MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 9 Mantis catching cicadas

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Wu You stared at Zhong Yirou, and said after a few seconds, "Crow's Mouth."

Zhong Yirou choked on his words, "No, who would have thought so fast?"

"It must have been ordered by Yang Ming." Wu You made a judgment without hesitation, but soon he frowned again, puzzled by the development of the situation, "But you don't even have the supplies. No, a duel doesn't make sense at all."

An Wujiu's face doesn't change much, he is more like a well-trained artificial intelligence than a human being.

"In many cases, looting lives is more meaningful than looting supplies."

An Wujiu thought, in this situation, there are three possibilities:

The simplest one, Liu Chengwei's black line is connected to himself.

The second is more devious, Yang Ming is the one who cursed himself.

The last black line didn't even connect with him, but simply hated him and wanted to kill him.

According to this situation, it is more like the third type. Because if it is the first two, I am afraid that when the system assigns the red and black lines and duel rules, they will start. Anyone who knows that the object of his curse is An Wujiu cannot wait until now.

It just so happened that the person who initiated the duel may not have thought that he was the target of An Wugui's curse.

When the rules were announced, the system had randomly assigned the red and black lines to each of them.

An Wujiu who opened the game panel at that time saw the red line connecting the wanderer Lao Yu, and the black line the robber Liu Chengwei.

Fortunately, he also has skills that can be swapped.

If you don't have this ability, it will be difficult to make a comeback.

In the past, the door of the rehearsal room was wide open and everyone was present. An Wu Jiu walked in, the room was bigger than he imagined, the four scarlet lasers suspended in the middle surrounded a huge area, and there were four ceiling lights on top, the whole room had no other lights, it looked very strange. Like a bigger boxing training ground.

A short column stands outside the area with a circular button above it.

An Wu Jiu felt very familiar with such a scene.

The teeth and hands trembled uncontrollably again.

Wu You stared at the duel threshold, "Since the total number of health bars is calculated, the lesser will lose, why do you have to come to the duel threshold for a duel?"

"Other people have to stand in line, it seems that the person with the highest health bar will win, but even if Shen Ti with the highest health bar stands up, he will encounter three or four people on the opposite side, adding up The health bar is also higher than that of him." Zhong Yirou sneered, "Besides, if you only calculate the duel and no one is injured, the cost of the duel will become very low, and it will be better than who will pull people. If you hit your body, you will bleed, and you will need to consume materials, so everyone will stand in line with caution."

Liu Chengwei was standing on the left side of the ring not far away, and seemed to be ready, even the blind eye showed a fierce light.

In terms of physique, An Wugui is lean, slender, and at a disadvantage in weight, but in one-on-one melee combat, weight often provides an overwhelming advantage. Because of the lack of food and water, the energy bar on his head has begun to decrease, but the other party is still full.

Not to mention that An Wugui is now seriously injured in one hand.

The Holy Tones appeared again.

" The duel rules have been explained before, and I remind you again that the duel results of each player in this round of the game will not depend on your own strength and skills, but on the number of blood bars on both sides. The side with the most total health bars will win the duel. You can also choose to sit on the sidelines. The side with the lower total health bars becomes the loser in the duel and will lose one health bar, and the winner will remain the same.”

"The duel ends when the winner depletes one of the loser's health bars."

This is a confrontation where the strong are stronger and the weak are weaker.

For An Wujiu, for Liu Chengwei who has 7 health bars, if there is no one on his side to increase the number of health bars on his side, this will be a losing game duel.

"However, during the game, your pain will be infinitely close to reality, so your skills and strength will determine the damage you cause to each other in the game, and the damage is irreversible, only Spend materials for pain relief and treatment. Don't worry, even if you use deadly methods such as slitting your throat to cause injury in a duel, it will not be really fatal. As long as there are blood bars left and enough materials, you will not die in the game. "

If you stand in a team, you will participate in a duel in person, and you will be injured. This setting will only make other people stand in the team more cautiously, and no one wants to consume a lot of medicines.

