MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1206 Helmet of Chiyou

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Chapter 1206, Helmet of Chiyou

Chapter 1206

In the dark room, the Prophet Kayson sat quietly at the table, his hands slammed above the crystal ball, and there was a chaotic mist around the crystal ball. The average person could not see through the situation, but Kaysen could clearly see it. The picture that comes out of the crystal ball, and discovers the details that others don't know.

But how long has it been...

Suddenly, an insatiable voice came in at the door:

"What is the situation?"


Kayson made a slight meal, and the face falling under the shadow of the cloak raised a little, and the corner of the lips involved a smile: "Congratulations, the evil emperor, the plan was implemented quite smoothly. According to the plan, the wolf has succeeded in undefeated from the east. In the hands of the tigers and soldiers."

"it is good!"

The sound outside was a little hi, and the tone became firm and stunned: "So, the East is unbeaten and has been killed."

"Not bad."

"Little Pink, Fairy, received the "Sunflower Collection" and a set of flying needles from the undefeated in the East..."

"it is good!!"

The sound outside was ringing again, and the evil emperor was very happy. He laughed: "The undefeated in the East is the leader of Tiandao Gao. The value of this set of things can be far above the shackles of the Tiandao Song."

"The evil emperor really cares about the happiness of the knives and songs." In the room, Kayson gave a slight glimpse, and the tone was indifferent: "It is strange to say that I have not traced for a long time. The fall of happiness, he seems to know very well about my tracking ability, it is really strange."

When it comes to happiness, the tone of the evil emperor has become cold again:

"The bed lay for a year and a half, not only did not abolish him, but this kid became more treacherous and more motivated than the average person. If I was a blood coat, I would be killed at the moment..."

" wonder the evil emperor has ignored the help of Mengyun in the recent period, and let the emperor toss a few small countries west of the Central Plains."

Kayson’s tone is plain, as if he is talking to himself.


The evil emperor seems to mention that Yipintang is very angry and very impatient: "From the perspective of happy means, he is bent on extinct a class, completely blocking the route we entered into the Central Plains... whether it is against us wolves The precautions, or because of the hatred of the blood-shirt to Yipintang, we have not been feasible in the past, and naturally no longer need to continue to understand the need of a woman in Yipintang."

"But, Yipintang and Mengyun still have the value of existence and use..." Kaisen said: "At least we have to enter the Central Plains, and we need the help of the people under the dream cloud..."

The outside person suddenly silenced:

This is true!

The Central Plains is a country full of various opportunities. This time, the Tigers and the Gods, the Sunflower Collection, and Yipintang also have credit.

"As you mean, the emperor must also raise them..."

“No.” Under the shadow of the cloak, Kayson slightly twitched his lips and explained in a whisper: “Yi Pintang has accumulated a family that cannot be underestimated in these years. Now the number has dropped to less than 10,000, but it is necessary to support these people for ten years. Eight years are not a problem. Naturally, we don't need to support us. The heads only need to provide them with shelter. There is also a belief that Yipintang is your most sincere servant. Why should you give up this good thing?"

"Good! Just do what you said!"

"Head, if I were you, the unbeaten clothes of the East, and the set of flying needles, I would give it to Mengyun..."


"Happy and discouraged to give the Jinxiu Heshan disciple a knack for the slashing of the knives, what is the atmosphere, if you come here, I am afraid that the entire Yipintang will re-energize and rejuvenate, and then sincerely collapsed! including the woman of Mengyun." The words did not immediately convince the evil emperor, the latter indulged for a few seconds, still did not make up his mind.

The evil emperor is a little different from happy!

Happy in the game, there are not many subordinates who are desperately dying, and they can’t cultivate the robes of the knives and lack of money...

However, although the evil emperor will not practice the "Sunflower Collection", but under the hand there are a group of the most ferocious subordinates! There are several women who can also practice the Sunflower Collection.

Xiao Taohong and Xian Er have even requested the flying pigeons to pass the book...

Let him send the "Sunflower Collection" to Meng Yun, which really makes him somewhat difficult to decide!


Kayson apparently felt the hesitation of the evil emperor. After a few seconds of silence, he said again: "I remember that your "Da Dao Dafa" is already getting better..."

When the words turned, they immediately led the evil emperor's thoughts to other places. The latter replied with a sigh: "The time when the war died in a happy hand, in fact, I also gained a lot, and the "Dream of the Heart" was obtained. A little bit of improvement, when I came back, I broke through two small realms in one breath, and I have already stabilized. Going up, it is a great perfection..."


Kaiser sent a congratulatory letter in due course.

The evil emperor smiled:

"But to be perfect, you still need a crucial condition."

"But must have a peerless master as a Taoist singer?" Kaisen smiled.

"Not bad!"

"You need a heavenly master as a stove, but you also know that it is not difficult to defeat a master of heaven, but to hunt, it is difficult to go to heaven."

"..." Kaysson nodded slowly:

Heavenly masters and dragons see the end of the dragon, come and go, a little bit of something can also pull away in the difficult situation, even if it is a wolf organization, it is difficult to leave a heavenly master.

"Head, in fact... a dream of the main dream cloud seems to have expected the situation of your head now, know your needs for the master of heaven, so before the special pigeons passed the book, I talked to me about this."

Oh! ?

The evil emperor's voice suddenly stretched, became majestic and confused, and the arrogant domineering suddenly revealed:

"This woman is very concerned about the situation of the emperor."

"Leaving us, Yipintang has no hope of being in the rivers and lakes, she naturally does not dare to be slow." Kaisen said very carefully, he knows:

Now that I am wrong, maybe the dream cloud will be destroyed.


Kayson’s remarks finally let the evil emperor release:

"what does she say?"

"Dream cloud knows that you need a master of heaven, and deliberately recommended two goals..."


A slight glimpse, the evil king suddenly came to the interest: "Speak and listen."

"One is the son who lost his weapon in the desert and whose strength is greatly damaged. Meng Yun investigated it. This person is the identity of the sect of the sect of the Qin dynasty. The combination of heaven and man is a realm of cultivation and strength. And this person has a very fatal weakness, that is, the old heart is soft... It is very important to the subordinates’ life and death."

"Is the so-called woman of the Central Plains?"

"The head is wise."

"What else?" The evil emperor apparently did not catch a cold on Kaisen's flattering. A faint saying: "The Qin Zongzong is in the Central Plains, but it is not easy to deal with. Now the Emperor is always under the Zhou Yi calculation of Bai Xiaosheng. When the time disappeared, he used the celestial plane to forcibly calculate and escape the happy eyes and ears."

"There is still a head that must be interested."


"The Heavenly Master of the Western Regions, Wu Zun Bi Xuan!"

"Bi Xuan?"

The evil king’s heart was shocked, and the tone suddenly became high and dignified:

"What jokes are you making, Bi Xuan and the undefeated in the East, the Heaven and Earth Alliance Lords entered the Great Desert Palace together, but were shot down into the mercury, and died in the desert palace, which is said by the master of the heavens and the earth, a dead heaven master, to this What is the use of the emperor?"

"Head, Bi Xuan is not dead!"


"This is true!" said Kaisen: "In fact, I didn't pay attention to it when I opened it. It was discovered by Meng Yun in the Central Plains when Zhou Yi was counted."

"Why did she suddenly go to this..."

"Wu Zun Bi Xuan is a high-ranking person in the Datang Shuanglong biography. He is also the leader of the Eight Great Heavens. Meng Yun does not believe that Wu Zun was so easily buried in the desert, so he speculated about Bi Xuan’s life and death. I really got some information about Wu Zun."


The evil king's voice became dignified:

"Where is he now?"

"It was rescued by a player in the desert and brought to seek medical treatment. The meaning of the dream cloud is that if the evil king needs a master of heaven, he does not say that he needs a heavenly master with the strength in the peak state..."

"Not bad! As long as it is a peerless master, it doesn't matter if it hurts."

"That just happened, Bi Xuan's current situation is very complicated, and his strength is greatly damaged. Even if he wants to escape, he is powerless. The most important thing is that Bi Xuan is now in the desert and was taken to Turkic. It is not the Central Plains. In the past, it must not It will bring happiness... The latter is mostly prepared in the hinterland of the Central Plains."

Kason’s proposal is in the middle of the evil king.

Now the evil king is in the final step and can enter the great realm of "Dream of the Heart"!

Once the Daoism and the Magic Law is completed, the strength of the whole person will be improved. At that time, it will be truly stepping into the heavens. Even the master who faces the real heaven and earth will not fall behind.

The evil emperor did not answer on the spot...

Kayson naturally knew that this matter was very important to the evil emperor. The latter definitely needed a good plan to reply, and did not urge it. His eyes turned back and fell back to the crystal ball.

"Hey, there is still something here."


"Now the wolf is obviously controlled by the tigers and the gods, killing more than 30 brothers in a row... Now, although Xiaotaohong and Xianer have brought their brothers to lead the wolf to the direction of the Central Plains, but the wolf The speed is very fast, and at least one brother will be killed every other time. I am afraid that it will be difficult to support the departure of the Central Plains."

"You don't have to worry about this. I have sent a group of people outside the country to wait for the response. Now it just comes in handy, let them go to take over the little peaches and bring them all out of the Central Plains..."

"Head, what I am worried about now is that the tigers and the soldiers are hard to be tamed. I am afraid that it is not easy to control... Don’t work hard for a long time, and sacrifice so many brethren. In the end, it’s just a bamboo basket.”

"You can rest assured that I have checked that although the tiger scorpion soldiers are very fierce, as long as they find the 'Helius of the Chiyou' left in the Western Region, they can be recognized by the tiger scorpion soldiers. It happens that this thing is divided into two parts. One is enshrined by the Persian Holy Fire, and the gem is inlaid on the crown by the king of Persia. It is just right to solve Bi Xuan in this trip, and then get the helmet of Chiyou in one breath..."

Read The Duke's Passion