MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 84 084

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The wedding was in full swing, compared to the lively, but the sunken house was cold and cold.

Lost in his study, the code programs on the computer screen were dense. He tapped on the keyboard and stared at the screen with red eyes, apparently not sleeping all night.

The knock on the door suddenly rang, and the deliberate fingertips didn't stop.


The door was carefully opened and it was the aunt at home who carried a bowl of hot noodles.

The aunt has worked in Shen's family for more than ten years, and he doesn't seem cramped in the face of delirium. He stares at his exhaustion, and his tone is difficult to hide. exhausted."

Delirious whispered, "Thank you, Mother Chen."

Mother Chen did not dare to bother, rubbing her palms, "Mrs. They will come back at night. Tell me if you want to eat, I will let the kitchen prepare."


After Chen's eyes finally looked delirious, she paced away.

The study room was quiet again, but delirium had no longer thoughts of continuing to work. His head was drowsy, his temples jumped with pain, his eyes closed and pinched his eyebrows, and he staggered from the sofa. Man lying on the dark sofa.

The house was obviously warm, but let the delirium feel a bone cold. He curled up and couldn't help but start thinking about Su Nuo and Zhao Yunqing's wedding.

He should be indifferent and should not care. After all, he hates Su Nuo so much. Who does Su Nuo have and what does it have to do with him? But his inner instinct could not be so calm, and he couldn't ignore it.

After today, the annoying fiancee will become someone else's fiancee; the younger sister will no longer be his younger sister.

Su Nuo already has a family and a true loved one, and will immediately welcome a lover. What's ridiculous is that he got everything for her.

Delirious breathlessness, unwilling to heart, a pair of fists clenched tightly.

The headache was getting worse. He frowned, got out of the sofa, stumbled and opened the door, ready to go back to the room to find a medicine.

In the empty corridor, he couldn't make any sound when he stepped on the ground. Just when everything was silent, he heard a voice coming from not far away. It seemed to be Su Nuo's room. Pushing the door open with a puzzled look.

The thin morning light poured out of the window, the girl with his back facing him was slender, and the pure white dress lined her with shadows and was not dusty. Thinking deliberately, she had blinked twice, and she was still standing there.

"Waxy, waxy?" Deliberately said tentatively.

She slowly turned back, the girl's face was good, Qingli's eyes fixed on him, and she smiled a little, her dimples on her cheeks. Since she awakened by suicide, she has never smiled at delusion like this, looking at that warm lip-like smile, the delirious heart needle hurts as much.

He walked over: "Aren't you going to get engaged with Zhao Yunqing?"

"Su Nuo" shook her head, and tears flashed in her eyes. "I, I don't get engaged to others, I just want to be with the vain brother."


"But you don't like me at all ..." She cried, her voice was small, and finally wiped her tears, and walked towards the bathroom step by step.

The deliberate heartbeat is like a drum, he vaguely feels weird, but still keeps up with Su Nuo step by step.

In the bathroom, "Su Nuo" did not know when she had a mobile phone in her hand, she clung tightly, her voice almost begged: "Brother, Nuo Nuo will be obedient, Nuo Nuo will never linger, you ... you Will you come back? "

"Is it just that I am dead ... you will come back."

"Then you die."

In the bathroom, these five words are clearer and sharper than any sound.

The delirious body trembled, his eyes could not help widening, and his shoulders trembled, feeling the cold rising from his feet. He never knew how much he said was too damaging and hurtful. At this moment, deliberately realized his indifference.

His gaze moved to the girl.

"Su Nuo" has stopped crying. She looked as if she was a doll, and saw the girl put down her phone, turned around and went outside, and when she came back, she had a fruit knife with a flash of cold light in her hand. Sitting stiffly into the bathtub, looking at the sharp knife, finally without hesitation, severely cut to the wrist, blood overflowed, the intense red made the delusion unable to respond.

"I don't want to trouble you ..."

"Wo, glutinous ..." Panicked, panting and pressing her wound with her palm, "You ... don't do this, you're not trouble, I know I'm wrong, I shouldn't treat you like that, Su Nuo, don't do this ... "

His tears fell unknowingly, but no matter how he called or how he begged, "Su Nuo" had no response at all. She just closed her eyes, and the traces of life flowed on her face and disappeared.

"Su Nuo ..."

"I, I'm not good." Su Nuo said to himself, "I shouldn't always entangle you, I shouldn't or shouldn't make you unhappy, but arrogant brother." She said, her voice was deep despair. "I have no one but you."

