MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 27 027 [Catch the worm]

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After doing a set of yoga after dinner, and talking to the counselor next week, Su Nuo took the book and sat on a rattan chair outside the hospital to see.

Yuan Guohong was preparing to move on Saturday, and all the messy boxes were packed into the courtyard, slightly messy.

"Here." Yuan Che sent Yiya watermelon over and swept over. "What are you looking at?"

Dense English is difficult to understand even punctuation.

"Lone Star Blood Tears." Su Nuo took the watermelon and turned a page with his fingertips.

Yuan Che didn't understand, and he slumped: "Pretend to force." After a pause, he sat next to Su Nuo like a dog. "Hey, I heard that the game you play will be tested and publicized tomorrow. The day after tomorrow will be officially launched. You Take me to play 呗. "

"I dropped it." She lowered her eyes and returned the words indifferently.

Yuan Che was surprised; "Why? You play well."

"How can there be so many?" Su Nuo pushed impatiently, Yuan Yuan Che, "go homework, don't disturb me to read."

He bulged and chewed watermelon into the back room.

Xia Feng was cool, she supported her chin, and watched page after page lazily. Sudden cell phone ringing sounded. Su Nuo fumbled to get the cell phone, but didn't see it. "Hey."

"Su Nuo."

At the other end of the phone, his deliberate tone was light.

She frowned and was about to hang up. She said deliberately, "Tomorrow is the conference of the game. You must be present as an endorsement."

Their contract is still on the effective date, and Su Nuo knows the truth, asking: "What time?"

"10am. You give me the address, and I'll find someone to pick you up."

Su Nuo reported the address and did not give him a chance to speak anymore. He just hung up.

Looking at the dark screen delusively, after hearing his companion's merciless smirk, he threw the mobile phone to the table in frustration.


At 10 o'clock, Su Nuo must get up at six to prepare.

After having some breakfast, she sat in front of the makeup mirror and started to apply makeup. Since returning, Su Nuo has always been face to face every day, and sometimes she is too lazy to do the necessary skin care. She applied it at will, drew a simple **** makeup, opened the closet and took out a silver-grey high-dress dress. This skirt was specially customized by Shen's mother. She had a shoulder, a waist and hips, and a fishtail skirt was opened to the thighs. Because she was too sexy, Su Nuo had not worn it once.

She curled up her hair and put on a long skirt, her back zipper was a bit difficult to pull, and her voice came from behind when she was thinking of going out to ask Lin Zhi for help.

"I come."

"Thank you." Su Nuo lowered his arm and looked at himself in the mirror.

Slim and tall, with rounded shoulders, this thin place is full of grip, and this **** is quite full.

Her lips were covered with cherry-red lip glaze, her eyebrows lined like a picture.


Su Nuo couldn't help but smile softly in the mirror.

"Is there jewelry?"

"Brother bought me some that day, but I haven't had time to tear it down." Su Nuo said, "Whether you wear it or not."

"Well worn." Lin Zhi looked at her. "Wait a minute."

When she came out of the house, she returned with a box in her hand, which contained a brand-new silver-rimmed necklace with a round ball, and the style was simple and generous.

Lin Zhi smiled: "I still gave it when your father proposed it. After wearing it a few times, I didn't want to wear it, but I will send it for maintenance every year." Even during the hardest days, she never thought about selling it. "Maybe, it's not as good as your jewelry." She groaned.

Su Nuo looked down at the necklace that had a slight luster refracted in the sun, and his fingertips hung carefully, and he slowly put it on his neck.

This necklace matches her complexion, and her clavicle is getting more delicate.

"Good-looking." Su Nuo Zhanyan, "Thank you mom."

Lin Zhi's expression flickered, her eyes widened, her body and the muscles on her face shuddered. "You, you call my mom?" Lin Zhi's breath was unstable, and the voice from her throat seemed to cry.

Su Nuo was surprised for a few seconds and then called out, "Mom."

Tears twitched in the orbit, and it was difficult for her words to portray her emotions. Lin Zhi has waited for her mother for fourteen years. The only thought in her life is to hug her daughter again and listen to her obediently call her "Mom", but how difficult it is, some people can't find it for life. His own child spent the rest of his life in regret.

She suddenly felt that she was not afraid of anything and was relieved.

Lin Zhi turned around and wiped away her tears, "Mom, comb your hair."

Su Nuo responded and sat in front of the makeup mirror.

Lin Zhi took a wooden comb and carefully took care of her silky hair. She sighed for a moment: "In our day, the best girl to marry was the hair combed by her mother."

"Then I can marry you, you can comb me."

Lin Zhi smiled bitterly: "I just don't know if I can wait ..." She closed her voice, her expression suddenly low.

Su Nuo's eyes flickered, and she felt vaguely wrong. She took Lin Zhi's hand and said, "Are you hiding something from me?" This feeling has been there for a long time, but I haven't thought deeply. There was a constant sigh, and she could be sure that Lin Zhi had been hiding something without telling her.

"I'm fine, don't think about it."

Su Nuo was about to question, and a deliberate text message came over: here, go out.

She took a deep breath and stood up, holding the small sachet on the table in her hand: "I'm leaving, we'll come back to this later."

