MTL - Swallowed Star-v28 Chapter 49 Common enemy

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Floating Astronomy, Chapter 49, Common Enemies (End of Chapter)

"Although come!" Moro was so guilty that he could not do it under the pressure of the triple force.

Luo Feng was far away, and a drop of crystal-like crystals flew between the fingers. The surface of the water droplets also flowed through a pattern of strokes. The direct drop of this drop directly fell into one of the **** eyes of Morosa, Moro. Satanba had two one-eyed eyes and stood there.

like a statue……


"Beddy, I am the last king, I am, hahaha!" Standing next to a broken body, Morosa smirked and then swallowed a few mouthfuls. "You still I want to be eaten by me."

"Eat you, I am the last king. I will kill the human galactic lord again."

"I will be truly invincible."

"That sad Galaxy lord... too small for me, I will let him know that I regret it." Moro was mad.


Luo Feng looked at the opposite Morosa, Morosa was still motionless, and suddenly there was a strange three-point drop imprint on its chest, and then the imprint disappeared.

"It became." Luo Feng saw the watermark print on the chest of the beast, and soon sensed the soul of Morosa, and could not help but be overjoyed.

Morosa was squinting, and for a long time, muttered: "I, I am the last king..."

"It should wake up." Luo Fengdao.

"Clearly, I clearly escaped from your hand." Moroza yelled, "You and countless beasts are killing, and the beasts of the beasts are in chaos. I struggled from step by step, and the bigger the bigger. Even the final I will eat the seriously injured Brady... I became the last king. How come..."

Luo Feng shouted: "Morosa!"

Morosa sighed, and the absolute reverence from the soul made it even like: "Master."

Luo Feng smiled.

"Master, what is the law of slavery, so that I fell into it without any slightest awareness." Moroza even asked, although it was enslaved, but the memory is still intact, naturally remember what happened before. It is only from this moment that it is the most obeying object that is the most obedient.

"That is called "Samsung World", a great existence called ‘金’.”” Luo Feng said.

"Gold?" Moro snorted.

"Yes, Kim!" Luo Feng nodded.

Jin, the **** of the king of Jin, is best at enslaving, and he is the right arm of the king of Jin before the Jin Dynasty has been destroyed! His slavery regiment alone... is a very mysterious and powerful army of the Jin Dynasty, but unfortunately it eventually disappeared along with the Jin Dynasty.


In Luo Feng's small universe, they suddenly swayed, and a powerful pressure swept through them. They also swept through the star tower of Luofeng.

"Well?" Luo Feng suddenly looked up, and Morosa, next to him, looked up.

"It is the rule." Morosa was shocked.

If Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully, the supreme pressure of the sweeping past, faintly with a warning ... that is a warning of life and death crisis.

"The slavery beast, not so easy." Luo Feng looked at the beast next to his eyes, his heart was heavy.

He understands.

The beast, representing destruction.

He enslaved the beasts, then he had the possibility of enslaving the ‘the king of the beasts, and the king of the beasts was opposite to the original universe, representing the existence of the source of destruction! Slavery...will definitely cause a chain reaction and will never easily make you successful.

On the periphery of the universe, a huge high-speed flying bulkhead fragment is sitting on the mountain.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the faint fluctuations.


"The last time my disciple broke through, causing the supreme rule. What happened now?" The mountain passengers have some concerns. "Is it the birth of the king of the beasts? Or other major events that affect the entire universe?"

Anything that can cause the highest rules to respond must be a big deal.


In the depths of the distant peaks, in one of the 'dark places' of the core land, in the endless darkness... a headed beast is scattered.

Some of these beasts are killing each other.

Some hide the power of swallowing energy to restore strength. 《》网.com

Some are constantly approaching the prey hunting.


Many beasts are fighting for the ‘last king’. Even the weak beasts, in order not to die, are struggling to let other animals die.



Bedi, who is chasing a escaping beast, stopped. There was blood in one of Betty’s skulls. Both of his heads looked in one direction and muttered: "Morosa..."

"Morosa!" An ugly beast holding an axe also looked in that direction and muttered to himself.

The beasts that are killing at both ends have stopped.

The beasts who concealed their strengths also opened their eyes.

The weak beasts who carefully avoided did not look at that direction.



All the beasts are stunned, no matter what they are doing, they stop at the moment, they have only one name in their minds at the moment - Morosa!

From the moment when the billions of beasts were born together, they were destined to kill each other and only the last one could live, so they were able to sense each other by nature, and even transmitted messages after a long distance. And when Morosa was enslaved by Luo Feng, all the beasts were sensed...

