MTL - Swallowed Star-v29 Chapter 35 The end of the original universe

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Luo Feng's small universe.

The blue sky and white clouds, the birds and beasts everywhere, the mountains are continuous, the springs are falling from the mountains, and a white robe man is sitting on a mountain. It is Luo Feng, and there is a tall guard on his side.

"Well?" The thick guards looked far away, and a teenager was in a teleport through a few light years away.


A silver-haired boy appeared at the foot of the mountain, followed by the air and went straight to the mountain. This silver-haired boy is extremely respectful and enthusiastic: "Father!"

"Simo, what's the matter recently?" Luo Feng looked at the silver-haired boy, and there was a trace of love in his eyes.

Seymour, very good.

Luo Feng’s concern for him is not much worse than his son’s. Because Seymour was one of the lifes that was created when Luo Feng created an ethnic group in the early days. It can be said that Seymour is the child of Luo Feng!

The numerous ethnic groups created by Luo Feng have become a pulse of the sea. After more than one billion years of catastrophe, the first true **** is born in the sea.


There are now nine major forces in the human race, and each force has many true gods. Among them, there are three strongest ones, namely, the virtual universe company, the giant axe battlefield, and the galaxy country.

The galaxy country, with the core of the earth and the secluded sea as the core, plus a large number of strong players, etc., with Luo Feng as the leader!

This is superficial, in fact, the galaxy country is mainly ‘Simo, in the lead.


At the level of Luo Feng, the entire human race is affected by it, and there is no need to get a different force. Or Ximo said at the beginning: "Father God, we have a pulse of the sea and the Earth has not had enough voice in the high-level meeting of humans." Under the acquiescence of Luo Feng, the Galaxy Kingdom was established.

In fact, Luo Feng also realized that the earth is created by the mountain, and indeed many geniuses are born, which is destined to be a very powerful one.

The secluded sea is the original in order to pursue the perfection of the structure of life. The ethnic groups created by each attempt have their own advantages and potential.

The two veins are so powerful, but they don't have enough voice, and naturally many strong people are dissatisfied.

However, at that time, Luo Feng’s true **** was also Luo Feng, Hong, and Huo. Among them, Luo Feng’s status was too high and too detached. Hong was too light. The fire was not a person of the earth or a sea of ​​people, and it did not have enough influence. When ‘Simo, after becoming a true god, many of the cosmic masters of the natural two are gathered under his arm, and he leads, and everything goes by.

Under the banner of Luo Feng, the ‘Galaxy Kingdom, this power, naturally, can better control the right to speak and improve their respective status in the human race.

No way, I have to fight.

Mainly now that human beings are too strong for more than 60 million years, the human race now has 98 true gods, and the cosmic master has 1222! To this point, human beings are mainly vying for various resources and fighting for the right to speak.

"Father God." Seymour is very respectful. "Recently, we have another breakthrough in the Galaxy Kingdom to become the Lord of the Universe."

Luo Feng nodded.

Now, Luo Feng, who is the master of the universe, will not care.

"Nakke's younger brother has made rapid progress. If he is given enough time, he should be the master of the universe."

"Nak?" Luo Feng smiled.

Naco, a teenager who was once a weak hour in the **** world, had a high status in the human race, but he also secretly paid attention to the development in the **** world, and also paid attention to the growth of Naco. I helped out, but Naco did not find it.

In Luo Feng’s view, if Naco could not become a king by immortality, then there is no need to pick him up.

If you can become a king of immortality, you will be able to attract value.

Although Luo Feng has helped three times in secret, the key is to rely on Naco himself. He has suffered countless times and struggled for hundreds of millions of years before he became immortal. When Naco became the king of immortality, Luo Feng personally descended to the world of blood, and he could be a disciple! Every time a period of time, Luo Feng will personally give instructions, usually to ‘Simo, to teach.

"Nakko's younger brother is the limit of the universe." Seymour shook his head. "But this era of reincarnation, I am afraid that there is no time for him to become the master of the universe."

“Hmm?” Luo Feng frowned. “Come on?”

"Following the Father's decree, I have been paying attention to the original universe." Seymour respectfully said, "Now some movements in the original universe indicate that the original universe has entered the end of the world, and that it will not be destroyed for a long time."

"Dynamic?" Luo Feng looked at Seymour.

Seamo nodded: "Now there are countless stars in the original universe, and there have been large-scale star bursts! Like the stellar lifespan is common, but this kind of large-scale has never been seen. And the genius of the present is obviously Straight down..." Seymour said a situation.

"It is finally going to be destroyed." Luo Feng got up.

Waiting for too long.

When I was in the battle with the beasts, my realm had reached the top of the sky! At that time, you can create a 12-step top secret. More than sixty million years old. ······················································································ Of course, there is no way to compare with Moro.

Now, in my own realm, I have reached the limit of the true **** of the void! The progress of Morosa has made Luo Fengyi helpless. In the beginning of its growth period, it is equivalent to the emptiness of the true god. More than 60 million years ago, Morosa naturally evolved into the stage equivalent to the eternal true God.

"Master." Next to the thick guards were also excited.

Luo Feng looked at the guard. This thick guard is Morosa.

"I have been waiting for this day." Luo Feng smiled.

"Father God?"

Where did he know that Luo Feng and his native will have a promise in the past, that is, to enlighten when the original universe was destroyed, this is a great opportunity to be supreme.

"But before that, I have to go to a place." Luo Feng looked at the sky and looked at the void. "You don't have to follow."


Luo Feng’s stepping has disappeared, leaving only Semo and the thick guards to look at each other.

It is still the quiet desert star field where no life can be born. Luo Feng appeared here.

"How long has it been." Luo Feng murmured.

When I was a ignorant little earth guy, I stepped out of the earth and entered the, it’s too long. I can have it today, and I am very helpful.

"What do you want me to do with the teacher?"

"The beast has looted in the past, I thought the teacher would come to me. But he never came to me.

I am not in a hurry. I will wait slowly, but I can't wait for the teacher's call. "Luo Feng's hand gently smashed through the void, he could feel a faint wave of emptiness in the void, and he entered the original universe. He understood...

The original universe did enter the end stage, and it will take a long time to carry out the final destruction.

After I realized that I was destroyed.

It will not suppress the strength, but will immediately become a true god. Then go to the reincarnation! But so far, the mountain rider has to do what he wants, but he never said it to himself. No matter what it is, even if it is a life-and-death adventure, Luo Feng will never frown.

"Hey." Luo Feng stepped over the void before coming to a palace.

There is a huge pool in front of the palace. There are fish swimming in the pool. An old man is standing next to the pool, watching it all leisurely.

"Come on." Sitting on the mountain, watching the pool.

"Come." Luo Feng walked over.

The mountainman smiled and glanced at him: "I was thinking, is your patience, or my patience. It seems that my patience is better."

Luo Feng helplessly smiled.

Is this more patience?

This mountainist teacher spent inexhaustible effort, and took out the treasures of the Star Tower. Even in the small universe of the beasts, the small universe was hard to protect Luo Feng's small universe. All of this can be seen how important it is to sit on the mountain.... But it can be like the little one at the moment. Is it more patience?

"Teacher." Luo Feng couldn't help but said, "The era of the original universe is coming to an end. Once I have realized the whole process of the destruction of the original universe, I will soon suppress the strength. I will break through. I will I am reincarnation. What do you want me to do, but please tell me."

“Ha ha ha·····” sat on the mountain and smiled. “No hurry.”

"Not urgent?" Luo Feng was wrong.

Sitting on the mountain, he turned his hand and appeared a golden crystal in his palm. He carefully looked at Jin Jing for a long time before handing it to Luo Feng.

"Teacher, is this?" Luo Feng looked at Jin Jing, this should not be a treasure.

"You bring it." Sitting on the mountain road, "it has an illusory consciousness inside."

"Unreal consciousness?" Luo Feng doubts.

Although the last one died, Donghe still left an illusory consciousness to choose to pass on.

The King of Jin also left an illusory consciousness when he left. This illusory consciousness has the memory left by all the deities, but it has no fighting power. It is just an intelligent robot with a huge amount of memory.

"That is my illusory consciousness." Sitting on the mountain road, "I said, I can't say something in some things... because under this supreme rule, I can't say it."

Luo Feng a trip.

"When you are reincarnation." The mountain singer laughed. "You are not subject to this supreme rule when you are reincarnation. My illusory consciousness can also tell everything. When you reincarnate, take out this golden crystal." My illusory consciousness appears... everything you know, you know."

Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully.

It’s no wonder that the mountain rider has not been in a hurry, because the illusion can be said when the reincarnation must be waited for.

"Go." Sitting on the mountain road, "Really, the original universe is the most perfect and the vastest universe, its destruction, the mystery contained - and the most endless. The benefits to you are beyond imagination. Careful enlightenment! Go back to the reincarnation... Don't be afraid of reincarnation, reincarnation is not a trap, it is not a disaster. It is a good thing."

Immediately, the mountain passenger turned his head and continued to look at his fish, apparently not wanting to say anything more.

Luo Feng expressed his gratitude and then quietly left.

The finale tomorrow!

Estimated 20,000 words, the tomato will be finished in one go, so when it is updated, it should be around 12 o'clock tomorrow night. Maybe early, maybe late.