The wrist is still shaking, the wound has just been sutured for less than a few minutes, and it will definitely split after a lot of movement.

An Wu Jiu began to earnestly calculate that the balance in her account was enough for Zhong Yirou to perform several surgeries.

Liu Chengwei has entered the laser ring as required. There is no right to refuse, An Wu Jiu followed suit. The laser lines of the arena expanded upwards and downwards at the same time, forming a scarlet wall of light enclosed on all sides, trapping them in it, and the dim room became very strange in an instant.

"Before the duel begins, you will be provided with a randomly assigned weapon."

A square blue holographic projection appears in the middle of the duel threshold, with characters representing two people on it, and a blank weapon bar below the characters. Like a slot machine, the blank column scrolls, and at a certain moment, the rotation begins to stop, and the weapons in the column gradually stop.

An Wujiu stared at the spikes slowly moving up on the blank column.

This is a nice weapon, but it eventually moves up and disappears.

The weapon column is frozen, and finally it is a red cross, as is Liu Chengwei's.

"There are no weapons for this duel."

"Are there any other characters joining the duel? Please choose the faction you want to go to and bet all the health bars on the character panel for one minute."

This minute was extraordinarily long, and the duel room was eerily silent. An Wu Jiu didn't stand in the stands, he stared at Liu Chengwei's mutilated eye, thinking about the layout after losing the duel.

Time passed by and no one made a choice.

Everyone chose to sit on the sidelines, but this was the best possibility in An Wujiu's expectation.

"No one joins, An Wu Jiu has 3 health bars, Liu Chengwei's health bars: 7. The duel will begin after a five-second countdown, please prepare."

The holographic projection instantly transforms into a huge, oppressive countdown number, from 5 to 1, which makes people hold their breath unconsciously.

"Start now."

Blood bars instantly appeared on the top of their heads, An Wu Jiu only had three, An Wu Jiu’s muscles were still paralyzed and did not wake up. But in just a second or two, a huge fist had already smashed into his face, and the attack was fierce.

His reaction was subconscious, and he didn't even know why he could make such a quick reaction.

Liu Chengwei felt a little unbelievable about An Wujiu's dodging, in reality he was a gangster and had countless street fights, so it's not enough to say that he is experienced in this one-on-one fight. For too.

But that's it, every one of his fists was dodged by An Wujiao.

Every evasion moves with wind.

The anger ignited his desire to win, Liu Chengwei couldn't bear the opponent not making a shot at all, and even used such a fast speed to predict his shot and avoid it directly.

"I told you to hide!" Liu Chengwei roared, turned and raised his hand to punch, but the next second his arm shook.

An Wujiu recognized his fake movements, the moment he could move his body, he suddenly felt wrong, the muscles of his whole body seemed to be frozen.

Can't move.

Liu Chengwei raised his leg and kicked An Wujiu's abdomen hard. Before the pain could drown his body, he fell back and leaned against the cold, hard, light wall.

This will not work.

He tried to strike, but the spasms of his muscles got worse, and even the flesh around his cheekbones was twitching for no reason. After half a second of distraction, the injured arm was stepped on by Liu Chengwei, unable to move.

Blood spreads from the soles of the feet. Liu Chengwei's fist smashed up one by one. Although it was a no-arms duel, he wore a metal exoskeleton on his knuckles, and attacking his already seriously injured body was a foul.

The falling fist is like an unstoppable torrential rain.

"Blood is falling so fast..."

Liu Chengwei is really ruthless.

Wu You under the stage looked at the rapidly shortening blood bar on An Wu Jiu's head, he stayed where he was, unable to lift his hands.

"He has post-war stress disorder..." Zhong Yirou muttered to herself.

Wu You heard this and took a step closer to Zhong Yirou, "What did you say?"

Zhong Yirou glanced at it and said in a low voice, "Stress disorder. He had been slow to respond before, his speech speed was also very wrong, and his hands were shaking with convulsions. I thought it was a psychological disorder. , but his dodging movements just now seem to be trained, and when faced with a duel, his muscles are tense, twitching and mentally weak, and it is very likely that he has experienced a brutal war." She paused, "Or kill."