Originally one of their partners, Morosa, the volatility of life has changed dramatically.

All the beasts understand, Morosa has been enslaved!

No language required!

No news required!

At this moment, all the living beasts rely on each other's feelings to make sure that the 'Morosa' who is far away is already enslaved, no longer their partner, and will be their true enemy.

"Hey--" Betty screamed with anger and resentment.

"Oh--" The beast with the axe also looked up and roared, his voice full of anger, resentment, and madness.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

The entire beast's lair, at this moment all the beasts are screaming, they are angry, noble as they are... even one of their companions is enslaved! This is a provocation against their lives. This is absolutely not allowed. It is a shame, the shame of all beasts, it should be washed with death!

All the beasts remember the message from Moroza not long ago. It was the message about the lord of the galaxy, Luo Feng. Morosa said at that time that he had been suppressed by the lord of the Galaxy! Let them be careful of the ‘Star Tower’ of the Galaxy Lord. Looking at the cosmic sea, it is difficult for other true gods to kill Morosa, and there is still a possibility. But if it is 'slavery', no one else can do anything except the most terrible galactic lord.

Plus, he was enslaved by the lord of the Galaxy.

Then -

The slavery of Morosa must be the lord of the Milky Way!

"The Galaxy Lord!"

"The Galaxy Lord!"

"The Galaxy Lord!"

At this moment, all the beasts are filled with endless anger, and they are all hateful of the daring lord of the Milky Way.

At this moment, they have a common enemy!

The beasts rarely join hands and don't bother to join hands, because they are born to kill each other, but if they threaten them, if they really anger them... they will still join forces, and obviously the Galaxy lord enslaved Morosa It really angered the countless beasts.

"吼~~~" screaming and screaming, screaming at every corner of the beast.

The Star Tower suppresses the space.

Luo Feng has already received the triple power of suppressing Morosa before, because at this moment Morosa has been enslaved, and absolute obedience from the depths of the soul is the most trustworthy.

"Master." Morosa was very respectful.

"Tell me the things of the beast nest." Luo Feng looks solemn, before the pressure from the highest rules, Luo Feng felt a horrible danger of coming.

Morosa respectfully said: "Master, I need to tell you first, before this fight with you, I will send a message, your message to all the beasts of the whole beast nest."

"What content?" Luo Feng frowned.

Moro Satan said something about the content.

Luo Feng’s face changed slightly.

"The owner forgives sin," Morossa said. "At the time I was filled with endless hatred, and I also had a mortal heart. Naturally I wanted the master to die too... so try to let them know your horror, I believe this must It will motivate all the beasts to accelerate their evolution, and even under threats, they will join forces."

Luo Feng said quietly: "Continue."

"And, when I was suppressed by the owner in the Star Tower, I also sent a message to them, telling them... I have no resistance, and I was sucked in by the owner and used the Star Tower to suppress it. Even I even blew myself up. Can't do it," Morosa said.

"What." Luo Feng fists are not tight.


Can't do it? Obviously it is to make all the beasts in the beast of the beast clearly understand how terrible Luo Feng is. Then, in response to the threat of Luo Feng, the beasts will be ready.

"Master, I just wanted to retaliate, so..." Moroza was anxious.

"I know, don't blame you." Luo Feng shook his head. "I ask you, how many beasts are there in the nest of the beasts, and what is the level of strength?"

This is the most concerned issue of Luo Feng.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other can prepare for the catastrophe.

At this moment, Moro is naturally knowing everything, and he said directly: "The whole beast nest was born when it was first born. At that time... all the beasts were born, that is, the first order."

Luo Feng listened carefully at the side.

"Generally, thirty-three first-order beasts will eventually give birth to a second-order beast. Thirty-three second-order beasts will give birth to a third-order beast. To deduct this..." Morosa Road, "The most fascinating situation is the birth of more than 30 sixth-order beasts. They swallow each other, and the last one who survives is the ultimate king. They will have the power to truly represent the source of destruction. Once the king is born... even if the master is strong again Can't stop it."

"At this moment, the beast nest of the beast, the top should be the fourth-order beast." Morosa said, "Of course the most number is the second-order beast."

"The total number of beasts in the nest is about 10 million." Moroza.

Ten million?

Luo Feng has already calculated the approximate number in his heart. He can hear Morosa’s saying that he still can’t help himself. At least at this moment, there are tens of millions of beasts in the strength of Morosa. It is no wonder that it is a catastrophe. It is no wonder that even the will of the source is also a means to find a chance.


This article is over!

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