MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 765 The truth of heaven

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  Chapter 765 The Truth of Heaven

  The six-eared macaque's face darkened slightly, his brows were tightly frowned, and a trace of hesitation flashed across his eyes.

  Yes, it hesitated, thinking about whether to continue fighting.


  Wuya sword fell, the golden stick in the monkey's hand trembled suddenly, and the trembling sound was deafening!

The monkey was moved and furious, and blood spewed from the tiger's mouth holding the stick. This was the first time it was injured in many years of fighting. Fan is so inconspicuous.

This made the monkey very angry, it obviously wanted to stop the war, and temporarily let Chen Fan live, but it didn't expect that Chen Fan would not die, it also wanted to fight Chen Fan, but it was afraid, this battle was not easy, it Even if it wins, it will suffer heavy losses, which is not conducive to its future plans, and even all the hard work over the years has been in vain.

The monkey seemed to be in the predicament that Chen Fan was in before, but Chen Fan could get out easily because he didn't have much burden, but the monkey couldn't get out so easily, the things it carried took him thousands of years, it was impossible Just let it go.


There was another battle between the two of the magic tricks. During the confrontation between Dao Yun, there was only the confrontation of the magic tricks. Chen Fan held the Wuya sword tightly, and stepped on the Nine Palace Steps to the fullest, gradually entering a state of peak fighting spirit .

  Monkey has no intention of fighting, even though his heart is full of anger, he is still unwilling to have a real fight with Chen Fan.

   Soon, Chen Fan found a flaw, and without hesitation swung his sharp sword to attack fiercely, and the Nine Palaces Sword Art struck down densely.

  Monkey said something bad, the golden rod swept across the air, and blocked several swords, but the shoulder was still pierced by the sword energy, and blood suddenly flowed out.

  Chen Fan took advantage of the situation to kill, without leaving the monkey a chance to breathe, the sharp sword in his hand suddenly overflowed with divine brilliance, and directly slashed at the monkey.

The expression of the six-eared macaque changed, and he quickly plucked a few hairs from his body, and blew lightly with his mouth, two clones that were exactly like him jumped out instantly, blocking the sword for it, and the real body retreated hundreds of meters quickly outside.

   "Are you really going to die forever?" Monkey stared at Chen Fan coldly, his chest heaved slightly, not because he was tired, but because he was angry and had nowhere to vent.

Chen Fan was very calm, and the killing intent on his face already explained everything. Although the battle was only halfway through, his mentality was completely adjusted, and his fighting spirit was awe-inspiring. Stop or stop?

  Besides, in this case, if the bald bird comes, he will definitely shout "It's time to beat the dog in the water", and even this battle is a battle that he can transform, although the outcome is unknown.

  The monkey intensified its breathing, as if adjusting its anger. If its mind hadn't been restrained, it would have killed Chen Fan at this time, and it would have suppressed and killed Chen Fan by all means, but unfortunately it couldn't.

  It is still not Qi Tian, ​​the God of War Qi Tian who is not afraid of heaven and earth. It only inherits Qi Tian's Dao rhyme, but fails to possess Qi Tian's Dao heart.

   To a certain extent, Qi Tian is also a naturally ruthless existence, and it has lasted for countless years, otherwise it would not be possible to be so strong. Until he entered the state of sentient beings, he was already standing at the peak of the fairy world.

  Chen Fan failed to maintain the ruthless state for as long as Qi Tian did, but he has controlled the Dao Yun of Reincarnation, which means that as long as the longevity is sufficient, he can enter the ruthless state at any time. This is the real good fortune.

It's just that the current Chen Fan has not yet broken through. Facing the six-eared macaque, he can't use the Tao rhyme of the past. tone.

The enemy will not attack me, and I will not attack anyone. This is Chen Fan's own purpose, but since the monkey has made a move and oppressed him in the first half of the war, it is naturally Chen Fan's turn to settle the matter. Although he knows that it is difficult to defeat the monkey, the monkey He has no intention of fighting, and he can take the opportunity to recover the debts that were suppressed earlier.

   "So far, I can share half of the good fortune with you, and I won't take away your array." At this time, the six-eared macaque suddenly spoke again, and it made the biggest concession.

