MTL - Sweet Finale to a Lifetime of Quick Transmigrations-Chapter 92 092

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Zhao Yunqing now lives in a well-known wealthy community in the city, located on the top floor, with excellent lighting.

Su Nuo followed Zhao Yunqing back home, daring to look around, sitting on the sofa and guarding himself.

"Hungry?" Zhao Yunqing had fastened the plaid apron.

Su Nuo glanced at him, and the tall and long man had a different kind of temptation while wearing an apron. Su Nuo's heart was about to move. She shook her head and couldn't help looking at him secretly.

Zhao Yunqing pretended not to notice Su Nuo's eyes, and turned to walk to the kitchen: "I will only make some simple dishes, not better than you, don't disapprove."

After hearing what he said, Su Nuo was surprised: "I still cook?"

"Well," he said, "just do it for me."


After lunch, Su Nuo followed Zhao Yunqing to get familiar with the house, and finally he was pulled to the study, forced to carry the thick Taiwanese book, Su Nuo still had memories of those lines in his body. She felt amazing, so she watched other films starring herself. After watching it, Zhao Yunqing started to instruct Su Nuo acting.

Before her amnesia, her acting skills can be said to be excellent. Even if it is amnesia, you can find the original feeling with a little reminder. In this way, Su Nuo returns to the crew of "Housewives".

Su Nuo's departure did not affect the filming process of the crew. The director first stranded Su Nuo's part and waited for her to return to filming, but she had to work harder.

When she arrived, she looked at dozens of familiar faces. She was at a loss, and conditioned reflexes hid behind Zhao Yunqing. She looked like a little sheep and kept the audience silent.

I thought that amnesia was nonsense, and it seemed that I forgot about it.

The director was a little flustered and couldn't help asking Zhao Yunqing: "Is Su Nuo all right?"

Zhao Yunqing squeezed Su Nuo's novel with a smooth voice: "Every line is remembered, there is no problem with acting, that is, the personality has changed, and it will not affect the shooting."

The director is still not convinced.

Zhao Yunqing also said: "I will be with the team during this time, and I will be responsible for any problems."


How could you be with the group? !!

The director and the actors were shocked, and looked at Su Nuo. Also, after all, the two were husband and wife, and the newlywed husband took care of his wife.

"Then let Su Nuo make up, and I'll talk about it later."

Then, the makeup artist led Su Nuo to the dressing room.

She walked around and looked back at Zhao Yunqing three or three times. The small expression on the face made the director uneasy, so he calmed down: "It's all right, not afraid or not, I saw it in a while."

This kind of joking made Su Nuo ears turn red, and never hesitated to follow the makeup artist. Modern outfits won't take long, and Su Nuo's outfits in the play are all fresh and everyday. After changing clothes, she sits in front of the dressing table and paints pictures for her.

Su Nuo closed her eyes, and when she thought of facing so many shots for a while, her heart began to panic again. She was afraid that she could not perform well, and she was afraid of forgetting her lines, and in fear, she covered her eyes with a shadow. Su Nuo raised her eyes and faced up A delicate face, the other looked familiar, Su Nuo called her name after a moment, "Mister Meng?"

This sister Meng's voice was soft and ignorant.

Meng Yizhen was thinking of taking this opportunity to make fun of her and making fun of her, but when she saw the clear eyes, she instantly swallowed everything. According to the timeline, she hasn't been too stiff with Su Nuo at this time. Su Nuo worships her more than jealous.

Meng Yizhe sat down proudly: "I heard that you have lost memory."

Su Nuo: "... that's what they said."

Su Nuo: "But I don't see any difference."

The picture was just yesterday, everything was clearly visible, if it was not for the elapsed time and the erratic crowd to remind her, she really thought it was a joke.

Hearing these words, Meng Yixuan raised her eyebrows with a mockery.

"All right."

At this point the makeup artist has done the finishing work.

Su Nuo turned her head and looked at herself in the mirror. The girl's slightly curly hair was pinched straight, and the fringe was cleverly attached to the eyebrows. Coupled with her clear eyes, she looked like a female college student who was not deeply involved in the world.

Su Nuo blinked at herself in the mirror and suddenly felt strange.

Out of the dressing room, I saw Zhao Yunqing talking to the director. When she saw her, both eyes fell on her. After looking up and down Su Nuo several times, she smiled with satisfaction: "Okay, good, very suitable for the role . "Even more so than before. The role played by Su Nuo in the play is originally a black lotus flower with a pure surface and dark inside. The cleaner her appearance, the stronger the contrast of the role.

After the director shouted, the departments went into preparation.

This scene is about Su Nu and her husband having a quarrel at the dinner table, which is a little ** in the whole episode. Playing with Su Nuo is an old actor in the circle. Although he is only over 1.70 meters tall, has a big belly, and has a greasy behavior, he was the dream of all women when he was young.

Although Zhao Yunqing had helped her perform a show last night, Su Nuo became tense at the moment, her brain was blank, and her mouth seemed to be glued by someone, staring at each other for a long time without saying a word. Lines.

