MTL - Swallowed Star-v29 Chapter 18 catastrophe

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Chapter 29—Chapter 18 Holocaust

When the 450,000-bone beast was completely dispersed and moved forward from the mountain pass of the main peak of the entire peak, Luo Feng knew that it could not stop. ("", watch the latest update of this book)

He is only a person in power, can not be separated into thousands, can kill up to one or two beasts, and other beasts can fully enter the vast universe.

"Kill!" Luo Feng double stunned.

Although you can't stop it, you must try your best. You can kill one!

brush! brush! brush! Luo Feng successively moved into one of the beasts, and the small universe was born in an instant. The big palm formed by the chaotic airflow killed the poor second-order beast.

After a while.


Standing on the top of the peak of the peak, Luo Feng looked around the void, could not help but shake his head, "can not stop."

The mighty 450,000 beasts spread out and rushed out. The second batch of 450,000 beasts was also like this. Even though Luo Feng tried his best, he only killed five beasts. Relative to the number of 900,000 animals in the whole world, but nine cattle and one hair.

"Nine hundred thousand beasts rushed out of the peak and entered the universe." Luo Feng looked solemn. "This is really troublesome. They are really united and they all kill."

"You can only see the move."

As soon as Luo Feng shook his head, he immediately launched a super long-distance teleport and began to rush back to the original universe.


Luo Feng has no way, although knowing that this action may force the last remaining beasts to escape, but he has no choice! If you don't go to the massacre, let more than 9 million beasts kill each other. If you see that Buddy enters the fifth stage, you can understand... letting it grow, it will take too long, and fear is the sixth.

Six-order beasts, tens of thousands of people, it is difficult to kill.

That is a disaster!

Therefore, we must start ahead of time, and now it is the best situation to kill more than eight million beasts at one time. Although this 'best situation' is still a disaster for the various families of the universe.

No way, this is an unprecedented catastrophe. Now it is just a change from the 'absolute death robbing' to the 'last catastrophe'... The current situation is still alive, and Luo Feng’s current combat power can be an enemy. Ten thousand, and there is no fifth-order in the group of beasts. The catastrophe is entirely possible.

Luo Feng's ultra-long-distance teleport is faster than the fifth-order beast Beidi teleport! When all the beasts were scattered and still heading for the various families in the universe, Luo Feng was also rushing back.

When Luo Feng couldn't stop the 900,000 beasts, he held a meeting of various ethnic groups directly in the virtual universe.

Above the suspended temple. \\\\9v k . Com starting \\\\

The true gods are scattered and sit down. At the top, they are Chaotic City Lord and Luo Feng. There are a lot of real gods scattered underneath. The whole universe has all the powers gathered here, like the Yaozu, Zerg, etc. This is the case. Obviously, in today’s situation, it is natural to follow the human race to have life.

"You." Gao sat in the top of a golden robe chaos, a white robe Luofeng, white robe Luofeng overlooking the bottom, "I went to the dimly ground some time ago."

Immediately underneath.

"Go to the beast nest?"

"What about the galactic lord?"

All ethnic groups are worried that they will look forward to seeing all the true gods, and the other true gods are worried.

The white robe is overlooking the bottom: "There is good news and bad news."

"The good news is that the number of billions of beasts in the Beast's Nest has been decreasing. When I entered, there were more than nine million beasts in the Beast's Nest. The lowest strength is equivalent to the last beast that attacked my universe. "The words of Luo Feng caused the shock and fear of many true gods below."

Not to mention them, even Luo Feng had some fear at the time.

"But the fate is fair." Luo Feng said, "We have a lifeline in the universe. I am fortunate to have a treasure. This treasure can only be used once! I attracted over eight million beasts to besiege me, and then kill it." This is over eight million beasts."


"In one fell swoop to kill more than eight million beasts?"

"What treasure is that?"

The true gods of all races are shocked.

Luo Feng does not care, whether these true gods are shocked, doubtful, or greedy that treasure, or guess whether Luo Feng can still display the second treasure... No matter how these true gods think, Luo Feng does not care! Because in the universe, he is the absolute first strong!

And it is far superior to any other one. The human race is also the absolute first group!

"The bad news is." Luo Feng said, "The dark land still survived 900,000 beasts, and the 900,000 beasts left the dark land and killed directly in the universe... I am alone, and fundamentally Unable to stop the completely dispersed 900,000 beasts. It is expected that within a day or so, there will be a small universe where the beasts will reach the first round of the era."

"one day?"

