MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 59 059

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Su Nuo quickly changed into a set of burgundy cheongsam, the clothes were well-fitted, and the curves were sexy. The deep red was not old-fashioned on her body, but she was interpreted with thousands of styles.

Mother Shen curled her hair and fixed it with an emerald urn. After looking at it with satisfaction, she pulled Su Nuo downstairs and said, "Go, show it to your father."

Downstairs, Shen's father looked at the newspaper as usual, sitting deliberately on the other side of the sofa, holding the computer to work.

"Her dad, look at Nuo Nuo."

Shen's father raised his head, and the other side's delirium also came over, staring at her infatuated for a moment.

She is beautiful, pure and silky, with unrefined face protein and thin layers of powder, and crow feather-like black eyelashes wrapped around twinkling eyes.

She was the clear wine. Standing there, she was fascinating.

"Does it look good?"

Shen's father held the reading glasses and didn't wait to speak. The delusion on the side said involuntarily: "Good-looking."

The atmosphere was frozen.

Mother Shen glared at him: "I didn't ask you, hit your computer."

Looking down in embarrassment and embarrassment, he couldn't write a word while looking at the code on the screen.

"This dress was customized by Zhao Tai. I heard that it took a month to make it."

"It's so expensive." Shen Father didn't understand the women's house, but still said, "Good-looking, we will bring some gifts this time."

Shen's mother covered her lips and smiled: "I'm ready, you can rest assured."

Shen father nodded and continued to read the newspaper.

After dinner, the family watched the Mid-Autumn Festival around the TV.

"Parents, happy Mid-Autumn Festival." Shen deliberately delivered the two wrapped gift bags to the two. He looked down, his eyes rested on Su Nuo's shoulders, hesitated for a long while, and pulled out a jewelry box from the pocket of the sports pants , "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

The four words are a lot lighter.

The crystal box held by the man's long five fingers refracted the broken light, and the top was set with a polished diamond diamond.

Su Nuo didn't move.

Mother Shen and Father looked at each other, and finally said carefully, "Have your brother prepared, so take it."

He held the hand of the gift in the air, embarrassed, and wanted to fall. In the end, Su Nuo took it without expression, and the family of three was relieved.

"This isn't the antique necklace I always wanted. Did you buy it for me?" Shen mother had opened the gift and was holding the exceptionally bright jade necklace.

Delusion answered lightly, staring at the TV with one hand on his cheek.

"And this picture, did you spend a lot of money?"

The landscape paintings sent by Shen deliberately to Shen ’s father were produced by the master. It is difficult to find a painting, even if it is rich, it is difficult to buy. He can bring it this time, which shows that he has worked hard.

The deliberate tone was not salty: "You and Dad like it."

Father Shen held the beloved painting and hummed: "I think your kid is interested this time."

He closed the painting gently and slowly, and raised his hand to greet the aunt at home. After a while, he sent two red envelopes.

"This is yours." Shen's father violently threw the red envelope to his deluded face, and gently faced Su Nuo, "This is our waxy family."

The Shen family will give children gifts or red envelopes during the festival. This is a custom. The picture is a festive and auspicious gift. Su Nuo accepted it. After thanking meekly, he gave the bag he brought to him. Oh shit."

"Ah, my mother doesn't need a waxy gift." That's what she said, but Shen mother opened the package cheerfully.

Inside is a cashmere shawl with extremely delicate hook flowers, and the style is also Shen's favorite.

Mother Shen couldn't help but feel, "Which company did this? I haven't seen such a hook."

"I did." Su Nuo said softly.

Shen mother came over unexpectedly.

"I think you do n’t need jewellery, and winter is almost here. I made a shawl for you, but I do n’t know if it suits you."

"Hehehe, as long as glutinous is made, hehe!" Tears moved by Shen's mother were about to come out. She took care of the two children growing up without even expecting anything from them in return. Especially Su Nuo, she hurt Su Nuo too much. Since Su Nuo returned to her hometown, Shen mother always worried that she would be alienated from the family. Now it seems that she thinks more.

Shen mother rounded the beige shawl and turned around, she really liked: "I'll wear it to my sisters the other day, and envy them."

Su Nuo smiled slightly.

"Dad's." Shen Father, who had been left out for a long time, grieved and asked over.

"I have prepared a recipe for medicated diet, which has been delivered to the kitchen."

Father Shen's face changed and changed.

"You will be addicted to alcohol as soon as it gets cold, and you will come up with all kinds of problems in your body as soon as you drink, so I specifically asked someone to make a recipe, and if you follow that, your body will gradually get better."

Su Nuo used to be an imperial chef. Although she has a short time, she has learned a lot. It took a long time and it took a lot of effort to combine the ancient health diet with the modern one and draft the medicated diet.

Father Shen's complexion changed, don't be unhappy at the beginning.

Mother Shen smiled, "The child has prepared you so carefully, you can't let the child down."

Shen father was angry: "I see."

He lived for half his life, and he was not willing to listen to anyone's words, but he was willing to listen to the girl. Since the girl has done it with care, as a father, he naturally cannot disappoint this mind. Shen Father knows this.

