MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 51 051

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The next morning, Wang Wenwen appeared downstairs in the community.

Seeing Su Nuo slowly swinging out of the door, she stepped out of the door with anxiety and pulled Su Nuo to drill in.

"So anxious?" Su Nuo asked lazily, dedicating himself to sitting inside.

Wang Wenwen was very excited: "This time I picked up an event for you, and many of you participated in the high society. As long as you can seize the opportunity to contact a few directors and entertainers, let them know you, He worry that there will be no resources in the future."

Su Nuo leaned on the back of the chair. "What activity."

Wang Wenwen shook his head: "It's too urgent, I didn't make it clear. I heard that it was a grand dinner. You need to come and accompany."

Su Nuo's eyes narrowed: "Companion?"

Wang Wenwen realized that he had said something wrong and hurriedly changed his tongue. "No, not what you think, or to attend with our boss. As his female companion, Wang Chengge and other company artists will also be invited to attend. There are many, but ... but to put it bluntly, this is a business banquet to expand your contacts, which will only benefit you and not hurt. "

Su Nuo whispered and stopped talking.

Time is tight. Wang Wenwen took Su Nuo directly to the company's styling shop to make up. During her time of styling, she went to another location to get a custom-made dress.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Su Nuo dressed up and walked out of the modeling store.

In front of the door, the smooth lines and bright-colored Rolls Royce stopped slowly.

Wang Wenwen opened his eyes wide and pushed Su Nuo: "General Nie's car ..."

"General Nie?"

The blankness in Su Nuo's tone made Wang Wenwen startled, "No, Su Nuo, you don't even know the boss of our company?"

She shook her head honestly.

As far as Yifeng is concerned, she only knows that this is a company that can compete with Tianxing. As for the upper layers of the company, Su Nuo knows nothing and has no intention to understand.

Time is short, Wang Wenwen has no time to explain to her who Nie Zhou is, and pushes her forward. "There is nothing for Mr. Nie. You can follow him to open your eyes and have a long sight. Come on, I wish you good luck."

The door had been opened. After looking at Wang Wenwen, Su Nuo got into the back seat.

Inside the car, the man in the back seat wore a suit and shoes, and a thin notebook was placed on his knee. He lowered his head to the office and did not go to see Su Nuo.

Su Nuo looked carefully, he was not bad, his face was very tender, and he did not look like a boss at all. After a brief look, Su Nuomo silently converged his gaze.


Nie Zhou closed the notebook, sighed in relief, twisted his sore hands and neck, and smiled at Su Nuo with a smile: "Why not talk?"

She nodded obediently: "Nie Nie."

Nie Zhou shouted, "You called me Nie Zhouge when you were a kid. Is this Nie Zhou?"

Su Nuojiu was full of strangeness in her eyes.

Nie Zhou reminded: "I went to your house once in my teens, looking for delirium."


Nie Zhou reminded: "Don't you remember? I am a classmate in the deliberate class one, but later went abroad and returned only two years ago."

He said that Su Nuo seemed to have an impression. In the memory, there was a surnamed Nie who had appeared in the house, wearing ripped pants, hot yellow hair, and sneaking in the back garden with Shen deliberately smoking. When she bumped into it, the other side spit into her face a sling, sulking. The dirty language bantered her for a long time, until Su Nuo was about to cry, and her deliriousness stopped blocking.

That memory is not so good, and the person in front of him is slightly different from the other.

Nie Zhou's eyes moved up and down, "Everyone said that the women's college changed, I didn't believe it ..."

Nie Zhou had a meaningful pause.

She wears a coral pink ceremonial dress, with her hair pinned to one side. Her exposed earlobe is white and tender, her face is delicate, her makeup is clean, her temperament is quiet and beautiful, and her beauty is like a fairy on earth.

Nie Zhou licked the corner of his mouth, smiled strangely, and then bowed his phone.

[Nie Zhou: You are so beautiful, I want to sneak her. ]

[Darkness: Get out. ]

[Nie Zhou: Just kidding, don't get angry. I'll be right there, you wait in there. ]

Forty minutes later, they arrived at a private manor house. The outdoor parking apron inside the manor house was full of vehicles, and men and women in bright clothes entered one after another. In addition, there were many invited director artists who were famous. Familiar face, but Su Nuo, the unknown name of her appearance here is a bit abrupt.

Nie Zhou did not let Su Nuo hold him, and she was not willing to just follow him behind. Near the door, Nie Zhou suddenly held her, "Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

Before she stopped, she had no time to ask more questions. Nie Zhou hurried away with her mobile phone. She converged and turned her head, and the bridge of her nose almost poked the person's chest.

The other side posted very close, and Su Nuo had a bad feeling in her familiar atmosphere. She slowly raised her head. At dusk, her thick, shiny, thick eyelashes drooped, her face was cold, and her eyes were calm. Definitely watching her.

Su Nuo pursed her lower lip, knowing her heart, and said nothing on the surface: "Mr. Shen will take advantage of interpersonal relationships and admire him."

Delusion laughed and laughed, "Why, you have to keep pulling me?"

Su Nuo took a deep breath, his chin was slightly lifted, and his spine was straight. Finally, after giving alms to him, he turned around and walked out without hesitation.

The deliberate figure remained intact, and as far as his eyes were concerned, the gate of the manor was slowly closing to both sides.

Su Nuo paused.

Then he came to this side, leaning slightly behind him, and whispering in her ear: "Are you going?"

