesn't want it.

"I want it." Maguire drew three 2s and threw them on the table.

As soon as these pictures came out, Shen Ti almost applauded him.

Maguire stared at An Wujiu's hand, always felt that he didn't have much left, he thought he had to seize the opportunity, this is the opportunity.

One round, three cards 2 no one wanted, Maguire started a new round.

Looking at the cards in his hand, Maguire hesitated between two choices, and finally played three ten.

Since the previous four 10s were very easy to play, everyone must have few big cards in their hands.

"Do you want it?" He looked at everyone.

Shen Ti smiled, "Unfortunately, it just happened to be."

He played three cards, "Three queens."

Maguire just thought that the big cards were so tight just now, and also on the three cards of K, A, and 2, Q has always been invisible.

He began to doubt his state, and even his cards were confused.

But he knew that even if he did not produce three 10s and four 6s, he would still be pressed by others.

An Wujiu leaned back on the chair and stared at the pile of cards on the table boredly.


Amy naturally also shouted "pass", except for the four 2s at the beginning, she has almost no big cards.

In the end, even Maguire and Zhou Yijue didn't want to place these three.

An Wujiu smiled, "Okay, the emperor's luck is too good."

"Accurately speaking, it's the luck of the revolutionary party. Shouldn't I be a revolutionary party?" Press it on the table and turn it off.

Especially what Shen Ti said.

Under the psychological pressure of Shen Ti, Maguire actually felt remorse.

If he hadn't given him the emperor card, he wouldn't have become more powerful, and he wouldn't have controlled the overall situation like he does now.

Why did you believe those people in the first place?

Someone must be doing it.

He looked at An Wujiu and stared at Zhou Yijue.


In the new round, Shen Ti chose to choose, "To Q."

Starting a match?

Zhou Yijue felt that Shen Ti still had small cards in his hand, maybe there were multiple cards, so he didn't play them.

An Wujiu wanted to get it, but he felt that the two 2s in his hand were still useful, so he didn’t want to be the first to leave, so he had to reveal the guard card, boring Don't say, when the time comes, Shen Ti might be surrounded.

"Yes." He didn't even raise his eyes, he was lazy, and looked like he had no cards left.

Amy was very happy, "I'm here, I'm here, yes K, I can finally go out."

As soon as the cards landed on the table, the turn was changed to Zhou Yijue's head.

"Pair 2." Zhou Yijue threw two, a black club 2 and a heart 2, and landed on the deck on the table.

His purpose is very simple, he wants to force out the big and small kings on the field.

So far, no one has played the trump card, and everyone is holding it tightly.

But even so, no big king appeared, Maguire and Shen Ti passed.

Zhou Yijue had no choice but to play again. In addition to the big and small kings, he was full of small and loose cards.

"Four 9s." After playing the cards, Zhou Yijue closed the remaining cards to prevent others from discovering the number of cards.

The big names just now are almost out, and now there are only 2 more left.

He is sure that Shen Ti will have 2 and the king this round.

It was Maguire's turn, staring down at the cards in his hand.

He can play this hand. He has a pair of jacks and a pair of big and small kings. He can play four 9s no matter what, but now that he has played, the remaining cards are not easy to play. .


Seeing that he was gone, Shen Ti touched his chin and made a hesitant look, "You don't want to."

He didn't think too long and gave a few cards.

Zhou Yijue was overjoyed, seeing the cards in his hand, but stunned again.

Not four 2s…

Shen Ti showed three 10s with an ace.

He didn't understand, why should the biggest card be played at this time?

Is it true that Shen Ti has no other big or small cards, only one ace?

An Wujiu smiled and sighed, "The emperor finally came out."

He was extremely relaxed, and his body was weak, so he stretched out a lot, from leaning on the chair to lying on the table, arms folded, head resting on it, sideways The head looked at Shen Ti.

"I thought you were going to hide for a lifetime."

Shen Ti lowered his head slightly, staring at An Wujiu beside him, seeing him like this, there is a hint of innocence in the sinister and cruel, and it is actually a bit cute.

There are things that I want to hide for a lifetime.

It's just not this black and white Joker, but a bright and vivid person.

“Of course I can’t afford such a big card.” After An Wujiu finished speaking, he turned his head to the other side, not looking at Shen Ti.

This is even more lovely.

Shen Ti thought to himself, like a small animal that does not obey discipline.

Taking this opportunity, Maguire turned his head and gestured to the group behind him.

The man understood and immediately stepped forward.

Maguire whispered a few words, then turned his head to face the gaming table, and the fellow on the team left.

"I can't afford it either, how can I fight when the emperor is out?" Amy brushed off the hair on her sleeve.

"Yeah, I'm so lucky." Amy touched her face, "It must be my beauty that confuses the little dealer." After speaking, she faced The little dealer blinked his right eye.

It's really tempting.

An Wujiu stared at Amy and looked at Zhou Yijue.

He didn't want it either. After one lap, he still managed to take the game with aplomb.

"Everyone let me go like this, so the whole table can't be my bodyguard." Shen Ti deliberately made a gag and drew two cards, "Pair 8."

