MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 803 just one move

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  Chapter 803 Just one move

  Chen Fan knew that if he didn't give these people a little confidence, they wouldn't leave Donghuang with him.

  The most important thing is to let Chen Jingjing and the others not have to worry about him. Since Patriarch Dugu proposed a war, it can save a lot of trouble of explaining.

   And this battle will not waste too much time.

The martial arts platform that was originally set up for the competition of the younger generation has now become a competition ground for two distracted late-stage powerhouses. The competition is only a competition after all, and it will not cause too much damage to affect the people present. Find a place where no one is.

  At this time, as the two entered the competition stage, everyone held their breaths, wondering how strong Chen Fan had become, and who would win with Patriarch Dugu.

Even the bald-haired bird and the old Huangya had heard Chen Fan's heroic words of "one hundred people can fight", and now they couldn't help looking forward to the result of the competition. Only the little golden monkey seemed indifferent, and the old **** was riding Go to the bald bird, looking listless.

  Chen Jingjing and the others were also quite nervous. They naturally hoped that Chen Fan would win, but they also felt that if they really won the Dugu Patriarch, it would mean nothing.

"Let's do it." Patriarch Dugu took a deep breath, his expression became dignified, obviously he also valued this competition very much, he knew that Chen Fan was very strong, but he also heard the truth about the battle of the master of Immortal Palace, it was not what Chen Fan said. Otherwise, he really wouldn't have to test Chen Fan's strength at this moment.

   "Offended." Chen Fan nodded slightly.

As soon as the words fell, Patriarch Dugu suddenly condensed his true energy in his palms and captured the power of the void from all directions. He has rich experience in combat and knows very well that the contest between the powerhouses in the distraction period is the power of the void, so he preemptively controlled the nearby void and forcibly Restrain Chen Fan.

  However, when he finished all this quickly, a trace of coldness suddenly came from his neck, and he immediately noticed the rigid expressions of everyone on the field, and the surroundings were also completely silent, the silence was too terrifying.

   His eyes flashed, only then did he realize that Chen Fan in front of him had faded away!

   Afterimage, it was actually an afterimage!

   Patriarch Dugu's heart suddenly trembled, his mind went blank for an instant, and he finally realized what the coldness on his neck was.

   "Patriarch Dugu, I admit it."

  Chen Fan's real body stood behind Patriarch Dugu, with a calm expression, and slowly withdrew the Wuya Sword.

  As his voice appeared, everyone came to their senses one after another, but their hearts were still empty, and it was hard to believe this was the result.

With just one move, Patriarch Dugu fell to death. Before everyone could see Chen Fan's movements clearly, they only knew that in the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Patriarch Dugu. In their throats, they believed that if it was a life-and-death struggle at this moment, Patriarch Dugu would have already died.

  Lao Huangya and Bald Bird's mouths were wide open, and their eyes were staring. This time, they finally believed how Chen Fan said those words. With this terrifying strength, a hundred of them can fight? I'm afraid that a thousand more people will not be able to escape. This kid is simply a monster. With this strength, he is already very close to the state of integration.

  Even they knew that neither of the two powerhouses used their full strength in this battle. Chen Fan didn't use it because it was unnecessary, and Patriarch Dugu didn't because he didn't have the opportunity.

   "Is this the difference in strength? It's like two people of different realms fighting." Zhang Rumeng murmured in a low voice, it was hard to believe that Chen Fan in the past had become so powerful.

  Chen Jingjing was also a little absent-minded, but the anxiety on her face had long since dissipated. She was finally relieved. With Chen Fan's strength, it was indeed no longer a problem to find those families.

  Dugu Ghost Sword stood not far away, her eyes were extremely complicated, even with doubts, she couldn't imagine what Chen Fan had gone through to become so powerful.

"Little friend is really extraordinary. I really exaggerated this time. I can't see how strong you are." Patriarch Dugu lost so quickly. Although he felt a little disappointed in his heart, he was still very straightforward. If he is mentally prepared, Chen Fan will surpass him sooner or later, otherwise he would not have pinned all his hopes on Chen Fan and bet on his future, but he did not expect that this day would come so soon.

  Five years, just five years!

"Actually, the realm I went to is different from this place. It may seem like five years, but in fact I have been enlightened for fifty years. I have obtained some good fortune to be able to do so. But I also understand the truth that the realm is not all. The key to the fairyland." Chen Fan said in a low voice.

