MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 96 Birthday Mystery

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Shen Ti stayed in place.

The kiss was completely unexpected.

Before he got together with An Wujiu, he always secretly thought that this person was incomprehensible, at least when he was in a kind state, because he was too calm and upright.

But the opposite was true. Or the two sides of An Wu Jiao merged too quickly, beyond his imagination.

An Wujiu stepped back, the corners of his mouth twitched, his bright eyes filled with a smile.

Comparing with him, Shen Ti found that in the aspect of love, he really wasn't good enough.

Shen Ti stretched out his hand and was about to drag An Wujiu into his arms when he suddenly felt someone in the living room, turned his head to the side, and found it was Noah.

"Brother Wu blame, are you still sleeping?"

An Wujiu's face was a little embarrassed, because the two were too close. He quickly shoved away half of Shen Ti's body and stood up, "Go to sleep now, good night Noah."

Noah just came back from the bathroom, she rubbed her eyes tiredly, turned around and went to the guest bedroom.

When she closed the door, Shen Ti slowly stood up and wrapped his arms around An Wujiu's waist.

"Are you sleeping? Brother blameless."

Hearing this name, An Wu Jiu raised his head and glared at him almost subconsciously.

"Don't yell."

"Yes." Shen Ti put his arms around him and returned to the guest bedroom, "I should be older than you, you are only twenty."

An Wujiu was curious, "Really? How old are you?"

"I..." Shen Ti was stunned, he didn't even remember how old he was.

"It must be older than you anyway." He said casually.

Although he doesn't remember his age, in retrospect, he feels that he is repeating the endless pain, as if he has lived for thousands of years, or more.

For so long that he couldn't remember what pain it was.

An Wujiu didn't refute, for some reason, he seemed to agree with Shen Ti's statement, even though he didn't know how old Shen Ti was.

He half turned and closed the door, leaning his back on the door panel, "Then what month is your birthday?"

Shen Ti turned around, he saw An Wujiu's slightly open lips when he spoke, and the vaguely half-exposed tip of his tongue.


He took a step, put his hands in his pockets, and his crotch almost pushed up against An blameless crotch.

A date popped into my head without warning.

But he doesn't want to talk now, he doesn't want to chat.

An Wujiu's heart beat faster, when Shen Ti lowered his head and approached him. Usually, he had a very light, calming fragrance, similar to sandalwood, but now, the smell seemed to be burning and became more intense.

Shen Ti didn't reach out to hug him, just pressed him against the door with his hip bones. At first, he just lowered his head and touched his lips, once, twice.

The lips were slightly adhered and separated.

When they parted, An Wujiu felt that his heart was also taken away, Shen Ti's pupils were like lake water, and he was drawn into it.

I thought that the third time was still a shallow taste, but without warning, this layer of tissue paper that was not to be poked was pierced, An Wujiu could hardly breathe.

The tongue was rolled, Shen Ti's sudden fierceness was unexpected, his senses were infinitely enlarged, An Wujiu raised his hand to push him away, but this hand was also held by Shen Ti, his fingers clasped tightly pressed against the door panel.

An Wujiu's blue veins were raised on the back of his hand, and the number "99" was engraved on it.

An Wujiu held his hand tightly, his thoughts were also contradictory, he felt that he wanted something from Shen Ti, but hoped that Shen Ti would not want anything give up.

The door panel is not soundproof, he heard movement outside, and his reason suddenly broke through the senses that enveloped him. An Wu Jiu woke up and pushed Shen Ti away with his hand.

But An Wu Jiu wanted to stop, he still obeyed his words very gentlemanly.

"If you say no, you won't let me. You have to compensate me."

“Compensation for what?” An Wujiu locked the door and turned to look at him.

Shen Ti sat back on the bed with his chin raised, "Brother Ye, listen to me."

An Wujiu was silent for a while, the whole face was clearly marked with rejection. After a while, he found himself the steps to go down.

"You haven't answered my question just now."

Shen Ti tilted his head suspiciously, "What's the problem? My mind is full of the expression you just kissed with me, your neck and ears are red..."

"Shen Ti." An Wujiu crossed his arms and took a few steps towards him, with a "don't fool me" expression on his face.

Shen Ti shrugged, thinking that he was not lying.

"Birthday, right..."

The date popped into his mind again.

"April 2nd."

An Wu Jiu suddenly froze.

Shen Ti looked up and saw the doubts and confusion on An Wujiu's face, even doubts, so he stretched out his hand to hold An Wujiu's hand and asked him softly "what's the matter".

"It's my birthday."

An Wujiu told him calmly.

Shen Ti was stunned for a second.

How is that possible?


An Wujiu nodded, "Although my memory is very problematic, no matter which memory it is, I still remember my birthday."

Shen Ti stopped for a moment, not his brain, but his whole body and body seemed to stop for two seconds, but his thoughts flowed normally.