Post-war stress disorder has a completely different manifestation.

Wu You listened, and at the same time he was jealous of this person, there was a trace of sympathy. He turned his face sideways and looked at the two people on the stage.

This is a passive battle with no chance of winning.

As if driven by muscle memory, An Wujiu tried to block with his uninjured hand, but compared to the opponent's attack that was so violent that he couldn't penetrate the needle, the twitching of his muscles created a greater obstacle for him .

The most terrifying thing is that under Liu Chengwei's boxing, An Wujiu seems to have hallucinations. He felt his blood flow backwards, and his beating heart became a hard lump, and he was about to peel it out of his throat.

Shards of memory flashed back in front of her eyes constantly, sharp knives stabbed into the waist and abdomen, broken arms and legs, drug intubation... The pain in the hallucination is more real and difficult than reality.

"You hide? I'll see how you hide!" Liu Chengwei pulled his long hair back, forcing An Wujiu to raise his head, he laughed cruelly and contentedly, stood up, held An Wujiu Wu Jiu also picked it up, grabbed his neck and faced Yang Ming's direction.

"Is this what you call a ruthless character?" Liu Chengwei smiled contemptuously and spat on the ground, "I don't think so."

An Wujiu was overwhelmed by the constant flashbacks of hallucinations, the tight muscles made him unable to do anything, he could only watch the man in front of him consume the last bit of blood on the top of his head.

It's all over.

Now he only has two health bars left, the same as Yang Ming.

"The duel is over." Shengyin announced the result without emotion, "The character [robber] wins, and the loser [intern] loses one health bar."

"Please leave the duel threshold for both characters."

Liu Chengwei obviously did not expect it to end so soon, and even felt that it was not enough. An Wu Jiu is someone who was marked as a game target by Yang Ming. He described it as a bug in this survival game. To be able to knock down such a person, Liu Chengwei gained unprecedented vanity.

Surviving in this game is nothing.

He wants to become a master who can dominate and dominate.

"I knew that my life would not be so fast, so I should torture you slowly." He threw An Wujiu to the ground, clapped his hands, raised his head and left the duel threshold.

An Wujiu fell to the ground, raised his hand and wiped away the blood slowly. He tried to control his abnormal muscles, pressed his less injured hand to the ground, and struggled to his feet.

Wandering, pale-faced An Wujiao walked out of the duel threshold.

Although the duel was more difficult than he thought, at least the first step of his plan was successful.

No one spoke in the arena, just like when the duel started, but the expressions on everyone's faces changed.

In the quiet room, there was applause.

It's Yang Ming.

He clapped his hands with a smile, walked from the dark corner of the room to An Wu Jiao, and admired his frustration with great satisfaction.

“An Wujiu, after the last round of the game, what happened to you?” Yang Ming raised his eyebrows, his slender eyes looked at An Wujiu, “Look at what you look like now Well, I'm afraid you'll never go back to what you were before."

He always remembered how he spent the last round of nightmares that lasted for ten days, how he knelt down to An Wujiu like a dog but was pushed out by him, and finally managed to survive and kill a People stole his points to live to the end.

Now this devil-like guy actually said that he had amnesia and didn't remember anything.

Obviously won the game unscathed at first, but entered this round as an innocent weakling who was seriously injured.

It's all a lie.

"You said it, the altar is a Darwinian Colosseum, and if you are weak, you should die." Yang Ming held back his anger and pinched his chin.

"Then you now, should you follow your own creed and die?"

For a moment, An Wu Jiu felt very wrong.

The enormous tinnitus prevented him from escaping from the hallucination.

On Yang Ming's lean face, he saw the dry trees of Siberia, the weird Western old sayings, the bottles and jars soaked with organs and prosthetics on the black market, the blank, spotless circular experiments room, a place with no windows, like a prison.

An unfamiliar blue sky on a huge monitor.


