MTL - Sweetest Top Actress in My Home-Chapter 821 Do you know the value of that watch?

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Biquge, the fastest update of the super sweetest chapter of my movie!

A shooting star: "Mathematics ... I don't have time to find a tutor now."

Jack Sue: "..."

A shooting star: "?"

Jack Sue: "Is there a wrong title? If so, bring it out, or the car."

Of course there were wrong books. Ren Xinghe found his notebook and went downstairs wearing a coat.

The woman was playing the harp in the living room, watching Ren Xinghe go out, and rolled her eyes: "little bitch."

Ren Xinghe held his notebook, turned around, and looked at the woman: "Grandma's health is bad, and she wants to cry and change places."

The woman didn't listen and even raised the volume provocatively.

Ren Xinghe subconsciously touched things from the bag, and the woman finally had a slight reaction.

Ren Xinghe did not continue to entangle with her, turned around and walked out of the house, but, the next second, she heard the sound of the house door being locked.

Ren Xinghe sneered, holding the wrong question and found Kujie's car.

It wasn't the one that Xiao K drove before, it was his own off-road vehicle. Although the co-pilot had the shooting tools, it didn't seem to open.

Ren Xinghe got on the off-road back row, but saw Ku Jie turned on the lights.

"Go to ... the cafe that day? Anyway, I can't go back tonight."

Fortunately for Ren Xinghe, she is not wearing pajamas and is also wearing a coat. She is not lying on the bed and will not change her school uniform.

Ku Jie tilted her head, turned off the lights, and set off for the coffee shop that day.

It's just because it's less than 9 o'clock today, so there are many customers in the cafe.

Ku Jie took Ren Xinghe to sit down in the deck, and the manager immediately came up and asked, "Jie ... what would you like?"

"Two glasses of water, give me the keys tonight."

The manager nodded and understood the meaning of Ku Jie. At this time, Ren Xinghe looked up and asked, "Are you familiar with the owner of this shop?"

"Some sources, aren't you going to make up math?" Ku Jie turned away.

Ren Xinghe quickly took out his wrong book and handed it to Ku Jie: "I haven't been to 140."

"The foundation is not solid enough, and the method of review is also problematic."


The manager looked at the two people sitting on the deck with a puzzled look. You must know that the boss of his own family, but he has always been a good type of person, has never seen him in contact with any woman. Now, he is actually an eighteen Female high school students make up lessons?

It is incredible. If other people in X agency knew this, I wouldn't know what it would be like, but he didn't seem to let others know?

And what about Ren Xinghe? I thought Ku Jie's full score was a joke, but when he heard about mathematics, she knew that this person had the true skill.

When they were in class, Ren Xinghe suddenly asked: "That watch ... except my boxing money, shouldn't it be enough to make up for it?"

At this time, Ku Jie looked at her with a smile: "Do you know the value of that watch?"

Ren Xinghe shook her head, she was a fake giant.

"The market price is 230,000, although it is second-hand, but Rolex keeps the value, plus your watch is still 90% new, and the price is not much different, so you can not only go to class, you can also make up for me, Even if you want to finish college with the remaining money, there is no problem. "

Ren Xinghe listened silently, and after a while, he asked, "You don't have to tell me this, anyway, I don't know, don't you think I'm in trouble?"

Ku Jie's face did not change his color: "You have given me a lot of useful information, and I still rely on you for big business, so don't be surprised."

Ren Xinghe got the answer, and he was relieved: "Next question."

Ku Jie looked at Ren Xinghe. Although she could understand her mood and didn't want to have too much involvement with anyone, she was still lost somewhere in her heart.

At ten thirty, the cafe was closed. When the manager gave the key, he said to Kujie: "Jiege, the lounge inside can be used, so you don't need to blame yourself, sleep on the chair."

"Cut out of your class."

He knows how to share a room with a senior.