It was exactly eight-thirty, and Su Nuo stepped on a high-heeled heel through the misty alley, the alley, and the familiar black off-road vehicle stayed in it. Su Nuo's eyes narrowed, and he didn't expect that the delirium would come to pick up the person in person, which shows that their company is really poor, even the driver.

Just before, a car whistle sounded, not from delusion.

Su Nuo stopped and watched it. The red sports car slammed into the city and parked on the street. Harazawa in the driver's seat clamped a cigarette and raised his arm in the air.

Su Nu glanced at the deliberate car in front of him, turned around and walked towards Harazawa.

"Where to go?" Harawa glanced up and down.

"Attend a press conference."

Harazawa extinguished his cigarette and lost a piece of chewing gum in his mouth. "Will you take me there?"

Su Nuo shook his head and pointed behind him: "The driver has come to pick me up."

He looked down at his fingertips, and Sleep Phoenix narrowed slightly, chuckling: "I've seen this broken car, just like our neighbor next door."

Su Nuo chuckled her lips slightly without saying, "I'll go then."

"Go, call afterwards, I'll pick you up." He exhaled, "It's a pity that I wanted to take you to the playground."

Su Nuo laughed as soon as she heard, "I'm not a kid anymore, I've already passed the age of going to the playground."

Harazawa drank a white tooth, and his smoky voice was charming: "Chat, you have always been a child in my brother's heart." He gestured with his fingers to a height, "Such a small cotton."

Su Nuo Xin Wo exuded a Wang Qingquan, and at the same time there was sour.

"Then we will go tomorrow."

"Yes, you can do it anytime."

Su Nuo also said, "You will sing to me then."

Harawa straightened her arms and squeezed her face, pampering her eyes: "Okay."

"Then I'm gone." Su Nuo packs her bag, stepping back into the deliberate car three or three times.

Until she went away, Harazawa was reluctant to turn around and go home.

Now is the peak time for traffic, just after the first intersection is a red light.

Su Nuo was sitting on the back seat, holding a small mirror to make up for the makeup removed by Yuan Ze. In the driver's seat, he clenched his steering wheel deliberately, and the cold phoenix looked at her from the rearview mirror from time to time.

Su Nuo is very beautiful today. He really became a driver and was completely ignored.

Recalling the previous intimate pictures of the two, delirium caused three-pointed suffocation, stepping on the accelerator under his feet, a slight bump, Su Nuo's wrist was unstable, and the powder puff was a bit heavy.

She looked up: "Sick?"

Suddenly smirked: "You can be ugly if you can't make it happen."

Su Nuo: "..."

Su Nuo: "Are you blind?"

She was 19 years old, but anyone who has seen her praises her lovely looks. Even if she crosses, her body is beautiful one by one. This can be said to be the most ridiculous thing in her life. Joke.

"You're ugly." Su Nuo went back.

The delirium was even more angry, and the words went to Su Nuo like a sharp knife: "I tell you, there are more women around Yuan Ze, and I kindly remind you that you must not be deceived and help count the money."

Su Nuo put the makeup case in her bag, her eyes were calm, but her words were relentless: "Isn't it the native family you found for me? In this case, how can you not know that Hara is the eldest son of the original family, it is mine My brother? Oh, I know. "Su Nuojiao smiled." Brother, you are in a hurry to get rid of me, you are not willing to check it. Even if this house is eighteen floors of hell, you will push me. "

Suddenly, the deluded look of his mind clenched, his lips clenched and he never spoke again.

Su Nuo was right. He was anxious to get rid of it. It was not important whether the other party was Su Nuo's own parents. He just wanted to let her go, he just wanted to let her leave his world and never appear again.

He bothers her, hates her, and to look at her more is torture himself.

Facing Su Nuo, he will always become a shameless and mean man.

The delusional acquiescence made Su Nuo cold on her limbs. Her body has loved him for more than ten years, even if she doesn't care about it, facing the cruelty of him again and again, the apex will still faintly hurt. This is the body's instinct Su Nuo couldn't control.

She narrowed her eyes and murmured, "I was crazy to love you so much."

The deliberate pupil narrowed, the steering wheel slipped, only to hear a creak, and the car stalled on the side of the road again.

"Fuck." Shen slaps the steering wheel fiercely, his eyes full of irritability.

Su Nuo lazily leaned on the back of the chair, taunting: "Doesn't your company boss have a better car?"

A glance at her deliberately: "No money."

The game is not yet on the market. In recent years, they have been operating at a loss. For this game, several creators have been hollowed out. The family is rich, but delirious that such a big person will not grow old, once he speaks, he will inevitably be ridiculed by Shen's father. It is estimated that he wanted to let him back out of trouble. Shen's father secretly let him out, and no company was allowed to invest in delusion, so his situation has been particularly difficult in recent years.

Speaking of this, Su Nuo has memories.

Thinking of it, she was distressed when she had instant noodles in the office building when she had no money, so she secretly sent hundreds of thousands of pocket money to her. Girl, holding a bank card and crying like a fool in the snow and ice.

However, he should have forgotten that Su Nuo looked up at the deliberately thin back. What he remembered was always Su Nuo's entanglement and willfulness.

The author has something to say: Much better today ~

I will resume my diligence tomorrow.

Jinjiang seems to be pumping. The red envelopes I have sent in bulk before, I have sent them again today ...

Random red envelopes for this chapter. 2k novel reading network

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