MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 35 035

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Su Nuo kindly handed the paper towels he carried with him.

Zhao Yunqing took it and thanked him in a low voice. After wiping off the bird droppings on his shoulders slowly, he rubbed the paper towel into his hands.

"There's a trash can over there," Su Nuo reminded softly.

"Throw it a moment." He covered his distress without leaving a trace, and his falling hand squeezed the paper ball stained with bird **** even tighter.

Su Nuo was faintly funny, and changed the subject at will: "Brother came here to make a notice?"

Zhao Yunqing said "um" and said, "Shoo a public service advertisement to protect the environment."

He usually does not accept advertisements. This time out of the country is completely out of obligation.

"How about you?" Zhao Yunqing's eyes flashed.

Su Nuo: "Come out with your family to take a family portrait."

Speaking of which, Lin Zhi and Yuan Guohong and two other children never came far away.

"Nuo Nuo, is this your friend?" Lin Zhi looked up and down Zhao Yunqing, thinking that this person was familiar, but did not think of where he had met.

Su Nuo opened her mouth and was about to answer, Yuan Che screamed and exclaimed, "I'm going, brother?"

... brother?

"When did you recognize your brother?" Yoshitomo's Harawa heard and lifted his feet on his ass.

Yuan Che covered her hips and felt wronged, "My brother's brother, Zhao Xingchen."

Zhao Xingchen?

That being said, Su Nuo was impressed.

"Zhao Xingchen is your brother?"

Zhao Xingchen smiled, "Unfortunately, it is the dog brother."

... pretend to be.

Yuan Cheng and Yuan Che rolled their eyes together and ran to the side to caress the fawn.

"After my uncles and aunts, my name is Zhao Yunqing, and Su Nuo's brother." He introduced them in a humble and humble manner. Zhuo Jue's temperament easily won Lin Zhi's favor.

She looked back and forth from side to side, and from side to side.

Harazawa eyes narrowed: "Huh?"

Zhao Yunqing's smile continued, "Yuan Ze is also my life-saving benefactor."

Harazawa Meixin spread out.

"Let's go to dinner in a while, Xiao Zhao will join us." Lin Zhi warmly invited.

Zhao Yunqing gave a glance at Su Nuo and said slowly: "I just don't know if it is convenient or inconvenient."

"There is nothing inconvenient, and there are a lot of people."

He nodded.

In a blink of an eye, when Zhao Yunqing and his assistant spoke, they changed their clothes and followed them to a restaurant in the scenic area. Harawasawa wanted a private room, which was spacious and not crowded even if they were crowded.

Zhao Yunqing naturally sat next to Su Nuo.

"How old is Xiao Zhao this year." There is still time before serving, and Lin Zhi talks with the man and chats with him.

Zhao Yunqing was modest: "I am 27 this year."

Lin Zhi twisted her eyebrows and muttered, "Eight years older than Nuo Nuo ..." He stagnated for a while, and then asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

His black pupils deepened, Yu Guang involuntarily fell on Su Nuo's face, the girl's slender hands holding a tea cup, careless about their conversation performance.

Zhao Yunqing ticked his lips and said, "No."

Lin Zhi: "Have you talked before?"

"Wife." Yuan Guohong pulled down her sleeve and whispered, "Ask these rudeness."

Lin Zhi also realized that something was wrong and lowered her head with a smirk.

"No problem." Zhao Yunqing quietly broke the deadlock. "There are no outsiders here, and it is understandable to ask these questions. I haven't talked about my girlfriend, because I was too early to debut, I have been busy with work, and I dragged it on now.

Lin Zhi grabbed a few key words in his words and looked closely, only to notice that Zhao Yunqing is a big star who often appears in movie channels. He was suddenly shocked and happy, excited and unspeakable, and eventually did not suppress his side I coughed a few times.

As soon as she coughed, the whole family's eyes were grim.

