MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 817 Underworld

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  Chapter 817 Lower Demon Realm

  It's just that after the fat Taoist priest said this, the faces of the old men changed slightly, as if they were a little embarrassed.

"Immortal Taoist, Qi Tian's cave is not so easy to enter. When he found that cave, he spent a lot of thought to control it, especially when he was dying, he imposed a lot of restrictions. I'm afraid you won't be able to get out after getting in with some strength."

"Yes, and the relationship between Xianting and the demon world has not improved much in the past few years. Now that the Qitian Cave Mansion is opened, in order to reduce casualties, both of us have decided to send a hundred people to enter. The 100 places in Xianting are early It has already been chosen, and you may come at a bad time."

   "One hundred people are all the best among the younger generation of Xianting. They were selected from so many people. It is difficult to convince the crowd with a sudden change at this moment."

  Several old men spoke one after another, saying nothing more than that it was difficult to arrange people.

   It's not that they are narrow-minded, but that the 100 places are really not easy, they are all carefully selected, and they can't just randomly admit young people who don't know the background just because the fat Taoist priest suddenly intervenes.

  The fat Taoist priest didn't speak after listening, his eyes were still looking at his feet, this time he was really thinking about something.

  Mo Long was a little disdainful towards the old men, and shook his head, "Aren't you afraid that this fortune will be taken away by outsiders, but this kid has practiced the Burning Heaven Art and is destined to have the same goal as us. What do you have to worry about?"

"It's not a matter of outsiders, it's really embarrassing for us. The reason why the Immortal Court has been stable these years depends on fairness and fairness. How can it decide the quota casually." An old man said coldly, Obviously, he didn't like Mo Long either.

  Seeing this, Mo Long was even more displeased, and asked in a deep voice, "Then tell me how you selected one hundred people?"

   "Naturally, we synthesized the opinions of several of us, and finally screened out. If we hold a competition, it is inevitable that more than half of the people will be injured. It is too laborious and costly. Immortal Court is a bit exhausted now." The old man said.

  Mo Long laughed straight away: "Look, it turned out that the quota was determined by the few of you in a single word. This time, someone else will go in. This king doesn't believe it is so embarrassing."

"If you're not in your position, you don't think about things. You won't understand some things even if I tell you." The old man saw that he was going around the old man and went back to the point of changing people. Open your mouth.

Chen Fan remained calm and stood aside calmly. He really wanted to go. With his strength, he might not be able to get in the way. He knew that no matter what he said, it was impossible to attract the attention of those old men, and he even opened his mouth. , These people will ignore him, it will inevitably be embarrassing, and he doesn't bother to speak, since the fat Taoist priest called him to go, let's wait for the fat Taoist priest to deal with it.

After a few breaths, the fat Taoist priest who had been silent all this time raised his head slightly, and said, "There is no need to change people. The one hundred of you can continue to participate. As long as you agree to add one more person, we will go to the Demon Realm in person. It's probably not a big problem."

"This..." The old men heard that the meaning of the fat Taoist's words was obvious, that is, no matter what, Chen Fan was going to be placed in, and he didn't represent any side, he didn't belong to the fairy court camp, and he didn't belong to the demon world. Just go it alone.

"If Taoist Immortals enter that cave, life and death will be determined by them themselves, and it is difficult for us to control. Conflicts and fights are prone to occur among juniors. The hundreds of people here in Xianting have known each other for a long time. People can unite and fight against each other, and you, a disciple who enters with this special capacity, will be besieged on all sides if there is a big battle." The old man tried to dissuade him.

Yang Xiao stood aside, keeping silent all the time, but after hearing the words of the old men, he frowned slightly, then shook his head, turned around silently, and left in silence. It's hard to speak.

   "You heard that, after entering, you can decide your own life and death, and no one will help you, what do you think?" The fat Taoist looked at Chen Fan and asked.

   "It's okay, I'm enough alone." Chen Fan nodded calmly and said indifferently.

   "En." The fat Taoist also nodded without saying anything.

  The faces of several old men twitched slightly, and they gave Chen Fan a strange look, you alone are enough? Young people are probably too young. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Leaving aside the danger of Qitian Cave Mansion, the hundred people in the Demon Realm are not vegetarians. It is normal for them to be killed by black hands.

   But seeing that the fat Taoist priest didn't seem to care about Chen Fan's safety, these old men didn't say any more, and if they continued to persuade, Mo Long would probably mock them again.

   Soon, the fat Taoist bid farewell to Chen Fan and the others in Xianting, then soared into the sky, crossed the clouds, and swept towards the land below.

  Mo Long didn't stay in the Soul Gathering Tower either, he directly manifested his real body and flew in the air, screaming loudly.

After passing through the thick clouds, Chen Fan’s vision gradually became clearer. There was actually a volcanic mountain below. There were big mountains and flat land, but the river was hot magma. An evil spirit.

  Looking down from the sky, the whole land is like this, but it is really a veritable demon world.

  Several people quickly fell to the ground and bypassed a volcano. There was a chaotic battle behind the mountain. Humans and monsters accomplices fought with another group of people.

Chen Fan and the others didn't stay long, and continued to walk forward. As a result, after passing by several volcanoes, they saw a group of people fighting in chaos. .

Not far away, a man was lying in the arms of a woman, his face was pale, his big hands were covering his chest, and he said angrily: "That **** gave me a three-hour acacia, and if I don't give up within three hours If I have sex, my body will fester and die, I never thought that at this critical moment, I would still meet you, Junior Sister."

  The woman's righteousness is awe-inspiring, and her eyes are full of determination: "The mountain has no edges, the heaven and the earth are united, and you dare to break with the king. As long as the senior brother doesn't think I'm ugly, the junior sister is willing."

  The man suddenly looked terrified: "Junior Sister, don't think too much, I want you to find a place to bury me, so that I can have a peaceful place."


  Mo Long laughed out loud, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Quan regarded it as a farce, killing people and seizing treasures was the most common thing. There were all sorts of methods, and it wasn't surprising that people would use them even to have fun.

   Several people moved forward all the way, and the fat Taoist finally stopped on a volcano. At this moment, he had recovered most of his cultivation, and he was already in the fairyland like Molong.

The moment the fat Taoist stopped, several figures suddenly came from a distance. Like the old men in Xianting, they all exuded a sense of coercion, and these figures not only had human beings, but also took human form Yaozu.

   "Immortal Taoist, you really didn't die."

  The voice fell, followed by a burst of laughter like silver bells.

  The leader of those people was a beautiful and exquisite woman, her eyes were so seductive, as if she could seduce people with just one glance, and her **** were half-covered in front of her, making her a little short of breath.

   It's just that the fat Taoist priest and Chen Fan seemed very calm, both of them were in an extraordinary state of mind, while Mo Long had no heart and lungs, only the female dragon in his mind, and was not interested in other creatures, so he ignored the woman directly.

  The woman was not surprised when she saw the posture of the fat Taoist priest, but she couldn't help but take a second look when she saw a young man in a fit state so calm.

  (end of this chapter)

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