MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1183 Mr. Qin Lao, Bing Yu (seeking a monthly pass)

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Chapter 1183, Mr. Qin, Mr. Bingyu (seeking a monthly pass)

In the middle of the month, ask for a few ***


Chapter 1183

After running from the evil king Yin, he went to the orphan, and then to the happy sword, the sound of the sound of the sword, Osaya and Qin Lao have been watching, did not intervene and interject.

However, in the end, the two ended up peacefully. The evil king and the yin and the sorrowful stayed behind, and Hou Xibai, and the two flew over the mercury moat, which made the two people somewhat surprised, and more curious about what method was used to make the happy promise. Take care of the filth and the disciples of the Huajian School and take care of the enemy's disciples.

It was not until the evil king left, Osaya took back his sight and turned back:

"It seems that your burden is heavy. How do you plan to deal with both of them?" During the conversation, I took a soft, pretty chin and pointed it at the seemingly pitiful shackles.

Both of them have a temperament of charm, and Osaya will be more focused on beggars, not surprising.

However, Hou Xibai is more pitiful, and he is a sentimental man in the flower garden. He is also a passionate son of the long-awaited shuttle flower in the Central Plains. It is hard to be ignored by Osaya.


Under the roof of the house, Hou Xibai can only plug the bitterness into his heart, and his hands are arched, and his eyebrows are low-eyed: "The teacher has a good time, let us listen to the instructions of Happy Shaoxia, and use the place where it is useful. Happy Shaoxia, though told."

"Oh, too." When the little witch was weak, the charm of her body was a lot stronger. The voice was awkward, and people couldn’t help but want to look at her delicateness as if she had been hooked up.

"Osaya, you don't have to worry about it here, let's go."

Happy did not answer immediately, and now because of the fact that the identity of the thousand-faced fox is a bit overwhelming, there is still time to explain.

After a deep glance, Osaya nodded and did not continue to pursue the bottom.

"Mr. Qin?"

"Osaia girl, although first, has some things to do with the happy little man, and then comes." Mr. Qin old man squatted.

Wen Yan, Osaya subconsciously glanced at a group of Hu people behind the old man, unconsciously rubbed his eyebrows, did not say anything, slammed into the mercury moat.

Mr. Qin’s words made him feel helpless.

"Mr. Qin just said that there is something to say to the younger generation, isn't he also wanting to be down... It's really powerless under the circumstances." Speaking of it, I was grateful to have a glance at a group of Hu people behind the old man, meaning even more obvious:

Let's talk, don't mess with this one!

Accepting two is hard to die, and if Mr. Qin is also playing this set, he is not going to be a nursery.

Mr. Qin Lao smiles:

"Old and happy little man has no friendship, no chips, naturally not boring to beg the happy little man to help my old man's children, the old only one kind of pleading, if happy little man has a good way to spend this mercury moat With this group of children, I am willing to listen to the instructions of Happy and Happy."


I am happy to hear my heart.

There is such a good thing.

Only when I opened Osaya, I didn’t expect to run out of a piano old man who planned to spare everything for the sake of the child...

But not surprising.

Mr. Qin Lao has been very helpful to his men along the way, and he has taken care of it in an all-round way. Now, in front of the mercury moat, Mr. Qin is not so good in bringing the children who survived the desert to the desert palace. may.

From the performance of Mr. Qin old on the road, happy to feel it, Qin and the evil king Bi Xuan are not a type.


One thing must be confirmed carefully.

In the absence of corresponding compensation, happiness does not want to do some kind of good deeds, even if the other party is prominent.

"Mr. Qin, what do you mean, during the time you leave the mercury moat, will you follow my instructions?"

"Of course not." After all, Mr. Qin was a person who came over and immediately heard the deep meaning hidden in the happy words. He slowly said: "There is no hope for the treasure of the desert palace, so as long as happy and young can take me. The group of children left the desert palace, during the time in the desert palace, the old willing to listen to the happy little man."

"Mr. Qin is too polite, in the next He De He can, Mr. Meng Qin is so valued..."

"Ha ha."

Mr. Qin laughed:

"By you can hurt the world's allies, you can let Osaya obey you. You can let the evil kings avoid you after a while, and willingly hand over the clothes to your hands. It is very difficult for ordinary people to do. This is the last point, but you have done it after the evil king."

"Mr. Qin has won the prize. In fact, with Mr. Qin's strength, it is entirely possible to win the treasure of the Great Desert Palace. Now it is halfway, and the younger generation just feels sorry for you."

"Oh, little brother, you don't want to cover me. Actually, this time, the desert palace reappeared in the world. I didn't expect to attract so many heroes in the world. Moreover, I just want to see it well before returning to heaven. Look at what secrets are hidden inside the Great Desert Palace."


Hey, Hou Xibai’s face was slightly moving at the same time, but neither of them spoke because their current identity and position were different.


Happy naturally captures the changes in the look of the two, and the heart is slightly shocked:

"Mr. Qin's words are really interesting. This is a sacred treasure of the Great Desert Palace. Everyone knows why Mr. Qin thought it was a secret, not a treasure?"

Mr. Qin seems to know that he has lost his word, and he smiled a little bit:

"Happy little man, don't say that there is no doubt yet..."

"The ancient black sand sand beast, forty-nine handles on the top of the magnetic sword, a large number of siege artifacts 'spurting the cloud beast', these things, all the value of the city's baby, if there is a baby on the world The old one does not believe."


绾绾, Hou Xibai's face changed again.

Obviously, they were also reminded by Mr. Lao, vaguely guessing that behind the desert palace may not be as simple as the palace treasure.

It is also more certain that Mr. Qin’s words are more certain. The thousand-faced fox is full of words. It seems that the desert palace is really banned with something very special and evil!

what is it……

It is necessary to use such dangerous and unconstrained institutional traps to kill the martial arts people from afar.

Inside the hall, a group of people calmed down.

Although Mr. Qin did not continue to talk about it, everyone in the room was caught in their own thoughts and speculations.

After a while, everyone’s eyes were focused on happy people, including a group of warriors left by Wu Zun Bi Xuan. After seeing the evil king Yin, they valued their happiness and the meaning expressed by Mr. Qin Lao. The image in the eyes of a group of people suddenly became taller.

"Wan years."

Qin old man looked deeply happy one, carried away to see a thousand faces fox, acoustic into the secret: "? With so many people, it can not last."

Heard, a Thousand Faces Fox immediately come to understand, the owner it was decided to cooperate with Mr. Qin.

Qin old man, after all, is the realm of Heaven masterpiece strong, with Ao Saya, desert palace Heaven Eight experts have two stood side, facing the future, no matter what the circumstances, the team's chances of survival will be high a lot of.

"Ice jade allow liquid mercury in a short time cure, require a re-liquefaction interest of time, so before long as we carefully follow behind me, reaching the fire-breathing beast cloud attack range, it will not matter, just beware do not breathe poison gas. "

Thousand Faces fox acoustic answer.

This is also the confidence that makes Osaya leave, but he does not know whether Bingyu can take care of so many people.

When I heard the words, I was relieved and I turned back to Mr. Qin.

"I can take your people through the moat, but how can I guarantee Mr. Qin your promise..."


Behind Mr. Qin, a group of Hu people heard the words like being taboo, and they became excited and sullen.

"In business, business, you really need to show some sincerity." Mr. Qin took a black sign from his arms.

Happy to receive the hand.

The black brand is very heavy, and I don’t know what material it is made of. It has a faint scent of ink on it. I played it and happy to look at this brand:

The front of the sign depicts seven strings, which look like a pocket-sized dilapidated guqin. It has a quaint flavor and gives a sense of sensation for a long time;

But the opposite side of the brand is more complicated, there is a string of numbers on it, and there are still a few marks on the side...

Two incomplete palm prints, the total attack has only six fingers of the imprint, it seems a bit more solemn and solemn.

"This is the mark of my piano."

"Qin Zong?"

"Yes, in the ancient times, four chess and calligraphy paintings led the way to the rivers and lakes, but unfortunately, four talents withered and lost, no one has walked on the rivers and lakes, and the old is the master of the modern piano."


Happy to hear awe.

There are four paintings on the chess, and he knows the chess. The chess game is the product of the chess, but it is just a happy one.

As for the two paintings and calligraphy, I have never heard of it.

"With this master's token, you don't have to worry about the old sayings and you don't believe it. When you leave the desert palace, you will be happy to exchange the old man."


Happy ears sound system prompt:

"Get the letter of the Qinzong head door... hold the letter of the Qinzong head, you can order the piano to go up and down."

“Promise to help Qinzong fly up and down the moat. Please help the Qinzong to pass the moat in a fragrant time. Otherwise, it will change later...”

When I heard the prompts from the back, I was happy to think that every time I passed the trap, it seemed that the previous organ trap would undergo earth-shaking changes.

Could it be!

Thinking about it, the mercury moat in front of it suddenly appeared a slight wave, and it seemed that something under the ground was shaking violently.

"not good!"

"Master, it seems that there is something wrong with us. We must pass through the moat immediately. Otherwise, once the mercury moat has changed, we will not even have a hiding place!"

"If you don't want to be late, let's start! Wannian! Lead the way!!"

"Good! All are behind, don't fall too far." Thousand-faced fox face is clean, and a pair of gloves are taken out in the same way as magic. The glove carefully holds out a piece of snow and white with a chilly hook. .

Read The Duke's Passion