Su Nuo glanced at the time: "Mom, it's time to take medicine."

He opened the backpack and took the pills out to Lin Zhi's mouth.

Lin Zhi, under the water suit, smiled at Zhao Yunqing embarrassedly.

He didn't ask more, and shifted the subject appropriately, breaking this awkward silence.

The dishes came up quickly, Su Nuo gathered his eyes quietly, and suddenly, two peeled shrimps were delivered to the small dish in front of Su Nuo.

She looked up, beside them Zhao Yunqing and Yuan Ze were looking across her.

Yuan Ze narrowed his eyes, his eyes were slightly gloomy.

Zhao Yunqing smiled calmly: "Would you like me to peel a piece for you?" Then, he peeled another shrimp and sent it to Yuanze bowl.

Harawa: "..."

"I'll peel one for you too." Su Nuo stripped one.

Looking at the two shrimps in the bowl, Yuan Ze slowly hit a "?" In his heart, how could he always feel a ghost.

"What does Xiao Zhao's family do?"

Lin Zhi's voice made the three men react, and Zhao Yunqing quickly replied, "It's not worth mentioning a small business."

Harazawa chuckled: "Don't listen to him pull the calf, mother, if their family is a small business, then there will be no big business."

Zhao Jiajia has a great career and established the largest domestic oil company, not only domestically, but also among the best in the world. It has opened up international trading markets such as real estate and overseas trade in recent years. Family businesses are getting bigger and bigger, not to mention His grandfather has made meritorious deeds, and his title is not small. Although outsiders do not know Zhao Yunqing's identity, they know him well in the circle. Because of this, third-rate actresses dare not easily tie up and dare not maliciously discredit the family. In addition, he is humble and has excellent acting skills. The prizes are endless, the best in the world, I'm afraid that when he sees him for a long time, he will call "Mr. Zhao" honestly.

That's it, small business? ?

How about playing?

Yuan Ze didn't dare to tell his parents about Zhao Yunqing's worth in detail, and he was afraid to scare them. Fortunately, the second old man didn't ask much, only that he was a rich star.

Near the end of a meal, Zhao Yunqing secretly asked the assistant to check out, and asked her to buy two gifts in the jewelry store in the scenic area.

The assistant quickly brought the packed gift bag over.

Zhao Yunqing was sent to Lin Zhi and Yuan Guohong respectively. "This time, I didn't have time to prepare for the meeting. I can only bring some small gifts temporarily. Please don't disapprove me."

He asked the assistant to prepare a gold necklace and a simple and elegant men's watch.

The parents who received the gift were shocked.

The stores that can be opened in this kind of place are naturally not small stores. They recognized at a glance that this is the brand of the C family. A small earring was the cheapest and sold for tens of thousands. Now the necklace that Zhao Yunqing gave them and The watch is the latest model of the C family. Lin Zhi has forgotten where to look at the price.

"This is too expensive, you can take it back soon." Neither of the couples loves to take advantage of others. Naturally, such valuables will not be collected, not to mention the first time they met.

"Let ’s take it," he said. "I had a car accident half a year ago, and it was early morning in the wilderness. If it wasn't for Haruka who passed me and saved me, my life would be gone."

Lin Zhi and her husband looked at each other, and now they shrugged off and seemed to be arrogant. After embarrassingly smiling, they accepted the two bags.

"I still have work, so let's go first." When speaking, Zhao Yunqing's eyes stopped on Su Nuo's face. "Goodbye, sister."

Looking at Zhao Chunqing's stiff figure, Yuan Che quietly bumped into Yuan Ze, and whispered in his ear, "Did you look at Su Nuo?"

Harawa had sharp eyes and a magnetic voice: "Who is Su Nuo?"

Yuan Che did not realize the danger in Yuan Ze's tone, and replied, "Your sister."

Harawa looked coldly: "Who is my sister?"