Two seconds later, it was back to normal.

He is like a robot with a power outage, or a human being who has returned to normal after out of body.

"This is not my birthday." Shen Ti told him truthfully, "It's just that you asked my birthday, I can only think of this date."

An Wujiu’s heart was filled with doubt.

This suspicion was first said by Shen Ti, "Is it possible, we have met before?"

Although An Wu Jiao's memory is incomplete and even his life may be broken, he still thinks it is impossible.

very frankly, he shook his head at Shen Ti, "If I have seen you, I should never forget you." This sounds absurd, anyone else can say it, only An Wu Jiu, who can't even control his own memory, said it was outrageous.

But if he really saw Shen Ti and saw his eyes, how could he forget.

Since the birthday just blurted out, Shen Ti also felt that something was wrong.

He didn't think they had met, and his intuition told Shen Ti that he had an unknown connection with An Wujiu.

"Maybe it's fate." Shen Ti smiled

The brightest thing in the night is the ceiling, which is white. Lying on the bed, An Wujiu couldn't help thinking about his past, trying hard to search for things and experiences related to Shen Ti from his memory, but to no avail, whether it was false, filled in memory, or real. , The incomplete part, which never had Shen Ti's green eyes.

He couldn't recall, and he couldn't close his eyes, because as soon as he closed his eyes, he was in front of his sister lying on the ventilating duct.

The confused past made him feel like he was in a fog, the unknown past, the unknown future, everything gradually filled with fear.

But just when he was most confused, Shen Ti pulled him into his arms, "No fault."

"I want your future more than the past."

His voice was low, dispelling the chaos hovering in An Wujiu's mind.

An Wujiu felt safe, he buried his face in Shen Ti's neck, his voice muffled, "Are you able to read minds?"

Shen Ti smiled and kissed the top of his hair, "You really think I'm an immortal."

An Wujiu is just joking, he knows how smart Shen Ti is, he is not fundamentally different from many humans in Shen Ti's mouth, maybe in his eyes they can see through, just need a few more eyes .


He patted An Wujiao on the shoulder.

When he felt his breathing gradually calm down, Shen Ti stopped and put his hand on An Wujiao's shoulder.

"I love you."

Shen Ti suddenly said so, neither learning nor imitating, even he himself was surprised.

Fortunately, An Wujiu fell asleep and did not hear such a hasty and unprepared confession.

They both fell asleep in this position at night, safely and securely, hugging each other tightly.

Zhong Yirou, who was in the master bedroom next door, was not so stable. She felt thirsty and struggled to get up.

But as soon as she pushed the door out, she was stabbed in her eyes by the strong light.

The source of the light is Yang Erci's studio.

The closed door was almost translucent from the light inside, and the streamer overflowed from the crack of the door.

Isn't that Noah's room...

Zhong Yirou suddenly thought that the strange book was in it.

She walked over bravely, stretched out her hand, and tried to push the door open.

Unexpectedly, the door is not locked!

The moment she pushed it away, Zhong Yirou's eyes were almost burned by the golden light. She half-squinted her eyes, only to see Noah lying flat on the bed, like a sacrifice.

And the book was opened and the pages were turning.

Then snap shut.

At that moment, Zhong Yirou seemed to suddenly fall into the abyss, and then suddenly opened her eyes.

She was on the bed.

Zhong Yirou gasped for breath, the dream just now was so real, so real that her legs were so soft that she couldn't stand up and go to Yang Erci's studio to take a look.

As soon as Zhong Yirou turned her head, she saw Yang Erci sleeping beside her, with the thin quilt half covering her, and her sleeping face was much softer than her usual serious look.

Suddenly she felt a little more secure, and she indented into the quilt, facing her face to face.

Please don't have any more nightmares.

A good night's sleep, An Wu Jiu woke up late, when he opened his eyes, he was the only one left on the bed.

He was probably used to Shen Ti being by his side, and realizing that he was not there, An Wujiu had no sleepiness, got up and went out.

As soon as I went out, I saw Shen Ti and Zhong Yirou serving dishes in the kitchen.

An Wujiu slept a little dazedly, "Well, let's go to the black market."

"Black market?" Zhong Yirou frowned, "Should you buy something that shouldn't be bought?"

“I don’t have a Citizen Chip.” An Wujiu looked at Shen Ti as he spoke.

Yang Erci poured the milk to them, not surprised that he didn't have chips.

"Exactly, I'll go too."

Suddenly the air defense siren sounded outside the window.

Shen Ti also came over, "It's too noisy."

Yang Erci felt something was wrong, so he ordered the AI ​​butler in the room to broadcast the news.

"At 6:39 a.m. today, dozens of citizens gathered in the municipal square and attempted to riot in public. After being stopped by other citizens, the gatherers began an armed riot."


An Wujiu frowned.

"It is understood that five of them are the US federal police and government officials, it is not clear..."

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