MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 86 caught fish

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An Wujiu originally thought that losing an arm was nothing.

Cutting the bones shouldn't matter.

So even if he was seriously injured and lost blood, An Wu Jiu has been planning the situation in the future, and he has no time to suffer for the pain of the flesh.

But Shen Ti seemed to be very concerned, even afraid of hurting himself, afraid of feeling incomplete, so he deliberately said that his injury was like a red flower.

Just because of Shen Ti's words, An Wujiu really felt pain, and really felt that his true heart was betrayed by the betrayal.

So at this moment, An Wujiu put down the heavy burden on his body for the time being.

He also raised his hand and hugged Shen Ti back.

“It should be ugly.” An Wujiu was still very rational, and put aside Shen Ti’s eloquent remarks.

"I won't lie to you." Shen Ti's hand rested on An Wujiu's back in a gentlemanly manner, not snugly, "You are also better looking than others when you are injured, and you are much better looking."

An Wujiu smiled, the laughter was very light.

He hid in Shen Ti's arms for ten seconds without any burden, then picked up all the burdens, withdrew from this embrace, and returned to the rock-hard An Wu Jiao.

"I'm much better." He raised his eyes, opened and closed his pale lips lightly, and said to Shen Ti with a calm expression, "Yirou managed to stop my bleeding. Now, as long as you don't move, there shouldn't be any more problems."

For the average person, if the arm is cut off, and there is no advanced medical means for quick treatment, there is a high probability of hemorrhage and death.

Shen Ti was no longer curious about An Wujiu's life experience at this moment, just fortunately, fortunately, he was special.

"That's good." Shen Ti didn't say anything else, and exchanged an expensive injection for maintaining his stamina from the panel and handed it to An Wujiu.

An Wujiu is still teasing at this moment, "You spend your points recklessly, others may be confused when they see it."

"What's confusing?" Seeing that he didn't answer, Shen Ti had to take the sealing head and whispered "I injected you", then he held his left arm and found a suitable location injection.

"Of course I don't understand why you came here, and you didn't keep the money well, and licked blood on the tip of the knife in vain."

Shen Ti also smiled, "I didn't know why I came here before, but now that I think about it, I just feel lucky to be here."

After hearing this sentence, An Wu Jiu's heart rate accelerated again, he was not sure whether it was his emotions or the injection liquid that Shen Ti slowly pushed into his body.

But he couldn't be confident and sure that what Shen Ti said must be for him, not comfort. Shen Ti is a person who is not very serious most of the time, what he does is just for fun, just for fun.

Any person or thing that can make him have a short-term idea of ​​​​survival may be more favored by Shen Ti.

An Wujiu thinks that he is special, but not entirely.

But even so, he said what he wanted to say.

"Me too."

After he finished speaking, he raised his eyes and bumped into Shen Ti's gem-like eyes, and the unexpected smile in his eyes made him a little moved.

An Wujiao, who was as pale as paper at the moment, was probably only blushing because of Shen Ti.

A lot of time had passed after the injection of the injection in his hand, Shen Ti felt strange, An Wujiu didn't ask him where he went or what he did, but just stood silently, as if something all know.

But if he really knew what a terrible thing he had done, maybe it wouldn't be like this.

"I have a new plan."

An Wujiu spoke to Shen Ti.

Shen Ti is indeed a person who doesn't care about human life, he treats everyone the same, but he will not stop any kind deeds from An Wujiao, even if he is seriously injured now, he can hardly take care of himself.

But if An Wujiu needs to carry the burden, Shen Ti will not stop him, his choice is to accompany him.

"You say, let's see if we think the same."

Zhou Yijue felt wrong when he was in the exchange area, so he handed it over to two team members and came up alone.

I didn't expect the team members to come up after such a long time.

He saw Shen Ti from a distance, holding An Wujiu, the two seemed to be talking.

Zhou Yijue felt more and more that things were abnormal. The guy in the red team who cooperated with them has not come back until now, but Shen Ti, who had disappeared for a long time, appeared.

A little bit of association, Zhou Yijue knew that the matter was exposed, I am afraid that the two team members are also very bad.