Yuan Che finally figured out that the taste was coming, his body was stiff, and he looked tremblingly. Yuan Ze stared at his eyes like a fierce beast. This could make Yuan Che stand up. He immediately persuaded and swallowed. "My sister, my sister is fine."

Harazawa hummed and let him go.

"But I mean seriously, do you guys look after my sister? Look at him, like a weasel, who is a serious person who would look at other girls with that kind of look, and, his The money wasn't brought by the strong wind. I bought a watch for more than 100,000 yuan.

Yuan Che the more he thought about it, the more he felt a ghost. Even if he didn't want to admit it, Su Nuo was a bit of a charm, otherwise he would not be fascinated by Zhao Xingchen, especially the two days of "Nine Days". The male classmate in the class was crazy. I stabbed at the tablet every day, and the ghost shouted, "My sister is so good-looking," "I want to be my sister's husband." How many sisters, Su Nuoming is better than those little rabbits?

Fortunately, they didn't know that Su Nuo was his sister and Yuan Cheng, otherwise he would finish the calf.

"Eating can be messy, but words can't be messed up." Yuan Ze rubbed Yuan Che's messy head severely. "I'm the life-saving benefactor named Zhao. He dares to worry about my sister if he doesn't want to live, understand. ? "

"No brother ..."

Yuan Che was about to continue. Yuan Ze interrupted impatiently: "Okay. Yun Qing is my brother. I know him. He has a sense of being an adult. The two of you guys who haven't bothered to play while playing, Do n’t talk about the relationship between adults. Do n’t say it ’s nothing. Even if there ’s nothing, it ’s nothing to do with you. ”

Yuan Cheng is very innocent: "No matter what I do, brother, don't scold him for bringing me."

Yuan Ze didn't bother to look at him, and he went to Su Nuo with his hands in his pockets. When Su Nuo turned around, his lips were hooked and his eyes were bent, obediently the same as that of Zhao Xingchen's big white cat.

"Fuck." Yuan Che raised his middle finger. "The dead girl has no control, and someone deserves to grab the girl with you."

"Forget it, Big Brother won't listen to it." Yuan Cheng patted his shoulder, hooked his shoulders to play in the flowers.

After the two kids were idle and took a few photos of themselves, they lost their interest. They lay down on a piece of soft grass and watched the clear sky sink into deep contemplation.

For a moment, Yuan Che turned to her side: "Seriously, if Brother Zhao chases Su Nuo, what will the stars do? He must not be crazy?"

Zhao Xingchen has become obsessed with Su Nuo, and inquired about Su Nuo for three days and two ends, even thinking about the names of the future children of the two. When chatting, two words are inseparable from Su Nuo. Take the trouble.

The head office knows that Zhao Xingchen and Zhao Yunqing are at odds with each other. If they know that Zhao Yunqing pursues Su Nuo ...

-See the ending.

"Brother is right, no matter what we do." Yuan Cheng closed his eyes, and the Buddha was very close.

After strolling in Jingyuan for a while, the whole group was uninterested. They were about to drive back. Lin Zhi beckoned Su Nuo.


Lin Zhi pulled the floral skirt on her body. "I think this scenery is very good. You can help mom take a picture alone."

Behind her was a flowing river, the water was clear, reflecting the beautiful mountains.

Su Nuo turned on the camera and pointed her at Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi stood upright, her makeup still couldn't hide her pale skin and weak bones. She smiled brightly and looked at the camera.

Su Nuo took two more photos, Lin Zhi picked and picked, and they were satisfied. Finally, he chose the best one and deleted the rest.

Su Nuo suddenly realized the usefulness of this photo, lowered her long eyelashes, and concealed her thoughts.

The author has something to say: I heard that I can post chapters?

Let me try.

Now the author of Jinjiang asks for money to repair the text, so I don't need to catch bugs in the future. I do not have! ‘

The author of Jinjiang is so humble.

This chapter is a hundred red envelopes. 2k novel reading network

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