The deliberate trembling of his fingertips suddenly did not know what to do.

"I have no friends and no family now, I only have a delusional brother, but you don't want me anymore, no one wants me anymore."

"Brother, I'm gone." She whitened her face, "No one will ever ... someone will bother you."

"Su Nuo." He held her hand deliberately, his heart seemed to be entangled with vines, and he couldn't breathe even more. He fell down on the ground, crying like a hopeless child.

Delusion never knew how important he was to Su Nuo, and he never put himself in the position to consider Su Nuo's feelings. He just annoyed her, hated her, hated her, and even looked down upon her. He felt that she was a rude little wayward princess in the ivory tower, but forgot that she had been abandoned by her family and lived alone in the orphanage; Ignoring that she risked Snowy Night to prepare funds for her. He always felt that his parents favored him, but he forgot that every time he was punished, only Su Nuo pleaded for him.

His parents did not understand his career, Su Nuo understood; his parents did not understand his sufferings, Su Nuo knew.

She is an annoying little follower. She knows nothing, but likes him and trusts him.

And what about him?

He strangled her innocence, her beauty, and in the end complained of her coldness.

In the bathtub, Su Nuo's figure had turned into a floating illusion, and finally disappeared completely, and everything was back to normal.

The delirious body shook and fell to the ground.

His eyes were dark, and he could only hear his heartbeat.

The lethargic delusion made an extremely ridiculous dream, a dream that made him stingy. In the dream, he saw that he and Su Nuo grew up together, his sister liked to stick to him, and he also liked his sister. When he was punished for having dinner for making mistakes, the little girl always sneaked into the kitchen. Stolen some small cakes.

The days passed slowly and slowly, and the two began to grow up.

They are still doing well. The young master in the dreamland gave the girl 100% tolerance. Looking at her eyes, she always had a strong pamper and like, and the little girl was very good. No matter what happened, she would be first. Time to find him.

Later, when the teenager went to college, the girl cried, and he kissed her, which was their first kiss.

Later, the teenager became a youth, officially graduated from the campus and set up his own studio.

Later, when the girl was seriously ill, he ran to the hospital overnight, guarding her for two nights without eating or drinking.

after that……

They married and had children, and lived a lifetime.

Delusion is like an outsider, watching everything behind them.

In the end, the dream was shattered into a shadow, and the surroundings were dark. Only the delirium in the dream was still there. He was old, sitting on the rattan chair with a dazzle, and looked at the delirious eyes with a strong mockery.

"Envy?" He said. "These should belong to you."

Delusion couldn't understand what he was talking about, so he couldn't help getting closer.

"Unfortunately, you can only see it in your dreams?"

"What do you mean?"

The old man pointed back behind him, he looked up, and a screen-like thing flashed in the dark, where he saw himself hurting his sister three or five times for a woman; he saw Su Nuo fell in the bathtub and saw He was ruthless and ruthless, and even saw his parents who had always loved Su Nuo suddenly become indifferent and mean, and finally pushed the girl out of the house without mercy.

At last……

She saw Su Nuo dead in the distance.

And he and Meng Yizhen went to the palace of marriage.

Deluding his painful chest, he shook his head again and again: "This is not true, this is not ... my parents will not treat Su Nuo like that, and I will not marry that woman, I don't like her at all!"

"Yes, you don't like it at all." The delirious old man continued to dangle his chair. "So, your wife now belongs to someone else. As for you, loneliness is your end."

He looked delirious, his eyes piercing: "You should be happy."

You should be happy ...

Before deliberating the meaning of the words, delusion was dragged out of the dream by a huge suction.

He opened his eyes with a swipe, the dangling lamp overhead dazzled, and his deliberate eyes rolled, his expression gaunt.

"Master, you finally woke up." Mother Chen sat worried, "You fainted in Miss Su Nuo's room, but you scared me."

Yes, Su Nuo.

He saw Su Nuo.

Su Nuo ...

He is going to find Su Nuo, find Su Nuo ...

He was struggling to get up from the bed, but when he got up, he fell back, his limbs were soft like he was not, and he couldn't give a little strength.

"Master, don't move. The doctor just took your temperature. It's thirty-nine degrees. The doctor said it was a cold caused by fatigue. You, take a good rest. I'll get you some light food now." The aunt came out of the room.

The deliberate throat moved and the garden in the dream was still flowing.

Maybe it wasn't a dream at all.

The author has something to say: The first hundred red envelopes! 2k novel reading network

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