MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 16 016 [Catch the worm]

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The three stumbled into the door and stood up side by side, clearly looking uncomfortable.

Zhao Xingchen showed two little tiger teeth and said sweetly, "Sister, can you teach us math?"

Su Nuo glanced at Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che: "Why, you also want to find counseling?"

The two blushed and did not speak.

The three were all scumbags. Before the family changed, the twins and Zhao Xingchen lived a life of mixed eating and waiting for death. It was okay to study bad, anyway, the family had money. It's different now. Their house is bankrupt. If they don't study well, they can only go to the construction site to move bricks. Zhao Xingchen is different. Not to mention that his family is rich in oil, even if he is poor, he doesn't want to waste a second of his time in books. Now, he came to Su Nuo for counseling in the middle of the night, and said that his beauty was white.

However, Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che really wanted to learn. Seeing that they had to take a mock test, they didn't ask for a perfect score. At least they had to pass to make their mother happy.

Yuan Che didn't want to ask Su Nuo for a price drop, so he said, "Of course we don't need to, but we just want to help the stars stare, so you don't bully my buddies."

Zhao Xingchen: "I am willing to be bullied by my sister." He laughed even more cute.

Yuan Cheng gave him a white look, and felt that the man was 80% helpless.

Su Nuo glanced at the computer screen, and finally turned off the computer to open the desk: "Then you can move your chair over."

The three of them ran out to grab a chair. Zhao Xingchen wanted to squeeze beside Su Nuo. Whoever wanted the two brothers to look at each other quickly and surrounded her left and right. Zhao Xingchen replied, reluctantly sitting in another position.

"Let me see your question." Su Nuo turned the original Che's math book in his hand, and looked at it and laughed. "No, brother, can you make such a simple division?"

Yuan Che's face fumed with smoke.

"It's not right for you to use this formula. How did you get into high school?"

Yuan Che became angry and angry: "Did you teach it?"

Su Nuo didn't look up: "Sister, I'll teach."

"... Fuck."

Immediately after scolding, Su Nuo patted him on the head: "Swear in front of my face again, and pull your tongue to feed the cockroaches."

Yuan Che opened her mouth: "Mom ..." Looking at Su Nuowu's gaze, his tongue turned, "Mom made delicious dinner today."


Yuan Cheng and Zhao Xingchen bowed their heads and laughed.

Yuan Che now wants to hammer himself, isn't he too prosperous? Before the brain can react, the body will be persuaded first, alas, unproductive.

Su Nuo smiled at the eyes, took out his pen and book, and explained the formula while explaining to them. Zhao Xingchen originally intended to be a girl, but gradually, his eyes became serious.

Su Nuo's voice is so nice, gentle, gentle, and delicate like the spring breeze touched in April; she is so beautiful again, the tenderness exuding from her bones makes people unconsciously relax. Su Nuo's solution to the problem was clear and clear. The three were not stupid. When she talked about it, she suddenly opened up and understood everything.

Time passed little by little.

Outside the door, Yuan Guohong and Lin Zhi watched secretly.

They didn't dare to bother, Lin Zhi lowered his voice: "I'll make some supper for the children."

"Let's go." Yuan Guohong rolled up his sleeves. "Have a good rest."

"Then I will help you." Lin Zhi stubbornly followed Yuan Guohong into the kitchen.

She took out the face and took out the vegetables and eggs. Yuan Guohong couldn't bear the wife's dip in cold water and rushed to do all the work, but he was clumsy, the eggs couldn't be beaten, and the cut vegetables were messy.

Lin Zhi stepped forward to take the knife and smiled reproachfully: "You, what can't be done, what can I do if I leave?"

Yuan Guohong stood beside her, and was at a loss.

"Nuo Nuo is a good boy, and Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che are also slowly sensible. By the way, did Haruzawa get through? Did you tell him about Nuo Nuo's return?"

Yuan Guohong rubbed his eyes and hoarsely; "It got through yesterday. It was received by his friend and said he would tell him."

Lin Zhi poured water into the pot. "Yuan Ze was particularly painful when he was young. He would definitely come back. By the way, when Yuan Ze comes back, you apologize, how happy the family is."


Lin Zhi continued: "Yuan Ze has grown up, he can do whatever he wants, don't force him."

Yuan Guohong nodded: "I know."

