MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 824 that's okay

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  Chapter 824 That's okay


An ear-piercing, piercing cry sounded from the cave, and the Immortal Transformation Poison attacked a demon cultivator who was closest to Chen Fan. It was he who attacked Chen Fan with sword energy just now. At this moment, he was attacked by the Immortal Transformation Poison. The physical body has been eroded, and the tragedy is very shocking.

  Originally, these people were all in the Composite Realm, and it was easy to avoid the poisonous fog, but this place is too crowded, and the people are so fast, there is no place to hide if they want to hide.

Many monks do whatever they can, regardless of whether the person standing in front of them is one of their own or not, they all rush out and flee like crazy, but behind them there are also people with the same methods as them. Inexplicably died.

  The poisonous mist behind him is also getting closer. Many monks have been knocked down by the poison, struggling with pain on their faces, and their bodies are gradually corroding.

  Chen Fan stood calmly on the spot, running the Burning Wood Chapter in his body, slowly recovering the skin trauma on his body, and at the same time watching this scene with cold eyes, he hardly needed to do anything himself, more than half of these people were already killed or injured, and the chaos was obviously not over.

   Several people have managed to escape the chaos and are rushing towards the entrance frantically.

  Chen Fan's eyes were slightly cold, and one hundred and eight cold fires flashed out of his body, and suddenly flew forward.

In just a moment, the figures of those cultivators who had almost escaped from the sky froze suddenly, and then the cold fire hit their bodies, and they were all frozen in place, unable to move anymore, and then layers of frost instantly Seal them in place.

  The cold fire resurfaced, and turned to attack the group of people who were still in chaos.


   Like a gust of cold wind, everything was frozen in place.

There are more than a thousand people in the combined state, even Chen Fan would frown, but now they died tragically in the cave, escaped from their chaos, and had no intention of fighting back. They all thought that other people would naturally solve it, but who I didn't expect that the last one was also the same idea.

  The tragedy happened in this way, and the people summoned by the demon world and the fairy court were wiped out.

  Chen Fan glanced at them lightly, took all the cold fire back into his body, turned around and walked towards Qi Tianna.

   "Thank you for the good fortune bestowed by the seniors, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bring your descendants here for a while. Its realm is too low, and it may not be able to resist the power of the dark void." Chen Fan said.

   Afterwards, the cave also fell into silence. After a long time, Qi Tian's voice slowly sounded in his mind.

   "Take this."

   After the voice fell, a stream of light swept from Qi Tian's body again, and flew to Chen Fan's hand in an instant.

Chen Fan opened it up and saw that it was a black bag, inlaid with dense gold threads, as if weaving into a net, but also like an ancient rune. Hold countless creatures and treasures.

   "The Cosmos Bag." Chen Fan was surprised, this is a magic weapon of the level of a fairy soldier, it is owned by a certain important person in the fairy court, and it will be obtained by Qi Tian.


  Qi Tian's last voice sounded in Chen Fan's mind, appearing very weak and powerless, and then there was no further movement.

  Chen Fan looked up at Qi Tian, ​​only to find that the strong man had closed his golden eyes, and sat quietly in his seat, as if nothing just happened.

  He looked at the dozens of demon cultivators kneeling in front of Qi Tian. He didn't know when he had lost his life, and he would kneel and die here forever.

   "This junior will fulfill senior's wish and bring it back." Chen Fan cupped his hands and bowed deeply to Qi Tian.

This strong man is probably really about to die. He has survived to this day, just to pass on the inheritance to his descendants, not to these outsiders. It bestowed a trace of inheritance on Chen Fan, perhaps because he wanted him to bring Xiaojin Monkey, maybe he felt the breath of the Eighth Ninth Xuan Gong and the little golden monkey from Chen Fan.

Chen Fan turned and left. He didn't stay here to refine the remaining half of the inheritance. His realm remained at the peak of the Fusion Realm. On the one hand, it was because this place was not safe. , it is very likely that it will be difficult for him to regain control of his physical body, and he will be directly suppressed and killed by those people with strong methods. On the other hand, he will have to go back to the Daxiu Immortal Realm to bring back the little golden monkey and others.

  Since this Qiankun bag can hold the little golden monkey, it can also bring Qin Xianer and Chen Jingjing.

  So he has to suspend the suppression of the realm, otherwise he will return to the Great Xiu Immortal Realm during the Tribulation Transcendence Period, which may attract the attention of the Heavenly Emperor.


  At this time, the old man in the fairy court outside the Water Curtain Cave and several powerful men from the Demon Realm were waiting. They ordered the heavenly soldiers to bring Chen Fan out once they killed Chen Fan, and then entered the cave to seek fortune.

  They want to know the secret of Chen Fan.

   And at this time, a stream of light passed by in the distance, and it was the fat Taoist priest who came back.

  His face was a bit ugly, it seemed that something he was going to do was not going well, so he came back so soon, and wanted to see the movement of the Water Curtain Cave.

The faces of the elders in the fairy court and the nine-tailed demon fox from the demon world couldn't help but sink. Although they are all in the realm of immortals, they are more or less afraid of fat Taoist priests. Now they are sending people to surround and kill Chen Fan. The fat Taoist might get angry.

  Before, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox thought that the fat Taoist wanted Chen Fan to die. Now that she knew about Chen Fan's strength, she already understood that the fat Taoist wanted Chen Fan to seize the inheritance.

"Smelly Taoist priest, you've come here. These people have gone too far. They have sent more than a thousand bodybuilders in. Now that kid doesn't know if he's alive or dead." Seeing the fat Taoist priest, Mo Long became arrogance again. Yes, yelled loudly.

   Sure enough, the fat Taoist priest's face became more gloomy after hearing this, and he coldly glanced at Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and the others as well as the old man in Xianting.

"Immortal Taoist, it was your disciple who killed dozens of people in my fairy court first, ruining our good fortune. Now I send some more people to save people, it's not too much, your disciple is really not easy." The old man pretended to be calm, and said in a strange way.

   "Life is a matter of life and death. I told the people who came in later to only save people. If the young man stopped them, they would have to take action." The nine-tailed demon fox also said.

  No one is willing to admit that they sent people in just to kill Chen Fan, instead they use saving people as an excuse.

  Mo Long laughed immediately when he heard it, and said coldly: "Just now your escaped Heavenly Soldiers also said that your people are all dead, so who else are you going in to save?"

"Maybe they misunderstood, maybe there are still alive, beheading more than 90 heavenly soldiers by one person, this kind of thing is unbelievable, if they really have this ability, then those people who entered behind my fairy court are not enough to treat him It poses a threat, if someone from my fairy court dies inside again this time, I will accept it wholeheartedly." The old man said lightly.

   "Fart, can one hundred fitness conditions compare with six hundred ones?" Mo Long said angrily.

   "Why can't it be compared? If you can kill more than 90 of my heavenly soldiers with a single hand, can't you kill another 600 of my heavenly soldiers?" The old man sneered, with a hint of sarcasm.

  The nine-tailed demon fox did not speak, and calmly watched the quarrel between Xianting and Molong.

   "How many people entered in total?" At this moment, the fat Taoist asked, looking at Mo Long.

  Mo Long exhaled and said, "At least 1,200 people."

   "That's okay." The fat Taoist said lightly after hearing the words, his expression regained his composure, and he looked at the Shuilian Cave not far away.

  However, when the faces of Immortal Court and Demon Realm heard his words, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in their hearts.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion