MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1255 Tao, heart, kind, demon (recommended)

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Chapter 1255, the heart, the species, the devil (recommended)

Chapter 1255

"A few days ago, I was invited to fight with you, and I want to clear the new old books with you. I have completely done a conclusion with you. When did I say that I will challenge you? But a defeated army, He De He, can you challenge me?"

Happy words are powerful, and the tone of arrogance does not allow the evil emperor.

As soon as the voice fell, the evil emperor’s eyebrows flashed, and the eyes were filled with anger...

Defeating the master of heaven and earth in a short period of time, his reputation has risen again to the peak, and even once surpassed the happiness that was dubbed the world's first master.

This time!

In order to see happiness and kill it by hand, the evil emperor was so excited that he could not sleep...

But what he didn't think of was that after learning that he easily defeated the masters of heaven and man, he was not humble and cautious, but rather **** for tat, more arrogant and confident than himself, that powerful momentum is not Conveniently confronting each other in the air, there is no meaning of regressing.

The confrontation between Wang and Wang is more than strength...

However, it is necessary to completely suppress one person with his own strength, completely killing the opponent, and more depends on the 'potential', depending on the means!

The evil emperor knows that to completely suppress and kill the happy, you must play a show in front of the world, a crisp and neat show! !

Therefore, he painstakingly created the top of the paid rep channel, and beat the Yaksha King as a chip in a short time, putting pressure on him!

As long as the happiness is slightly more cautious and hesitant, the evil emperor will not hesitate to sneak into the Central Plains...

But happy did not respond at all on the first day;

This time, the evil king is also very disappointed!

His abacus didn't start...

You can't use the pressure to be happy, but there is only one way to do it. It is to use the absolute power to kill and kill in a short time. Only in this way can you plant the seeds of great disparity in the heart of your heart!

Once the "Da Dao Devil's Law" successfully planted the seeds of defeat in the enemy's body, the latter will not be reconciled, and once again confrontation, they will not be able to play their normal combat power and become inevitable!

In addition...

A simple victory can also plant a seed in the hearts of all the world's military.

Happy times...

A flash in the pan!

The global martial arts returned to the wolf organization.

This is also why the evil emperor will wait quietly for a few days in Shiva, and wait until happy to lead the army.

The evil king's plan is bigger than anyone!

What he wants is true once and for all!

Rather than having a strong enemy who will always be in front of you and threaten yourself at any time.

"Hey! I have to look at this seat today, how long can you persist under the "Dream of the Heart"?"

The evil emperor sneered, and flew straight toward the Central Plains.

boom! !

The trend of heaven is re-emerged!

A dark, whirlpool-like black hole emerges from behind the evil king!

The Central Plains is a group of people.

The heavy pressure before it came again!

Different from before, this pressure is more fierce and colder. It seems to be colder than the windy wind of the snow peak, cold to the bones, and frozen to the bottom of my heart.

Roar! ! !

Just as tens of thousands of Jinxiu Heshan and Xia Yimeng disciples held their breath, a heart of trepidation seemed to spread from the black hole behind the evil king.

In addition to being happy, tens of thousands of horses have a moment of embarrassment, and the mind seems to be shocked by something...

There seems to be something in the heart that has been hooked up;



system hint:

"Affected by the change of heart, the mind is floating, the mind is restless, the ability to control the ability is fluctuating, the internal force overflows, and any martial arts moves, the internal power consumption increases by 10%! The attack increases by 10%! But the attack hit rate decreases. 20%!"

Including happy, at the same time get such a system prompt.

Many people immediately felt that the internal force of the body was so powerful that there seemed to be a turbulent flow in the body that they could not immediately collide.

Even if you are happy, you are not spared.

"The Daoist Devil's Law is really worthy of the name."

However, the happy figure is never shaken from beginning to end, and the look is unchanged. The evil emperor who flies in the air is silent and does not retreat!


Although the change of the heart of the heart of the field is overbearing, there is no reason to consume 10% of the internal force, but the happy body through the "Yi Jin Jing" to strengthen the transformation, the body's meridian width is far more than ordinary people, whether it is toughness or something else, powerful too many.

The first layer of "Purification of the marrow" saves 20% of internal consumption!

Therefore, even if it increases the internal power consumption by 10%, it has no effect on happiness, but only one breath will recover.


For the strength of the evil king, happiness is not without doing homework.

First of all, the evil king is the "Da Dao Devil's Law", which is cultivated. Although the incompleteness is incomplete, it is not difficult to obtain the information of the evil emperor.

Happy to know...

The just-changing heart-warming field was just an upgraded version of the gas field after the completion of the Daoist Devil's Law. The effect was strengthened.

"Daoxin Mifa Dafa" divides the four realms of the Tao, the heart, the species, and the devil...

Each increment of one layer, the power will be on the first floor!

The initial change is just the first layer!

From the evil spirits, the gas field covered thousands of people in front, and the range of the square kilometers can be seen how amazing the power of Daoism.

In contrast, the genius of the **** in the yin is a bit ridiculous!

It can also be inferred that the power of the next few realms will increase to such an extent.

Although I am happy, I hope that the people on the side of the evil emperor will move, but I don’t want to lead the evil emperor to the sky above my own people...

To reach the realm of heaven, it is difficult for the top players to lock into the position of the evil emperor, not to mention the 20% hit rate under the influence of the thousand-way mentality.

Returning to the evil emperor without hesitation!

Far away...

Happy to see the cruel and sneer of the evil emperor's mouth gradually curled up, the pupil slightly tightened.

After the great emperor's "Daism of the Daoist", the strength of the evil spirits skyrocketed, confidence has been strong and complete, so unscrupulous flying over is also normal.


In order to deal with the evil emperor, I am happy to be prepared!

Once in the Battle of Beijing, his strength was not enough to reach the height of the evil emperor. At that time, he used the 'potential' skillfully, step by step to provoke the evil emperor, and led the city after the two-pronged killing, winning a precious seven-day respite, and then The shorts of the claws that Yipintang stretched out slowly subverted the situation in which a hall of the court controlled the Central Plains.

Nowadays, outside Shiva, I am happy to use the means again...


This is the last time the winner was borrowed!

In the attitude of the winner, condescending, forced the evil emperor to shoot.

One is because the happiness is not clear about the specific strength of the Persian gang in the city of Shiva;

The second is because of the big imprisonment law - although the number of top experts here has reached the number that competes with the wolf organization, but there is a big ban, and happy is not afraid to take a nap - the two sides are waiting, who will first shoot Whoever may be seen by others, breaks through the flaws and takes the lead in breaking.


Under the stimulation of his words, the evil emperor was so powerful that he could not wait to attack.


choke! ! ! !

A clear and long sound.

At the moment when the Tianjing squad was unsheathed, the trembled black hole world seemed to be torn apart by a sharp edge, together with the heavens and the earth.

The situation of heaven and earth suddenly collapsed!

The powerful biting cold wind that followed the evil emperor was split into two by a sword...

Zhongyuan Qunxiong only felt that the pressure on the body was wiped out in the blink of an eye, and then he looked up and saw the hunting and white shirt.

A white long sword stunned, and happy and unrelentingly rushed into the black hole of the endless danger of the **** mouth!

Everyone holds their breath!


In the distant, the evil emperor did not hesitate to hold one hand.

boom! ! !

The void in front of happiness was raged by a mental storm and suddenly collapsed.

The scene that made the evil emperor horrified...

boom! !

The mental storm was easily crushed by a sword that was happy and destroyed.


The evil emperor was shocked!

Although the happy seemingly random sword is very close to the attack of the master of heaven, but his mental storm is more than twice as strong as before. After mobilizing the world, it is even stronger than the average master of heaven and earth.

A sword with no extra movements seems to have a slight advantage, which makes the evil emperor can't help.

When the speed is sluggish, happy people are in the air, but they have not stopped to vacant.

The toes seem to step on the solid ground, with a little force and darkness, and the body suddenly bursts with amazing power.


The sword is one!

A touch of horror, and instantly rushed to the front of the evil emperor.

Breaking the mental storm, to rekindle the amazing explosive power, to a sword stabbed to the evil emperor, the whole process in one go, completed in an instant.

The evil king finally showed a dignified color...

I always thought that having the power of a complete heavenly master had the power to suppress the happiness without any doubt, but the power shown by happiness made him shocked for a moment.

The heart is tumbling.

The face of the evil emperor became extremely dignified.

Going to the ground!

Hold your hands in the void.

Two mental storms are instantly formed in the hands!

Like two small black holes, one left and one right, it happens to be on the way to happiness.


Happy action is faster:


Chen Jianyi!

Two consecutive swords, the evil emperor, happy to pass by.

The moment when the two men passed by, the air burst into a dazzling white mans.

Even the big snake pill, the blue-light wooden fish and other people are full of eyesight, but they are also hurt by the dazzling white awns. They can’t see what is going on inside.



The two men sprang from the white mans at an unusual speed.

Standing in the air, the two stood still, and the situation presented surprised everyone!

I saw it.

A face-to-face fight, the evil emperor body is not damaged, but the white shirt outside the happy body has torn a shocking mouth from the chest;

Put down your hand on your chest and reveal the blue magical armor inside!

Many people took a sip and lit up, only to see three clear white traces on the top...

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