Time passed slowly, the other side sighed and turned to look at the director. "We don't need to give Su Nuo a little time to prepare, I think she is still a little nervous now."

The director nodded and said yes.

Su Nuo sat at the dining table, holding his chopsticks, and bowed his head in frustration. At this moment, Zhao Yunqing sat next to her, her warm big hands gently stroking her soft and smooth hair, her voice soft, "Tense?"

"Let's find someone ..." She pursed her lips. "Let's not waste anyone else's time."

She knows how much she weighs. She doesn't know what she was like before her memory loss, but now she is definitely not the material for filming. Rather than let others wait for her and delay others' time, it is better to find someone better than her.

Zhao Yunqing said: "During your stay in the hospital, the director never said that the replacement, the director and other actors are waiting for you, they never think it is a waste of time. Now that you have come back, but say that the replacement, you Do n’t you think this is a disrespect for being? ”

"But I ..."

"Don't say you can't." Zhao Yunqing interrupted her, his eyes fixed, "I think you can, the director thinks you can, everyone thinks you can, you can't deny your own excellence."

Su Nuo wants to say that she is not good at all, she is timid and sensitive, and she can't do anything at all. In this world, only her parents think she is Mingyu, everyone else regards her as a vase, including herself. But in the face of Zhao Yunqing's eyes, Su Nuo suddenly couldn't say a word.


Can she really try it?

"Um." Su Nuo nodded obediently and took a deep breath to calm down. "Then I will try again."

After hearing what she said, the man's smile reappeared and he patted her head again. "Don't be nervous, do what I taught you yesterday."

Su Nuo nodded again.

The director shouted again.

Before starting the play, Su Nuo carefully simulated the scene of yesterday's play with Zhao Yunqing in the study. She replaced the other actor with Zhao Yunqing and took the dining table in front of her as a study. No longer affected by external interference.

Over and over again.

Everything went very smoothly.

After having the first time, the next film was also successfully finished. The day passed quickly. At ten o'clock in the evening, Su Nuo's performances for today have all gone green and changed clothes. She followed Zhao Yunqing back home.

Inside the car, looking at the neon night scene outside the window, Su Nuo's little feet swayed back and forth, thinking of the director's praise to her at the end, the small face reflected in the window opened a sweet smile. She smiled brightly and provoked Zhao Yunqing and Yu Guang glanced, "Good mood?"

"The crew is good, and sister Meng."

Mentioning Meng Yizheng, Zhao Yunqing's eyes sank a bit.

"What's up with her."

Su Nuo did not hear the discomfort in Zhao Yunqing's words, and thought to herself: "She looks different from before, and I can't say it."

Zhao Yunqing didn't say a word. Suddenly, he saw a shadow of a car in the rearview mirror, and a smirk overflowed from his throat. "Sit down."

Before Su Nuo had time to react, he saw Zhao Yunqing step on the accelerator and drive into another lane. The speed of the vehicle accelerated, and he was quickly hidden in the traffic flow. Looking at the back, there was no shadow of another vehicle.

Su Nuoxin had a lingering grasp on the seat belt. "You, why are you driving so fast? It's scary."

"Pick your ears, don't be afraid."

Zhao Yunqing pulled out a hand and pulled her little ear, pulled it gently and rubbed it again, and retracted his hand and continued to focus on driving.

Su Nuo's face turned red, and she bowed her head and muttered, "I'm not a baby ..." Only a baby can be coaxed like this.

Zhao Yunqing's eyes were bent, and his voice was sweet: "In my heart, you are my baby."


Su Nuo, 17 years old, has no dating experience.


No, she can't die! Can't fall into the rhetoric of dog men.

Su Nuo pulled the seat belt back and forth, and carefully looked at Zhao Yunqing, pursing his lips: "Well, when are we going to divorce?"

Only after officially divorcing Zhao Yunqing, she was embarrassed to look for delirium. Thinking of delusion, Su Nuo's original feeling of joy disappeared instantly, leaving only a deep sadness and sadness.

"Alternatively, can you go and explain it to me now?"

"Huh?" Zhao Yunqing's epilogue stretched out. "Explain what?"

"Just ... just tell him, the two of us have nothing to do with it."

Zhao Yunqing smiled: "Do you think he will believe?"


Zhao Yunqing said at a glance: "You are so delusional, Su Nuo and I have misunderstood the permit to get rid of the reporter. Although we have obtained the permit, we are innocent. I hope you will not blame us."


The fool believes.

Zhao Yunqing squeezed her face, "Don't think too much, your task now is to finish the filming. The delirium is a smart man, I believe he will want to understand that he came to you, if he doesn't come to you, Then it means that he still doesn't trust you and has a bad taste for you. If you take the initiative to find him, it may be counterproductive. "

Zhao Yunqing said something reasonable, Su Nuo sat down honestly and didn't bother to let him take her to find delusion.

The author has something to say: the countdown to the end: 4

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