"Nine hundred thousand beasts enter the universe?"

"This this……"

All the families have been blind.

A nightmare message, a beast will provoke the wind and the sea of ​​all the people in the universe to be terrified, 900,000 beasts?

"Well, the first round of the era is over, and the second round of the era is over." Many of the true gods below understand this moment.

Their original universe can support any small universe at any time with the help of the original universe and the cosmic passages of their respective small universes... But the first round of the era and the second round of the era cannot be immediately supported.

Even the original universe felt horrified at the 900,000 beasts.

How to block?

"You." Luo Feng said directly, "I will pass it on to you, and everything will be ready. I will also pass the news to the first round of the era, the second round of the era. At least let them know this in advance."


The news began to spread quickly.

Not only Luo Feng, but other true gods of the original universe will also spread. The first round of the era, the second round of the era, the Purple Moon Holy Land, and the Eastern Holy Land have all received news.


The five true gods of the god-eyed family gathered together, looked at each other, wanted to say something, but they could still speak but still did not know what to say.

"It's over."

"It’s over."

"Nine hundred thousand beasts, our small universe is eaten even if it is swallowed by a beast. Once a large group of beasts swallow together... I am afraid that it will soon be wiped out. Once the small universe is annihilated, then live in The people of the small universe will also be extinct."

The five great gods are heartbroken.

They would rather die on their own, and they would not want to annihilate the entire community, but is there a way now?

"You four." God's eyes God coldly shouted, "I will leave the small universe immediately, and flee even if the small universe is broken, those beasts can't find you, and all four of you can live. As for me, I I will try to rely on these beasts to see if they are willing to accept me. If I accept me, my gods will also have a chance to survive."

"God eyes, I am going to vote, you four go."


The five Allahs have fought.

In any case, the true God who is now slipping away is destined to survive, although it is lingering. The true God left behind is in danger of falling! And even if it succeeds, it will never turn over. The will of the source has long been used to spread some messages from the ancestral gods. Obviously, it is a very sad thing to rely on the beasts.

"I am one of the strongest eight in the universe. I have the value of using it. I trust the most successful. I don't have to persuade me." God's eyes shouted.

The other four Gods are in pain.


Just a few minutes later.

The other four trues quickly left their respective small universes and began to flee.


Inside the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"Nine, nine hundred thousand beasts?" Ziyue's first ancestors knew the news, and they were all gone. He walked alone and on the main hall. As for the strong man, he had already been sent out by him.

"How to do?"

"If hundreds of thousands of beasts swallow my small universe together, even if they can resist again, they will not resist it for too long." The purple ancestor was worried.

Ziyue's first ancestors were terrified: "Once my small universe is shattered, I really have no chance, all hopes are shattered, and my ethnic group will disappear forever."

"This Galaxy lord, why is it so useless!"


The first round of the universe, the second round of the era, and the two holy places have received news.

The first round of the era and the second round of the era are completely desperate, because they support each other very hard, how do they resist the 900,000 beasts? As for the two holy places, because the universe is more massive and extremely resistant, it can last longer.

As for the true gods, the small universe can be swallowed up in a short time.


"Fortunately, I chose to rely on the beast." The nine-headed demon **** sat high on the throne and breathed a sigh of relief. "Although I was kidnapped to the beast of the beast, and there was no freedom. My fate may be tragic in the future, at least Without them miserable, they will soon die. And my ethnic group can live longer."

"Even I can still try and try to reincarnate."

"Once you get through the cycle, maybe there is a miracle, let me get rid of the control of the beast." The nine devils are looking forward to.


In the void outside the small universe of the nine-headed demon.


A silver-winged winged man appeared out of thin air. It was Luo Feng, who rushed back from the peak of the peak. Luo Feng also bent a little bit on the way back, passing through the small universe of the nine-headed demon.

Luo Feng looked at the small universe in the distance and smiled coldly: "The beast must ask the news and must face-to-face. The slave who is relying on it can't communicate with the soul."

In the universe, the mind can communicate with each other, and this can be done between the beasts.

A slave can't do it.

Like Morosa, you must also see the nine devils, or the ancestors of the ancestors, and the king of Zhenjia to ask for news.

"I will not give you the opportunity to disclose the news." Luo Feng is very clear, the nine demon gods must stay in the small universe waiting for the enquiries of the beasts.


Luo Feng’s blood knife appeared in his hand.

The ‘destruction’ of the fifth-order beast can destroy a small universe, and now the strongest knife is no less than the power of ‘destruction’.


Read The Duke's Passion