She looked up and gently touched her husband's face.

Yuan Guohong had a sour heart, and grasped it tightly in his palm.

Su Nuo gave three children practice problems for them to do, and went to the other side to continue upgrading.

Nyingchi has already cooked and brought it into the house. They are already tired, and take a break to take advantage of the snacks.

Su Nuo didn't have the habit of eating supper. After barely taking a few bites, he gave the rest to Yuan Che, a hungry wolf, and focused on upgrading. Zhao Xingchen leaned in front of her, looking at the flashing screen, her eyes lit up, "Sister, you are playing" Nine Heavens "."

Hearing the name, the two brothers next looked up, and were very interested: "Is this game under beta?"

Zhao Xingchen sucked at the noodles. "Yeah, I can't get the internal code when I have the money." "Sorry," "How did you get this, sister?" "

Su Nuo said, "I endorsed this game, and the insiders gave it to me."

Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che looked at each other and were surprised: "You, this game you said before?"

Su Nuo faintly "um".

Yuan Che wiped his mouth, "No, this game was not developed by your fiance. People have abandoned you, and you are still rushing to find him?" Yuan Che's mouth has never had a door. This is what I just said After that, Yuan Cheng blocked his mouth, carefully looking at Su Nuo's face.

She was expressionless and could even be said to be indifferent, as if the protagonist in Yuan Che's mouth was not them. This caused Yuan Cheng to panic and swallowed, saying, "You should fart as Yuan Cheng."

Yuan Che's eyes rolled around, and he finally broke away from the brother's hand: "My mouth is cheap, you treat me as fart." The two of them are really not good things, but they will not intentionally sprinkle salt on people's wounds, even if they hate one more People will not deliberately poke each other's pain points, and are not kind.

Su Nuo had no fluctuations in her heart, and even wanted to laugh, she raised her eyes; "It is a fool to have money and not make money."

Yuan Che stunned: "Ah?"

Harumi rushed to his ear: "She means they are working now."

Harahara nodded, apparently unbelieving.

In the WeChat group, Zhao Xingchen who had finished noodles secretly sent a message.

[Zhao Xingchen: Does your sister have a fiance? ]

He doesn't pay attention to entertainment gossip and knows nothing about it.

[Yuan Cheng: It's off to you. ]

[Yuan Che: That's about your fart. ]

[Zhao Xingchen: Of course it's my job, I'm your future brother-in-law. ]

[System prompt: Zhao Xingchen has been removed from the WeChat group. ]

"..." Fuck, be careful.

Zhao Xingchen held his cheeks with one hand and saw the twins go out to clean the dishes. Now he was next to Su Nuo. Under the lights, he smiled brightly, "Sister, are you single?"

Su Nuo's eyes did not leave the screen, and he slightly nodded, "Yes."

Zhao Xingchen rubbed his palms, "Do you mind more than one suitor? The younger one is younger and sweeter."

Su Nuo paused at his fingertips and looked over.

To her eyes, the dimple in Zhao Xingchen's face deepened.

Su Nuo squeezed his face with a light baby fat: "Children should look like children and study hard."



If the **** was left before, Zhao Xingchen would have taken off his pants to show off his eighteen centimeter big tintin. However ... he wants to be restrained and be a good baby.

Zhao Xingchen drummed up his cheeks, grieved: "If I study hard, will you consider me?"

Su Nuo perfunctory: "Maybe."

"Come!" Zhao Xingchen came back to life. "Wait for Lao Tzu ... I will chase you when I get a big one." Alas, it is not easy, not easy, to have a high diploma this year.

At 12 o'clock, the three boys couldn't bear to go to sleep.

During this time, Su Nuo has reached the 35th level. She went to the martial arts, illuminated her manufacturing skills, and found the column of mount fashion. She silently remembered the materials needed to make fashion, some of which are easy to get, and some are difficult to do. It takes at least a week to do the full set.

Su Nuo glanced out of the window at the bright moon. It was already too late. She didn't want to stay too late, closed the computer and climbed into bed.

Sleep well all night.

At five in the morning, Su Nuo got up, washed a little, and came to the kitchen lightly. She found out the ingredients, beat the eggs, washed vegetables, and cooked porridge. She wouldn't have done these tasks, but later she was forced to learn a lot in order to survive.

