MTL - Swallowed Star-v29 Chapter 22 guard

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Chapter 29, Chapter 22, Guardian

You can only choose one of them!

Luo Feng’s eyes were firm in the blink of an eye: “I have no choice!”

For everything that is guarded in the heart, it is worth sacrificing life, let alone just a small universe of its own. Even if the small universe is shattered, it means that it can no longer be promoted. Church


In the virtual universe, in the floating temple, the original universe is gathered together.

The high-altitude cosmic sea and sea icon shows everything.

The nine gods, the celestial ancestor, the initiator of the island, and other gods are all staring at the dense spots on the chart, all worried.

"The beast is divided into two parts?"

The gods are worried.

Sitting in the top of the white robe is not concealed, facing the crisis of life and death is not worthy of concealing: "You, now the beast is divided into two parts, there are 450,000 beasts around my small universe, ready to go immediately The other part is also the 450,000 border beasts, which is the area where the original small universe was in the distant first round. The pair is paired, killing and swallowing, and the winner continues to pair two pairs to kill... so continue The four or five thousand beasts will evolve into terrible beasts. Once they reach the sixth order, I have no hope."

The sixth-order beast is divided into thousands.

Your strength is stronger, kill one. Under the invisible rules, Morosa will also be forced to come out and be killed by the sixth-order beast. Once the sixth-order beast becomes king, it will directly breed a large number of warriors. Those soldiers are more terrible than the sixth-order beasts. The mighty army can definitely sweep everything.

"Two pairs of catching and killing?"

"When it goes on, it will soon evolve into a super-beast."

"Only the lord of the Milky Way has hope to interrupt this, but if the lord of the Milky Way arrives, the 450,000 beasts surrounding his small universe will immediately swallow his small universe."

The true gods below talked about each other and talked anxiously.

No one can do anything at all. This is a dilemma. The beasts are arrogant, and each of them is trying to become a king. ("7" and now this pair of catching right, in fact, is not fair enough. For example, the second-order beast, it will generally kill with other second-order beasts, so that it grows continuously. Now if the pair is paired, it must be forced And the third-order beast kills, knowing that it is sent to death, it must also be on.

There are also 450,000 beasts responsible for the siege of Luo Feng. The probability of giving birth to the sixth order is low.

So this distribution is not fair.

If there are not enough threats, the beasts will never decide the final king in this way! But Luo Feng is terrible... so that they obey each other and choose a brutal killing decision.

Although cruel, it is also effective. Let Luo Feng and other families in the universe immediately fall into desperation.


Luo Feng overlooks the bottom, and the real gods below talk about it.

"Luo Feng." Sitting on the side of Luo Feng's side, the chaos of the city said, "They don't have to ask their thoughts. They all hope that Luo Feng will kill you. Although this will make your small universe burst. But you are small. Whether the universe is shattered, other families do not care at all. But they dare not say, lest they anger you."

Luo Feng nodded, he understood this.

"I didn't have to choose." Luo Feng voiced to the teacher.

Chaos City Lord sighed, yeah, no choice.

"You." Luo Feng overlooked the bottom and opened.

Many of the true gods below looked up and looked at them carefully.

"It is the most important thing to spend the catastrophe of the beasts... I will immediately go to the first round of the era and try to deal with the threat of the beasts." Luo Fengdao.


"The Milky Way."

"Luo Feng!"

Immediately, human beings shouted, and they were anxious like the fire and the gods. If they chose to leave, they would be as big as Luo Feng’s small universe. It would be very difficult for other true gods to help even guard. The church is almost destined to be swallowed up by the beasts, so that the future of Luo Feng will be cut off and no longer can be further.

"Don't advise me." Luo Feng said, "My small universe is big enough, maybe it can last longer."

"But that is the 450,000 beasts."

Luo Feng shook his head: "I have no choice!"

The human gods who originally wanted to persuade were quiet, and even the demon, the Zerg, and other true gods who gave birth to a glimpse of sorrow and sorrow were suddenly sinking. Yes, I have no choice. Even the lords of the Galaxy did not have to choose. Their families are even more sad, and they can only hope that the Galaxy Lord will succeed, otherwise they are destined to be annihilated.

"I didn't have a good grasp when I started." Luo Feng shook his head. "The 450,000 beasts in the first round of the era have killed a lot of each other. They are all scattered. Only when catching and killing, The two closest beasts will be killed each other. Even if I want to kill, I can’t solve it on a large scale..."

The heart of the gods is sinking again.

"I will go all out to deal with the beasts, as far as protecting their small universes." Luo Feng said, "I rely on you, I can't be distracted."

A quiet place.

