MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1242 The martial arts of Wu Zun, the Tao is perfect (recommended)

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Chapter 1222, Wu Zunzhi, Daozhen is perfect (recommended)

Chapter 1242

Zhongyuan Qunxiong saw hope under the encouragement of Dabei, and it seems that the shadow of more than a thousand top players in the wolf organization is far away, and the evil emperor is not so irresistible.

Countless people are clamoring to form a coalition to go to the Western Region, to give the wolf a good look! Some people even proposed to be happy to directly serve as the ally of the Central Plains Alliance and provoke the girders.

The arena is in an unprecedented atmosphere!

"Happy door master."

Lin Biao got up:

"When Song was in the Song Dynasty, Lin said to you, the happy doorkeeper, but when it comes to the action of the wolf organization, Lin Biao is the first to join, and I am also obliged to join the league!"

"Lin Meng main justice! Happy to admire!"

Happy and clenched:

"This trip to the Western Region is extremely dangerous. Lin Meng is willing to join the brothers of Xia Yimeng. I am happy to welcome them. How can I refuse to go out!" After a pause, I turned to the phantom to get ready to talk: "The phantom landlord needless to say, you and the wild The wolf has the longest time to fight, and it is one of the top gangs of our Central Plains. This trip is indispensable...but this time I am in the Jinxiu River and the mountain, and there is a dream cloud inside the Central Plains... If the Central Plains is not guarded, let her make waves It will let us spare some effort in the past time, so... I hope that the phantom landlord can stay, guard the south, and protect the tranquility of the south."

"The happy door master said it well. The two wars before the wind building were so badly hurt that they have not recovered. Now it is just taking time to rest and rest on the side of the town. It is also a worry for us."

Lin Biao made a statement.

The phantom snorted, and did not expect the two to exclude themselves from the Imperial Army.

Just want to say something, Bai Xiaosheng who has always had a good relationship with himself has also opened his mouth, and his expression is serious and serious: "Good! Happy, Phantom of the Shadows, you two must stay in the Central Plains, cope with the possible difficulties of the dream cloud, the blood league had a batch of Anyone who has money to do anything, if Meng Yun buys these desperate people, we are not in the ***, even if the Yulin army goes to the Western Regions, it is difficult to reassure."

Hearing the words, the phantom face changed a lot, and finally nodded heavily under the unanimous opinion of the three giants.

"In this case, I will stay."

"it is good!"

Lin Biao's spirit is invigorated: "There are phantom owners sitting in the Central Plains, we can safely go to the Western Regions, and pack up the guys in the wolves, have revenge, complain and complain!"

"Linmeng rest assured that there will be opportunities." Happy smiled: "However, the Western Region of this trip should not be deployed too many people, my Jinxiu Heshan is only ready to dispatch 20,000 horses!"

"Two thousand horses?"

Lin Yiyi.

Looking at happiness, he originally wanted to say that the top players in the wolf organization are all masters of the ten, and the 20,000 are not enough for the other party to swallow, but when they want to be happy with the wild wolf many times, the experience is much richer than themselves. There is no need to remind you at all. If you come to your mouth, this will swallow your belly.

Frowning and sinking for a while, Lin Biao decided:

"In this case, I have a 10,000 people in the Chivalry League!" For the Xia Yimeng, whose total attack is less than 400,000, 10,000 people are already all elites in the Chivalry League.


I am happy to know Lin Biao’s worries, but he does not want to open all his cards in the public, and expose the 1,500 top masters of Jinxiu Heshan;

In addition, happy is also aware of the current difficult situation of Lin Biao...

Because the north is in the hands of Jinxiu Heshan, most of the south is in the hands of the wind building, and the resources of the Chiayi League to maintain a top gang can be said to be very rare.

A gang has fewer resources, and it will be very difficult to continue to unite a gang of hundreds of thousands of people!

However, there is no way to ask yourself and the phantom to separate a part of the resources already mastered by Jinxiu Heshan and Shefeng Building...

That is not a good idea!

For a proud man like Lin Biao, it is a charity that he can't accept.

So instead of watching Xia Yimeng slowly falling down, I thought of a good way...

Let Lin Biao participate in the resource allocation of the Western countries!

The three decided to go down and happy to announce the news in public!

The arena suddenly lost!

The leaders of the major gangs from all corners of the country have expressed their strength.

But the requirements for being happy with them are:

The output can be, but it needs to have the top strength, because the face is the top organization like the wolf organization, and the wolf organization is best at the sniper harassment tactics, the general martial arts people can not The wolf organization master poses a threat;

This condition suddenly closed many people.

Although depressed, it is not unreasonable to be happy!

And they are not without things to do.

Be vigilant, guard the Central Plains, beware of the resurgence of Yipintang and Blood League!

When I decided to enter the Western Region, I immediately announced that the big officially ended...


Half an hour later, the big arena became empty.

Happy, Lin Biao, Phantom, Bai Xiaosheng and Ji Feng stayed on the stage.

Seeing that there is no outsider in the arena, the face of happy and phantom is quickly gloomy. The former turned and Bai Xiaosheng:

"Big Brother, what happened?"

In front of the latter, the hand holding a piece of platform-like things, his face was very ugly staring at the constantly changing black and black lines inside, slowly shaking his head:

"It's a big deal!"


When I heard the dignified words of Bai Xiaosheng, the four couldn't help but look at each other and see the uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Xiaosheng opened again:

"I don't know until now that the evil emperor summoned so many top experts to gather the borders of the Western Regions... He didn't want to enter our Central Plains at all, but to fulfill his "Da Dao Devil's Law."


Happy heart stunned, and quickly exchanged a bad look with the phantom, in unison:

"Big Brother, is the evil king's "Da Dao Devil's Law" has been cultivated to a perfection?" The two know that Bai Xiaosheng will never be targeted.

If that's the case, things really get really bad.


Under the uneasiness of the four people, Bai Xiaosheng nodded slowly.

"He killed Wu Zun Bi Xuan and completed the final step of the Daoist Devil's Law. Now it is a step ahead into the heavens and has already realized the power of heaven."

"Heavenly master?"

Happy pupils slightly tightened, inhaling in my heart.

With his current strength, he is only able to make an attack equivalent to a heavenly master with the help of the Tianjing Excalibur. He is completely a layman in the ‘天道’ aspect;

If the evil emperor officially enters the heavens and becomes the peerless powerhouse of the heavenly masters, under the crush of the heavens, the only one that relies on it will be the 'wind full of sky' that can be used once in half a minute and the same mad war that is performed once in half a minute. Eight parties'.


Although Lin Biao and Ji Feng are still trying to figure out what is the perfection of "Dao Xin Devil Dafa" that Bai Xiaosheng said, the expression of happiness and phantom tension can already understand the seriousness of the matter.

"No matter how powerful, there is only one evil king. We have happiness and an emperor, aren't we?"


Lin Biao’s words reminded the phantom and Ji Feng, and also reminded Bai Xiaosheng.

The three eyes are bright:


"One emperor, happy to join hands, even if the evil emperor has the strength of the heavenly powerhouse, it is not necessarily an opponent..."

"There is also the strength of the whirlwind Xiao Li, the green light wooden fish, but also beyond the average top master, the strength is not much less than a king..." Bai Xiaosheng's spirit is slightly enhanced:

"The big snake pill and Mo Feng can also come in handy!"

But only happy to know that things are not that simple!

If the "Daoxin Devils Dafa" enters the Great Consummation, it is certainly not just that the strength is as simple as reaching Heaven. The evil king must definitely surpass himself and the Emperor in defense and speed!

At that time, it is not a problem that can be solved simply by 1+1=2.


Happy to frown in secret:

He is still not sure whether Dashen Pill has made a decision now;

In addition, the blue-light wooden fish, this kid's strength even above the whirlwind Xiao Li, the explosive power is not under the emperor, but it is disturbing that it is likely that the blue-light wooden fish is the person over the dream cloud...

These four people were sent to the Western Regions, and maybe they couldn’t help, but they would bring no small troubles. The strength of the Great Snake Pills is not under the wind, and the means are absolutely overwhelming. The whirlwind Xiao Li is defeated by the Qing Hand of a light wood fish;

When I think of it, I am deeply inhaled, and I am more determined to meet the big snake pill in reality...

"Since things have happened, I can only plan like this for the time being..."

Happy Road:

"The plan to enter the Western Region will remain unchanged, and tomorrow will start. Ji Feng, told the brothers of the Western Region, fully guard against the people who entered the Central Plains from the Western border! Hundred Brothers, from now on, you are fully locked in the position of the evil emperor!"

"no problem!"



In the Jinxiu River Gate, Dabie, the arena that tens of millions of gold was temporarily opened up, became the focus of the people of the Central Plains martial arts on this day, and even many of the world’s forces are competing to collect information on the official website. The extent to which the new forces that have not been with the wolf organization grow to what extent.

In the official website of the paid rep channel, Ji Feng ordered the disciples to take care of the multi-faceted picture of the disciples to become the only one in the arena that can be approved for payment.

This big ratio has affected the nerves of countless people!

Even Mengyun, from the beginning to the end of the paid channel, feels the intense atmosphere of this big distance from a long distance...

Every time someone in the big show shows amazing means, the face of Meng Yun is ugly.

The skills and strength of a group of people in Xiaoyue, Meng Yun can tolerate;

When the four swords of the Silver Fox four were presented in front of the people, Meng Yun was keenly aware of the extraordinary power of this sword array...

Although the power is under the heavens, as far as the top masters of the Central Plains are concerned, this sword array is equivalent to letting the Splendid Rivers and Mountains have four more middle-aged masters of the mythical relationship. Under the alliance, it is even equivalent to a very close myth. The master of the peak!

For the players who are not completely out of the shadow of the mythical world, these four people are already irresistible!

However, when the whirlwind Xiao Li strength was exposed, Meng Yun’s breathing suddenly became urgent!

The brow has been locked for a long time and cannot be kept calm.

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