MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 799 rule

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  Chapter 799 Rules

  After the Patriarch of the Wu family gave the order, he hurried to a stone wall. He took out a token, opened a secret passage, and there was a teleportation array in it.

  A white-haired old woman followed closely behind him, her expression also very dignified.

   "Patriarch, young master and the others are still in the mansion, what should we do?" The old woman suddenly remembered something, and asked the Patriarch of the Wu family.

The head of the Wu family narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "The situation has changed. Who would have thought that after more than ten years, he would have stepped into the late stage of distraction. I am not his opponent by myself. I will go and gather with the other heads first. , this person will not attack those juniors."

   After finishing speaking, the Patriarch of the Wu family stepped directly into the teleportation formation and activated the entire formation.

  The white-haired old woman hesitated a little, and finally stepped into it.


   Soon, the teleportation array was running, and the two strong men disappeared in it instantly.

  At this moment, Chen Fan, who was walking towards him, frowned suddenly.

"Run away?" He was a little surprised, he had already sensed a strong man in the late stage of distraction and a strong man in the middle stage of distraction in his consciousness, but now the two disappeared, accompanied by the breath of the teleportation array, they just ran away .

   This was beyond Chen Fan's expectation. He knew that the strong man in the late stage of distraction was the Patriarch of the Wu family, but now that he left like this, would he lose his own mansion?

   "It depends on where you can go." Chen Fan snorted coldly, and walked directly to the gate of Wu's house.

  The cultivator passing nearby recognized Chen Fan instantly, his face changed suddenly, and he exclaimed: "Senior Chen Fan."

   Immediately afterwards, many people rushed over, seeing Chen Fan going to the Wu family's mansion, they all guessed something.

In the past few years, the Wu family and several other families have suppressed the Dugu family and the Xiao family. It has long been known to everyone. At the beginning, some people even speculated whether Chen Fan would appear. However, when the head of the Xiao family died inexplicably, Chen Fan has been missing With no descendants, people wondered whether Chen Fan was severely injured and couldn't come out for a while.

   After the other great masters unite, they won't be too afraid of Chen Fan because they all have distractions in the late stage.

   But now, Chen Fan is back, everything is different.

  At this time, some younger generations of the Wu family were having a party, and they had hosted countless powerful young people. The name was to talk about the Tao, but in fact they were still enjoying themselves and singing every night.

  Chen Fan retreated slightly from the coercion, and when he approached the Wu Mansion, there were many young people talking loudly.

"Fellow daoists, let us respect brother Yan's generation. Although Ye Xiaotian won the first place in Tianjiao's battlefield, he is now also defeated by brother Yan, and finally escaped in embarrassment. Who else can be the number one person of Tianjiao besides brother Yan?" Dare to do it?"

"That's right, I'm convinced that brother Yan sits on the throne of Tianjiao's first person. It's a pity that brother Yan was born at the wrong time. If he was born decades earlier, Chen Fan back then would not be your opponent. People of the older generation Nothing else but bragging."

   "This is a bit wrong. The times are different, how can we compare? I am convinced of Brother Yan's strength, but Chen Fan was also very strong back then."

   "Don't talk about this, let's have a drink first. Brother Yan finally came here, no matter what you say this time, you won't be drunk, haha..."

"It's easy to say, since I, Yan Chang, have come, I don't plan to go out soberly, haha, what kind of person is Ye Xiaotian, give me a few hundred years, and sooner or later he will surpass that Chen Fan, I not only want to take Chen Jingjing as my concubine, One day I will still trample Chen Fan under my feet..."


Hearing this, Chen Fan had already pushed open the door of Wu's house. The guards were stunned for a moment, and then they recognized Chen Fan. Their expressions changed suddenly. Just as they were about to speak, they saw Chen Fan waved his fingers slightly. Several guards fell to the ground in an instant.

At this time, the young Tianjiao named Yan Chang was holding a wine glass in one hand, while still talking about it, and said with great ambition: "What my generation of monks lack now is an ambition. If you don't dare to think about it, you will never be able to do it." , and since I thought about it, I vowed to do it, even if that Chen Fan was standing in front of me right now, I would say so."

   "Really?" Chen Fan asked abruptly, having come to the Wu family hall at this time.

However, Yan Chang and some people turned their backs to him, and they hadn't noticed his arrival at all, but the other young monks turned their heads to look, and then their expressions were suddenly stunned, their faces turned pale, they couldn't utter a word, they could only stare. With big eyes, he stared blankly at Chen Fan.

The originally bustling banquet was half-quiet for a moment, but Yan Chang and the others didn't seem to notice anything unusual, and they were still laughing. For Chen Fan's "really?" , shouted with full confidence: "That's right, whoever of you can let him come, I'll just say what I just said in front of him."

  After he said this, those who didn't know immediately laughed, and the young people who saw Chen Fan were stunned.

   "I'm here, you can talk." Chen Fan said coldly with a flat expression.

   But Yan Chang seemed to be a little drunk, his figure swayed slightly, he turned around slowly, and asked with a smile, "Who's here?"

  The moment the voice fell, his body froze suddenly. After all, he saw Chen Fan, the smile on his face froze, and a huge shock made it difficult for him to react.

  The people who laughed with him before also sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere. They all turned around to look at him, and immediately they all froze in place just like the previous people, and then their faces gradually showed panic.


This powerful man who is well-known in the four major Chinese states now appears in front of them like this. Even though they talked about Chen Fan as nothing special, when they really saw it, everyone's scalps were numb and their backs were tingling. cold.

   "What are you going to say?" Chen Fan looked at Yan Chang indifferently. He had just killed the head of the Yan family, but Yan Chang didn't know that he was so arrogant behind his back.

   Yan Chang swallowed fiercely. At this moment, he felt that his heart was about to burst, and he was extremely annoyed. He never imagined that after so many years of bragging outside, he ran into the Lord today.

  Thinking of what he said just now, Yan Chang felt that his legs could not stand up, and couldn't help trembling.

At this moment, the Wu Mansion also seemed very quiet. No one dared to speak, let alone act rashly. The coercion Chen Fan brought to them was too strong. If he moved, he would definitely be like a doorman lying in a pool of blood at the gate.

  No one doubted Chen Fan's methods. Anyone who had heard his name knew that he was a ruthless person.

   "Chen...Chenfan, don't act recklessly." After a few breaths, Yan Chang summoned up a little courage and spoke up. Although his voice trembled, he couldn't kneel down and beg for mercy in front of countless young people of the same rank.

"I suppressed your apprentice a few days ago, if you attack a junior like me now, you will break the rules of this world." After thinking of the unwritten rules of this world, Yan Chang suddenly felt as if he had grabbed a stick. A life-saving straw, with a little hope in his eyes.

  Chen Fan looked at him calmly, and after a while, he slowly asked: "Is that all you want to say?"

   "Yes, if you make a move, you will break the rules and become an enemy of this world." Seeing Chen Fan so calm, Yan thought he was really afraid, so he immediately stood up straight and pretended to be calm.

Chen Fan faintly shook his head and smiled, the so-called rules, after all, were made by those with the highest strength, but they made the rules, but never followed them. Although Yan Chang was the best among his peers, he knew that, just because of this It is impossible for a person to surpass Xiaoyaotong in strength. The rumors are true, and the head of the Yan family has secretly acted.

   But at the moment he doesn't intend to explain anything, because there is no need to explain.

  He condensed his fingers slightly, and a sword energy instantly floated on his fingertips, and then he said lightly: "Since I have come to seek the Wu family's liquidation, I want to let the world know that from now on, I am the rule."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion