MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 761 Strong peers

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  Chapter 761 Group of strong peers

  The wind path has been completed, but none of the strong men, including Chen Fan, stepped forward and stopped in place. The atmosphere seemed a little cold, even depressing, as if a big battle was about to start.

Gong Jiu and Chen Fan looked at each other, both of them exuded a majestic aura, neither of them was at a disadvantage, but Jiu Gong Dao Yun was more majestic than Gong Jiu, after all, this is an existence that has been settled for thousands of years, If he hadn't been suppressed, he would have already rivaled the old man of Jiugong.

  The six-eared macaque watched with great interest, a sneer appeared on the corner of its mouth, and stared at Chen Fan meaningfully, its pair of golden eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

  The other strong men also had the mentality of watching the excitement, and they were not in a hurry to go to the bronze gate, they were all waiting for the development of the situation.

After a few breaths, Gong Jiu still didn't make a move. He was also testing just now, and then he also sensed that Chen Fan is not a simple opponent. Besides, if he strikes in this wind tunnel, it is likely to destroy the wind tunnel. It will inevitably be a lose-lose situation. fate.

  For him, this is not worth it.

"You have to be clear, killing you is like stepping on ants." Gong Jiu looked at Chen Fan and said coldly. This is a warning and also a kind of oppression. He is telling Chen Fan that the reason for not killing him is because of the geographical environment. Killing is like trampling ants to death.

   "Waiting for you at any time." Chen Fan said calmly without getting angry.

  Gong Jiu glanced at him coldly, then didn't say anything, apparently didn't pay attention to Chen Fan's words, he turned around, and walked directly to the end of the wind tunnel, towards the bronze door.

   There was a half-smile on the faces of the other strong men, they glanced at Chen Fan and did not say anything, they also turned and left.

   Only the six-eared macaque still stared at Chen Fan, and then said something inexplicable: "Are you his disciple?"

   The meaning of this sentence makes Chen Fan a little fuzzy, who is he referring to? Refers to the old man Jiugong? Or Qi Tian?

  Because he not only has the Jiugong Sword Art in his body, but also the Eight and Nine Mysteries.

  Finally, Chen Fan shook his head, giving the six-eared macaque an ambiguous answer, and then turned around and walked towards the bronze gate.

  At this time, the end of the air duct almost melted the ice, and the bronze door gradually became clear, with reliefs of ancient fierce beasts engraved on it, which still reveals a kind of divine power.

However, for these people, they did not feel any sense of oppression. Headed by Gong Jiu, everyone stepped up to the bronze door. The last thin layer of ice was melted, and a chill blew from the crack of the bronze door. .

  Chen Fan was slightly stunned. The chill was obviously colder than the cold wind under the cliff, and the real cold fire was probably inside.


With a muffled sound, Gong Jiu stretched out his palm and pushed open the bronze door. There was still a passage behind the door, and the depth was pitch black, but this kind of darkness was too dark. Chen Fan quietly activated the Celestial Eye, but he couldn't see through it. That layer of darkness.

  He turned his head slightly, and found that even the six-eared macaque and Gong Jiu frowned, apparently like him, they couldn't see through the darkness at all.

   "Interesting, this didn't happen the last time I came here." A strong man suddenly sneered, his words filled with excitement.

  The others did not speak, and then took steps in unison, walking into the aisle one after another.

  Chen Fan also walked into it, his whole body was instantly enveloped in a chill, and his back felt involuntarily shivering, as if being stared at by some hidden existence.

  He frowned slightly, but didn't care too much, and moved on.

   This kind of chill is very similar to his Dao Yun of Dark Bone Cold Fire, but what he understands is Dao Rhyme, not the real cold fire. There is still a gap between them, and he cannot be completely immune to this chill.

   "Someone came in first." At this time, another strong man said, his tone a little unhappy.

   "Heavenly Dao Sect has some tricks, and I know another entrance." The man glanced around and snorted coldly.

Chen Fan was a little surprised. He knew that this strong man was talking about people like Fu Baihou, but he didn't sense the existence of Tiandaomen and others in his consciousness, and he didn't even notice any traces. He didn't expect this strong man to be so fast Just found something.

   Sure enough, the few people who can go in and out with the six-eared macaque are definitely not simple people.

   "Hehe, what's the use of being fast?" the six-eared macaque sneered.

Hearing this, Chen Fan suddenly remembered that the six-eared macaque is Qitian's supreme restraining body, and Qitian was suppressed by Wuzhi Mountain back then, so speaking of it, the six-eared macaque has some relationship with this mountain, maybe know something.

   It's just that he didn't ask. Based on his understanding of these people, even if he asked, only a few cold eyes responded to him, and it was impossible for the six-eared macaque to pay attention to him.

After all, in the eyes of these people, although they are extremely lonely, they at least see each other in their eyes and are jealous of each other, but in their eyes, Chen Fan is still a small figure in the Heavenly Dao Sect after all, and he can't even be the throne. How can he be compared with them? ?

Although the six-eared macaque knew Chen Fan's identity, he still put him in his eyes. Chen Fan was not an opponent of Gong Jiu in terms of the Jiugong sword art alone, and Chen Fan was not as good as the six-eared macaque in terms of the eight and nine profound arts alone. Based on this, it feels that there is a huge gap between Chen Fan and them.

But no one knows that Chen Fan's Dao rhyme is far more than that, Jiugong Jianjue and Ba·Jiuxuan Gong are just one aspect of it, if you add life and death reincarnation, Nirvana Sword Intent, and the ultimate killing move, the Dao Yun, it is absolutely possible not to be afraid of any of them.

   Several people continued to move forward slowly, unknowingly they had walked thousands of meters away, but the passage was still straight and there was no corner, only the chill was gradually getting stronger.

  They never stopped, but they moved forward at a rather slow speed, which made Chen Fan, who was used to acting fast, precise and ruthless, a little bit uncomfortable, but he still had this patience from beginning to end.

  Walking with these people is dangerous, but at least the destination is correct.

Soon, two hours passed, and Chen Fan finally saw a ray of light appearing in front of him, and the darkness gradually weakened. His eyes could also penetrate this layer of darkness, and he could see everything in the passage clearly. Many new footprints were densely packed, if nothing unexpected happened, they were left by Fu Baihou and his group.

   What makes Chen Fan a little strange is where did the group of people enter this passage, and the other entrance mentioned by the strong man, Chen Fan has never found it along the way.

  But thinking of the previous cave entrance turned into a rock wall, Chen Fan also became clear in his heart, maybe there is a hidden entrance into a rock wall in the passage.

   After a while, Chen Fan and the others walked to the end of the passage, and the light spot gradually became larger. It was an exit, an open-air exit.

   It's just that after Chen Fan saw the scene outside the exit, he couldn't help being moved.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion