MTL - Swallowed Star-v29 Chapter 5 Dimly

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Twenty-ninth detachment reincarnation

In less than half a day, Luo Feng arrived at the peak of the peak, and the peak was surrounded by endless waters.


Luo Feng directly into the water, teleported toward his own goal - the wing space forward. At the beginning, I got the white wings and the source of the Wu Yu wing in the 'wing space'! If you follow the normal route to the dark area, you need to enter the mountain peak and cross the inner area to enter the core area.

Another passage through the 'wing space' is directly to the core area.

"The first time I came, I was careful." Driving the Star Tower, Luo Feng directly shuttled through the wing space and entered another passage. He was already very familiar with it. In order to break through to the third level of the body, Luo Feng even went along. This passage has been to the edge of the dim land several times.

“I got the 'source’ here.”

"If you can get a source again, then it's good. Unfortunately, these things can't be met." Luo Feng shook his head and sighed, the power of the source is oversized, and it is difficult to destroy the true **** weapon even if it is a void. It can be sourced through the hundreds of millions of blades of the Wu Yu wing.

This killer, Luo Feng certainly eager to have more.

Therefore, in the world of Jin, as early as the trillions of years ago, he had asked the ‘Snow General’ to display mechanical treasures, transforming the power of God and trying to carry the world of Jin.


As soon as they are carried out, the energy of these transformations will automatically dissipate and annihilate.

"Invisible high-level operating rules are affecting everything." Luo Feng secretly said, "All the strong people in the world of Jin can't come out, but they will die when they come out. Even the transforming power can't be carried. Only some dead things, such as weapons. Treasures, blood, fur, etc. Can be brought out. If the generals of the ferrets can come out one by one, they will be able to destroy the army of the beasts."

Although the beast is powerful, it is only a period of gestation.

It is a disaster for all the people in the universe.

It can be a blessing to the world of Jin... but it is a breeze. For example, sending thousands of true gods to ride in a Jinluo world can sweep the entire beast nest. Or if you are eternal and true, you can also sweep. Unfortunately, none of them can come out. Obviously everything has an invisible high rule that affects it.

"The Jin Dynasty is destroyed, and the life of the Jin Dynasty can only be trapped in that small universe forever. There is never a chance." Luo Feng shook his head.



The Star Tower is rampant, sometimes teleporting, and sometimes flying at high speed. Not afraid of danger at all. Of course, some terrible areas that can't come out if they get in, like the ‘three-pole abyss’ ‘Ice Wind Devil' and other places have to go around. These are the nightmare places, maybe you can escape after your strength is in the trap, but Luo Feng does not dare to gamble! It’s really dumbfounded if you can’t come out.

In the hot magma.

The Star Tower keeps moving forward.

Flying out of the magma layer, in the distance is an endless cyclone vortex. Every whirlwind is like the sword of the super strong, with unpredictable tearing power. The Star Tower naturally rushes into it, although it is inevitably affected by the cyclone, but Luo Feng also uses these forces to accelerate the progress.

“Before convenience is the waters of the waves!”

"When you reach the waters of Wanshuilang, you will be near the dark land." Luo Feng secretly said, "The two kings of Zhenjia and Yanyan are in the waters of Wanlang."

Luo Feng has been here several times.

In the dark, I also quietly discovered the King of Zhenjia and the ancestors of Yanyan, but avoiding the attention of the beasts, Luo Feng has never started... Relative to the beasts of the beasts, the two kings of Zhenjia are nothing but ants.

"When I and the beasts really face the killing. Have time, then kill you and wait."


The Star Tower flew directly into the waters of the Wanlang Wave and began to approach the darkness. It was only a darkness at the end of the endless waters. It was the darkness of the soul. Before the birth of the beast, it was once dark. The depths of the earth are lost forever, and it is difficult to escape.

Usually stroll around the edge. Or the Lord of the universe has a body to dare to go deep. Even if you die, you just lose a bit.

"Morosa." The Star Tower stopped at the edge of the darkened land, watching the endless darkness in the distance.


Luo Feng's small universe.

"Morosa. Give me the star map of the beast's lair." The divine power turned into a body. "There are also the positions of every beast of the beasts."

Morosa respectfully said: "Yes, master. But master, although I can remotely sense the position of each beast, because the distance is too far, the coordinates I indicate can only give a rougher area. Can't be precise to a point."

"Yes." Shenli turned to nod.

Morosa spoke carefully, and the body surface began to escape the power of a trace of the beast, directly suspended in the air, condensed into a huge ball with a diameter of about one million kilometers.

"The whole beast nest, into a spherical shape."

"It will affect all senses, and you will be lost in the depths of your universe." Morosa explained that on the spherical model with a diameter of one million kilometers, there will be a light spot, and the light spots will have a halo. There are countless light spots. "Every light spot here represents a beast, and the range of halo is where it may be. I can only give a rough area."

Followed by the huge beast nest model began to emerge some mountains, water flow and so on.

"Dark land, some other substance."

"Although I am the master slave, I cannot sense the position of the master." Moro said.

Divine power nodded.

In the sea of ​​the universe, it is difficult to sense the position, so the situation of 'lost in the universe sea' will appear. Even if Morosa is the slave of Luo Feng, it still can't sense the exact position of Luo Feng. On the contrary, it can sense all the beasts. Position, this is one of the talents of the beasts.

“Masters can use their mountains, water, huge rocks, etc. to determine their coordinates.” Morosa said, “Of course, you can also use the position of the 'Boundary' to determine your own coordinates, but that is easy to be discovered by the beast. Now The number of beasts, except me, is more than 9.2 million."

"Very good, there is also the waters of the Wanlang wave." Shenli incarnation.

"Cannot be marked." Morosa said, "The dark land is full of spheres. The interior is always moving slowly. The position has not changed relative to some of the inner mountains. For the outside world... the dark place has been In change, this is one of the reasons why it is easy to get lost."

"Since this is the case."

Divine avatars directly commanded, "You will carefully sense that those beasts change position, and you also change this model. Make sure to follow the changes at all times."

"Yes, master." Morosa was absolutely obedient.


"Go in."

The Star Tower at the edge of the Wanlang Waves finally flew directly into the endless darkness.

The Star Tower is shrinking.

Luo Feng carefully controlled the Star Tower in the advancement. Although the darkness is the same for Luo Feng, it is the same as the light. Through the influence of time and space, it can still see the far distance.

"Dead silence."

"It seems that there is nothing." Luo Feng breathed, but did not dare to care.

At this moment, he does not know his position at all, he must understand it with the help of the reference object in the dark place, and it is the most dangerous period of time before finding the reference object.

"I hope not to be discovered by the beasts."

“Once the discovery, my first plan failed.”

Luo Feng is worried.

In the darkness, the Star Tower carefully advances, fearing that there are beasts. After all, there are now more than 9.2 million beasts, and the density in the nest is too high. After the giant axe fell in, it didn't take long before it died. It was not long before the Hongs and the Devils came in.


The Star Tower disappeared.


I saw a floating stone moving forward in the darkness, sometimes teleporting, and sometimes floating.

This stone has no life, very normal rock.

Go forward.

While sensing the spatial fluctuations, Luo Feng recognizes his own teleport distance, which is stronger than the beast and the sensing distance is farther away. If you don't notice that something is wrong... it will be teleported again and again.

"Well?" Luo Feng immediately stopped in his heart.

After a while -


An ugly beast was teleported, and the presence of the rock was immediately discovered by the beasts' sense of space.

"Well?" The two **** beasts of the beasts stared at the rock. "How come this suddenly has a rock? Is it the rock that some other mountains have broken when they are killed?"

"Hey!" The beast of the beast was stepping on the rock directly, and the sound of the rock was broken into 17 or 18 copies, and then the beast did not care to leave.

Luo Feng sensed that he would wait for a long time after the beast left.


The re-agglomeration of the rock has changed its appearance.

brush! brush! brush!

Move forward again.


So Luo Feng carefully used the ability of 'invisible and no phase', so that the beasts did not find his existence, and Luo Feng discovered three beasts, according to the position of the three beasts, Luo Feng But I determined my approximate coordinates, and finally arrived at a suspended mountain.

The mountain is trillions of kilometers high, and it floats in the darkness.


A rock falls in the mountains and instantly changes into a human form.

Luo Feng sighed with relief: "My position is completely certain."

Determining coordinates is only the first step

"I rely on invisible and incomparable energy, the beasts can't recognize me." Luo Feng secretly said, "Once I and the beasts are killing... a beast finds me, equal to all the beasts who discover me, then they are forced to display another A plan."

"It is doomed, I can only attack a beast."

"Since this is the case... the thief first smashed the king, since it can only attack one. Then I sneaked directly on 'Beddy'!" In the eyes of Luo Feng, there was a trace of Limang, and Morosa had long been the most powerful of the beasts. Hundreds of beasts are specifically marked, and the strongest of the hundreds of beasts is undoubtedly Brady.

——(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)