MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 75 075

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Hearing the sound, the teacher at the desk raised her head. When she saw Su Nuo's face, she obviously froze, and the two words blurted out: "Su Nuo?"

She has no make-up and is not difficult to recognize.

The teacher was surprised and looked down at Harazawa, who wandered around, and whispered, "Yuan Che is your brother?"

"Um." Su Nuo nodded. "My brother, what's wrong with him?"

The teacher softly coughed to hide his embarrassment, and his attitude was much softer than before: "Yuan Che beat his classmates during self-study in the morning. It was very serious. Now the child is bandaging in the infirmary and is going to deal with it before going to the hospital."

Su Nuo frowned, looking at Yuan Che: "You hit someone?"

Yuan Che avoided the sight of Su Nuo and cursed lowly: "It's your offense."

Without waiting for Su Nuo to talk, the teacher on the side took a lesson and said, "Yuan Che, this is the office. Please pay attention to your attitude."

Harazawa overflowed his throat and wiped lightly, his beautiful lips were tight, and his eyes were stubborn.

Su Nuo has long been accustomed to his children's temper, not angry and annoyed, and slowly said: "I don't think there is a misunderstanding here, Yuan Che will not hit people for nothing ..."

Before Su Nuo finished speaking, a sharp voice came from outside, "What do you mean? Do you mean that our children deserve to be beaten ?! Look at your sister's appearance and know that your adults don't teach it well!"

A couple came in, tall and sturdy. The woman had her arms thick against her two legs, and glared at Su Nuo.

Yuan Che gritted his teeth, slammed his neck and began to scold: "I don't think your family is educated! Your son deserves to be stabbed by Lao Tzu! Alas!"

"You little bunny, please say one more thing!"

The woman picked up her sleeves and rushed straight to Yuan Che. The teacher hurried up and stopped, without holding it. She was in a hurry to call her mobile phone for security.

"You have a mother and a mother who do n’t support it. I spent millions to train my son. If he ca n’t go to college with any of the three strengths and two strengths, do n’t even think about your family having a good life!”

Yuan Che scolded: "I am! Just because of your son's big head that Sanlu drank too much, he still wants to go to college. Anyway, it's almost winter. I think you're going to pack up the roasted sweet potatoes on the street. You can test with a mallet. "

"You say one more thing!"

"I'll tell you what to do!" Yuan Che raised his voice. "Just because of your son's virtue, someone will teach him to be a man sooner or later out of society. Now I should teach him in advance. You two should give me the education fee first !! "

"You, you, ..." The woman pointed at him, her face was red with a thick neck, and you did n’t show up for a long time. So she pinched her fingers, suddenly turned to see Su Nuo, looked up and down, Su Nuo. With thin arms and legs, it is bullying to look at it for nothing.

She came to the ground in anger, Zhang Yawu pawed at Su Nuo: "How did your family raise children? I will educate you for your mother now!"

Su Nuo's eyes and feet quickly hid behind her. The woman fluttered and slammed into the corner of the table. She was even more angry. She picked up a textbook from the table and smashed Su Nuo's face. Yuan Che reached out and blocked Su Su. In front of Nuo, he directly snatched the next lesson plan.

Seeing this, the woman continued to yell: "You can see that your mother is not good, I tell you! This matter is not over, wait for the court to see you !!!"

"You are not allowed to scold my mother!" Yuan Che's eyes turned red for a moment, and he clenched his fists, unable to bear to want to pass.

The bell is already ringing after class. I heard the moving teachers and students circle around the window, and the inner three floors and the outer three floors look lively.

Su Nuo stopped Yuan Che, and the security guard who had received the phone call had also come to isolate the two rooms a safe distance.

The teacher's face was black and angry, and the teaching director who came in was also bad and harsh: "Yuan Che, even if you hit someone first, you still have a face in the office. This is a school, not a place where you spit and roll!" "

"Director, you have to comment on us." As soon as the authority figure came out, the woman immediately became soft and complained of tears. "Just you went to the infirmary and watched. My son's face was not good anymore. I Sending children here is for education, not for bullying others. As a school, how can there be students who create violence, and if you do n’t deal with it, how can we convince our parents in the future. ”

All she said inside and out was Yuan Che's wrong, and she wanted to be fired by the school.