The true gods look at each other one by one. Although they are unwilling to accept it, they understand that even Luo Feng can't keep his small universe. It is even harder for their small universe to be preserved.

"Galaxy Lord, go. You are not worried about your small universe, and we can count even if we lose the small universe."

"Yes, the possibility of our detachment is so low that we can ignore it. There is no small universe. There is no big difference."

"The lord of the Galaxy, don't distract us."

"The beasts of the beasts, we can not contribute, naturally can not affect the Galaxy Lord you."

The true gods of all ethnic groups still understand the importance of this time. Killing the beasts is the first major event. As for the other? Everything can be sacrificed! Even if you are not willing to sacrifice, the army of the beasts will really be killed, how can their small universe resist? They must accept all of this and look forward to... Luo Feng can succeed.

This is a real catastrophe!

Under the catastrophe, to survive, it is victory.


When the true gods of all ethnic groups talked about each other, the mountain sitter sitting in the corner of the corner looked at it silently. There was a slight smile in the corner of his mouth: "I am really my disciple, I can’t see his struggle and hesitation! See you clearly. Sexuality, pointing to the heart... Even if it is the first strongest in the universe, his heart is still so clear and not covered with dust."

It is very clear to be a mountain guest.

When you climb up in a weak hour, you may be able to see your heart and mind, and get rid of all the temptations. But when it becomes the strongest existence... At that time, it is natural to ask for more and have more, and the human heart will become more greedy and want more. It is difficult to keep the clear heart at this time.

"Luo Feng." Sitting on the mountain passengers.

Sitting at the top of Luo Feng could not help but look at the mountain.

"Teacher." Luo Feng passed over.

"You start and deal with the threat of the beast. As for your small universe... you don't have to worry about it." Sitting on the mountain road, "I will immediately go to your small universe and live in your small universe for the time being. I Have a treasure, do your best to keep your small universe from being swallowed."

"What." Sitting at the top of Luo Feng was taken aback, the chaos of the city next to him also felt that Luo Feng seems to change his mind, could not help but look at him.

"Teacher." Luo Feng was shocked. "You said, can you protect my small universe?"

“Yeah.” The mountainist continued to voice, “Yes.”

"That teacher is your own small universe?" Luo Feng asked.

"I can only protect one." Sitting on the mountain directly back to the road, the implication is that when the mountain passenger enters Luo Feng's small universe to help Luo Feng, his own small universe is not to help.

Luo Feng was anxious: "Teacher, once your own small universe has been swallowed, my small universe..."

“You don’t have to say much.” Sitting on the mountain road, “I’m not useful even if I’m detached from the cycle. It’s more important to live alive! I’m trying to train you, you’re more powerful than I thought, how can it be so easily cut off? The future... Isn't that the hope of my endless years to become empty?"

Luo Feng a trip.


I am ruined by my own future and I am willing to do so. But have you ever thought about sitting on a mountain? Sitting on the mountain teacher to train myself, if you can't go any further, it really makes the expectations of the mountain passengers empty.

"You don't have to think about it." Sitting on the mountain road, "I can't be a void class. It's the most important thing to get rid of the reincarnation. In the future, you will know all the secrets, and then you will understand why the teacher is doing this. Go Let's deal with the beasts with all your heart. Your small universe, the teacher... will die and keep it."

Luo Feng sat on the throne of the high, and looked at the mountain passenger in the far corner, then closed his eyes.

The heart is shaking.

Perhaps the mountaineer wants to use himself, maybe there are other plans.

However, hundreds of millions of years have come, and on the road of growing up, the mountaineer has never had to help himself, but has been sitting on the mountain to help himself! Even now, the mountaineer is still helping himself... This kind of kindness is so great that he can even say that his help is far more than the help of true and chaos.

Just because I have always felt that there are plans for the mountain occupants, there is a gap in my heart.

However, in any case, the mountain lover has been helping himself, even if he abandons his own small universe to help himself!

"Teacher." Luo Feng said in his heart, "When the beasts of the beasts have been robbed, I can protect them well, and I will report to you if I am Luo Ning!"



At the endless huge original cosmic membrane wall, a figure flies directly out of the membrane wall. He has a silver armor and has five pairs of wings behind him.

"Bound beast?" Luo Feng's eyelids passed a trace of fierceness, and even disappeared directly into the endless chaotic airflow.


While Luo Feng left the original universe, outside the door of the 'Cosmic Passage' leading to the small universe of Luofeng in the Galaxy Holy Land, the mountain rider sitting on a mountain peak was floating, his eyes were calm, no The slightest sorrow and joy, and the guards who had been ordered early, naturally did not dare to stop, let the mountain passengers fly directly into the universe channel.

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