What he said was a pair of 8s, but in fact it was a single 8 and a small king.

Zhou Yijue felt even more strange when he saw him out of Xiao Wang.

“You have created two kings in a row.” An Wujiu smiled and straightened up, “Then I’ll join in the fun too.”

After he finished speaking, he drew two cards and threw them on the table.

"One queen, one king."

"I don't want it." Amy pursed her lips and turned to ask An Wujiu, "How many cards do you have left?"

An Wujiu smiled, "Not many."

He figured it out, Zhou Yijue should have an ace in his hand, I don't know if it is the king or the little king. But Maguire should have it too. If he plays a bigger card later, Zhou Yijue's ace will be in his hand.

As expected, Zhou Yijue chose to check.

This hot potato fell into Maguire's hands.

He struggled in his heart, holding a big king and a small king in his hand. Just now, An Wujiu came out with a little king, and Shen Ti made a trump card and a little king.

In this way, the trump card he doesn't know belongs to has a guard and a king.

The guards are most likely not with Shen Ti. Maguire thought about Zhou Yijue's previous talk about buying the dealer, and the plan he gave at that time was to give the ace and guard cards to Shen Ti and An Wujiu.

Obviously, the plan fell through.

But he didn't know whether it was Zhou Yijue's ineffectiveness or other reasons.

If Shen Ti has a king in his hand, his cards may be swallowed.

But if Shen Ti really had it, why would he be the first to play the trump card? No one will play a big king when there is a small king, and no one will play an ace when there is a big king.

Ace is the only card that can suppress everything, so he just threw it out.

Maguire glanced at his hand, and saw that he still held a lot of cards in his hand, counted, there were at least six or seven cards.

Impossible, those who can play cards must be the king first, and then the king.

"Hello." Shen Ti tapped the table with his flexed knuckles, urging him, "Hurry up, I'm still waiting for the next game."

Maguire's palms were sweating, and he was still holding his cards tightly.

If this suppresses him, he will go away later, maybe he will be the first to go out.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and an opportunity to turn things around.

A scale in his heart is constantly swinging, the left is the desire to win, and the right is the gambler's shaky caution.

But in the end, the desire to gamble wins everything.

He reached out and placed two cards on the table, "Pair of kings."

One is K and one is Xiao Wang.

At the moment when these two poker cards landed on the table, Shen Ti raised the corner of his mouth.


He smiled, "Everyone has a lot of hands behind, this is the most grueling game I've ever played, every time I think I'm about to run away, I get betted again, it seems As a novice, I have to learn more."

These remarks are like a high-sounding self-excusing before losing. After listening to it, Maguire is even more confident, and the next move strategy has been planned.

But the next second, he heard Shen Ti's voice.

Shen Ti made a very contrived "Oops", "Trouble."

An Wujiu also cooperated and asked with a smile, "What? Are you going to lose?"

"Wrong card." Shen Ti had a sad face, and his expression was full of regret. Maguire felt that something was wrong and frowned at him.

"Wrong card?" Amy wondered.

Is he acting again?

"That's right." Shen Ti drew two cards and didn't release them directly, he just pouted and muttered to himself, "Why did you release the ace first... I'm so stupid ."

Maguire's back was cold.

Shen Ti sighed in tea, as if reluctantly played two cards, "That's it, right 2."

He played a 2, and a king.

Maguire felt like he was in a cold sweat in an instant.

It was plotted, and it really was plotted!

He froze in place, looking at the card that no one wanted Shen Ti, of course no one wanted it, a king that was useless in his hand, Shen Ti played a king and an ace, There was only one person left in the audience with a big king left, and the little king was all out except for the guards.

Now, except for the guards, no one has the possibility to have two trump cards at the same time, and can beat Shen Ti's 2 and the king.

Even if the person with the double king is really a bodyguard, it is impossible for him to come out and block the emperor's way.

Shen Ti used the emperor card to make a trick.

Show the enemy's weakness and lure the enemy into the deep.

Shen Ti turned his face and smiled at him, his emerald eyes were extremely dazzling under the reflection of the crystal lamp.

"I'm so sorry, Maguire."

Maguire tried to convince himself to calm down, he watched Shen Ti start a new round, smiled and said "I really broke a good hand", and then played four twos.

Four 2…

No one has such a big card on the field, and no one has a double king to blast.

After a turn, no one asked for a card.

Shen Ti smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. The black leather gloves made the last card very eye-catching.

"Since I've checked, I'll go ahead."

He threw the last card on the table, a black 9.

A small card remains in the bottom, but the whole set of operations from beginning to end is extremely torturing for the opponent.

The croupier standing by the table announced, "The emperor of the royalist camp is the first to play all his cards and get the head."

Shen Ti stood up, nodding slightly in a rather gentlemanly manner, then reached out his hand, and used his black gloved hand to caress behind An Wu Jiu's snow-white and red ears, along the clear jaw line, Holding his chin, he turned his face away.

The black leather is cold, but the tip of the innocent white chin turns red with a grip.

"Fight for a tie with my little guard."