MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 763 The five rhymes come out together

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  Chapter 763 Five kinds of rhymes come out together


  One sword and one stick, another hard blow! Sparks burst out from the weapon in an instant, and with wisps of powerful divine brilliance, the ice chips on the nearby snow ground were all shaken up, and then fell down again, as if light snow had fallen.

  The two landed at the same time!


The snow-covered ground is cracked with dense lines. If any spectators see this scene at this moment, they will be extremely shocked. This is the ice layer frozen by the cold fire, which is extremely strong. The remaining strength of the opponent actually directly shattered the ice layer, which shows how terrifying the strength of the two is.

  In the initial confrontation, not many techniques were used, and the two were testing each other.

  Chen Fan has a general understanding of the strength of the six-eared macaque in his heart, and he also knows that the six-eared macaque is far from exerting its full strength, and it is definitely a tricky powerhouse.

   But the six-eared macaque sneered, and said: "It's nothing more than that, it's far worse than those so-called geniuses who came to the trial back then."

  After the voice fell, a circle of golden light bloomed all over the monkey's body, and countless golden runes were circulating around the whole body.

   Chenfan is very familiar with this kind of golden mansion. He has seen it on the little golden monkey several times in the past. He is very clear about the extraordinary power of this rune.

Immediately, Chen Fan sacrificed the Taiji map in his dantian, the monkey was going to get serious, he couldn't deal with it easily, this was not a simple opponent, apart from the fact that Chen Fan had more dao rhymes than the opponent, the other They are no match for monkeys.

   "Hey!" The monkey stared at the golden eyes, waved the golden stick in his hand, suddenly rolled up the cold air around him, and at the same time absorbed the golden light on his body, and condensed a round of blazing light like the sun behind him.

   This light is too powerful, the light alone makes Chen Fan feel a dull pain like a needle **** in his body.

   This is Dao Yun, Monkey's own Dao Yun!

Chen Fan sacrificed the Tai Chi Diagram and quickly zoomed in on it in front of him. He has been enlightened for ten years and has accumulated a lot of the rhythm of life and death, but at this moment, such a strong spirit is very weak in front of monkeys. Nian Wudao, anyone can easily distinguish between strong and weak.

Naturally, Chen Fan also knows that to fight recklessly with the Dao Yun of reincarnation of life and death is like hitting an egg against a rock, but he has to do this. If he wants to understand the Tao through battle, he has to face it head-on. If two Dao Yun can't work, then three, three can't, That's four.

  In an instant, the Sword Intent of Nirvana erupted, followed by the Dao Rhyme of Dark Bone Cold Fire slowly overflowing. Although it was very weak, it had already begun to take shape, and the cold fire the size of a thumb floated out faintly.

  Monkey's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Chen Fan's four dao rhymes in astonishment.

  Most strong people only comprehend one path in their life, and those with good talent and aptitude comprehend at most two paths, which complement each other. This is the first time it has seen one who can comprehend four paths at the same time.

   "Many but not fine, what's the use?" The monkey snorted coldly, and the golden glow behind him became more and more intense, just like the golden sun rising behind it, and the divine brilliance released became more and more brilliant.

  The oppression Chen Fan felt was even greater, and every ray of light was like a needle, piercing fiercely on his Taiji diagram, and then began to burn.

  In an instant, his soul was tingling with pain, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This was an involuntary expression of his body after enduring great pain.

   "Many and fine, can't you beat you?" Chen Fan gritted his teeth and shouted in a deep voice.

  He endured the pain and oppression, tried his best to control the cold fire, and suddenly rushed towards Jin Ri behind the monkey.

  This scene is like a moth to a flame, the weak cold fire rushing into the fierce golden sun, the collision of yin and yang, it is destined that one side will be tragic, or both will be hurt!


The cold fire swayed in the air, as if any gust of wind could extinguish it, but what was blowing in the snow was a cold wind, and it was a bone-piercing cold wind. Chen Fan's cold fire rhyme seemed to become a little stronger , slowly drifting towards the golden sun.

   "Looking for death." The monkey narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

   With a big wave of his hand, Jin Rishengsheng was stretched behind him and became bigger and bigger. This time, it was almost like a golden lake, almost covered with clouds.

  Chen Fan's soul was almost torn apart, his physical body couldn't help shaking, and he was about to be crushed to the ground.

  He was shocked. He thought that the cold Dao Yun would be enough to win, but he didn't expect the six-eared macaque to be so powerful when he got serious. This can't be the strength that a mid-stage distraction should have.

   "I've killed even the combined body, you're just a small person." The monkey smiled coldly, like a demon.

   Chen Fan was instantly moved when he heard the words.

  Distracted mid-term killing and killing fit state? How can this be?

  Has the monkey become so powerful? Do you still have the strength to fight? Chen Fan's fighting spirit suffered a blow, suppressing and killing the Fusion Realm, at least this is impossible for him now.

"Could it be that we really have to use the fairy scabbard?" Chen Fan's fighting spirit was a little shaken, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity for a big fight. The six-eared macaque almost represents the strongest in this world in the middle stage of distraction, and it is worthy of the name among all the arrogance The real first person.

  If he gave up at this point, Chen Fan's Dao Yun would not get any improvement, and he might even suffer a big injury, leaving a shadow in his heart and casting a permanent crack in the Dao.

   This is not the result he hoped for, but if he continues to fight, he may even lose his life.

  How to choose?

Chen Fan was caught in a dilemma. The cold fire in front of him had already floated to the monkey, but the monkey didn't even look at it. Although the bone-chilling cold fire was good, in its eyes, it was like the real fire with three flavors. The originator, Qi Tian, ​​was an existence who had sharp eyes in the three-flavored real fire, so he was not afraid at all.

   There is not much time left for Chen Fan to make a decision. It can even be said that there is a nick of time. His mind is racing. If he is in a ruthless state at this moment, what choice will he make?

   No, there will be no choice.

Chen Fan's mind suddenly cleared up. He thought too much, and it was because of thinking too much that he restrained himself and was not as strong as himself in the ruthless state. No distracting thoughts, only Tao.

But at this time, it is impossible for Chen Fan to be free from distracting thoughts, even a monkey can't do it, but after regaining a trace of clarity, Chen Fan's head became clear instead. This is not the time for him to choose to use the fairy sword scabbard at all times, but It is time to think about how to win with Dao Yun, this is the decision to follow the heart, and it is the decision to move towards a stronger sword.

  Bone-bone cold fire, and Ba·Nine Xuan Gong, the two rhymes are strong. On the one hand is Chen Fan who has only accumulated for decades, and on the other is the six-eared macaque with countless years of accumulation.

   But the monkey forgot one thing, Chen Fan also has eight or nine mysterious skills in his body after all!


  The fifth type of Taoist rhyme, when Chen Fan drank it in a deep voice, it suddenly opened up behind him, and a golden awn that was exactly the same as a monkey spread out, propping up a piece of sky.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion