MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 90 090

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"Nuo Nuo, we are leaving."

After packing up a few clothes, Su Nuo led Su Nuo away from the Shen family.

The night was very cold, and Shenzhai was quiet and quiet. He grasped her fingers slightly, left the house, followed the delirium and sat in the co-pilot. Su Nuo pursed his lips: "Brother, I think we should still be with parents Discuss ... "

She is obedient, obedient and obedient to her parents from an early age. Some trivial matters will be discussed with her parents, not to mention such a big thing as marriage, now she is so brazen, she always feels uncomfortable.

Su Nuo waited for the deliberate throttle sound.

She stared at his faintly darkened face, and dared not speak again.

Soon, the car arrived at an apartment in the city center deliberately. This single apartment less than seventy square meters was bought in the midst of delusion and close to the company. It was a resting place during the busy period of his and his friends. Now The company grew and almost no one came back.

Su Nuo followed behind Shen delirious, and looked around.

The small apartment is not empty, and is slightly empty. Because it has been uninhabited for a long time, it is less humane, cold and lonely.

He deliberately lowered his luggage, took off his overcoat and took off a scarf, took out a brand new pair of cotton slippers from the shoe cabinet, and put them at Su Nuo's feet: "wear."

"Oh." Su Nuo obediently put his feet in.

"There is only one bedroom, you go to sleep."

Su Nuoxi raised his eyebrows suspiciously: "What about you?"

Delusively reached out and said, "Sofa."

Su Nuo was silent.

This house has been unoccupied for a long time. The weather is cold and the living room is colder. Even if the man is delusional, he sleeps overnight.

She shook her head: "It's cold outside, and Brother Su sleeps inside." He paused, rubbing the red ears, "We cover the quilt ..."

The voice was very low, apparently shy.

The delirious tremor trembled, burning and staring at her face for a long time, until Su Nuo's face was burning hot and smoking, he converged and said good.

One night passed quickly, and the next day it was bright. Su Nuo was deliberately dragged into the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Looking at the building that caught the eye and the men and women around him, Su Nuo stopped pacing.


The steps in front of me lead to the door, and there is a long distance. The sun above you is very big, but there is no temperature. Su Nuo clenched his fists with his hands in his sleeves. She should be happy, she likes delirium, marrying him to become his wife is a lifelong dream, but when the time comes, Su Nuo straightens out. She didn't know why, maybe ... pre-marital fear?

Su Nuo took two steps back and forth.

Frowning deliriously, come and pull her: "Nuo Nuo, what's wrong with you?"

"I ... I ..." Su Nuo hadn't said it for a long time. So, with the tip of my finger, I suddenly rubbed a cool touch, it was a ring. She froze and said, "Mom said, I, I and I are engaged."

Su Nuo looked down at the toes: "With that Zhao ... Zhao Yunqing, I haven't asked in detail for so long, I just want to know if it's true?"

"Don't mention that Zhao Yunqing again!" He growled suddenly, his hands clasped Su Nuo's shoulders like iron tongs, his eyes were cold and his jaw was tight.

"Bad brother ..."

"Su Nuo, we will get the certificate today, and I will be good to you in the future, I will be good to you forever." I couldn't help but say that Su Nuo walked inwardly.

His stubbornness and arrogance made Su Nuo unfamiliar. After returning to God, he twisted his body and began to struggle: "I, I don't want to go, you let me think about it."

Delirity held her hand tighter, hurried a little.

During the pull, the two had reached the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and when they were about to enter, two bright men and women suddenly came out. At the same time, paparazzi holding the camera in all directions swarmed up.

"Is both of you officially licensed?"

"Congratulations, I'm a reporter on Channel X. Would you like to tell us about the process of falling in love with you?"


These two are the variety couples who often dominate the hot search recently. They do n’t have many works. They all rely on scandals to increase their popularity. Today, they have received a certificate in advance to reveal the news, otherwise there wo n’t be so many reporters lying in ambush here.

Among them, the female star smiled shyly. As she was about to answer, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, "Isn't that Su Nuo!"

When you swipe it, all the shots are directed at Su Nuo and Shen Sui at the back.

Su Nuo was successfully whitewashed by the "Password", is well known, and relied on the fire of "Survival Island", a wave of fans, the news of the car accident not long ago is still on hot search, not to mention she is still Zhao Yun Qing's fiancee, Zhao Tai's recognized daughter-in-law, can say that her current national degree is not lost to any first-line star.

Her appearance suddenly attracted everyone's attention, not just reporters, but also passers-by and newlyweds who came to collect the permit.

Soon she was surrounded by the crowd.

Su Nuo has never seen such a situation, a small face pale.

Delusion is also very irritable. Su Nuo is tightly closed.

"Why is Su Nuo here? Is your injury better?"

"Couldn't it be that you got the certificate with Zhao Yunqing?"

"Why are you traveling with President Shen?"

For a while, speculation started.

There are good things on the Weibo, the video is clear, the picture is holding two people, one stone stirs up thousands of layers of waves, almost instantly gained heat.

[Who are you stink pig pig ?: # 苏 蜡 沉 疑 民政局 #: Oh my god! !! I am dead! !! !! Su Nuo and President Shen come to the Civil Affairs Bureau together! !! Video evidence! !! !! ]

[Zhao Yunqing: What do I mean by wiping him? ? Su Nuo is this blatant cheating? ]

[What little cookie do you count: # 赵云清 被 绿 #Good miserable shadow emperor. ]

[User 56354: Your circle is really chaotic. The previous leg was just engaged to Zhao Yingdi, and the latter leg came to the Civil Affairs Bureau with another man. emmmm. ]

[Piggy: It's aggressive, so does anyone explain what's going on? Is n’t Su Nuo still in a car accident? ? ]

[Who are you stink pig ?: Live room: 234344, live broadcast, fast forward to the room! !! ]

After the main broadcaster started the live broadcast, a large number of audiences came in, ready to enjoy this good show.

The speed of other media was also fast. Just five minutes after the news broke, they sent a car to the scene to get first-hand news.

There are more and more people. The inner three layers and the outer three layers are full of people. Su Nuo is crowded by the crowd. The camera is facing the face. Various strange faces are close at hand. They ask the sharpest with different voices. The topic cannot be separated from the name Zhao Yunqing.

"Aren't you engaged with Zhao Yunqing? Why did you come to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Shen Sui?"

"Is Su Nuo cheating?"

"Do you want to step on Zhao Yunqing?"

"Can Shen always explain the situation now?"


Su Nuo couldn't say a word. He was short of breath, and his brain was dizzy.

He deliberately looked at the girl in his arms, and the drooping eyelashes trembled for three minutes. He made a note of it, and his eyes became tough:

"of course can."

The deliberate voice was cold and low, miraculously quieting the surroundings.

"I come with Su Nuo ..."

"To come to see me."

The voice didn't fall, and there was no sign of being interrupted by a male voice.

The voice came from the rear, and everyone, including Su Nuo, watched it.

Nikko shone obliquely on the icy steps. He stood wherever his eyes stood. The black coat seemed to be long and erect, the man's spine was straight, the facial features were handsome and handsome under the dark-colored hair, and the pair of affectionate peach eyes were particularly outstanding , Is penetrating the crowd, falling straight on Su Nuo.

The two eyes turned towards each other, Su Nuo's frantic heart was strangely calm.

Zhao Yunqing stepped up the steps with his hands in his pockets, and the people around him spread out to both sides to make way for Zhao Yunqing.

Zhao Yunqing didn't look deliberate, with his long arms stretched out, he took people into his arms, looked straight at the camera, his words were slow, and he whispered, "There is something I fear the fans will worry about. All my family and I have been hiding. So far, I have to tell everyone. "


what's up?

The reporters, including the melon eaters in the live broadcast room, raised their ears and wanted to eat the big melon as soon as possible.

Zhao Yunqing looked down at Su Nuo, who was ignorant, his eyes narrowed, his lips stretched into a straight line, his expression looked very sad, and his eyes were full of regret. This affectionate style almost fascinated a group of men, women and children.

Zhao Yunqing embraced Su Nuo: "Nuo Nuo has amnesia. Although it sounds incredible, ... the previous car accident made her forget everything, except me."



Hey? ? ? ? ?

The reporter and Su Nuo both made incredible doubts.

Su Nuo opened her mouth and was about to open her mouth, and her fingers were pinched to shut her up.

He sighed at the camera: "Since the memory loss, Nuo Nuo has been inseparable from me. She is scared of everything. Only I am her dependant. I don't know how to tell everyone, but ..." He paused "She's very insecure now. After I went to the field yesterday to participate in the event, she kept crying alone. In order to reassure her, I decided ..." Zhao Yunqing took Su Nuo's hand facing the camera, a couple engaged The ring shone brightly in the sun, "and officially marry her."