Yuan Che gritted his teeth and stared at the woman's eyes full of hate.

Su Nuo squinted his eyes, staring at the teenager quietly for a few moments, then stepped forward, "This lady, we have one to say one, two to say two. Before things are not clear, it is you who rushed in and aggressively against us. Your first move is also a good word you used to insult our mother who just passed away. How did you get here and make us wrong? "

Her tone was more peaceful, but her expression was sharp.

Su Nuo slightly raised his chin and continued: "My brother, although having some children's personality, never takes the initiative to fight and pick things up. We might as well ask a classmate to ask what the matter is, wouldn't it be clear?"

Su Nuo turned his eyes and looked at a group of students outside the window: "You who are Yuan Che's classmates."

She has recently been on fire. Both the phone and the Internet have repeatedly broadcast her programs, not to mention that many people in this school have played games that Su Nuo endorsed in person. Of course, there are many fans in the school group. When a group of children met the star for the first time, they all looked at each other, shy back and did not dare to speak.


Outside the door, Zhao Xingchen raised his long arm and squeezed aside a group of people to enter. "Teacher, me, me, I know what happened."

"Student Zhao Xingchen, tell me what's going on." The director instructed him to speak.

Zhao Xingchen stood upright and smiled even more cleverly. A pair of clear and peachy eyes were very clear. "I can testify, it is Liu Qiangqiang's first move."

"You bullshit!" The woman was angry. "Don't think that I don't know that you are on good terms with him, you snakes and rattles!"

The teacher frowned. "Parent, please calm down and listen to him."

Zhao Xingchen is a top student, and his grades occupy the top ten of the school all year round. In addition, he has donated a lot of money to the school, and the teacher has little doubt about his words.

Zhao Xingchen is justified: "Auntie, don't worry, I have evidence here."

Then, he took a book from his arms and handed it over, "Teacher, look first. Is this a draft of Liu Qiangqiang?"

"Oh, yes."

"Then you turn over and see what you guys are."

After the teacher gave him a strange look, she looked down and looked at the draft. After one of the pages, her face immediately changed.

Su Nuo also wanted to go over and look at him, but was caught by Yuan Che. He said, "You, don't watch ..."

Su Nuo suspected that in the end he still didn't say anything, quietly listening to Zhao Xingchen.

Zhao Xingchen said: "Liu Qiangqiang insulted Yuan Che first. Yuan Che was just going to talk to him. Liu Qiangqiang didn't change, and he continued to abuse them in the face of Yuan Che and Yuan Cheng. This time is about to go to self-study After class, we all returned to our seats. I didn't expect that Liu Qiangqiang drew the short cartoons on the draft and also showed Yuan Che deliberately to provoke Yuan Che. "After that, Zhao Xingchen smiled a lot with a cold smile. "Teacher, I ask you, if your relatives are insulted like that, will you be angry?"

The teacher's face turned red and blue for a while, but he didn't say anything.

"Show me." The instructor took the book, and when he saw the contents, his face showed the same expression as the head teacher, and for a few seconds of silence, squeezed four words between his teeth: "Become a system!"

Teach the Lord to give the book to the other parent's indignation: "Look at it yourself."

The couple looked at each other, and finally stared at the book for a long time without looking back.

Su Nuo's eyebrows tightened tightly, pulling Yuan Yuanche's sleeve gently, and whispering, "What is it?"

Yuan Che shakes off Su Nuo's hand, awkward expression: "Don't ask."

"... but I'm curious."

Yuan Che began to be impatient: "Don't ask you, don't ask, are you annoying ..."

Su Nuo bit her **** lips. At this moment, the parents over there started to make trouble again, "Is this the reason for beating people? I don't care, you have to give me an explanation no matter what your school is!"

The author has something to say: First more.

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