So he changed his plan and turned to Maguire.

Maguire was still stuck at a gaming table at the moment, Zhou Yijue waited, and glanced at the big screen.

The development of things is still going according to his plan at the moment, even if the chips are divided in half to the traitors, the purple team he leads is currently sitting first.

An Wujiu was seriously injured and did not participate in the gambling for the time being, and his chips have not been moved.

However, he underestimated how popular An Wujiu was, and he didn't expect that so far, no one continued to use him as a bargaining chip, not even each other as a bargaining chip.

The total chip value of the red group is terrible five.

Maguire ended the game and won not much. He slapped the table and got up from the gambling table, swept his eyes, and swept directly to Zhou Yijue.

The anger in my heart suddenly came, Maguire strode towards him, grabbed Zhou Yijue by the collar, punched him in the face, and beat Zhou Yijue two steps back. Bleeding from the corners of the mouth.

"You still have the face!" Maguire pointed to the purple team leading the way on the big screen, "Is this the benefit you said?! The benefits are all for your purple team!"

Zhou Yijue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, still smiling at Maguire, Maguire was very dissatisfied when he saw this, so he punched him again, but this time, he failed.

His fist was held by Zhou Yijue in one hand, and the opponent's strength turned out to be strong enough to resist his attack, which surprised Maguire.

"This is just the first step, Mr. Efron." Zhou Yijue let go of his hand and neatly adjusted his collar, "We still need our cooperation."

Maguire was suspicious, the man in front of him was too scheming, and he almost fell into his hands several times.

"Cooperation? You still have the face to cooperate with me?"

"Aren't our goals the same?" Zhou Yijue smiled, those slightly raised phoenix eyes drooping slightly, and a shrewd view, "Actually, you and I don't care whether the team members can survive or not. , it doesn't matter at all."

"The important thing is, can a powerful enemy like An Wujiu disappear in this round of the game, isn't it? Do you still want to lose to him again?"

This sentence almost pierced Maguire's heart.

Zhou Yijue smiled and glanced at the big screen, "Did you see, he is still number one."

Maguire is naturally unhappy about this, "He is the captain and has veto power over the selection of chips, what can you do to make him not be the first?"

"Of course there are ways." Zhou Yijue smiled, "This requires the cooperation of you and your team members."

Seeing that Maguire was a little shaken, Zhou Yijue increased his chips, "Actually, I only need to be the first in the group, if you want, I can exchange the chips of the team members for you, this game will see It's a team game, and in fact only the first place can survive. I don't want anything else, just the first place in the team."

Maguire glanced at him, "Then tell me, what is your method, how did you beat An Wu Jiu?"

"It's easy."

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Yijue knew that the cooperation was 70% sure.

"Remember the voice that announced the rules at the very beginning?"

An Wujiu has been observing everyone in the casino, and several members of the red team are still trying to get chips by gambling at the last moment, and try to fill the vacancies as much as possible.

But in gambling, you can't win all the time.

After one setback, the broken window effect became more and more obvious, this time it was Zhong Yirou, she lost in the dice roll she was good at, but she used herself to make chips, and the loser was a left hand.

An Wu Jiu saw that Yang Erci came back with the injured woman, only then did she know that she lost.

He immediately exchanged medical supplies, and asked Shen Ti to go to stop other people's gambling.

"After this game, don't continue."

Zhong Yirou was sweating on her forehead, instructing Yang Erci to treat her wound.

"So your hands are shaking too?"

It's this time, she is still in the mood to laugh.

Yang Erci's brows were hard to let go, "I said, if you want to bet, bet on my hand."

"How precious is the researcher's hand."

"Aren't the doctors precious?" Yang Erci asked her back.

Zhong Yirou was at a loss for words, so she could only laugh at herself, "I can only be regarded as half a doctor, the kind in the black market."

"Then I'm not a researcher now, not even half."

The two looked at each other, and Yang Erci smiled as well.

An Wu Jiu took Zhong Yang and the two to leave the hall first, and went to the place where they agreed with Shen Ti before.

She's not doing well.