At 5:30, Yuan Guohong was about to get out of the car. When he saw the figure in the kitchen, he was shocked for a second. His wife was still asleep on the bed, so who was cooking?

"Nuo Nuo?" Yuan Guohong was surprised.

The girl clasped her hair and glanced back: "Breakfast is almost ready, you can wash your face first."

Yuan Guohong returned to God: "This kind of living does not require you to do it. I just go out to eat something. You should go back to rest and rest. It was late for Yuancheng to make up for their lessons yesterday. Don't be tired."

Su Nuo shook his head. "It's not good to sleep long in the summer, but it's also idle when you're idle. Go and wash."

Yuan Guohong couldn't say more, and turned into the bathroom.

Lin Zhi also got up at this time. She woke up a little late today, hurried to the kitchen to prepare, and saw that Su Nuo had set the breakfast on the table. Lin Zhi's heart touched, this child was not polite last night.

She was so tired that she was so happy because of this little move, and all the pain and suffering disappeared instantly.

"Is glutinous feet better?"

Su Nuo lowered his head and moved his injured ankle. "The medicine works well, and I think it will be fine the day after tomorrow." The injury was not serious. The rest of the night relieved a lot, as long as he did not exercise vigorously.

"Let's have breakfast quickly, the porridge is not good anymore."

The two nodded again and again and took the porridge that Su Nuo handed over.

They do n’t expect how delicious Su Nuo ’s cooking is, and even prepared for tasting “dark cuisine”. After all, she has lived in Jinwowo since she was a child. It is very good.

Unexpectedly, Su Nuo's cooking is extremely delicious.

The rice porridge is soft and glutinous, with the sweetness of sweet fruits lingering between the teeth; the fried eggs are tender, and the scattered cumin on the outside does not affect the taste. She also prepared a refreshing little pickle, sweet and sour Very appetizing.

The two looked at each other as they ate, their eyes were stunned.

Lin Zhi put down her chopsticks and asked her confusion: "Nuo Nuo has learned to cook?" She reported to a cooking class a few years ago. From the taste and grasp of the heat, she knew that Su Nuo was not a novice, but more like a teacher who had learned .

"Have learned a little." She forgot the first world, and Su Nuo passed through to become the palace master chef. The mission of that world was to cure the queen's picky eaters. Combining modern cooking methods with the wisdom of ancient cooking, Su Nuo only It took a month to complete the task.

"We are so good, we can do anything." Lin Zhixin touched her little head comfortably.

While they were talking, Yuan Guohong hummed and ate two or three bowls. He took a nap and patted his belly with satisfaction. "If you don't want to act, you can go to a restaurant in the future."

"Well," Su Nuo said, "I'm going to cancel the contract with the company next week."

"...?" He was joking!

Su Nuo said, "I want to focus on my studies first." Tianxing she can't stay any longer. Meng Yizheng is dominated and the agent is inactive. If she continues to be there, she will only be pressed by Meng Yizheng. If she wants to tear it completely Meng Yizhen's aura, she must seek another job.

After breakfast, Yuan Guohong went out to work, and soon the three children got up.

Knowing that Su Nuo made the meal, the twins picked and picked, for fear that Su Nuo would lose cockroaches inside, and Zhao Xingchen next to it was gorging to eat fragrant. Seeing that they were almost gone, the two brothers couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed away.

"Fuck! Delicious!" Yuan Cheng was surprised by Su Nuo's craftsmanship, and he didn't hesitate anymore.

Su Nuo held her cheeks with one hand, and she was in a good mood. "Sister Sister, I will make you snacks at night."

Before they called, Zhao Xingchen shouted diligently: "Sister."

Yuan Cheng kicked him away and said, "Come on, the hero won't bend over a grain of rice."

Zhao Xingchen: "I'm off, sister. Look, your kitchen is scarce. There is a big kitchen in our house. Would you like to see it with me in a while?"

When Yuan Cheng was about to open his mouth to speak, a pair of big hands suddenly clasped Zhao Xingchen's head from behind, and his wrists only heard a bang, and Zhao Xingchen's face was buried in the empty plate.

"Child, where did you just take her?" His smoke was hoarse and fierce, and more ridiculous.

Zhao Xingchen was furious with his fists in both hands. He heard Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che yelled, "Brother?"

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