   Patriarch Dugu's face changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "So, what those people who came out of Guxian Road are telling the truth? Jian Tianmo and the others really went to that kind of place?"

   "Well, I met them. The Ancient Immortal Road will open again in the future, and Ghost Sword girl can try it, but that world can only be entered by people who are below the middle stage of distraction, and... it is also very dangerous."

  Chen Fan remembered what happened to Fei Fengxuan and others, so he reminded him.

   "Well, I will go to Guxian Road in the future. And..." Dugu Ghost Sword nodded, but after speaking halfway, she stopped, turned slightly to leave, and then came the unfinished words.

   "My name is Dugu Qingxuan."


On the second day, everyone still left. It took a long time for Xiao Yaotong to rebuild the Dao this time, but Chen Fan didn't have much time left. He could feel that he would soon be unable to suppress the true energy in his body. It is about to break through the catastrophe.

  After this physical body was reshaped from the chaotic green lotus, there was still some immortal energy remaining, which was gradually being absorbed by the Fen Tian Jue as time went by, and it was difficult for him to suppress it for a long time.

  Before leaving, Chen Fan also wrote a few words in Xiaoyaotong's retreat, telling him to return to the Eastern Wilderness after he came out. At the same time, he also set up several large formations, which cannot be shaken until the late stage of distraction.

  Patriarch Dugu used a secret technique to hide the aura of many people present, and stayed away from this hermitage. They did not show everything until they appeared in an ancient city hundreds of thousands of miles away.

  Under the stunned expressions of countless monks in the ancient city of Nanzhou, they stepped onto the teleportation array and rushed back to Donghuang directly.

A few months later, Chen Fan and his party finally returned to the Little Secret of Taoyuan. The wasteland that was turned into after the battle with the master of the fairy palace, is now full of flowers and trees, and everything seems to have returned to the beginning. However, the difference is that, Chen Fan is no longer the original Chen Fan.

   Now he's back even stronger.

  Opening the entrance to the secret realm, and seeing the familiar figures of Qin Xian'er and Mu Yunshui, at that moment, Chen Fan felt a warm feeling in his heart, a kind of comfort after never returning.

  Under the surprised eyes of Qin Xianer and Mu Yunshui, Chen Fan walked in.

That night, Chen Fan talked a lot with the two girls. He talked about everything he had experienced over the years, including what Fei Chuchu and the others had experienced. In talking, in fact, in telling.

  Chen Fan said the most words in his life, and told Qin Xianer and Mu Yunshui without reservation, and then he seemed to gradually let go of that matter in his heart.

Fei Chuchu is a poor woman. She was originally a genius with excellent aptitude, but she did not seek Taoism or immortality all her life. She only loved the melody of the piano. Such a quiet departure, just as quiet as herself.

  Qin Xian'er and Mu Yunshui listened quietly until finally Chen Fan closed his eyes slowly and fell asleep peacefully.

  The monk didn't need to sleep anymore, as long as he practiced again, it would be enough to restore his soul, but he still fell asleep like this.

   "He's too tired." Qin Xian'er said, with tears streaming down the corner of her eyes, she gently embraced the sleeping Chen Fan into her arms.


   On the second day, Chen Fan woke up, and Qin Xianer and Mu Yunshui lay beside him. This was the most peaceful sleep in his life, and he really fell asleep.

  That morning, he walked out of the small secret realm alone with a sword, and started on the road facing the rising sun, leaving only a long, long back.

  The time for liquidation has arrived.

  The time to take control of this world has arrived.

  The time has come for the people of the world to be afraid of hearing his name!


  【Fourth update, finally done! It was dawn again, and I had to catch up on my sleep. In fact, my biological clock was completely messed up. When I wrote that Chen Fan had such a peaceful sleep, I couldn't help being envious, but real life was different. When I saw everyone urging me to update, I also wanted to write a hundred or ten chapters in a small universe like Chen Fan, but I am a mortal after all, and writing is my only source of livelihood. The more I write, the more money I can make , But sometimes I really want to write but can’t write, everyone should understand that kind of feeling, like the money is clearly in front of my eyes, but I can’t reach it, and I’m like a naked beauty standing in front of me, but I can’t... Bah, I'm absolutely fine on that side. Alright, take a nap, wake up and continue coding, everyone remember to vote more, let me talk in the book review area, I see you are here, and the motivation and status will come back immediately, because you are like fairy spirits, you can make me fight Full of strength. thank you all! 】

  (end of this chapter)

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