  Chen Fan was a little surprised, and was about to make a move, but he didn't expect the monkey to swallow such anger for that good fortune. If it spread, it would definitely shock the people in the ruins. After all, this is an arrogant and arrogant existence. To be able to make such a level of concession, one can imagine how great the fortune in the ice tower is.

   "If you don't seize my array, how will you leave this realm?" Chen Fan asked in a deep voice, he was still seeking information, and wanted to know what the key the Heavenly Dao Sect was looking for.

The monkey had nothing to hide. Seeing Chen Fan stop, the anger on its face eased slightly, and it said coldly: "You don't have to talk like that anymore. I can't be fooled twice. What do you want to ask? Just ask yourself."

  Chen Fan couldn't help but smile in his heart, the monkey seemed a bit interesting at this moment.

  He didn't hesitate, and said directly: "You didn't take my array, but you wanted to use the key that Tiandaomen was looking for to leave. What is that key?"

   "There is no key." The monkey shook his head and said in a deep voice.

   "What?" Chen Fan was startled, and he didn't understand what the monkey said.

The monkey glanced at Chen Fan coldly, and then said: "They really came here to open this world. If you want to talk about the key, this Wuzhi Mountain is both the key and the lock. You came here from thousands of miles, but Don’t you know that Wuzhishan is actually the one that seals this world?”

Chen Fan was moved when he heard the words, and his heart was up and down. Wuzhishan was actually the existence of the seal world, but Tiandao moved this place by himself, and now he has to take so much effort to open it. Isn't it because he threw a stone at himself back then? About feet? This is unbelievable, how could Tiandao make such a mistake?

  Chen Fan was silent for a long time, and then an unbelievable guess suddenly flashed in his mind, because Mo Longyou's original words suddenly echoed from Chen Fan's mind at this moment.

   "The Way of Heaven is dead."

  Yes, Mo Longyou said that the Dao of Heaven is dead, and the Dao of Heaven is just a system of Taoism, and the Dao of Heaven in their mouth refers to a person, and also the Emperor of Heaven.

   "I have one last question." Chen Fan looked at the six-eared macaque with a solemn expression.

   "Say." The monkey also simply, with a bang, hit the ground with a stick to vent his anger, and immediately looked at Chen Fan, ready to answer his question.

   "Who is it that established the Heavenly Dao Gate and wants to regain this world?" Chen Fan asked in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on the six-eared macaque.

  He knew that even Gong Jiu and the others might not know about this issue, but the six-eared macaque was different. This was a character that existed for quite a long time. It had appeared before the death of the immortals and demons, and it might know some secrets.

   "The way of heaven." Unexpectedly, the monkey said two words coldly, grabbed the stick, turned around and was about to leave.

  Chen Fan frowned, this answer was meaningless at all, but there was already a trace of unknown feeling in his heart, he vaguely guessed that the monkey must know something.

   "Wait, who is Tiandao?" Chen Fan asked.

  Monkey turned his back to him, walked towards the ice tower, and replied coldly: "Just now you have finished asking the last question, don't challenge my patience anymore."

   "But you didn't answer me, you only said the way of heaven, what can these two words represent?" Chen Fan followed closely, it was impossible to let the monkey go away like this.


  The ground trembled suddenly, and the monkey slammed the stick on the ground hard. He paused and became furious again.

   "That's because you didn't ask clearly." The monkey turned his head, revealing the fangs in his mouth.

  Chenfan knew that if he continued to force it, it would probably attack desperately, but so what?

   "I'll wait for you to make a move." Chen Fan said calmly, with a very flat expression, and he was directly fighting the monkey.

  The monkey's palm tightly held the golden stick. It was not difficult to see how powerful the grip was, and the surrounding space was twisting. Fortunately, the stick was made of extraordinary material, otherwise it would have broken.

   But it still didn't make a move, and continued to endure.

   But the more it is like this, the more Chen Fan is curious about what the good fortune is that can restrain the monkey's temper like this, and he has to ask clearly about the question of the way of heaven, otherwise he will really die forever.

  Whether advancing or retreating, Chen Fan has no worries, but the monkey is different, either give up venting his anger, or give up good luck, he can only choose one of the two.

  Finally, after a few breaths, the monkey turned around slowly, stared fiercely at Chen Fan, and said word by word: "The way of heaven is the emperor of heaven, he is not dead."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion