MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 11 Prepare

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  Chapter 11 Preparation

  In the end, Zhang Rumeng still failed to fulfill her wish. Chen Jingjing justly refused to let her into the kitchen, but Zhang Rumeng was still happy, because she once again tasted Chen Jingjing's perfect cooking skills.

As for Chen Fan's rush to the fourth level of Qi training, Chen Jingjing didn't ask too much. She saw Chen Fan's change in her eyes. soul.

However, Chen Fan thought hard for a long time, and it was not difficult for him to hit the foundation building stage, but blindly raising his true energy, the positioning foundation was not stable. From his perspective, he definitely would not be limited to the small foundation building stage .

  After dinner, he thought of a good place to go—the Valley of the Demon King.

  Chen Fan knew that this body's aptitude was not bad, but it lacked all kinds of training. What he needs most now is actual combat.

  His soul fighting consciousness is countless times greater than this body.

   That is to say, often when his spiritual consciousness reacts first, his physical body cannot keep up with him.

  So he needs to thoroughly train his physical combat experience and combat habits with his consciousness, and the best training method is actual combat.

  Yao Wang Valley, to him, is simply a treasure land.

   Not only are there all kinds of powerful monsters, but there are also monster cores and elixir in it, which is simply a treasure land for cultivation.

  Chen Fan was sitting in his room, his eyes were burning hot.

  If outsiders know what he thinks, they will call him crazy.

  Yaowang Valley has always been a forbidden place for Fangyuan cultivators on the Epee Sword Peak. Although there are many people who risk their lives to enter it in pursuit of good fortune, they all enter in teams, even Mo Bai, the elder brother of Epee Sword Peak.

  How can you get tiger cubs if you don’t enter the tiger’s lair, they only think that the Valley of the Demon King is a tiger lair, and the demon core and elixir are tiger cubs.

   Ke Chenfan, however, regarded it as a treasured place for cultivation.

  After nightfall, Chen Fan went out quietly. He brought some silver and bought some items outside, including talismans and cinnabar, and even a piece of black iron.

  The sword of his previous life was lost, it was a living sword, now after hundreds of years, Chen Fan can't sense his existence at all, but as a sword repairer, he can't live without a sword.

  So he borrowed a blacksmithing stove, and under the astonished eyes of the blacksmith, he threw the ordinary piece of jet-black iron into it, and began to strike it with a hammer.

  The blacksmith saw at a glance that it was ordinary iron, and he was very puzzled. Ordinary iron swords are also sold in his shop, so why waste money and energy to make them yourself?

  The next day, Chen Fan returned home with an ordinary long sword pinned to his waist, which he forged overnight.

  From ordinary iron to refined iron!

  Every hammer contained the Burning Heaven Sword Qi in his body, which melted into the sword!

  Chen Jingjing and Zhang Rumeng also got up just in time, and they couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw Chen Fan who had returned from abroad.

   "Why do you buy a sword? Do you want to be a sword repairer?" Zhang Rumeng asked in surprise.

   "En." Chen Fan nodded earnestly and replied, in this life, he is determined to become a sword fairy and dedicate himself to the way of sword fairy.

"Sword cultivator is also good, but Chen Fan, isn't Daoist cultivator stronger than Daoist cultivator? The spells that reach the sky, as well as the powerful magic weapon, are all monks dream of. With your aptitude, I think Daoist cultivator It is more suitable for you." Chen Jingjing suggested, just like herself, she would also choose Taoism.

  Although sword cultivators are good, they seem single, everything is based on swords, and in the world of cultivating immortals, there are almost no powerful sword cultivators.

  Although the heavy sword peak is named after the sword, the current peak master is also a Taoist cultivator. They are good at spells and use the law to control the enemy.

  Chen Fan shook his head, looking at the long sword in his hand, his eyes were like a torch, and said: "In my whole life, there is only the way of a sword fairy."

   One sword breaks all spells!

   This is His way.

   "Okay, Chen Fan, this is your path, I respect your choice." Chen Jingjing nodded and said, as long as Chen Fan can focus on cultivation, no matter what path she chooses, she will be satisfied.

   "By the way, you have already practiced Qi at the fourth level, and you can apply to be transferred to the inner court." Zhang Rumeng said pleasantly at this time.

  Chen Jingjing was delighted after hearing this. The resources and treatment in the inner court are much better than those in the outer court. In this way, Chen Fan's future is even more limitless.

   "No need." Chen Fan shook his head.

   "What?" Chen Jingjing and Zhang Rumeng were taken aback, unable to react.

   "I'm going to the Demon King Valley."

   "Demon... Demon King Valley?" Chen Jingjing's expression turned cold, "Chen Fan, are you still not giving up? Nalan Yun..."

   "It has nothing to do with others, I need experience." Chen Fan shook his head and interrupted.

   "Experience? But with your Qi training level 4, you can only enter the Demon King Valley with a dead end. Do you know how many monsters there are?"

   "That's right, Chen Fan, you want to go to the sky, Bufan calm down, first follow us to the Pepee Peak, and then enter the inner courtyard." Zhang Rumeng also persuaded him.

   "If you want to enter the Valley of the Demon King, at least you have to be similar to Senior Brother Mo Bai, and at least you have to wait until you have practiced the sixth level of Qi before making plans." Chen Jingjing said.

  Chen Fan shook his head again, and said indifferently: "That would destabilize my foundation, and the way of cultivation needs to be steady and steady, and I must practice to the extreme step by step."

   "The foundation is unstable? Where did you hear it?" Chen Jingjing frowned.

  Chen Fan fell silent when he heard the words. This was the second time Chen Jingjing questioned his words, and the first time was the usage of the Five Elements Sword Talisman he mentioned in the heavenly court.

   Seeing Chen Fan like this, Zhang Rumeng also secretly pulled Chen Jingjing's clothes, hinting to her not to do this.

  Chen Jingjing also realized it, but she didn't want Chen Fan to take risks.

   After a while, Chen Jingjing said: "I have two conditions, as long as you can do it, then I will not stop you."

  Chen Fan frowned slightly. If he wanted to go, no one could stop him. He told Chen Jingjing that it was only out of politeness and status.

   But seeing her kindness, Chen Fan still nodded.

   "First, come back to Chongjian Peak with us first, and transfer to the inner court. Second, defeat me." Chen Jingjing said.

   "Yes." Chen Fan replied without much hesitation.

  These two conditions are not a problem for him, it's just a waste of time, but he has been taken care of by them here, and he should repay the favor, so this request is just to satisfy her.

   Chen Jingjing and Zhang Rumeng were taken aback for Chen Fan's willingness to agree so readily.

  Although they are all at the fourth level of Qi training, Chen Fan has just been promoted after all, and Chen Jingjing still feels that Chen Fan is somewhat different from them.

  The three of them went up to the Heavy Sword Peak again, and to the astonishment of the two girls, Chen Fan had packed his bags, as if he could resolve this agreement immediately.

  Just after setting foot on the mountain gate of Chongjian Peak, the way of Chen Fan and the three of them was blocked.

   It was Nalan Yun and the others, but besides Zhang Lin and the woman in yellow shirt last night, there was also a young man in the group.

   "Chen Fan!" Zhang Lin's face was still swollen, but after seeing Chen Fan, his eyes were full of hatred, and he gritted his teeth and called out Chen Fan's name.

   While Chen Jingjing and Zhang Rumeng looked at the young man, their expressions changed.

   "Brother Zhang Ting, what do you want to do?" Chen Jingjing said coldly.

  (end of this chapter)

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