After everyone arrived, everyone avoided talking about Chen Yu's disappearance, which was quite tacit.

It's just that Todo Sakura is still a little anxious, "Are we really not gambling now? The total chips are a bit worse."

Nan Shan said, "Speaking of which, I just made a special observation, and found that there are not many people in Zhou Yijue's group who continue to gamble, and they are not very complete. I didn't find two. "

Shen Ti replied in his heart, those two were already cold.

"It's a little strange," Nan Shan thought of the time he saw before leaving the hall, "There are only forty minutes left, and it stands to reason that they should take advantage of the bribed traitors and hurry up to collect on the field. The chips are right."

"Do you still remember that rabbit's voice?"

An Wujiu opened his mouth and said, "What he said about the rules of the final judgment, I don't know if you still remember."

Wu You recalled it for a while, and then recounted it directly: "Winning or losing... He said that in the end the team with the most total number won the first place, all members survived, and the first place in the rest of the group can also survive. "

An Wujiu asked again, "The total number of what?"

Wu You suddenly realized.

But Noah said it first, she said softly: "It's points."

It is the total number of points, not the total number of chips.

This point is made clear, everyone is suddenly stunned, and their backs are cold. This game is packaged by gambling with human lives, but it is essentially a battle.

Chips are important, only enough chips can be exchanged for enough money.

But everyone is so caught up in the **** casino that they have almost no time to pay attention to the original rules.

It is useless to get chips, the point is to exchange.

Zhong Yirou frowned, "So... are we going to occupy the exchange machine now?"

Shen Ti raised his eyebrows, "How can we be enough?"

An Wu Jiao arranged corresponding tasks for each of them.

"The opponent we face this time is not the system, nor the NPC. They are very difficult and hostile players. They also have a strong desire to survive, which can drive them to do anything."

"So please everyone, each of you is important."

Zhong Yirou felt a little sad after hearing this. An Wujiu, who had suffered a loss, still decided to believe them, but it was obvious that the previous idealist had already cast a shadow, so she would say say this.

“What about you?” Yang Erci looked at An Wujiu.

I feel that my physical strength is still slowly losing, and my spirit is a little weak, so I can calm down.

"Shen Ti and I will go to the exchange area again."

After listening to Zhou Yijue's layout, Maguire was a little surprised. These were all things he didn't expect. Get more and more chips.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to grab it directly.

"What do you say really works?"

"You can give it a try." Zhou Yijue said to him, "You must know that a leader can lead to victory, but if there is no leader, what can those who are used to being led do? ?"


Catch the thief first.

An Wujiu and Shen Ti walked up the dark stairs once, this time, those "chips" who used to recover here, all lost their breath without exception, and collapsed on the stairs. .

Although there is no sign of life, the traces of their materialization are still there, and the value of the chips above their heads is still glowing, and even decreasing.

Therefore, the incomplete body once again lost a part.

The exchange area was even quieter than they thought. The gate painted with Genesis opened once again, and the golden light was like the light of the gods in the religious world, shining little by little on the two of them.

Except for the huge gold push machine, the empty exchange room looked empty.

Everything here is like an invisible banquet.

One has to catch, the other has to break.

"Redeem first."

An Wujiu's voice was a little louder than usual.

After finishing speaking, An Wujiu took Shen Ti's hand on purpose, this action exceeded Shen Ti's expectations.

He thought An Wu Jiao would only touch his arm.

An Wugui chose to interlock his fingers for a short time, then released it and pressed the function key to exchange chips.

The value of the chips entered by this hand, like their intimacy, remains only briefly on the screen.

The machine that pushed Jinshan made a rumbling sound, as if it had started its operation.

At this moment, An Wujiu saw the reflection on the glass, the next second, his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

An Wujiu thought they would kill him, but it didn't, maybe because he brought them a lot of humiliation when he switched, and now he wants to save his life and humiliate him back.

After a short period of coma, An Wu Jiu woke up from the chaos, the back of his head was very painful, he felt that he was hung up, blindfolded, hands and feet tied, unable to move.

"Stop struggling."

The laughter was full of sarcasm.

"The fish caught in the net, just take a good look at how you lost!"

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