The three were very happy, and the delirium that had been silent in the corner was a bit out of place.

Delusion hates his parents' attention to Su Nuo. Every family of four sits together, delusion is always the one ignored. But now, he stared at Su Nuo, who was chatting with his parents, and suddenly felt that the years were quiet, hoping that time would always stay at this moment.

"But where did Nuo Nuo learn the embroidery work? It looks like the needlework was made by a master."

Shen mother's words once again brought delusional attention to him.

Su Nuo's eyes flashed: "My mother taught me before she died, and her things were stitched very well, and I slowly learned."

Shen Mu had no doubt. Although Su Nuo had a physical defect, she learned very quickly. Whether it was music theory or fine arts, as long as she studied a little or two, she could learn the essence. Because of this, her parents particularly favored her.

After watching the Mid-Autumn Festival, Shen ’s father and Shen ’s mother returned to the room to rest early, leaving only Su Nuo and Shen Sui in the living room.

She got up and stopped the delirium about to go upstairs. "Wait."

Stop deliberately, turn to look at her.

Su Nuo lost the crystal box and said coldly, "Return it to you."

Delirious thin lips froze, "Don't you look at what's inside?"

"It doesn't matter." She didn't look deliberately, bypassing him and preparing to return to the house.

"Su Nuo." Suddenly she held her hand. After she noticed the disgust in Su Nuo's expression, she deliberately released her wrist, took a deep breath, and slowly opened the box. A necklace was lying in it. It was something that had been deliberately taken from her.

"Back to you."

Su Nuo couldn't help smirking and clamoring: "If you say it's not mine, take it away. If you say it's mine, return it again. Is that ridiculous?"


Su Nuo's eyes glanced coldly at the necklace: "But it's really not mine."

After that, I went straight upstairs.

Quiet living room, deep moonlight outside the window.

He was isolated in front of the staircase and squeezed the crystal box in his hand. He suddenly felt ridiculous, followed by hard-to-exhaust anger, gritted his teeth arrogantly, and shook the contents of the handle far away, and the box hit the ground It made a crisp sound, rolled down several times and hit the wall, and the necklace that fell to the ground exuded a light.

After wandering around on his hips, he picked up the necklace with a frown, carefully removed the dust from it, and put it back in the box.

The next morning, the family went to Zhao's house.

The Zhao family has an independent manor and horse farm built on a well-known rich soil. It takes at least an hour to drive from the Shen family.

Suddenly a car alone, Su Nuo followed his parents.

Inside the car, she leaned against the window, holding her phone in both hands, staring at the screen.

Su Nuo struggled for a long time before he started typing in the input field.

[I'll go with my parents later. ]

Well, it's not suitable, it seems like he was asked to greet him for a while.

[Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, visit later. ]

Curious ...

Su Nuo grew more irritable when typing, and the text was deleted over and over again.

"Yes, Nuo Nuo, did you tell Xiao Zhao?"

The sudden voice from Shen's mother scared Su Nuo, and her fingers trembled, and she almost dropped her phone on the ground.

She shook her head. "Not yet."

Mother Shen smiled: "Then you have to say something to Xiao Zhao, or you will be rude."


Su Nuo pursed her lips and slowly moved her fingertips: [We visited in a while. ]


She was restless and waiting for an answer.

[Zhao Yunqing :? ]

[Su Nuo: My mom told me to tell you. ]

[Zhao Yunqing: ...]

[Zhao Yunqing: Welcome. ]

After a while, he made another passage: [That's what my mother told me to tell you. ]



She was suddenly, a little depressed.

Seeing that she didn't squeak for a long time, Shen's mother went to the gossip and said, "How's that?"

Su Nuo hurriedly hid her mobile phone, and said, "Mom, don't just look at the chat history."

Shen's mother hid her face and laughed, "Well, mother doesn't watch, did you tell Xiao Zhao?"


"Just say it." Mother Shen said, "Mom doesn't expect you to be with your arrogant brother now, but think about Xiao Zhao is also very good, family knowledge and you are very good, just older ... "


A cough from Shen's father interrupted her mother's chatter.

Mother Shen glanced at Father Shen, "What the hell, I care about my daughter's future, okay?"

The rebellious Shen Father didn't dare to say a word.

What Shen's mother didn't know was that Su Nuo hadn't heard much of what she said to her.

She kept looking at the screen again.

[Zhao Yunqing: Have you calmed down for so long? ]

[Zhao Yunqing: The above is what my mother asked you. ]

[Su Nuo: What do you mean? ]

[Zhao Yunqing: If you want to understand and calm down, can I pursue you again after this Mid-Autumn Festival? That's what my mom asked you. ]

Su Nuo slowly typed: [... your mother manages a lot. ]

[Zhao Yunqing: Of course, my mother cares about my marriage. ]

Even if he didn't meet, Su Nuo could imagine his virtuous morals.

The author has something to say: Mom Zhao: He farted.

Shura field is coming soon, happy and exciting.

With, red, stay.

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