Su Nuo squeezed the small bag tightly on her hand. She tried hard to endure the urge to smash this thing onto the delusional brain, and her brain couldn't help persuading, but her hand had her own thoughts—

Su Nuo turned, raised his hand and waved the bag to delusion.

With the previous two experiences, delirium can be calmly dealt with, and he will not be stupid anymore. He avoided the attack with one side, pinching Su Nuo's slender wrist with his big hand, and easily grabbing the small bag with the other hand. Deliberately took two steps back to take out the mobile phone inside, shaking in front of Su Nuo: "Go in with me, otherwise I will lose it."

Su Nuo didn't expect this person to be so shameless, she gritted her teeth: "Return me!"

"Huh?" Delusion squinted, "What?"

"Return the phone to me."

The deliberately slender fingertips played with the silver thin mobile phone at will. He deliberately teased Su Nuo. Suddenly, he found that Su Nuo was angry and angry, and the appearance of anger and anxiety made him particularly pleasant, like a fox terrier, grinning. Teeth are angry, but not a little threatening. Seeing Su Nuo like this, he instantly felt that before falling into the water, his throat was nothing.

"Want? Yes." Shen deliberately shook his phone in front of Su Nuo. "Frankly and I went in to the banquet, and I will give it to you after the two-hour banquet is over."

Su Nuo bit her lower lip and hummed toward the door. She walked for two steps and stopped. The cell phone is optional, but the contents of the cell phone are not necessary. If her family can't contact her, she may be anxious.

Taking a deep breath, she turned her arms around her arrogant arm, stared ahead, and said, "You are so shameless."

Deliriously accepted the evaluation without humility, "Thank you."

The banquet proceeded in an orderly manner, and delusion was still inferior among a group of bright stars.

He was long and straight, his temperament was clear, and his eyebrows were restrained and indifferent to others. Such a person gives a sense of alienation that is difficult to approach. Even if someone wants to approach, he will eventually stop under his cold eyes.

Only Su Nuo, who followed Shen deliberately from beginning to end, became a background vase quietly.

Even so, many people noticed her.

Su Nuo's eyebrows and temperament are too outstanding to make people want to pay attention. When she talks with others high, she holds a saucer next to her mouth and eats a delicate fruit cake. At this moment, someone took the opportunity to approach come.

"You came with President Shen?"

Su Nuo stopped chewing and turned his head.

The speaker was forty or fifty years old, half a head shorter than her, very fat, her facial features were all squeezed into the fat, and she was greasy and greasy, and a pair of mung bean eyes invaded every part of her body.

Su Nuo put down the plate, even if she was disgusted, but still maintained the surface etiquette: "Is there anything wrong with you?"

"I just want to get to know you." He held out his hand. "I'm Zeng Hong, a director of Group A, and dare to ask Miss how to call it."

She didn't shake back, and silently distanced: "I'm not qualified to let Zeng always remember me."

Zeng Hong continued to approach, "I haven't seen you. Who is your artist?"

The small movement on Su Nuo's side quickly caught Nie Zhou's attention. He held the goblet and approached him deliberately to signal to him: "I can remind you that your little green plum has been stared at by that color embryo."

Everyone in the circle knows that Zeng Hong is lascivious. There are no more than fifteen and six or seven women. The targets are mostly little actors who are not famous and want to be famous. It was true that Su Nuo was the family member of the Shen family. However, due to physical reasons, the couple of the Shen family rarely took her to public appearances. After her debut, her screen image was not brilliant again. The eight-line actor is very normal.

Nie Zhou took a sip of red wine.

People in this business community are more indifferent than anyone. Even if everyone sees Zeng Hong's intentions, no one wants to come forward, pretending to talk to each other who has not seen it.

Delirious with one hand in his pockets, he shook the liquid in the cup. He stood under the neon lights, his eyebrows were thinner than anyone else present.

He's waiting, waiting for Su Nuo to throw him over and pray for a look.

Yes, he just wanted to see Su Nuo show weakness to him, just like before.

Not yet.

The girls among the crowd were calm and calm, and the fingers on the table gently ticked, the red wine fell to the ground, the glass pieces were torn apart, and the liquid was scattered.

Zeng Hong's face changed.

The crisp sound of the smashed glass made the surroundings calm down, and dozens of pairs of eyes fell to this side.

Su Nuo's eyebrows were soft and soft: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zeng, I haven't spoken to a celebrity like yours.

Zeng Hong, who was still a bit angry, heard the apparently perfunctory polite words and miraculously healed the anger in his heart.

"It's okay, just let the waiter clean up." With so many people watching here, Zeng Hong didn't dare to make too much fire and left to change clothes.

After leaving, Su Nuo took a gentle approach until she was delirious, "Return the phone to me."

He didn't move. "It's not over yet."

Su Nuo frowned: "I want to call my mother."

Delusion doesn't look at her: "I'll help you hit Mom later."

Su Nuo: "My mother."

His eyes narrowed and he resumed as usual, "Are you a primary school student? If you didn't go home before 10 o'clock, you still have to call your mother to report safety."

During the conversation, a vibration came from the cell phone in his trouser pocket. He looked out and his cell phone screen was completely black. After a pause, he took out another one.

The display of the phone is on, the caller ID is-

[Free head duck. ]

Suddenly, both people's expressions became difficult to look at.

The author has something to say: Zhao Yingdi: I don't want a duck of shame!

Ah, it will grow tomorrow.

I ran a day at the bank today and was almost fainted by the bank.

At last.

Mom's death countdown: 0.5

The top one hundred red envelopes for messages in this chapter. 2k novel reading network