He woke up knowing nothing, before he could save his mother.

Do you really want to die like this?

An Wujiu's absence made Yang Ming feel humiliated to a certain extent, he sneered, "To be able to pretend to be like this is enough to bear the burden of humiliation."

"Could it be that you really forgot everything?"

The wounded An Wujiu oozes blood from the corner of his mouth, and only said in a weak voice: "I really forgot. You can kill me if you want, but I'm dead... You don't have to. win to the end."

"What did you say!" Yang Ming grabbed his collar and dragged him to him.

An Wujiu lowered his voice and said softly, "The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind..."

Yang Ming was quiet for two seconds.

The heart struggled for a while for a short time. An Wujiu who entered this round of the game became taciturn and said very few words, but every sentence made Yang Ming unable to feel at ease.

Is he testing his determination to kill him?

Have you already found a partner? Prepare to go straight to the top after killing him. This game is not about force. It depends on who gets the highest survival score in the end, who can keep the person he secretly loves, and get rid of the cursed person. This is the best solution.

An Wujiu means that he has already found the person who can get the highest score under the optimal solution?

Who? Zhong Yirou? Or Ueno, or Wu You?

He didn't find the answer, and couldn't find the answer, and in a fit of anger, he suddenly pushed An Wujiu to the ground.

Although there are doubts in his heart, he can't let him go so easily, at least torture him.

"Otherwise it is so." Yang Ming squatted down towards An Wujiu, stared at his face for a while, then turned his face and smiled and suggested to others, "Let's test if he is Really lying."

Ueno asked: "How to test?"

"We continue to duel, anyway, An Wu Jiu only has two lives left, I don't believe that when he is about to die, he can still hold on. Take a ten thousand steps back and say, An Wu Jiu really If you lose your memory, you are not at a loss. You lose a dangerous competitor, and you get more supplies. More cost-effective transactions."

The dueling room was quiet, and no one objected to this cruel plan.

Wu You raised her foot and was about to move forward when Zhong Yirou next to her grabbed her arm. She silently shook her head at him.

Liu Chengwei has made it clear that he has joined forces with Yang Ming, and other people may have already reached cooperation with Yang Ming in the dark. 's target.

An Wujiu fell to the ground with blood sticking to the side of his face, because of the flashback of his memory, his senses became blurred, and he could barely hear Yang Ming's humiliation.

"Your face should be very popular in the real world." He patted An Wujiu's face with his withered hands, "What a pity, listen. It is said that after brain death, people are completely dead, if you become a vegetable or something, you can still be an obedient **** puppet, don't you think?"

Hearing this, Lao Yu stopped, "Yang Ming, you are going too far."

An Wujiao's consciousness returned vaguely and heard their conversation.

"What? Are you sympathetic to him? Why didn't you stand up and pledge your health to him?" Yang Ming stood up, "I just wanted you to consume him The next blood bar..."

The situation is changing too fast.

The spear suddenly turned to other people, Wu You felt that something was not right, and said to Zhong Yirou in a low voice, "Could Lao Yu be... the person that Yang Ming cursed?"

But Zhong Yirou shook her head without hesitation, and paused for two or three seconds before saying the reason for her decision, "It's because Lao Yu stood up." She added in a low voice, " If you want to let Lao Yushang, you just want to test whether he can stand in line, and only those who are swaying will become his abandoned sons."

Wu You observed her expression and said nothing.

Faced with Yang Ming's decision to throw one person again, the others remained silent.

Even against an opponent like An Wujiu who only has two health bars, no one here wants to enter the duel threshold with him, even if he wins, he will make enemies for himself. Yang Ming took the initiative to choose one, but instead made others feel grateful.

"Wait a minute..." Yang Ming suddenly changed the conversation.

"Since you are so opposed to it, then I will give you another chance to choose the faction you want to go to, and you will not be needed this round."

He seemed to say every word carefully, but in fact it was not too different from a threat. After he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at a dark corner of the duel room.

"How about letting Shen Ti come on?"

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