!! !! !! !! !!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !!

...? ? ? ? ?

Su Nuo ... hey.

Delirious ... also stunned.

Media reporters, eating melons ... It's all gone.

Zhao Yunqing Taohua smiled and looked delirious: "Thank you for bringing Nuo Nuo here. Also, in order to help us conceal our relationship, you have given me a lot of blame."

Romance? Black pot? What does this mean?

Someone asked on the spot: "Mr. Zhao Ying means ... you and Su Nuo have been together for a long time?"

Zhao Yunqing returned: "Two years ago."

"So ... what about the hotel photo?"

Zhao Yunqing didn't say a word, at this moment his silence had other meanings to others.

Some of them also recollected: "But someone had already revealed that Mr. Shen and Su Nuo were engaged, and Mr. Shen dumped Su Nuo on the spot ..."

Zhao Yunqing chuckled: "It was supposed to be Nuo Nuo and I who were engaged in a wedding that day, but the misrepresentations and photos exposed on the Internet caused great harm to Nuo Nuo and me. Harm yourself and go to the hospital. I hope that everyone can discuss and look at the issue rationally, not to hurt others, and think about it before speaking and doing things. Your screen is alone. "

The audience was silent.

Obviously convinced by this statement.

In the end, Zhao Yunqing spread his hands arrogantly: "Give me Nuo Nuo's ID card and account book. Thanks to your care for Nuo Nuo, I will definitely treat her well in the future."

The eyes were dark, and the atmosphere was depressing.

Millions of eyes were watching, and Zhao Yunqing expected that he would not dare to do anything extraordinary in front of so many people.

Suddenly short of breath, Su Nuo was close at hand. In the arms of another man, he was unwilling, unwilling to hate, and wished to unload Zhao Yunqing.

In the end, his voice was dumb: "I seem to have forgotten it."

"Isn't it in your pocket?" Zhao Yunqing stepped forward and reached out to take out the deliberate ID in the coat pocket. When he looked over the delusional ID, he smiled sarcastically, very Quickly converged, silently stuffed his evidence back, only took out Su Nuo.

He raised his hand and waved, "Thank you. Come back and invite you to dinner."

After all, he took Su Nuo into the Civil Affairs Bureau like a victor, without looking back.

The two figures are close to each other, intimate and indifferent. The delirium and loneliness left in the cold wind are like a joke. The red / naked exposure to the cold weather is subjected to waves of mockery.

After deluding, his molars clenched, and finally pushed away the reporter who wanted to come forward for an interview and turned his head on the car.

In the corner of the Civil Affairs Bureau, there are only two pitiful little stars left.

They are so difficult, alas.

After the two went in, several reporters also secretly followed the Civil Affairs Bureau. Su Nuo finally recovered from his sluggish state, pulled Zhao Yunqing's sleeve, and panicked secretly, "I won't marry you ..."

Zhao Yunqing stooped close to her ears: "The reporters all looked at it.

Su Nuo was crying: "It doesn't end at me ..."

She was originally married to a delusional brother, but now she has no relationship with Shen delusion. Somehow entered the Civil Affairs Bureau with another man. Thinking of getting a certificate, Su Nuo wanted to run now, but watching the door blocked by the scene, she counseled again. Footsteps.

Zhao Yunqing raised his eyebrows, and was closer: "It is okay not to end, just to be afraid that someone will scold the Shen family for not telling credit. I don't care, I worry about the uncle's credibility ..."

Su Nuo was born to a businessman's parents. After a bit of influence, how could he not understand the meaning in Zhao Yunqing's words. Her face was pulled down by Xu Yan, her expression was sullen, and she was pitifully aggrieved.

Zhao Yunqing felt that he was really not an individual. Looking at the little girl being bullied, she not only did not feel distressed, but also enjoyed it. At first, he was obsessed with her little innocent appearance before he died.

He was afraid that Su Nuo would cry, and whispered to seduce: "Let's get a license and pretend to be, and leave after a few days. It's not a problem."

Su Nuo looked up: "Really?"

Zhao Yunqing bowed his head: "Really, do you look like I'm deceiving?"

Su Nuo seriously looked at him for a few minutes, blinked, and nodded.

Zhao Yunqing: "..."

Zhao Yunqing: "Don't worry, I won't marry a woman. Now getting a certificate is an expedient measure. If you don't believe me, I will write a guarantee letter back to you."

There was a murmur in Su Nuo's heart. She didn't want to receive the certificate, but she was stared at by a dozen pairs of eyes.

At the counter, Su Nuo was tempted by Zhao Yunqing to take a picture, and dumbfounded to sign the marriage agreement, and finally left with a small red book. At the reporter's request, he took a marriage certificate and took photos with Zhao Yunqing. After the photo, they finally let go.

Su Nuo was naturally sitting in Zhao Yunqing's car.

His nanny car was very spacious and comfortable. He brought a car incubator in the back seat. Zhao Yunqing took a bottle of warm milk from it and handed it to her. He whispered, "Warm up."

She turned milk and asked gently, "How do you know I'm here?"

Zhao Yunqing quickly replied: "Your parents said." Early in the morning, the parents of the Shen family hurriedly called and said that Nuo Nuo and Shen delusion were gone. They disappeared along with their ID cards, and he guessed that it might be delusion to steal. Take Su Nuo to collect the card.

Su Nuo clenched her baby bottle slowly, but didn't return to her heart.

From the behavior of the reporter just now, she seems to be famous, the man around her seems to be more famous, and judging from their problems, they seem to be ... unmarried couples.

Su Nuo couldn't figure out what happened in the past two years. Why did she become popular? How could he be with this man? ? Why is the black material exposed?

Zhao Yunqing knew that she was confused, and put the iPad on her lap: "Have you never understood the current world?"

Su Nuo shook her head: "Brazily confiscated my mobile computer ..." In addition, she didn't like to play these too much, so she kept calm as she met.

Thinking of delusion, Zhao Yunqing laughed and said, "Look slowly then."

The driver was ordered to drive and he was working quietly.

The news that Zhao Yunqing and Su Nuo received the certificate had already exploded. Weibo was temporarily disabled and unable to work. All of Wechat's mailbox and phone number were exploded. Among them, Wang Cheng sent him a message.

[Wang Cheng: Are you there? ]

[Wang Cheng: Are you crazy? ]

[Wang Cheng: Boss! I kneel for you! Can you reply to me! !! ]

Zhao Yunqing leaned back against the back of his chair, his attitude was lazy, and he typed slowly: [在. ]

Wang Cheng crackled and sent a bunch of messages: [Big brother, what do you mean? Why do you say that in front of a reporter, and you say that, isn't it just taking over the deliberate things to yourself? Do you know that now you start to buy the manuscript, saying that you are not responsible, do you dare not recognize it? Now some of your fans have taken off the fans and stepped back, do you know that you indirectly discredited your image! Many signed contracts are going to be yellow because of this! ]

Zhao Yunqing: [Oh. ]

Wang Cheng: […………? ? Oh? You're one of those big things? ]

Zhao Yunqing glanced at Su Nuo who obeyed the tablet and typed a bit faster: [There will always be a person responsible for this matter, and I haven't assumed it is better than Su Nuo who has been slutty. ]

After the photo of the hotel came out, Su Nuo has been experiencing bad language and countless cybersex violence. Compared to Su Nuo being hurt, he is more willing to take care of himself because he doesn't care.

When he remembered, he could hear the voices of others. He heard that his mother gave birth to him as a "monster." He heard his father call him "the evil seed." He heard the curse of his brothers and sisters, and even one worshipped him. The stingy groom taunted him.

Zhao Yunqing grew up in such "bad words".

Zhao Yunqing, who became a king, was as rocky and indestructible as he had killed his father and brother, his sister, and everyone who looked down on him. The only remaining person who lived was only strong fear and respect for him.

Standing on the top of power, Zhao Yun was not afraid of controversy early in the morning. However, at night, when people were still young, he hoped that someone could stand up and give him one thousandth of tenderness.

Sometimes the damage of speech is greater than the damage of the body. Even if Su Nuo is so powerful now, he no longer cares, and he doesn't want to let her suffer any more. Those should not be her.

His girl should be charming and smiling, born in the sun.

The author has something to say: Glutinous amnesia: "When will we divorce?"

Brother: Sorry, my ears suddenly became blind. What did you say? ? ?

Nuo Nuo: "..." When the old lady remembered, she hit your dog.

This chapter is two in one!

Happy National Day everyone! !! Random red envelopes, love you! !! !! !! 2k novel reading network

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